Zijun SHA Lin HU Yuki TODO Junkai JI Shangce GAO Zheng TANG
Breast cancer is a serious disease across the world, and it is one of the largest causes of cancer death for women. The traditional diagnosis is not only time consuming but also easily affected. Hence, artificial intelligence (AI), especially neural networks, has been widely used to assist to detect cancer. However, in recent years, the computational ability of a neuron has attracted more and more attention. The main computational capacity of a neuron is located in the dendrites. In this paper, a novel neuron model with dendritic nonlinearity (NMDN) is proposed to classify breast cancer in the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database (WBCD). In NMDN, the dendrites possess nonlinearity when realizing the excitatory synapses, inhibitory synapses, constant-1 synapses and constant-0 synapses instead of being simply weighted. Furthermore, the nonlinear interaction among the synapses on a dendrite is defined as a product of the synaptic inputs. The soma adds all of the products of the branches to produce an output. A back-propagation-based learning algorithm is introduced to train the NMDN. The performance of the NMDN is compared with classic back propagation neural networks (BPNNs). Simulation results indicate that NMDN possesses superior capability in terms of the accuracy, convergence rate, stability and area under the ROC curve (AUC). Moreover, regarding ROC, for continuum values, the existing 0-connections branches after evolving can be eliminated from the dendrite morphology to release computational load, but with no influence on the performance of classification. The results disclose that the computational ability of the neuron has been undervalued, and the proposed NMDN can be an interesting choice for medical researchers in further research.
Shangce GAO Qiping CAO Masahiro ISHII Zheng TANG
This paper proposes a probabilistic modeling learning algorithm for the local search approach to the Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) networks. The learning model (PMLS) has two phases: a local search (LS) phase, and a probabilistic modeling (PM) phase. The LS performs searches by updating the parameters of the MVL network. It is equivalent to a gradient decrease of the error measures, and leads to a local minimum of error that represents a good solution to the problem. Once the LS is trapped in local minima, the PM phase attempts to generate a new starting point for LS for further search. It is expected that the further search is guided to a promising area by the probability model. Thus, the proposed algorithm can escape from local minima and further search better results. We test the algorithm on many randomly generated MVL networks. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is better than the other improved local search learning methods, such as stochastic dynamic local search (SDLS) and chaotic dynamic local search (CDLS).
Cong LIU Jiujun CHENG Yirui WANG Shangce GAO
Time performance optimization and resource conflict resolution are two important challenges in multiple project management contexts. Compared with traditional project management, multi-project management usually suffers limited and insufficient resources, and a tight and urgent deadline to finish all concurrent projects. In this case, time performance optimization of the global project management is badly needed. To our best knowledge, existing work seldom pays attention to the formal modeling and analyzing of multi-project management in an effort to eliminate resource conflicts and optimizing the project execution time. This work proposes such a method based on PRT-Net, which is a Petri net-based formulism tailored for a kind of project constrained by resource and time. The detailed modeling approaches based on PRT-Net are first presented. Then, resource conflict detection method with corresponding algorithm is proposed. Next, the priority criteria including a key-activity priority strategy and a waiting-short priority strategy are presented to resolve resource conflicts. Finally, we show how to construct a conflict-free PRT-Net by designing resource conflict resolution controllers. By experiments, we prove that our proposed priority strategy can ensure the execution time of global multiple projects much shorter than those without using any strategies.
Haichuan YANG Shangce GAO Rong-Long WANG Yuki TODO
In 2019, a completely new algorithm, spherical evolution (SE), was proposed. The brand new search style in SE has been proved to have a strong search capability. In order to take advantage of SE, we propose a novel method called the ladder descent (LD) method to improve the SE' population update strategy and thereafter propose a ladder spherical evolution search (LSE) algorithm. With the number of iterations increasing, the range of parent individuals eligible to produce offspring gradually changes from the entire population to the current optimal individual, thereby enhancing the convergence ability of the algorithm. Experiment results on IEEE CEC2017 benchmark functions indicate the effectiveness of LSE.
Hongwei DAI Yu YANG Cunhua LI Jun SHI Shangce GAO Zheng TANG
Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA), based on the clonal selection theory proposed by Burnet, has gained much attention and wide applications during the last decade. However, the proliferation process in the case of immune cells is asexual. That is, there is no information exchange during different immune cells. As a result the traditional CSA is often not satisfactory and is easy to be trapped in local optima so as to be premature convergence. To solve such a problem, inspired by the quantum interference mechanics, an improved quantum crossover operator is introduced and embedded in the traditional CSA. Simulation results based on the traveling salesman problems (TSP) have demonstrated the effectiveness of the quantum crossover-based Clonal Selection Algorithm.
Wei CHEN Jian SUN Shangce GAO Jiu-Jun CHENG Jiahai WANG Yuki TODO
With the fast growth of the international tourism industry, it has been a challenge to forecast the tourism demand in the international tourism market. Traditional forecasting methods usually suffer from the prediction accuracy problem due to the high volatility, irregular movements and non-stationarity of the tourist time series. In this study, a novel single dendritic neuron model (SDNM) is proposed to perform the tourism demand forecasting. First, we use a phase space reconstruction to analyze the characteristics of the tourism and reconstruct the time series into proper phase space points. Then, the maximum Lyapunov exponent is employed to identify the chaotic properties of time series which is used to determine the limit of prediction. Finally, we use SDNM to make a short-term prediction. Experimental results of the forecasting of the monthly foreign tourist arrivals to Japan indicate that the proposed SDNM is more efficient and accurate than other neural networks including the multi-layered perceptron, the neuro-fuzzy inference system, the Elman network, and the single multiplicative neuron model.
Shuaiqun WANG Shangce GAO Aorigele Yuki TODO Zheng TANG
The emergence of nature-inspired algorithms (NIA) is a great milestone in the field of computational intelligence community. As one of the NIAs, the artificial immune algorithm (AIS) mimics the principles of the biological immune system, and has exhibited its effectiveness, implicit parallelism, flexibility and applicability when solving various engineering problems. Nevertheless, AIS still suffers from the issues of evolution premature, local minima trapping and slow convergence due to its inherent stochastic search dynamics. Much effort has been made to improve the search performance of AIS from different aspects, such as population diversity maintenance, adaptive parameter control, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-learning operator into the AIS to further enrich the search dynamics of the algorithm. A framework of embedding multiple commonly used mutation operators into the antibody evolution procedure is also established. Four distinct learning operators including baldwinian learning, cauchy mutation, gaussian mutation and lateral mutation are selected to merge together as a multi-learning operator. It can be expected that the multi-learning operator can effectively balance the exploration and exploitation of the search by enriched dynamics. To verify its performance, the proposed algorithm, which is called multi-learning immune algorithm (MLIA), is applied on a number of benchmark functions. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm in terms of convergence speed and solution quality.
Shangce GAO Hongwei DAI Jianchen ZHANG Zheng TANG
Based on the clonal selection principle proposed by Burnet, in the immune response process there is no crossover of genetic material between members of the repertoire, i.e., there is no knowledge communication during different elite pools in the previous clonal selection models. As a result, the search performance of these models is ineffective. To solve this problem, inspired by the concept of the idiotypic network theory, an expanded lateral interactive clonal selection algorithm (LICS) is put forward. In LICS, an antibody is matured not only through the somatic hypermutation and the receptor editing from the B cell, but also through the stimuli from other antibodies. The stimuli is realized by memorizing some common gene segment on the idiotypes, based on which a lateral interactive receptor editing operator is also introduced. Then, LICS is applied to several benchmark instances of the traveling salesman problem. Simulation results show the efficiency and robustness of LICS when compared to other traditional algorithms.
Cong LIU Jianpeng ZHANG Guangming LI Shangce GAO Qingtian ZENG
During the execution of software, tremendous amounts of data can be recorded. By exploiting the execution data, one can discover behavioral models to describe the actual software execution. As a well-known open-source process mining toolkit, ProM integrates quantities of process mining techniques and enjoys a variety of applications in a broad range of areas. How to develop a better ProM software, both from user experience and software performance perspective, are of vital importance. To achieve this goal, we need to investigate the real execution behavior of ProM which can provide useful insights on its usage and how it responds to user operations. This paper aims to propose an effective approach to solve this problem. To this end, we first instrument existing ProM framework to capture execution logs without changing its architecture. Then a two-layered framework is introduced to support accurate ProM behavior discovery by characterizing both user interaction behavior and plug-in calling behavior separately. Next, detailed discovery techniques to obtain user interaction behavior model and plug-in calling behavior model are proposed. All proposed approaches have been implemented.
Shangce GAO Wei WANG Hongwei DAI Fangjia LI Zheng TANG
Both the clonal selection algorithm (CSA) and the ant colony optimization (ACO) are inspired by natural phenomena and are effective tools for solving complex problems. CSA can exploit and explore the solution space parallely and effectively. However, it can not use enough environment feedback information and thus has to do a large redundancy repeat during search. On the other hand, ACO is based on the concept of indirect cooperative foraging process via secreting pheromones. Its positive feedback ability is nice but its convergence speed is slow because of the little initial pheromones. In this paper, we propose a pheromone-linker to combine these two algorithms. The proposed hybrid clonal selection and ant colony optimization (CSA-ACO) reasonably utilizes the superiorities of both algorithms and also overcomes their inherent disadvantages. Simulation results based on the traveling salesman problems have demonstrated the merit of the proposed algorithm over some traditional techniques.
Jiayi LI Lin YANG Junyan YI Haichuan YANG Yuki TODO Shangce GAO
Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is simple and effective. Since DE has been proposed, it has been widely used to solve various complex optimization problems. To further exploit the advantages of DE, we propose a new variant of DE, termed as ranking-based differential evolution (RDE), by performing ranking on the population. Progressively better individuals in the population are used for mutation operation, thus improving the algorithm's exploitation and exploration capability. Experimental results on a number of benchmark optimization functions show that RDE significantly outperforms the original DE and performs competitively in comparison with other two state-of-the-art DE variants.
Qiping CAO Shangce GAO Jianchen ZHANG Zheng TANG Haruhiko KIMURA
In this paper, we propose a stochastic dynamic local search (SDLS) method for Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) learning by introducing stochastic dynamics into the traditional local search method. The proposed learning network maintains some trends of quick descent to either global minimum or a local minimum, and at the same time has some chance of escaping from local minima by permitting temporary error increases during learning. Thus the network may eventually reach the global minimum state or its best approximation with very high probability. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has the superior abilities to find the global minimum for the MVL network learning within reasonable number of iterations.
Junqi ZHANG Lina NI Chen XIE Shangce GAO Zheng TANG
This paper presents an inertial estimator learning automata scheme by which both the short-term and long-term perspectives of the environment can be incorporated in the stochastic estimator – the long term information crystallized in terms of the running reward-probability estimates, and the short term information used by considering whether the most recent response was a reward or a penalty. Thus, when the short-term perspective is considered, the stochastic estimator becomes pertinent in the context of the estimator algorithms. The proposed automata employ an inertial weight estimator as the short-term perspective to achieve a rapid and accurate convergence when operating in stationary random environments. According to the proposed inertial estimator scheme, the estimates of the reward probabilities of actions are affected by the last response from environment. In this way, actions that have gotten the positive response from environment in the short time, have the opportunity to be estimated as “optimal”, to increase their choice probability and consequently, to be selected. The estimates become more reliable and consequently, the automaton rapidly and accurately converges to the optimal action. The asymptotic behavior of the proposed scheme is analyzed and it is proved to be ε-optimal in every stationary random environment. Extensive simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm converges faster than the traditional stochastic-estimator-based S ERI scheme, and the deterministic-estimator-based DGPA and DPRI schemes when operating in stationary random environments.
Baohang ZHANG Haichuan YANG Tao ZHENG Rong-Long WANG Shangce GAO
The equilibrium optimizer (EO) is a novel physics-based meta-heuristic optimization algorithm that is inspired by estimating dynamics and equilibrium states in controlled volume mass balance models. As a stochastic optimization algorithm, EO inevitably produces duplicated solutions, which is wasteful of valuable evaluation opportunities. In addition, an excessive number of duplicated solutions can increase the risk of the algorithm getting trapped in local optima. In this paper, an improved EO algorithm with a bis-population-based non-revisiting (BNR) mechanism is proposed, namely BEO. It aims to eliminate duplicate solutions generated by the population during iterations, thus avoiding wasted evaluation opportunities. Furthermore, when a revisited solution is detected, the BNR mechanism activates its unique archive population learning mechanism to assist the algorithm in generating a high-quality solution using the excellent genes in the historical information, which not only improves the algorithm's population diversity but also helps the algorithm get out of the local optimum dilemma. Experimental findings with the IEEE CEC2017 benchmark demonstrate that the proposed BEO algorithm outperforms other seven representative meta-heuristic optimization techniques, including the original EO algorithm.
Tao ZHENG Han ZHANG Baohang ZHANG Zonghui CAI Kaiyu WANG Yuki TODO Shangce GAO
Many optimisation algorithms improve the algorithm from the perspective of population structure. However, most improvement methods simply add hierarchical structure to the original population structure, which fails to fundamentally change its structure. In this paper, we propose an umbrellalike hierarchical artificial bee colony algorithm (UHABC). For the first time, a historical information layer is added to the artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC), and this information layer is allowed to interact with other layers to generate information. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we compare it with the original artificial bee colony algorithm and five representative meta-heuristic algorithms on the IEEE CEC2017. The experimental results and statistical analysis show that the umbrellalike mechanism effectively improves the performance of ABC.
Shangce GAO Zheng TANG Hongwei DAI Jianchen ZHANG
The clonal selection algorithm (CS), inspired by the basic features of adaptive immune response to antigenic stimulus, can exploit and explore the solution space parallelly and effectively. However, antibody initialization and premature convergence are two problems of CS. To overcome these two problems, we propose a chaotic distance-based clonal selection algorithm (CDCS). In this novel algorithm, we introduce a chaotic initialization mechanism and a distance-based somatic hypermutation to improve the performance of CS. The proposed algorithm is also verified for numerous benchmark traveling salesman problems. Experimental results show that the improved algorithm proposed in this paper provides better performance when compared to other metaheuristics.
Zeyuan JU Zhipeng LIU Yu GAO Haotian LI Qianhang DU Kota YOSHIKAWA Shangce GAO
Medical imaging plays an indispensable role in precise patient diagnosis. The integration of deep learning into medical diagnostics is becoming increasingly common. However, existing deep learning models face performance and efficiency challenges, especially in resource-constrained scenarios. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a novel dendritic neural efficientnet model called DEN, inspired by the function of brain neurons, which efficiently extracts image features and enhances image classification performance. Assessments on a diabetic retinopathy fundus image dataset reveal DEN’s superior performance compared to EfficientNet and other classical neural network models.
Yaotong SONG Zhipeng LIU Zhiming ZHANG Jun TANG Zhenyu LEI Shangce GAO
Deep networks are undergoing rapid development. However, as the depth of networks increases, the issue of how to fuse features from different layers becomes increasingly prominent. To address this challenge, we creatively propose a cross-layer feature fusion module based on neural dendrites, termed dendritic learning-based feature fusion (DFF). Compared to other fusion methods, DFF demonstrates superior biological interpretability due to the nonlinear capabilities of dendritic neurons. By integrating the classic ResNet architecture with DFF, we devise the ResNeFt. Benefiting from the unique structure and nonlinear processing capabilities of dendritic neurons, the fused features of ResNeFt exhibit enhanced representational power. Its effectiveness and superiority have been validated on multiple medical datasets.
Sicheng LIU Kaiyu WANG Haichuan YANG Tao ZHENG Zhenyu LEI Meng JIA Shangce GAO
Wingsuit flying search is a meta-heuristic algorithm that effectively searches for optimal solutions by narrowing down the search space iteratively. However, its performance is affected by the balance between exploration and exploitation. We propose a four-layered hierarchical population structure algorithm, multi-layered chaotic wingsuit flying search (MCWFS), to promote such balance in this paper. The proposed algorithm consists of memory, elite, sub-elite, and population layers. Communication between the memory and elite layers enhances exploration ability while maintaining population diversity. The information flow from the population layer to the elite layer ensures effective exploitation. We evaluate the performance of the proposed MCWFS algorithm by conducting comparative experiments on IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) benchmark functions. Experimental results prove that MCWFS is superior to the original algorithm in terms of solution quality and search performance. Compared with other representative algorithms, MCWFS obtains more competitive results on composite problems and real-world problems.
Shibo DONG Haotian LI Yifei YANG Jiatianyi YU Zhenyu LEI Shangce GAO
The multiple chaos embedded gravitational search algorithm (CGSA-M) is an optimization algorithm that utilizes chaotic graphs and local search methods to find optimal solutions. Despite the enhancements introduced in the CGSA-M algorithm compared to the original GSA, it exhibits a pronounced vulnerability to local optima, impeding its capacity to converge to a globally optimal solution. To alleviate the susceptibility of the algorithm to local optima and achieve a more balanced integration of local and global search strategies, we introduce a novel algorithm derived from CGSA-M, denoted as CGSA-H. The algorithm alters the original population structure by introducing a multi-level information exchange mechanism. This modification aims to mitigate the algorithm’s sensitivity to local optima, consequently enhancing the overall stability of the algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed CGSA-H algorithm is validated using the IEEE CEC2017 benchmark test set, consisting of 29 functions. The results demonstrate that CGSA-H outperforms other algorithms in terms of its capability to search for global optimal solutions.