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The bit error rate (BER) for an uplink multicell multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) system in Nakagami-m fading channels is derived and expressed in the form of a single integral. The result is obtained without the approximation for the ratio of the interference power from other-cell to the power from the user-of-interest. Numerical results demonstrate the impacts of other-cell interference and power control errors on the BER.
The knowledge of channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter (TX), which in case of time division duplex (TDD) systems can be easily obtained due to radio channel reciprocity, can dramatically increase the spectral efficiency of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. This paper presents a robust link adaptation method for TDD systems employing MIMO-OFDM channel eigenmode based signalling. We propose a rather simple logarithm-free, bit and power loading algorithm which requires low signalling overhead. Proposed method maintains constant frame error rate (FER) by controlling the instantaneous transmitted power in such a way that the average SNR at the equalizer output is kept constant. The scheme takes into account channel estimation errors at TX side by partial compensation of the SNR estimation errors. By using a simple scalar channel encoder, for an unbalanced MIMO system with larger number of transmit than receive antennas, the achieved spectral efficiency at low and medium SNR is significantly higher than the outage MIMO capacity with unknown CSI at the TX. The simulation results show that for a constant FER, the throughput degradation compared to the universally accepted Hughes-Hartogs algorithm is negligible.
Feng HU Wei LI Hua ZHANG Matti LATVA-AHO Xiaohu YOU
Reducing the energy consumption of wireless communication systems with new technologies and solutions continues to be an important concern in developing future standards. In this paper, we study the routing strategies in multi-hop relaying networks. For a 2-way assignment routing method, an efficient feedback scheme is presented to minimize the power consumption over the whole system. Compared with the full channel information in traditional feedback scheme, only the backward accumulated feedback metrics are required. If the proposed routing calculation is used, there is no performance loss. When the number of the hops and the relays is large, the new scheme achieves a significant feedback overhead reduction. Moreover, we show a proof for the optimality of the presented routing strategy based on mathematical induction.
Mohammed ABDEL-HAFEZ Zexian LI Matti LATVA-AHO
In this paper, the average bit error probability of uplink and downlink Multicarrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) system using coherent Maximal-Ratio Combining (MRC) and Equal Gain Combining (EGC) receivers is evaluated for frequency selective Nakagami fading channels. The analysis assumes that different subcarriers experience independent fading channels, but not necessary identically distributed. The analysis is based on Gaussian approximation of the multiple access interference. Generalized bit error probability (BEP) expressions for both uplink and downlink with MRC and EGC receivers were derived. The analytical results are supported with simulation results. The effect of fading parameters, number of users, and number of subcarriers were presented. The BEP performance of the EGC receiver in the uplink is highly influenced by the fading parameter compared with the MRC receiver. The EGC receiver outperforms the MRC receiver in the downlink, but the MRC receiver gives almost the same performance as the EGC in the uplink.