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[Author] Takashi NOGUCHI(16hit)

  • SIS Junctions for Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Mixers Open Access

    Takashi NOGUCHI  Toyoaki SUZUKI  Tomonori TAMURA  


    E95-C No:3

    We have developed a process for the fabrication of high-quality Nb/AlOx/Nb tunnel junctions with small area and high current densities for the heterodyne mixers at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. Their dc I-V curves are numerically studied, including the broadening of quasiparticle density of states resulting from the existence of an imaginary part of the gap energy of Nb. We have found both experimentally and numerically that the subgap current is strongly dependent on bias voltage at temperatures below 4.2 K unlike the prediction of the BCS tunneling theory. It is shown that calculated dc I-V curves taking into account the complex number of the gap energy agree well with those of Nb/AlOx/Nb junctions measured at temperatures from 0.4 to 4.2 K. We have successfully built receivers at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths with the noise temperature as low as 4 times the quantum photon noise, employing those high-quality Nb/AlOx/Nb junctions. Those low-noise receivers are to be installed in the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array) telescope and they are going into series production now.

  • Low Temperature Poly-Si Thin Film Transistor on Plastic Substrates

    Jang Yeon KWON  Do Young KIM  Hans S. CHO  Kyung Bae PARK  Ji Sim JUNG  Jong Man KIM  Young Soo PARK  Takashi NOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Thin Film Transistors

    E88-C No:4

    Poly-Si TFT (Thin Film transistor) fabricated below 170 using excimer laser crystallization of sputtered Si films was characterized. In particular, a gate insulator with a breakdown field exceeding 8 MV/cm was deposited by using ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition). A buffer layer possessing high thermal conductivity was inserted between the active channel and the plastic substrate, in order to protect the plastic substrate from the thermal energy of the laser and to increase adhesion of Si film on plastic. Using this method, we successfully fabricate TFT with a stable electron field-effect mobility value greater than 14.7 cm2/Vsec.

  • An Application of Laser Annealing Process in Low-Voltage Planar Power MOSFETs

    Yi CHEN  Tatsuya OKADA  Takashi NOGUCHI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E99-C No:5

    An application of laser annealing process, which is used to form the shallow P-type Base junction for 20-V planar power MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors) is proposed. We demonstrated that the fabricated devices integrated with laser annealing process have superior electrical characteristics than those fabricated according to the standard process. Moreover, the threshold voltage variation of the devices applied by the new annealing process is effectively suppressed. This is due to that a uniform impurity distribution at the channel region is achieved by adopting laser annealing. Laser annealing technology can be applied as a reliable, effective, and advantageous process for the low-voltage power MOSFETs.

  • A 385-500 GHz Low Noise Superconductor-Insulator- Superconductor Mixer for ALMA Band 8

    Wenlei SHAN  Shinichiro ASAYAMA  Mamoru KAMIKURA  Takashi NOGUCHI  Shengcai SHI  Yutaro SEKIMOTO  


    E89-C No:2

    We report on the design and experimental results of a fix-tuned Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) mixer for Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) band 8 (385-500 GHz) receivers. Nb-based SIS junctions of a current density of 10 kA/cm2 and one micrometer size (fabricated with a two-step lift-off process) are employed to accomplish the ALMA receiver specification, which requires wide frequency coverage as well as low noise temperature. A parallel-connected twin-junction (PCTJ) is designed to resonate at the band center to tune out the junction geometric capacitance. A waveguide-microstrip probe is optimized to have nearly frequency-independent impedance at the probe's feed point, thereby making it easy to match the low-impedance PCTJ over a wide frequency band. The RF embedding impedance is retrieved by fitting the measured pumped I-V curves to confirm good matching between PCTJ and signal source. We demonstrate here a minimum double-sideband receiver noise temperature of 3 times of quantum limits for an intermediate-frequency range of 4-8 GHz. The mixers were measured in band 8 cartridge with a sideband separation scheme. Single-sideband receiver noise below ALMA specification was achieved over the whole band.

  • Laser Doping for Ultra-Shallow Junctions Monitored by Time Resolved Optical Measurements

    Dominique DEBARRE  Gurwan KERRIEN  Takashi NOGUCHI  Jacques BOULMER  


    E85-C No:5

    Laser induced boron doping of silicon is studied as a function of the laser pulse number and energy density, in a special configuration where the precursor gas (BCl3) is injected and chemisorbed on the Si surface prior to each laser pulse. In-situ optical diagnostics, based on the transient reflectivity at 675 nm, allow to control the evolution of the dopant concentration and of the doped layer thickness during the laser doping process. Samples are characterized by the four-point probe method, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). As the laser pulse number is scanned from 10 to 200 at a constant laser pulse energy, the junction depth increases from 21 to 74 nm while its sheet resistance decreases from 220 to 17 Ω/. Moreover, boron concentrations well above the solubility limit (up to 31021 cm-3 for 200 pulses) and very abrupt box-like dopant profiles are obtained. So, laser doping, in this dopant gas injection configuration, seems to be a very attractive technique to meet the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) requirements for ultra-shallow junctions.

  • Opto-Thermal Analysis of Blue Multi Laser Diode Annealing (BLDA)

    Katsuya SHIRAI  Takashi NOGUCHI  Yoshiaki OGINO  Eiji SAHOTA  


    E93-C No:10

    Opto-Thermal analysis of Semiconductor Blue-Multi-Laser-Diode Annealing (BLDA) for amorphous Si (a-Si) film is conducted by varying the irradiation power, the scanning velocity and the beam shape of blue-laser of 445 nm. Thermal profiles, maximum temperature of the a-Si film and the melting duration are evaluated. By comparing the simulated results with the experimental results, the excellent controllability of BLDA for arbitrary grain size can be explained consistently by the relation between irradiation time and melting duration. The results are useful to estimate poly-crystallized phase such as micro-polycrystalline Si, polycrystalline Si and anisotropic lateral growth of single-crystal-like Si.

  • Parallel Connected Twin SIS Junctions for Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Mixers: Analysis and Experimental Verification

    Takashi NOGUCHI  Sheng-Cai SHI  Junji INATANI  

    INVITED PAPER-Microwave devices

    E78-C No:5

    A Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) mixer using two junctions connected in parallel through a stripline inductance has been studied. The essential point of the two-junctions device is that the capacitance of the junctions was tuned out by the inductance to obtain a broadband operation without mechanical tuning elements. It has been shown by theoretical analysis that the performance of this type of device is excellent and nearly quantum-limited performance of the mixer can be obtained. It has been demonstrated that the double sideband (DSB) noise temperature of a receiver employing this type of device was less than 40 K over the bandwidth of 90-120 GHz and that the lowest receiver noise temperature of 18 K, which is only 3.2 times as large as the quantum limited photon noise was obtained around 118 GHz. Junctions used in the two-junctions device have significantly larger area, i.e. larger capacitance, and smaller normal resistance than conventional ones. In order to obtain a good impedance match between the source and the junctions, an impedance transformer made of a superconductiong stripline was integrated with the junctions. This type of two-junctions device can easily be scaled to submillimeter frequency without using submicron-sized SIS junctions.

  • Development of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector for Cosmological Observations Open Access

    Kenichi KARATSU  Satoru MIMA  Shugo OGURI  Jihoon CHOI  R. M. THUSHARA DAMAYANTHI  Agnes DOMINJON  Noboru FURUKAWA  Hirokazu ISHINO  Hikaru ISHITSUKA  Atsuko KIBAYASHI  Yoshiaki KIBE  Hitoshi KIUCHI  Kensuke KOGA  Masato NARUSE  Tom NITTA  Takashi NOGUCHI  Takashi OKADA  Chiko OTANI  Shigeyuki SEKIGUCHI  Yutaro SEKIMOTO  Masakazu SEKINE  Shibo SHU  Osamu TAJIMA  Kenta TAKAHASHI  Nozomu TOMITA  Hiroki WATANABE  Mitsuhiro YOSHIDA  


    E98-C No:3

    A precise measurement of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) provides us rich information about the universe. In particular, its asymmetric polarization patterns, $B$-modes, are smoking gun signature of inflationary universe. Magnitude of the $B$-modes is order of 10,nK. Its measurement requires a high sensitive millimeter-wave telescope with a large number of superconducting detectors on its focal plane. Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) is appropriate detector for this purpose. MKID camera has been developed in cooperation of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), and Okayama University. Our developments of MKID include: fabrication of high-quality superconducting film; optical components for a camera use; and readout electronics. For performance evaluation of total integrated system of our MKID camera, a calibration system was also developed. The system was incorporated in a 0.1 K dilution refrigerator with modulated polarization source. These developed technologies are applicable to other types of detectors.

  • Low-Noise Superconducting Receivers for Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths

    Sheng-Cai SHI  Takashi NOGUCHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Analog Applications

    E81-C No:10

    Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave low-noise superconducting receivers, such as superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixers, hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixers, and superconducting direct detectors, are addressed in this paper. Some general topics on the development of SIS mixers, including SIS junction and integrated tuning circuitry, mixing circuitry, and mixer-performance simulation, are extensively discussed. A tuneless waveguide SIS mixer developed at Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO) and its performance are presented. The fundamental mechanisms of diffusion- and phonon-cooled HEB mixers and recent advances in HEB mixers are briefly reviewed. Finally, incoherent detectors with superconducting tunnel junctions are discussed. Results for a direct detecting experiment at 500 GHz are given.

  • A 600-700 GHz Resonant Distributed Junction for a Fixed-Tuned Waveguide Receiver

    Teruhiko MATSUNAGA  Cheuk-yu Edward TONG  Raymond BLUNDELL  Takashi NOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Mixers and Detectors

    E85-C No:3

    The non-linear quasiparticle tunnel current flowing in a distributed superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) transmission line resonator has been exploited in a low-noise heterodyne fixed-tuned waveguide receiver in the 600-700 GHz band. The mixer employs two half-wave or full-wave distributed SIS long junctions connected in series. These devices have been fabricated with optical lithography. At 654 GHz, a Y-factor of 1.79 has been recorded, corresponding to a double-side-band (DSB) receiver noise temperature of 198 K at an IF of 3 GHz.

  • Excimer Laser Annealing of PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3 Thin Film at Low Temperature

    Wenxu XIANYU  Hans Se-young CHO  Jang Yeon KWON  Huaxinag YIN  Takashi NOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Electronic Materials

    E89-C No:10

    PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3 (PZT) thin films with high crystallinity and high remanant polarization (Pr) have been fabricated by sol-gel deposition with pulsed excimer (XeCl) laser annealing at low process temperatures. The amorphous PZT films were prepared on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by a sol-gel method. The deposited amorphous PZT films were annealed at 550 for 10 min. to initiate the nucleation of the PZT perovskite phase, and then annealed with an UV pulsed excimer laser (308 nm) heating at 400. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns show that 150-230 mJ/cm2 range multi-shot excimer laser irradiation drastically improved the crystallinity of the PZT perovskite phase. Field emission SEM (FE SEM) image show that the PZT thin film has uniform-sized crystal grains. The ferroelectric properties were found to depend on the laser energy density and shot number.

  • Quasi-Optical SIS Mixers with Nb/AIOx/Nb Tunnel Junctions in the 270-GHz Band

    Yoshinori UZAWA  Akira KAWAKAMI  Zhen WANG  Takashi NOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Analog applications

    E79-C No:9

    A quasi-optical Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) mixer has been designed and tested in the 270-GHz band. The mixer used a substrate-lens-coupled log-periodic antenna and a tuning circuit for RF matching. The antenna is planar and self-complementary, and has a frequency-independent impedance of around 114 Ω over several octaves. The tuning circuit consists of two Nb/AIOx/Nb tunnel junctions separated by inductance for tuning out the junction capacitances and a λ/4 impedance transformer for matching the resistance of the two-junction circuit to the antenna impedance. The IF output from the mixer is brought out in a balanced method at each edge of the antenna, and is coupled to a low noise amplifier through a balun transformer using a 180-degree hybrid coupler for broadband IF matching. Double sideband receiver noise temperatures, determined from experimental Y-factor measurements, are about 150 K across the majority of the desired operating frequency band. The minimum receiver noise temperature of 120 K was measured at 263 GHz, which is as low as that of waveguide receivers. At this frequency, measurement of the noise contribution to the receiver results in input losses of 90 K, mixer noise of 17 K, and multiplied IF noise of 13 K. We found that the major sources of noise in our quasi-optical receiver were the optical losses.

  • An Application of Laser Annealing Process in Low-Voltage Power MOSFETs

    Yi CHEN  Tatsuya OKADA  Takashi NOGUCHI  


    E99-C No:5

    An application of laser annealing process, which is used to form the P-type Base junction for high-performance low-voltage power MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors), is proposed. An equivalent shallow-junction structure for P-Base junction with uniform impurity distribution is achieved by adopting green laser annealing of pulsed mode. Higher impurity activation for the shallow junction has been achieved by the laser annealing of melted phase than by conventional RTA (Rapid Thermal Annealing) of solid phase. The application of the laser annealing technology in the fabrication process of Low-Voltage U-MOSFET is also examined.

  • Cold Cathode with SIS Tunnel Junction

    Tetsuya TAKAMI  Kazuyoshi KOJIMA  Takashi NOGUCHI  Koichi HAMANAKA  

    PAPER-Superconductive Electronics

    E75-C No:5

    The energy distribution and emission efficiency of electrons emitted from a superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junction have been investigated by numerical calculation adopting the free electron model. The emission efficiency of an SIS junction cold cathode was found to be about 0.3% of tunneling current flowing to the SIS junction when the energy gap voltage of superconductor was 20 meV, the work function of counter electrode 1 eV, the bias voltage 0.96 V, the thickness of the counter electrode 100 , the electric field strength between the plate and the counter electrode 106 V/m, and the relaxation time 0.01 ps. It is clear that the SIS junction cold cathode can emit electrons with sharper energy distributions at much the same efficiency as compared with a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) junction cold cathode.

  • Effective Laser Crystallizations of Si Films and the Applications on Panel

    Takashi NOGUCHI  Tatsuya OKADA  


    E97-C No:5

    Excimer laser annealing at 308nm in UV and semiconductor blue laser-diode annealing at 445nm were performed and compared in term of the crystallization depending on electrical properties of Si films. As a result for the thin Si films of 50nm thickness, both lasers are very effective to enlarge the grain size and to activate electrically the dopant atoms in the CVD Si film. Smooth Si surface can be obtained using blue-laser annealing of scanned CW mode. By improving the film quality of amorphous Si deposited by sputtering for subsequent crystallization, both laser annealing techniques are effective for LTPS applications not only on conventional glass but also on flexible sheet. By conducting the latter advanced annealing technique, small grain size as well as large grains can be controlled. As blue laser is effective to crystallize even rather thicker Si films of 1µm, high performance thin-film photo-sensor or photo-voltaic applications are also expected.

  • Low Leakage Current Nb-Based Tunnel Junctions with an Extra Top Al Layer

    Mizuki IKEYA  Takashi NOGUCHI  Takafumi KOJIMA  Takeshi SAKAI  


    E100-C No:3

    In this paper, we describe the fabrication of low leakage Superconductor/Insulator/Superconductor (SIS) junctions with a Nb/Al/AlOx/Al/Nb structure. In other words, an extra Al layer was added onto the top of the insulator in a conventional Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb junction. We measured the current and voltage (IV) characteristics of both the Nb/Al/AlOx/Al/Nb and Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb junctions at the temperature of liquid helium, and found that the sub-gap leakage current in the Nb/Al/AlOx/Al/Nb junctions was much lower than that of the Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb junctions. Our analysis of the IV characteristics indicates that the quality of the AlOx insulator used in the Nb/Al/AlOx/Al/Nb junction was close to ideal, while the insulator used in the Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb junction had possible defects. According to the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) images and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analyses, it was evident that the Nb atoms diffused into the bottom electrode of the Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb junction, while a smaller number diffused into the bottom electrode of the Nb/Al/AlOx/Al/Nb junction. Therefore, we conclude that the extra Al layer effectively acted as a buffer layer that prevented the Nb atoms from diffusing into the insulator and bottom electrode. The presence of the top Al layer is expected to favorably improve the quality of junctions with a very high current density, and support the extension of the RF and IF bandwidths of SIS mixers.

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