Song BIAN Shumpei MORITA Michihiro SHINTANI Hiromitsu AWANO Masayuki HIROMOTO Takashi SATO
As technology further scales semiconductor devices, aging-induced device degradation has become one of the major threats to device reliability. In addition, aging mechanisms like the negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) are known to be sensitive to workload (i.e., signal probability) that is hard to be assumed at design phase. In this work, we analyze the workload dependence of NBTI degradation using a processor, and propose a novel technique to estimate the worst-case paths. In our approach, we exploit the fact that the deterministic nature of circuit structure limits the amount of NBTI degradation on different paths, and propose a two-stage path extraction algorithm to identify the invariant critical paths (ICPs) in the processor. Utilizing these paths, we also propose an optimization technique for the replacement of internal node control logic that mitigates the NBTI degradation in the design. Through numerical experiment on two processor designs, we achieved nearly 300x reduction in the sheer number of paths on both designs. Utilizing the extracted ICPs, we achieved 96x-197x speedup without loss in mitigation gain.
A circuit-aging simulation that efficiently calculates temporal change of rare circuit-failure probability is proposed. While conventional methods required a long computational time due to the necessity of conducting separate calculations of failure probability at each device age, the proposed Monte Carlo based method requires to run only a single set of simulation. By applying the augmented reliability and subset simulation framework, the change of failure probability along the lifetime of the device can be evaluated through the analysis of the Monte Carlo samples. Combined with the two-step sample generation technique, the proposed method reduces the computational time to about 1/6 of that of the conventional method while maintaining a sufficient estimation accuracy.
Hiromitsu AWANO Masayuki HIROMOTO Takashi SATO
An efficient Monte Carlo (MC) method for the calculation of failure probability degradation of an SRAM cell due to negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) is proposed. In the proposed method, a particle filter is utilized to incrementally track temporal performance changes in an SRAM cell. The number of simulations required to obtain stable particle distribution is greatly reduced, by reusing the final distribution of the particles in the last time step as the initial distribution. Combining with the use of a binary classifier, with which an MC sample is quickly judged whether it causes a malfunction of the cell or not, the total number of simulations to capture the temporal change of failure probability is significantly reduced. The proposed method achieves 13.4× speed-up over the state-of-the-art method.
Michihiro SHINTANI Takashi SATO
We propose a novel technique for the estimation of device-parameters suitable for postfabrication performance compensation and adaptive delay testing, which are effective means to improve the yield and reliability of LSIs. The proposed technique is based on Bayes' theorem, in which the device-parameters of a chip, such as the threshold voltage of transistors, are estimated by current signatures obtained in a regular IDDQ testing framework. Neither additional circuit implementation nor additional measurement is required for the purpose of parameter estimation. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed technique can achieve 10-mV accuracy in threshold voltage estimations.
In this paper we study n-input m-output Boolean functions (abbr. (n,m)-functions) with high nonlinearity. First, we present a basic construction method for a balanced (n,m)-function based on a primitive element in GF(2m). With an iterative procedure, we improve some lower bounds of the maximum nonlinearity of balanced (n,m)-functions. The resulting bounds are larger than the maximum nonlinearity achieved by any previous construction method for (n,m)-functions. Finally, our basic method is developed to construct an (n,m)-bent function and discuss its maximum algebraic degree.
Takashi IMAGAWA Hiroshi TSUTSUI Hiroyuki OCHI Takashi SATO
This paper proposes a novel method to determine a priority for applying selective triple modular redundancy (selective TMR) against single event upset (SEU) to achieve cost-effective reliable implementation of application circuits onto coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRAs). The priority is determined by an estimation of the vulnerability of each node in the data flow graph (DFG) of the application circuit. The estimation is based on a weighted sum of the node parameters which characterize impact of the SEU in the node on the output data. This method does not require time-consuming placement-and-routing processes, as well as extensive fault simulations for various triplicating patterns, which allows us to identify the set of nodes to be triplicated for minimizing the vulnerability under given area constraint at the early stage of design flow. Therefore, the proposed method enables us efficient design space exploration of reliability-oriented CGRAs and their applications.
Multimedia Database Systems as the tool to extract and generate additional values from multimedia 'Contents' are discussed in this paper with putting emphasis on the mediator functions between users and contents. Firstly, we discuss about 'what to do' from the view point of four promising contents sources: 'on the network,' 'in the digital broadcasting' 'in the library' and 'in the real world.' From this view pont, four types of multimedia database systems are defined. 'What to do' for each database system is also discussed. Two concrete multimedia database systems with unique mediator functions, stream-type multimedia database platform GOLS and the intelligent access and authoring system using multiple media synchronization are proposed with experimental evaluation results and concrete multimedia database applications.
Shiho HAGIWARA Takashi SATO Kazuya MASU
Circuits utilizing advanced process technologies have to correctly account for device parameter variation to optimize its performance. In this paper, analytical formulas for evaluating path delay variation of Multi-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) circuits are proposed. The proposed formulas express path delay and its variation as functions of process parameters that are determined by fabrication technology (threshold voltage, carrier mobility, etc.) and the circuit parameters that are determined by circuit structure (equivalent load capacitance and the concurrently switching gates). Two procedures to obtain the circuit parameter sets necessary in the calculation of the proposed formulas are also defined. With the proposed formulas, calculation time of a path delay variation becomes three orders faster than that of Monte-Carlo simulation. The proposed formulas are suitably applied for efficient design of MTCMOS circuits considering process variation.
Kenta YAMADA Takashi SATO Shuhei AMAKAWA Noriaki NAKAYAMA Kazuya MASU Shigetaka KUMASHIRO
A compact model is proposed for accurately incorporating effects of STI (shallow trench isolation) stress into post-layout simulation by making layout-dependent corrections to SPICE model parameters. The model takes in-plane (longitudinal and transverse) and normal components of the layout-dependent stress into account, and model formulas are devised from physical considerations. Not only can the model handle the shape of the active-area of any MOSFET conforming to design rules, but also considers distances to neighboring active-areas. Extraction of geometrical parameters from the layout can be performed by standard LVS (layout versus schematic) tools, and the corrections can subsequently be back-annotated into the netlist. The paper spells out the complete formulation by presenting expressions for the mobility and the threshold voltage explicitly by way of example. The model is amply validated by comparisons with experimental data from 90 nm- and 65 nm-CMOS technologies having the channel orientations of, respectively, <110> and <100>, both on a (100) surface. The worst-case standard errors turn out to be as small as 1.7% for the saturation current and 8 mV for the threshold voltage, as opposed to 20% and 50 mV without the model. Since device characteristics variations due to STI stress constitute a significant part of what have conventionally been treated as random variations, use of the proposed model could enable one to greatly narrow the guardbands required to guarantee a desired yield, thereby facilitating design closure.
Koutaro HACHIYA Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI Takaaki OKUMURA Takashi SATO Hiroki OKA
A method to derive design rules for SSO (Simultaneous Switching Outputs) considering jitter constraint on LSI outputs is proposed. Since conventional design rules do not consider delay change caused by SSO, timing errors have sometimes occurred in output signals especially for a high-speed memory interface which allows very small jitter. A design rule derived by the proposed method includes delay change characteristics of output buffers to consider the jitter constraint. The rule also gives mapping from the jitter constraint to constraint on design parameters such as effective power/ground inductance, number of SSO and drivability of buffers.
Satoshi YAMAMORI Masayuki HIROMOTO Takashi SATO
We propose an efficient training method for memristor neural networks. The proposed method is suitable for the mini-batch-based training, which is a common technique for various neural networks. By integrating the two processes of gradient calculation in the backpropagation algorithm and weight update in the write operation to the memristors, the proposed method accelerates the training process and also eliminates the external computing resources required in the existing method, such as multipliers and memories. Through numerical experiments, we demonstrated that the proposed method achieves twice faster convergence of the training process than the existing method, while retaining the same level of the accuracy for the classification results.
We analyze the security of iterated 2m-bit hash functions with rate 1 whose round functions use a block cipher with an m-bit input (output) and a 2m-bit key. We first show a preimage attack with O(2m) complexity on Yi and Lam's hash function of this type. This means that their claim is wrong and it is less secure than MDC-2. Next, it is shown that a very wide class of such functions is also less secure than MDC-2. More precisely, we prove that there exist a preimage attack and a 2nd preimage attack with O(2m) complexity and a collision attack with O(23m/4) complexity, respectively. Finally, we suggest a class of hash functions with a 2m-bit hashed value which seem to be as secure as MDC-2.
Takashi SATO Junji ICHIMIYA Nobuto ONO Masanori HASHIMOTO
In this paper, we propose a methodology for calculating on-chip temperature gradient and leakage power distributions. It considers the interdependence between leakage power and local temperature using a general circuit simulator as a differential equation solver. The proposed methodology can be utilized in the early stages of the design cycle as well as in the final verification phase. Simulation results proved that consideration of the temperature dependence of the leakage power is critically important for achieving reliable physical designs since the conventional temperature analysis that ignores the interdependence underestimates leakage power considerably and may overlook potential thermal runaway.
Shuhui HOU Tetsutaro UEHARA Takashi SATOH Yoshitaka MORIMURA Michihiko MINOH
In recent years, with the rapid growth of the Internet as well as the increasing demand for broadband services, live pay-television broadcasting via the Internet has become a promising business. To get this implemented, it is necessary to protect distributed contents from illegal copying and redistributing after they are accessed. Fingerprinting system is a useful tool for it. This paper shows that the anti-collusion code has advantages over other existing fingerprinting codes in terms of efficiency and effectivity for live pay-television broadcasting. Next, this paper presents how to achieve efficient and effective anti-collusion codes based on unital and affine plane, which are two known examples of balanced incomplete block design (BIBD). Meanwhile, performance evaluations of anti-collusion codes generated from unital and affine plane are conducted. Their practical explicit constructions are given last.
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI Nobuto ONO Takashi SATO Jiro IWAI Hidenari NAKASHIMA Takaaki OKUMURA Masanori HASHIMOTO
With the recent advance of process technology shrinking, process parameter variation has become one of the major issues in SoC designs, especially for timing convergence. Recently, Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) has been proposed as a promising solution to consider the process parameter variation but it has not been widely used yet. For estimating the delay yield, designers have to know and understand the accuracy of SSTA. However, the accuracy has not been thoroughly studied from a practical point of view. This paper proposes two metrics to measure the pessimism/optimism of SSTA; the first corresponds to yield estimation error, and the second examines delay estimation error. We apply the metrics for a problem which has been widely discussed in SSTA community, that is, normal-distribution approximation of max operation. We also apply the proposed metrics for benchmark circuits and discuss about a potential problem originating from normal-distribution approximation. Our metrics indicate that the appropriateness of the approximation depends on not only given input distributions but also the target yield of the product, which is an important message for SSTA users.
Song BIAN Masayuki HIROMOTO Takashi SATO
In this work, we provide the first practical secure email filtering scheme based on homomorphic encryption. Specifically, we construct a secure naïve Bayesian filter (SNBF) using the Paillier scheme, a partially homomorphic encryption (PHE) scheme. We first show that SNBF can be implemented with only the additive homomorphism, thus eliminating the need to employ expensive fully homomorphic schemes. In addition, the design space for specialized hardware architecture realizing SNBF is explored. We utilize a recursive Karatsuba Montgomery structure to accelerate the homomorphic operations, where multiplication of 2048-bit integers are carried out. Through the experiment, both software and hardware versions of the SNBF are implemented. On software, 104-105x runtime and 103x storage reduction are achieved by SNBF, when compared to existing fully homomorphic approaches. By instantiating the designed hardware for SNBF, a further 33x runtime and 1919x power reduction are achieved. The proposed hardware implementation classifies an average-length email in under 0.5s, which is much more practical than existing solutions.
Shiho HAGIWARA Takumi UEZONO Takashi SATO Kazuya MASU
Stochastic approaches for effective power distribution network optimization are proposed. Considering node voltages obtained using dynamic voltage drop analysis as sample variables, multi-variate regression is conducted to optimize clock timing metrics, such as clock skew or jitter. Aggregate correlation coefficient (ACC) which quantifies connectivity between different chip regions is defined in order to find a possible insufficiency in wire connections of a power distribution network. Based on the ACC, we also propose a procedure using linear regression to find the most effective region for improving clock timing metrics. By using the proposed procedure, effective fixing point were obtained two orders faster than by using brute force circuit simulation.
Takashi SATO Masanori HASHIMOTO Hidetoshi ONODERA
An efficient pad assignment methodology to minimize voltage drop on a power distribution network is proposed. A combination of successive pad assignment (SPA) with incremental matrix inversion (IMI) determines both location and number of power supply pads to satisfy drop voltage constraint. The SPA creates an equivalent resistance matrix which preserves both pad candidates and power consumption points as external ports so that topological modification due to connection or disconnection between voltage sources and candidate pads is consistently represented. By reusing sub-matrices of the equivalent matrix, the SPA greedily searches the next pad location that minimizes the worst drop voltage. Each time a candidate pad is added, the IMI reduces computational complexity significantly. Experimental results including a 400 pad problem show that the proposed procedures efficiently enumerate pad order in a practical time.
Hidenori GYOTEN Masayuki HIROMOTO Takashi SATO
An area-efficient FPGA-based annealing processor that is based on Ising model is proposed. The proposed processor eliminates random number generators (RNGs) and temperature schedulers, which are the key components in the conventional annealing processors and occupying a large portion of the design. Instead, a shift-register-based spin flipping scheme successfully helps the Ising model from stucking in the local optimum solutions. An FPGA implementation and software-based evaluation on max-cut problems of 2D-grid torus structure demonstrate that our annealing processor solves the problems 10-104 times faster than conventional optimization algorithms to obtain the solution of equal accuracy.
Song BIAN Michihiro SHINTANI Masayuki HIROMOTO Takashi SATO
As technology further scales semiconductor devices, aging-induced device degradation has become one of the major threats to device reliability. Hence, taking aging-induced degradation into account during the design phase can greatly improve the reliability of the manufactured devices. However, accurately estimating the aging effect for extremely large circuits, like processors, is time-consuming. In this research, we focus on the negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) as the aging-induced degradation mechanism, and propose a fast and efficient way of estimating NBTI-induced delay degradation by utilizing static-timing analysis (STA) and simulation-based lookup table (LUT). We modeled each type of gates at different degradation levels, load capacitances and input slews. Using these gate-delay models, path delays of arbitrary circuits can be efficiently estimated. With a typical five-stage pipelined processor as the design target, by comparing the calculated delay from LUT with the reference delay calculated by a commercial circuit simulator, we achieved 4114 times speedup within 5.6% delay error.