Fumihito SASAMORI Satoru ASADA Osamu TAKYU Shiro HANDA
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has great advantages of high spectrum efficiency and robustness against multipath fading. When the received signal is deeply suppressed by deep fading, path loss and shadowing, the received carrier power must be increased in order to avoid degrading communication quality and provide high reliability at the cost of lower system throughput. A repetition coding is very attractive in providing the high reliability with simple configuration and the low decoding complexity of maximal ratio combining. In order to analytically confirm the effectiveness of repetition coded OFDM systems, we theoretically analyze the effect of increasing the number of repetitions (diversity branches) and acquiring both time and frequency diversity gain, and then derive a closed-form equation of average bit error rate (BER) to easily but precisely evaluate the performance.
Shuta KAKO Osamu TAKYU Takeo FUJII
In this paper, we propose a secondary user (SU) resource assignment algorithm for a multi-hop (MH) cognitive radio network to improve the end-to-end throughput. In the MH networks used for spectrum sharing, each SU needs to improve the throughput by taking the primary user (PU) protection into account. For overcoming this problem, we estimate the PU acceptable received power, which is determined by the acknowledgment packet (ACK) power from the PU receiver at each SU. With this estimation, we propose an SU optimal transmit power control algorithm to not only maximize the end-to-end throughput of the SU MH flow but also maintain the considered PU acceptable interference power. In this study, a distributed joint allocation algorithm has been used to solve the optimization problem and to effectively allocate the power of each SU.
Information exchange through a relay node is attracting attention for applying machine-to-machine communications. If the node demodulates the received signal in relay processing confidentially, the information leakage through the relay station is a problem. In wireless MIMO switching, the frequency spectrum usage efficiency can be improved owing to the completion of information exchange within a short time. This study proposes a novel wireless MIMO switching method for secure information exchange. An overloaded situation, in which the access nodes are one larger than the number of antennas in the relay node, makes the demodulation of the relay node difficult. The access schedule of nodes is required for maintaining the overload situation and the high information exchange efficiency. This study derives the equation model of the access schedule and constructs an access schedule with fewer time periods in the integer programming problem. From the computer simulation, we confirm that the secure capacity of the proposed MIMO switching is larger than that of the original one, and the constructed access schedule is as large as the ideal and minimum time period for information exchange completion.
Yuki NISHIO Osamu TAKYU Hayato SOYA Keiichiro SHIRAI Mai OHTA Takeo FUJII
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) exploits vacant frequency resources via distributed wireless access. The two nodes of DSA, master and slave, access different channels, and thus, cannot communicate with each other. To compensate for the access channel mismatch between the two nodes, a rendezvous channel, which exchanges control signals between two nodes, has been considered. The rendezvous channel based on channel-occupancy ratio (COR) adaptively constructs the channel in accordance with the channel occupancy of other systems, and both a high-speed rendezvous channel and high usage efficiency of the frequency resource are accomplished owing to exploitation of the vacant channel. In the rendezvous channel based on COR, the master and slave recognize the channel with minimum measured COR as the superior channel. As the master sends the control signals through the superior channel recognized by the master, the slave accesses to the superior channel recognized by the slave with higher access rate than to the other channels. As a result, the slave can receive the control signals with highly probability and thus high speed rendezvous channel is achieved. If the master and the slave recognize the different channel as the superior channel, the access rate to the other channel should be larger. This is because the slave obtains the opportunity of receiving the control signals through the different channel from the superior channel recognized by slave and thus the high probability that the slave can receive the control signals is maintained. Therefore, the access rate of slave should be constructed in accordance with the recognition of superior channel by master and slave. In this paper, the access rate of slave to the superior channel is optimally constructed using the analyzed probability of completion of rendezvous channel. The analysis of the probability of completion of rendezvous channel includes the recognition of superior channel by master and slave. Even if the master and the slave recognize the different channel, the constructed access rate of slave can maintain the high speed rendezvous channel. From the theoretical analysis and computer simulation, the rendezvous channel based on COR with the optimal access rate to the channel with the lowest COR achieves reduced time for the rendezvous channel.
Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) is one of candidates for the next generation wireless communication systems. In an uplink, the MC-CDMA system suffers from the different access timing (asynchronous transmission), the different fading, and the different frequency offsets of each active user. In this paper we analyze the effects of the frequency offset compensation with MMSE-MUD (minimum mean square error based multi-user detection) for MC-CDMA in a quasi-synchronous uplink. We consider the MC-CDMA system with two subcarrier mapping schemes, the continuous mapping scheme and the discrete mapping scheme. From our theoretical analysis and computer simulation, we show that the MMSE-MUD can compensate the different frequency offsets among users. We also show that the MMSE-MUD significantly improves the bit error rate (BER) for the MC-CDMA system with the continuous mapping scheme.
This paper derives the optimal learning time for the learning-assisted rendezvous channel. One problem with the dynamic spectrum access system of cognitive radio is access channel mismatch between two wireless terminals. In the learning-assisted rendezvous channel, before exchanging packets for link connection, the rate of channel occupancy by the other system is estimated within the learning time; it is referred to as the channel occupancy rate (COR). High speed packet exchange is made possible by selecting a low COR channel. However, the optimal learning time and the impact of COR estimation errors have not been clarified yet. This paper analyzes the time to rendezvous channel (TTR), where TTR is the time needed to complete the rendezvous with a certain probability. The results indicate that the learning time and TTR have a concave relationship which means that the optimal learning time can be determined.
This paper proposes a novel compressing and expanding (companding) system for OFDM wireless communications that minimizes the compression distortion and so reduces the peak power of OFDM symbols. OFDM systems suffer from large variations in instantaneous peak power. Such transients distort the signals when they are passed through a nonlinear high power amplifier (HPA) prior to transmission. Existing companding systems are far from perfect since the receiver can not accurately estimate the degree of compression applied by the transmitter and thus can not regenerate the original signal by expansion; the key problems are the band pass filter (BPF), HPA, and the noise component enhanced by the channel compensation filter. In the proposed companding system, each symbol is divided into segments, and series of consecutive segments are grouped into clusters. Each cluster is multiplied by a weight equal to the inverse of the largest instantaneous power within the cluster. The receiver estimates the weight used for each time cluster. The weights for all clusters are averaged to mitigate the weight estimation error. As a result, the proposed expander can accurately estimate the weights used and thus well suppress the compression distortion.
Transmit diversity gain can be obtained in cooperative communication by cooperating the multiple users with single antenna. In cooperative communication, in the first step, each mobile station (MS) transmits its own data to both the base station (BS) and the other MS. In the second step, each MS's data is transmitted from the other MS to BS. As a result, transmit diversity gain can be obtained without implementing multiple transmit antennas at MS. In the conventional relay method, if error is detected within the received packet by using cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code, MS transmits its own data to BS instead of relaying the other MS's data in the second step. As a result, transmit diversity gain cannot be obtained. In this paper, we propose a novel cooperative method. In the proposed method, if the CRC decoder detects error within the received packet, MS transmits soft decision symbol which is obtained from the decoded data in second step. As a result, the transmit diversity gain always can be obtained. From the computer simulation, we show that the proposed method can achieve the better error rate performance than the conventional one.
Kenichiro YAMAMOTO Osamu TAKYU Keiichiro SHIRAI Yasushi FUWA
Recently, broadband wireless communication has been significantly enhanced; thus, frequency spectrum scarcity has become an extremely serious problem. Spatial frequency reuse based on spectrum databases has attracted significant attention. The spectrum database collects wireless environment information, such as the radio signal strength indicator (RSSI), estimates the propagation coefficient for the propagation loss and shadow effect, and finds a vacant area where the secondary system uses the frequency spectrum without harmful interference to the primary system. Wireless sensor networks are required to collect the RSSI from a radio environmental monitor. However, a large number of RSSI values should be gathered because numerous sensors are spread over the wireless environment. In this study, a data compression technique based on spatial features, such as buildings and houses, is proposed. Using computer simulation and experimental evaluation, we confirm that the proposed compression method successfully reduces the size of the RSSI and restores the original RSSI in the recovery process.
In this paper, we evaluate the performance of asymmetric Time Division Duplex (TDD) system that employs Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) and Hybrid ARQ, with consideration of the effect of control delays in TDD. Channel reciprocity characteristic in TDD allows utilization of open loop channel estimation to choose appropriate modulation and coding scheme (MCS) level for AMC. However, control delay in AMC and HARQ depends on TDD time slot allocation formats. Large control delay in AMC will result in false MCS selection due to the poor channel correlation between measured channel state from the received signals and instantaneous channel state of actual transmission with the MCS selected based on the measured channel state. We present an analytical approach to calculate the probability of MCS level selection error in different channel conditions for different asymmetric time slot allocations. From the theoretical and simulation results, it is shown that the instantaneous throughput per slot depends not only on maximum Doppler frequency but also on asymmetric slot allocations. Average delay time that yields error free packet reception in the downlink increases as the number of continuous downlink slots increases.
In this paper, we propose a novel peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction method for multi-rate orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFCDM) based on an orthogonal variable spreading factor (OVSF) code. In the method, the base station assigns two signs of code sequence to each user to maintain the orthogonality among the code sequences that have different lengths. After that, one sign of the code sequence is selected for reducing the PAPR of the OFCDM symbol. Based on theoretical analysis and computer simulation, we show that the proposed method reduces the PAPR for two data rate classes.
Interleaved Frequency Division Multiplexing (IFDM) can achieve high diversity gain as well as establishing orthogonal frequency multiplexing by using a comb-shaped frequency spectrum. In IFDM, as the number of repeat transmissions of a modulated symbol is increased, the comb-shaped frequency spectrum should be narrowed, so that the frequency diversity gain is decreased. In addition, IFDM suffers from inter-path interference imposed on the transmitted signal by multipath fading channel. In this paper, a novel frequency spectrum construction is proposed. In the proposed frequency spectrum construction, the comb-shaped frequency spectrum is frequency-shifted for every modulated symbol. As a result, the frequency spectrum of the frame composed of many modulated symbols is widely spread. In addition, the inter-path interference can be suppressed because the modulated symbol is orthogonal, in the frequency domain, to the following symbol. From the computer simulation, the frequency spectrum rotation can achieve better error rate performance thanks to the increase in frequency diversity gain and suppressing inter-path interference.
In this paper, a novel fusion center controlled media access control (MAC) protocol for physical wireless parameter conversion sensor networks (PHY-C SN), and a transmission power design for each sensor node are proposed. In PHY-C SN, the sensing information is converted to corresponding subcarrier number of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals, and all sensor nodes can send sensing information simultaneously. In most wireless sensor network standards, each sensor node detects the surrounding wireless signal through carrier sense. However, sensor nodes cannot send signals simultaneously if carrier sense is applied in PHY-C SN. Therefore, a protocol for PHY-C SN is devised. In the proposed protocol, the fusion center detects the surrounding wireless environment by carrier sense and requests sensing information transmission toward sensor nodes if no other wireless systems are detected. Once the sensor nodes receive the request signal, they transmit sensing information to the fusion center. Further, to avoid harmful interference with surrounding wireless systems, the transmission power of each sensor is designed to suit the considering communication range and avoid interference toward other wireless systems. The effectiveness of the proposed protocol is evaluated by computer simulation. The parameters for collection like the number of collecting sensor nodes and the radius of the collection area are also examined when determining the transmission power of sensor nodes. Results show that highly efficient information collection with reducing interference both from and towards surrounding wireless systems can be implemented with PHY-C SN.
One of the drawbacks of multicarrier transmission schemes is that the transmitted signals have high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). When PAPR of the signal is larger than the input-back off (IBO) of the high power amplifier (HPA), signal powers larger than the saturation threshold of the HPA cause the saturation events so that the error rate performance is degraded. To improve the error-rate performance degraded by the nonlinear distortion, not only the signal power above the saturation threshold but also the interval of the signals causing the saturation events at HPA should be reduced. In this paper, we propose the total exceeding power (TEP) as a new criterion for improving the error rate performance degraded by the nonlinear amplifier for multicarrier transmission.
Two novel frequency rotation techniques that suppress multipath interference and increase the frequency diversity gain are proposed for uplink IFDMA systems. These benefits are especially important as the performance of traditional IFDMA falls significantly when the number of simultaneous accessing users becomes large. Frequency rotation was originally proposed to suppress the multipath interference and enlarge the frequency diversity gain of downlink access. Unfortunately, it cannot be applied to the uplink due to the loss of orthogonality among users in the frequency domain. In the proposed frequency rotation techniques, users do not share the multiple frequency orthogonal channels and thus orthogonality among users is maintained. The proposed technique is verified by computer simulations.
Hayato SOYA Osamu TAKYU Keiichiro SHIRAI Mai OHTA Takeo FUJII Fumihito SASAMORI Shiro HANDA
A multi-channel cognitive radio is a powerful solution for recovering the exhaustion of frequency spectrum resources. In a cognitive radio, although master and slave terminals (which construct a communication link) have the freedom to access arbitrary channels, access channel mismatch is caused. A rendezvous scheme based on frequency hopping can compensate for this mismatch by exchanging control signals through a selected channel in accordance with a certain rule. However, conventional frequency hopping schemes do not consider an access protocol of both control signals in the rendezvous scheme and the signal caused by channel access from other systems. Further, they do not consider an information sharing method to reach a consensus between the master and slave terminals. This paper proposes a modified rendezvous scheme based on learning-based channel occupancy rate (COR) estimation and describes a specific channel-access rule in the slave terminal. On the basis of this rule, the master estimates a channel selected by the slave by considering the average COR of the other systems. Since the master can narrow down the number of channels, a fast rendezvous scheme with a few control signals is established.
Event detection and recognition are important for environmental monitoring in the Internet of things and cyber-physical systems. Low power wide area (LPWA) networks are one of the most powerful wireless sensor networks to support data gathering; however, they do not afford peak wireless access from sensors that detect significant changes in sensing data. Various data gathering schemes for event detection and recognition have been proposed. However, these do not satisfy the requirement for the three functions for the detection of the occurrence of an event, the recognition of the position of an event, and the recognition of spillover of impact from an event. This study proposes a three-stage data gathering scheme for LPWA. In the first stage, the access limitation based on the comparison between the detected sensing data and the high-level threshold is effective in reducing the simultaneous accessing sensors; thus, high-speed recognition of the starting event is achieved. In the second stage, the data centre station designates the sensor to inform the sensing data to achieve high accuracy of the position estimation of the event. In the third stage, all the sensors, except for the accessing sensors in the early stage, access the data centre. Owing to the exhaustive gathering of sensing data, the spillover of impact from the event can be recognised with high accuracy. We implement the proposed data gathering scheme for the actual wireless sensor system of the LPWA. From the computer simulation and experimental evaluation, we show the advantage of the proposed scheme compared to the conventional scheme.
With the rapid developments in the Internet of Things (IoT), low power wide area networks (LPWAN) framework, which is a low-power, long-distance communication method, is attracting attention. However, in LPWAN, the access time is limited by Duty Cycle (DC) to avoid mutual interference. Packet-level index modulation (PLIM) is a modulation scheme that uses a combination of the transmission time and frequency channel of a packet as an index, enabling throughput expansion even under DC constraints. The indexes used in PLIM are transmitted according to the mapping. However, when many sensors access the same index, packet collisions occur owing to selecting the same index. Therefore, we propose a mapping design for PLIM using mathematical optimization. The mapping was designed and modeled as a quadratic integer programming problem. The results of the computer simulation evaluations were used to realize the design of PLIM, which achieved excellent sensor information aggregation in terms of environmental monitoring accuracy.
Osamu TAKYU Yohtaro UMEDA Fumihito SASAMORI Shiro HANDA
This paper proposes the assignment of resource blocks (RBs) to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in a multi-user OFDM system. This system ranks the users according to the channel state information (CSI) for RB assignment. In our proposed technique, an RB is assigned to either the first- or second-ranked mobile station (MS) to minimize the PAPR of the OFDM signal. While this process reduces the PAPR, the throughput is also reduced because of the user diversity gain loss. A PAPR-throughput tradeoff is then established. Theoretical analyses and computer simulations confirm that when the number of MSs becomes large, the PAPR-throughput tradeoff is eased because of the minimal effect of the diversity gain loss. Therefore, significant PAPR reduction is achieved with only a slight degradation in the throughput.
Interleaved Frequency Division Multiple Access (IFDMA) is a modulation scheme that achieves a frequency diversity gain and establishes a frequency orthogonal channel. In multicarrier modulation schemes such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), a pilot signal is dispersed over the frequency and time domains and thus the estimated channel transfer function can track the fluctuations that occur in the time and frequency domains. This pilot signal is referred to as a scattered pilot signal. However, the scattered pilot signal has not yet been applied to IFDMA. In this paper, we propose a scattered pilot signal for IFDMA. The problem with the proposed scattered pilot signal is that it increases the peak to average power ratio of the transmitted signal. Therefore, we also propose three peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction schemes for the IFDMA symbols including the scattered pilot signal. A computer simulation shows that the proposed pilot signal achieves a highly accurate channel estimation under various channel conditions and that the proposed reduction shemes significantly reduce the PAPR.