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[Author] Ming-Hong LAI(8hit)

  • On the Equivalent of Structure Preserving Reductions Approach and Adjoint Networks Approach for VLSI Interconnect Reductions

    Ming-Hong LAI  Chia-Chi CHU  Wu-Shiung FENG  


    E90-A No:2

    Two versions of Krylov subspace order reduction techniques for VLSI interconnect reductions, including structure preserving reductions approach and adjoint networks approach, will be comparatively investigated. Also, we will propose a modified structure preserving reduction algorithm to speed up the projection construction in a linear order. The numerical experiment shows the high accuracy and low computational consumption of the modified method. In addition, it will be shown that the projection subspace generated from the structure-preserving approach and those from the adjoint networks approach are equivalent. Therefore, transfer functions of both reduced networks are identical.

  • Moment Computations of Distributed Coupled RLC Interconnects with Applications to Estimating Crosstalk Noise

    Herng-Jer LEE  Chia-Chi CHU  Ming-Hong LAI  Wu-Shiung FENG  


    E88-C No:6

    A method is proposed to compute moments of distributed coupled RLC interconnects. Both uniform line models and non-uniform line models will be developed. Considering both self inductances and mutual inductances in multi-conductors, recursive moment computations formulae of lumped coupled RLC interconnects are extended to those of distributed coupled RLC interconnects. By using the moment computation technique in conjunction with the projection-based order reduction method, the inductive crosstalk noise waveform can be accurately and efficiently estimated. Fundamental developments of the proposed approach will be described. Simulation results demonstrate the improved accuracy of the proposed method over the traditional lumped methods.

  • The Multiple Point Global Lanczos Method for Multiple-Inputs Multiple-Outputs Interconnect Order Reductions

    Chia-Chi CHU  Ming-Hong LAI  Wu-Shiung FENG  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation

    E89-A No:10

    The global Lanczos algorithm for solving the RLCG interconnect circuits is presented in this paper. This algorithm is an extension of the standard Lanczos algorithm for multiple-inputs multiple-outputs (MIMO) systems. A new matrix Krylov subspace will be developed first. By employing the congruence transformation with the matrix Krylov subspace, the two-side oblique projection-based method can be used to construct a reduced-order system. It will be shown that the system moments are still matched. The error of the 2q-th order system moment will be derived analytically. Furthermore, two novel model-order reduction techniques called the multiple point global Lanczos (MPGL) method and the adaptive-order global Lanczos (AOGL) method which are both based on the multiple point moment matching are proposed. The frequency responses using the multiple point moment matching method have higher coherence to the original system than those using the single point expansion method. Finally, simulation results on frequency domain will illustrate the feasibility and the efficiency of the proposed methods.

  • An Adjoint Network Approach for RLCG Interconnect Model Order Reductions

    Chia-Chi CHU  Herng-Jer LEE  Ming-Hong LAI  Wu-Shiung FENG  


    E89-A No:2

    This work proposes a new method for RLCG interconnect model-order reductions in consideration with the adjoint network. Relationships between an original MNA network and its corresponding adjoint MNA network will be explored first. It will be shown that the congruence transformation matrix used in the one-sided projection can be constructed by using the bi-orthogonal bases developed from the Lanczos-type algorithms. In particular, if the multi-port driving-point impedance of RLCG interconnect circuits is the main concern, the transfer functions and system moments of the adjoint network can be directly calculated from those of the original RLCG interconnect network by exploring symmetric properties of the MNA formulation. Therefore, the cost of constructing the congruence transformation matrix can be simplified by up to 50% of the previous methods. Comparative studies among various standard methods and the proposed methods are also investigated. Experimental results on large-scale RLCG interconnect circuits will demonstrate the accuracy and the efficiency of the proposed method.

  • Lyapunov-Based Error Estimations of MIMO Interconnect Reductions by Using the Global Arnoldi Algorithm

    Chia-Chi CHU  Ming-Hong LAI  Wu-Shiung FENG  


    E90-A No:2

    We present theoretical foundations about error estimations of the global Krylov subspace techniques for multiple-inputs multiple-outputs (MIMO) Interconnect reductions. Analytical relationships between Lyapunov functions of the original interconnect network and those of the reduced system generated by the global Arnoldi algorithm will be developed. Under this framework, a new moment matching reduced network is proposed. Also, we will show that the reduced system can be expressed as the original network with some additive perturbations.

  • Applications of Tree/Link Partitioning for Moment Computations of General Lumped R(L)C Interconnect Networks with Multiple Resistor Loops

    Herng-Jer LEE  Ming-Hong LAI  Chia-Chi CHU  Wu-Shiung FENG  

    PAPER-Physical Design

    E87-A No:12

    A new moment computation technique for general lumped R(L)C interconnect circuits with multiple resistor loops is proposed. Using the concept of tearing, a lumped R(L)C network can be partitioned into a spanning tree and several resistor links. The contributions of network moments from each tree and the corresponding links can be determined independently. By combining the conventional moment computation algorithms and the reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD), the proposed method can compute system moments efficiently. Experimental results have demonstrate that the proposed method can indeed obtain accurate moments and is more efficient than the conventional approach.

  • MIMO Interconnects Order Reductions by Using the Multiple Point Adaptive-Order Rational Global Arnoldi Algorithm

    Chia-Chi CHU  Ming-Hong LAI  Wu-Shiung FENG  


    E89-C No:6

    We extend the adaptive-order rational Arnoldi algorithm for multiple-inputs and multiple-outputs (MIMO) interconnect model order reductions. Instead of using the standard Arnoldi algorithm for the SISO adaptive-order reduction algorithm (AORA), we study the adaptive-order rational global Arnoldi (AORGA) algorithm for MIMO model reductions. In this new algorithm, the input matrix is treated as a vector form. A new matrix Krylov subspace, generated by the global Arnoldi algorithm, will be developed by a Frobenius-orthonormal basis. By employing congruence transformation with the matrix Krylov subspace, the one-sided projection method can be used to construct a reduced-order system. It will be shown that the system moment matching can be preserved. In addition, we also show that the transfer matrix residual error of the reduced system can be derived analytically. This error information will provide a guideline for the order selection scheme. The algorithm can also be applied to the classical multiple point MIMO Pade approximation by the rational Arnoldi algorithm for multiple expansion points. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Perturbation Approach for Order Selections of Two-Sided Oblique Projection-Based Interconnect Reductions

    Chia-Chi CHU  Ming-Hong LAI  Wu-Shiung FENG  


    E88-A No:12

    An order selection scheme for two-sided oblique projection-based interconnect reduction will be investigated. It will provide a guideline for terminating the conventional nonsymmetric Pade via Lanczos (PVL) iteration process. By exploring the relationship of the system Grammians of the original network and those of the reduced network, it can be shown that the system matrix of the reduced-order system generated by the two-sided oblique projection can also be expressed as those of the original interconnect model with some additive perturbations. The perturbation matrix only involves bi-orthogonal vectors at the previous step of the nonsymmetric Lanczos algorithm. This perturbation matrix will provide the stopping criteria in the order selection scheme and achieve the desired accuracy of the approximate transfer function.

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