1-1hit |
Jumpei UEKI Sentarou TASAKA Yuji HATTA Hiromi OKADA
In advanced ITS, on-board intelligent systems by the Inter-Vehicle Communications (IVC) is essential technology to achieve a safe automotive society. We aim to avoid the vehicular collisions under almost all situations such as intersections, highways, and blind corners by using IVC technology through wireless ad hoc networks. The objectives of this paper are to develop Vehicular Collision Avoidance Support System (VCASS), and to show its performance by various experiments with two real vehicles. We have installed personal computers, telecommunication equipments, and GPS in two vehicles. In this system, the vehicles exchange the location information and the velocity vectors by the UDP broadcast with each other, and calculate the relative position/speed. The vehicles make the warning for drivers with the possibility of the collision. We verify the validity and the effectiveness of VCASS by the experiments.