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According to the aging society, it is getting more important for software industry to secure human resources including senior developers. To enhance the performance of senior developers, we should clarify the strengths and weaknesses of senior developers, and based on that, we should reconsider software engineering education and development support tools. To a greater or lesser extent, many cognitive abilities would be affected by aging, and we focus on the human memory as one of such abilities. We performed preliminary analysis based on the assumption. In the preliminary experiment, we prepared programs in which the influence of human memory performance (i.e., the number of variables remembered in the short-term memory) on reading speed is different, and measured time for subjects to understand the programs. As a result, we observed that the code reading speed of senior subjects was slow, when they read programs in which the influence of human memory performance is larger.
To enhance the prediction accuracy of the number of faults, many studies proposed various prediction models. The model is built using a dataset collected in past projects, and the number of faults is predicted using the model and the data of the current project. Datasets sometimes have many data points where the dependent variable, i.e., the number of faults is zero. When a multiple linear regression model is made using the dataset, the model may not be built properly. To avoid the problem, the Tobit model is considered to be effective when predicting software faults. The model assumes that the range of a dependent variable is limited and the model is built based on the assumption. Similar to the Tobit model, the Poisson regression model assumes there are many data points whose value is zero on the dependent variable. Also, log-transformation is sometimes applied to enhance the accuracy of the model. Additionally, ensemble methods are effective to enhance prediction accuracy of the models. We evaluated the prediction accuracy of the methods separately, when the number of faults is zero and not zero. In the experiment, our proposed ensemble method showed the highest accuracy, and Pred25 was 21% when the number of faults was not zero, and it was 45% when the number was zero.
Although many software engineering studies have been conducted, it is not clear whether they meet the needs of software development practitioners. Some studies evaluated the effectiveness of software engineering research by practitioners, to clarify the research satisfies the needs of the practitioners. We performed replicated study of them, recruiting practitioners who mainly belong to SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to the survey. We asked 16 practitioners to evaluate cutting-edge software engineering studies presented in ICSE 2016. In the survey, we set the viewpoint of the evaluation as the effectiveness for the respondent's own work. As a result, the ratio of positive answers (i.e., the answers were greater than 2 on a 5-point scale) was 33.3%, and the ratio was lower than past studies. The result was not affected by the number of employees in the respondent's company, but would be affected by the viewpoint of the evaluation.