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[Author] Ou LI(24hit)


  • Joint Receive Antenna Selection for Multi-User MIMO Systems with Vector Precoding

    Wei MIAO  Yunzhou LI  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  Xibin XU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:4

    Vector precoding is a nonlinear broadcast precoding scheme in the downlink of multi-user MIMO systems which outperforms linear precoding and THP (Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding). This letter discusses the problem of joint receive antenna selection in the multi-user MIMO downlink with vector precoding. Based on random matrix analysis, we derive a simple heuristic selection criterion using singular value decomposition (SVD) and carry out an exhaustive search to determine for each user which receive antenna should be used. Simulation results reveal that receive antenna selection using our proposed criterion obtains the same diversity order as the optimal selection criterion.

  • Broadcast News Story Segmentation Using Conditional Random Fields and Multimodal Features

    Xiaoxuan WANG  Lei XIE  Mimi LU  Bin MA  Eng Siong CHNG  Haizhou LI  

    PAPER-Speech Processing

    E95-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose integration of multimodal features using conditional random fields (CRFs) for the segmentation of broadcast news stories. We study story boundary cues from lexical, audio and video modalities, where lexical features consist of lexical similarity, chain strength and overall cohesiveness; acoustic features involve pause duration, pitch, speaker change and audio event type; and visual features contain shot boundaries, anchor faces and news title captions. These features are extracted in a sequence of boundary candidate positions in the broadcast news. A linear-chain CRF is used to detect each candidate as boundary/non-boundary tags based on the multimodal features. Important interlabel relations and contextual feature information are effectively captured by the sequential learning framework of CRFs. Story segmentation experiments show that the CRF approach outperforms other popular classifiers, including decision trees (DTs), Bayesian networks (BNs), naive Bayesian classifiers (NBs), multilayer perception (MLP), support vector machines (SVMs) and maximum entropy (ME) classifiers.

  • Portfolio Selection Models with Technical Analysis-Based Fuzzy Birandom Variables

    You LI  Bo WANG  Junzo WATADA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E97-D No:1

    Recently, fuzzy set theory has been widely employed in building portfolio selection models where uncertainty plays a role. In these models, future security returns are generally taken for fuzzy variables and mathematical models are then built to maximize the investment profit according to a given risk level or to minimize a risk level based on a fixed profit level. Based on existing works, this paper proposes a portfolio selection model based on fuzzy birandom variables. Two original contributions are provided by the study: First, the concept of technical analysis is combined with fuzzy set theory to use the security returns as fuzzy birandom variables. Second, the fuzzy birandom Value-at-Risk (VaR) is used to build our model, which is called the fuzzy birandom VaR-based portfolio selection model (FBVaR-PSM). The VaR can directly reflect the largest loss of a selected case at a given confidence level and it is more sensitive than other models and more acceptable for general investors than conventional risk measurements. To solve the FBVaR-PSM, in some special cases when the security returns are taken for trapezoidal, triangular or Gaussian fuzzy birandom variables, several crisp equivalent models of the FBVaR-PSM are derived, which can be handled by any linear programming solver. In general, the fuzzy birandom simulation-based particle swarm optimization algorithm (FBS-PSO) is designed to find the approximate optimal solution. To illustrate the proposed model and the behavior of the FBS-PSO, two numerical examples are introduced based on investors' different risk attitudes. Finally, we analyze the experimental results and provide a discussion of some existing approaches.

  • Cross-Lingual Phone Mapping for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition of Under-Resourced Languages

    Van Hai DO  Xiong XIAO  Eng Siong CHNG  Haizhou LI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:2

    This paper presents a novel acoustic modeling technique of large vocabulary automatic speech recognition for under-resourced languages by leveraging well-trained acoustic models of other languages (called source languages). The idea is to use source language acoustic model to score the acoustic features of the target language, and then map these scores to the posteriors of the target phones using a classifier. The target phone posteriors are then used for decoding in the usual way of hybrid acoustic modeling. The motivation of such a strategy is that human languages usually share similar phone sets and hence it may be easier to predict the target phone posteriors from the scores generated by source language acoustic models than to train from scratch an under-resourced language acoustic model. The proposed method is evaluated using on the Aurora-4 task with less than 1 hour of training data. Two types of source language acoustic models are considered, i.e. hybrid HMM/MLP and conventional HMM/GMM models. In addition, we also use triphone tied states in the mapping. Our experimental results show that by leveraging well trained Malay and Hungarian acoustic models, we achieved 9.0% word error rate (WER) given 55 minutes of English training data. This is close to the WER of 7.9% obtained by using the full 15 hours of training data and much better than the WER of 14.4% obtained by conventional acoustic modeling techniques with the same 55 minutes of training data.

  • Selective Gammatone Envelope Feature for Robust Sound Event Recognition

    Yi Ren LENG  Huy Dat TRAN  Norihide KITAOKA  Haizhou LI  

    PAPER-Audio Processing

    E95-D No:5

    Conventional features for Automatic Speech Recognition and Sound Event Recognition such as Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) have been shown to perform poorly in noisy conditions. We introduce an auditory feature based on the gammatone filterbank, the Selective Gammatone Envelope Feature (SGEF), for Robust Sound Event Recognition where channel selection and the filterbank envelope is used to reduce the effect of noise for specific noise environments. In the experiments with Hidden Markov Model (HMM) recognizers, we shall show that our feature outperforms MFCCs significantly in four different noisy environments at various signal-to-noise ratios.

  • Adaptive MMSE Algorithm Used in Turbo Iterative SoIC of V-Blast System

    Huiqiang ZHOU  Yunzhou LI  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:10

    Based on the minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection with iterative soft interference cancellation (SoIC), we propose an adaptive MMSE (A-MMSE) algorithm which acts as an MMSE operator at the beginning of iteration and a maximum ratio combination (MRC) when the interference is nearly cancelled. In our algorithm, a modified metric matrix based on the reliability of soft information from the decoder output is multiplied by the interference part of channel correlation matrix to update the detection operator. The simulation results have shown that this A-MMSE iterative SoIC algorithm can achieve significant performance advantage over the traditional MMSE iterative SoIC algorithm.

  • Analysis of Buffer Requirement for ATM-LSRs with Partial VC-Merging Capability

    Po-Chou LIN  Chung-Ju CHANG  


    E85-B No:6

    In an Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) network domain, Asynchronous Transfer Mode--Label Switch Routers (ATM-LSRs) are considered the best candidate for providing the highest forwarding capability. ATM-LSRs implement a VC-merging scheme that allows many IP routes to be mapped into the same VPI/VCI label, hence supporting scalability. The VC-merging requires reassembly buffers to reconstruct an original packet from its segmented but interleaved AAL-5 cells. In this paper, we analyze the performance of an ATM-LSR with partial VC-merging capability and investigate the impact of VC-merging on the requirement of the reassembly and output buffer. The numerical computation complexity of the mathematical analysis can be reduced from O(M4) to O(M2), where M is the total number of ON-OFF sources. We also propose a closed-form equation, which approximates the distribution of the output buffer with satisfactory accuracy. Numerical results show that when incoming cells are severely interleaved, the VC-merging needs the reassembly buffer size to be of the same order as the output buffer size, which cannot be ignored.

  • Re-Scheduling of Unit Commitment Based on Customers' Fuzzy Requirements for Power Reliability

    Bo WANG  You LI  Junzo WATADA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E94-D No:7

    The development of the electricity market enables us to provide electricity of varied quality and price in order to fulfill power consumers' needs. Such customers choices should influence the process of adjusting power generation and spinning reserve, and, as a result, change the structure of a unit commitment optimization problem (UCP). To build a unit commitment model that considers customer choices, we employ fuzzy variables in this study to better characterize customer requirements and forecasted future power loads. To measure system reliability and determine the schedule of real power generation and spinning reserve, fuzzy Value-at-Risk (VaR) is utilized in building the model, which evaluates the peak values of power demands under given confidence levels. Based on the information obtained using fuzzy VaR, we proposed a heuristic algorithm called local convergence-averse binary particle swarm optimization (LCA-PSO) to solve the UCP. The proposed model and algorithm are used to analyze several test systems. Comparisons between the proposed algorithm and the conventional approaches show that the LCA-PSO performs better in finding the optimal solutions.

  • Practical Power Allocation for Cooperative Distributed Antenna Systems

    Wei FENG  Yanmin WANG  Yunzhou LI  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E93-B No:9

    In this letter, we address the problem of downlink power allocation for the generalized distributed antenna system (DAS) with cooperative clusters. Considering practical applications, we assume that only the large-scale channel state information is available at the transmitter. The power allocation scheme is investigated with the target of ergodic achievable sum rate maximization. Based on some approximations and the Rayleigh Quotient Theory, the simple selective power allocation scheme is derived for the low SNR scenario and the high SNR scenario, respectively. The methods are applicable in practice due to their low complexity.

  • Per-Layer Optimization in Multiuser MIMO Systems with Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding

    Min HUANG  Limin XIAO  Yunzhou LI  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:6

    In this letter, we investigate the application of Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) in the downlink of multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, where multiple antennas are located at all the transceivers. Based on the criterion of maximum system sum-capacity, a per-layer optimization scheme is proposed, in which the subchannel ordering and transceiver filters design are generated. In the proposed scheme, the successive character of THP can be fully exploited, so that both the minimum cost of interference suppression and the maximum power and diversity gains can be implemented, and hence, the system sum-capacity can be improved effectively.

  • Limited Feedback Precoding Scheme for Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems

    Haibo ZHENG  Yongle WU  Yunzhou LI  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:3

    In this letter, we propose a limited feedback precoding scheme based upon grassmannian beamforming and user selection for downlink multiuser MIMO systems. Conventional random beamforming scheme only enjoys significant performance gains with a large number of users, which limits its practical application. With proper codebook size the proposed scheme outperforms conventional random beamforming scheme when the number of users is small or moderate.

  • Capacity Bound of MIMO Systems with MPSK Modulation and Time-Multiplexed Pilots

    Yifei ZHAO  Ming ZHAO  Yunzhou LI  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:9

    In this letter, we elucidate the ergodic capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with M-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK) modulation and time-multiplexed pilots in frequency-flat Rayleigh fading environment. With linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) channel estimation, the optimal pilots design is presented. For mathematical tractability, we derive an easy-computing closed-form lower bound of the channel capacity. Based on the lower bound, the optimal power allocation between the data and pilots is also presented in closed-form, and the optimal training length is investigated by numerical optimization. It is shown that the transmit scheme with equal training and data power and optimized training length provides suboptimal performance, and the transmit scheme with optimized training length and training power is optimal. With the latter scheme, in most situations, the optimal training length equals the number of the transmit antennas and the corresponding optimal power allocation can be easily computed with the proposed formula.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Haizhou LI  


    E95-D No:5
  • Analysis of an ATM Multiplexer with Correlated Real-Time and Independent Non-real-time Traffic

    Chung-Ju CHANG  Jia-Ming CHEN  Po-Chou LIN  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:12

    This paper presents an alternative traffic model for an ATM multiplexer providing video, voice, image, and data services. The traffic model classifies the input traffic into two types: real-time and non-real-time. The input process for realtime traffic is periodic and correlated, while that for non-realtime traffic is batch Poisson and independent. This multiplexer is assumed to be a priority queueing system with synchronous servers operating on time-frame basis and with separate finite buffers for each type of traffic. State probabilities and performance measures are successfully obtained using a Markov analysis technique and an application of the residue theorem in complex variable. The results can be applied in the design of an ATM multiplexer.

  • Robust Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO Downlink with Channel Uncertainties

    Wei MIAO  Yunzhou LI  Xiang CHEN  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:10

    This letter addresses the problem of robust transceiver design for the multiuser multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) downlink where the channel state information at the base station (BS) is imperfect. A stochastic approach which minimizes the expectation of the total mean square error (MSE) of the downlink conditioned on the channel estimates under a total transmit power constraint is adopted. The iterative algorithm reported in [2] is improved to handle the proposed robust optimization problem. Simulation results show that our proposed robust scheme effectively reduces the performance loss due to channel uncertainties and outperforms existing methods, especially when the channel errors of the users are different.

  • Receive Antenna Selection for Multiuser MIMO Systems with Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding

    Min HUANG  Xiang CHEN  Yunzhou LI  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:7

    In this letter, we discuss the problem of receive antenna selection in the downlink of multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP), where the number of receivers is assumed equal to that of transmit antennas. Based on the criterion of maximum system sum-capacity, a per-layer receive antenna selection scheme is proposed. This scheme, which selects one receive antenna for each receiver, can well exploit the nonlinear and successive characteristics of THP. Two models are established for the proposed per-layer scheme and the conventional per-user scheme. Both the theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme can greatly improve the equivalent channel power gains and the system sum-capacity.

  • The Asymptotic Performance of the Linear MMSE Receiver for Spatial Multiplexing System with Channel Estimation Errors

    Qiang LI  Jiansong GAN  Yunzhou LI  Shidong ZHOU  Yan YAO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:4

    Spatial multiplexing (SM) offers a linear increase in transmission rate without bandwidth expansion or power increase. In SM systems, the LMMSE receiver establishes a good tradeoff between the complexity and performance. The performance of the LMMSE receiver would be degraded by MIMO channel estimation errors. This letter focus on obtaining the asymptotic convergence of output interference power and SIR performance for the LMMSE receiver with channel uncertainty. Exactly matched simulation results verify the validity of analysis in the large-system assumption. Furthermore, we find that the analytical results are also valid in the sense of average results for limited-scale system in spite of the asymptotic assumption used in derivation.

  • Error Corrective Fusion of Classifier Scores for Spoken Language Recognition

    Omid DEHZANGI  Bin MA  Eng Siong CHNG  Haizhou LI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E94-D No:12

    This paper investigates a new method for fusion of scores generated by multiple classification sub-systems that help to further reduce the classification error rate in Spoken Language Recognition (SLR). In recent studies, a variety of effective classification algorithms have been developed for SLR. Hence, it has been a common practice in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Language Recognition Evaluations (LREs) to fuse the results from several classification sub-systems to boost the performance of the SLR systems. In this work, we introduce a discriminative performance measure to optimize the performance of the fusion of 7 language classifiers developed as IIR's submission to the 2009 NIST LRE. We present an Error Corrective Fusion (ECF) method in which we iteratively learn the fusion weights to minimize error rate of the fusion system. Experiments conducted on the 2009 NIST LRE corpus demonstrate a significant improvement compared to individual sub-systems. Comparison study is also conducted to show the effectiveness of the ECF method.

  • On a High-Ranking Node of B-ISDN

    Chung-Ju CHANG  Po-Chou LIN  Jia-Ming CHEN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E77-B No:1

    The paper studies a high-ranking node in a broadband integrated services digital network(B-ISDN). The input traffic is classified into two types: real-time and non-real-time. For each type of input traffic, we assume that the message arrival process is a batch Poisson process and that the message size is arbitrarily distributed so as to describe services from narrowband to wideband. We model the high-ranking node by a queueing system with multiple synchronous servers and two separate finite buffers, one for each type of traffic. We derive performance measures exactly by using a two-dimensional imbedded discrete-time Markov chain analysis, within which the transition probabilities are obtained via an application of the residue theorem in complex variables. The performance measures include the blocking probability, delay, and throughput.

  • Low Complexity Scheduling Algorithms for Downlink Multiuser MIMO System

    Jinfan ZHANG  Yunzhou LI  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:2

    Downlink multiuser MIMO system has attracted considerable attention recently for its potential to increase the system capacity. However, due to the limitation on the number of transmit antennas, when there are more users than can be supported simultaneously in a cell, other multiple access schemes, such as TDMA, must be applied in combination with multiuser MIMO. In this paper, we aim to design practical user scheduling algorithms to maximize the system capacity. Because the brute-force search for optimal user allocation is computationally prohibitive, we propose three low complexity suboptimal scheduling algorithms that offer both low complexity and high performance.


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