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Rong CHEN Cunqian FENG Sisan HE Yi RAO
The extraction of micro-motion parameters is deeply influenced by the precision of estimation on translational motion parameters. Based on the periodicity of micro-motion, the quadratic polynomial fitting is carried out among range delays to align envelope. The micro-motion component of phase information is eliminated by conjugate multiplication after which the translational motion parameters are estimated. Then the translational motion is precisely compensated through the third order polynomial fitting. Results of simulation demonstrate that the algorithm put forward here can realize the precise compensation for translational motion parameters even under an environment with low signal noise ratio (SNR).
Rong CHEN Xun FAN Youyun XU Haibin ZHANG
Iterative receivers, which perform MMSE detection and decoding iteratively, can provide significant performance improvement compared with noniterative method. However, due to the high computational cost and numerical instability, conventional MMSE detection using a priori information can not be implemented in hardware. In this letter, we propose a newly-built iterative receiver which is division-free and numerically stable, and then we analyze the results of a fixed-point simulation and present the hardware implementation architecture.
Owing to the large amount of speckle noise and ill-defined edges present in echocardiographic images, computer-based boundary detection of the left ventricle has proved to be a challenging problem. In this paper, a Markovian level set method for boundary detection in long-axis echocardiographic images is proposed. It combines Markov random field (MRF) model, which makes use of local statistics with level set method that handles topological changes, to detect a continuous and smooth boundary. Experimental results show that higher accuracy can be achieved with the proposed method compared with two related MRF-based methods.
To enable fine-grained delegations for proxy re-encryption systems, in AsiaCCS'09, Weng et al.'s introduced the concept of conditional proxy re-encryption (C-PRE), in which the proxy can convert a ciphertext only if a specified condition is satisfied. Weng et al. also proposed a C-PRE scheme, and claimed that their scheme is secure against chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA). In this paper, we show that their scheme is not CCA-secure under their defined security model.
Rong CHEN Youyun XU Haibin ZHANG Hanwen LUO
In this paper, we propose an ICI mitigation method for MIMO OFDM using turbo detection technique. In order to reduce the computational complexity, we present a method for dividing the received frequency-domain signals into subbands and the manner of division varies with each iteration, joint soft ICI cancellation and decoding is then performed on each subband. To perform iterative ICI mitigation, the estimation of the time-variant channel using a great quantity of pilot tones is needed, which results in poor spectral efficiency. We then propose a method to reduce the required scatter pilot tones, which is differentially-modulated-pilot scheme. Moreover, the estimation can be constructed based on EM-type algorithms to further reduce the computational complexity. Finally, the results of computer simulations demonstrate that the proposal can provide significant performance improvement.
Yi LI King-Tim KO Guanrong CHEN
Congestion control in the Internet consists of two main components: the TCP Additive-Increase Multiplicative-Decrease (AIMD) mechanism on sending windows implemented by end-users, and the Active Queue Management (AQM) scheme implemented in the routers which improves the effectiveness of congestion control. TCP connection is regarded as a feedback control system. Comparably, AQM is classified as a flow controller. There are several kinds of time delays in the network, such as propagation delay, queuing delay in the buffer of the router, etc. The time delays cause degradation of performance and instability of the network. A Smith Predictor is commonly used in feedback control of plants with significant time delays to implement effective compensation. In this paper, a Smith Predictor-based PI-controller for AQM (SPPA) is proposed, which uses a TCP reference model and an average Round-Trip Time (RTT) to reduce unfavorable effects of time delays in TCP networks. The drop probability is calculated by a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller based on the prediction error. When a mismatch exists in between the actual model of the TCP process and the reference model employed by the SPPA, we demonstrate conditions under which the network is stable. The performance, robustness and effectiveness of the proposed SPPA are all evaluated using simulations. The performance of the SPPA is compared with some typical AQMs, such as the Adaptive RED, the PI-controller, and the Proportional-Differential (PD) controller.
Rong CHENG Yu ZHOU Xinfeng DONG Xiaoni DU
S-box is one of the core components of symmetric cryptographic algorithms, but differential distribution table (DDT) is an important tool to research some properties of S-boxes to resist differential attacks. In this paper, we give a relationship between the sum-of-squares of DDT and the sum-of-squares indicator of (n, m)-functions based on the autocorrelation coefficients. We also get some upper and lower bounds on the sum-of-squares of DDT of balanced (n, m)-functions, and prove that the sum-of-squares of DDT of (n, m)-functions is affine invariant under affine affine equivalent. Furthermore, we obtain a relationship between the sum-of-squares of DDT and the signal-to-noise ratio of (n, m)-functions. In addition, we calculate the distributions of the sum-of-squares of DDT for all 3-bit S-boxes, the 4-bit optimal S-boxes and all 302 balanced S-boxes (up to affine equivalence), data experiments verify our results.
Jian WENG Min-Rong CHEN Kefei CHEN Robert H. DENG
Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption (HIBE) is a generalization of identity-based encryption that mirrors an organizational hierarchy, and allows the root Private Key Generator (PKG) to distribute the workload of key generations to lower-level PKGs. In Indocrypt'08, Ren and Gu proposed a new HIBE scheme, and claimed that their scheme is fully chosen-ciphertext secure in the standard model. However, by giving a concrete attack, we show that Ren-Gu's HIBE is even not chosen-plaintext secure.
Stephen T.S. LEE Henry S.H. CHUNG Guanrong CHEN S.Y. (Ron) HUI
This paper investigates the use of chaotic pulsewidth modulation (CPWM) scheme for electronic ballasts to eliminate visible striations (appearance of black and white bands along the lamp tube) in fluorescent lamps. As striations can be eliminated by superimposing a small amount of dc current or low frequency ac current to the electrodes to produce composite current waveform through the lamp, the underlying principle of this work is based on the fact that the power spectral density of the lamp current will be rich of low-frequency harmonics at the output of inverters switching with CPWM. Most importantly, the lamp life will not be affected with chaotic switchings, because the lamp current crest factor is found to be similar to the one with standard pulsewidth modulation (PWM) and the lamp current does not have dc component. The effectiveness of eliminating striations is confirmed experimentally with a T8 36W prototype.
Yu HUANG Zhiheng ZHOU Tianlei WANG Qian CAO Junchu HUANG Zirong CHEN
Vehicle detection is challenging in natural traffic scenes because there exist a lot of occlusion. Because of occlusion, detector's training strategy may lead to mismatch between features and labels. As a result, some predicted bounding boxes may shift to surrounding vehicles and lead to lower confidences. These bounding boxes will lead to lower AP value. In this letter, we propose a new approach to address this problem. We calculate the center of visible part of current vehicle based on road information. Then a variable-radius Gaussian weight based method is applied to reweight each anchor box in loss function based on the center of visible part in training time of SSD. The reweighted method has ability to predict higher confidences and more accurate bounding boxes. Besides, the model also has high speed and can be trained end-to-end. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms some competitive methods in terms of speed and accuracy.
Guanrong CHEN Ling YANG Zengrong LIU
This paper studies the anticontrol problem of making a continuous-time system chaotic by using impulsive control. The controller is designed to ensure the controlled orbit be bounded and, meanwhile, the controlled system have positive Lyapunov exponents, which are achieved near a stable limit cycle of the system. One illustrative example is given.
The paper deals with the estimation method of system equations of dynamic behavior of an input-pricing mechanism by using the Genetic Programming (GP) and its applications. The scheme is similar to recent noise reduction method in noisy speech which is based on the adaptive digital signal processing for system identification and subtraction estimated noise. We consider the dynamic behavior of an input-pricing mechanism for a service facility in which heterogeneous self-optimizing customers base their future join/balk decisions on their previous experiences of congestion. In the GP, the system equations are represented by parse trees and the performance (fitness) of each individual is defined as the inversion of the root mean square error between the observed data and the output of the system equation. By selecting a pair of individuals having higher fitness, the crossover operation is applied to generate new individuals. The string used for the GP is extended to treat the rational form of system functions. The condition for the Li-Yorke chaos is exploited to ensure the chaoticity of the approximated functions. In our control, since the system equations are estimated, we only need to change the input incrementally so that the system moves to the stable region. By assuming the targeted dynamic system f(x(t)) with input u(t)=0 is estimated by using the GP (denoted (x(t))), then we impose the input u(t) so that xf= (t+1)=(x(t))+u(t) where xf is the fixed point. Then, the next state x(t+1) of targeted dynamic system f(x(t)) is replaced by x(t+1)+u(t). We extend ordinary control method based on the GP by imposing the input u(t) so that the deviation from the targeted level xL becomes small enough after the control. The approximation and control method are applied to the chaotic dynamics generating various time series based on several queuing models and real world data. Using the GP, the control of chaos is straightforward, and we show some example of stabilizing the price expectation in the service queue.
Qing CHANG Yongbo TAN Wei QI Dirong CHEN
This letter proposes a new transceiver for OFDM systems based on Smooth Local Trigonometric Transform (LTT). In our transceiver, the transmitter is realized by first modulating the original serial data using a constellation mapper, then feeding the results into the inverse LTT modulator. Unlike the conventional DFT-OFDM system, which always uses the roll cosine function as its window function, the proposed system needs no additional window function for the reason that LTT transform includes a bell-shaped window function by itself. Moreover, each LTT-OFDM symbol has a much more rapid attenuation rate outside of the spectral bandwidth and better spectrum convergence. In the receiver, the original data is recovered by demodulating the received data using forward LTT. Comparative simulation results from the conventional DFT-OFDM system, the system we proposed, and the recently proposed DCT based OFDM system are discussed in terms of bit error rate (BER).