1-2hit |
Lianqiang LI Jie ZHU Ming-Ting SUN
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) usually have millions or even billions of parameters, which make them hard to be deployed into mobile devices. In this work, we present a novel filter-level pruning method to alleviate this issue. More concretely, we first construct an undirected fully connected graph to represent a pre-trained CNN model. Then, we employ the spectral clustering algorithm to divide the graph into some subgraphs, which is equivalent to clustering the similar filters of the CNN into the same groups. After gaining the grouping relationships among the filters, we finally keep one filter for one group and retrain the pruned model. Compared with previous pruning methods that identify the redundant filters by heuristic ways, the proposed method can select the pruning candidates more reasonably and precisely. Experimental results also show that our proposed pruning method has significant improvements over the state-of-the-arts.
Huafei WANG Xianpeng WANG Xiang LAN Ting SU
Using deep learning (DL) to achieve direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is an open and meaningful exploration. Existing DL-based methods achieve DOA estimation by spectrum regression or multi-label classification task. While, both of them face the problem of off-grid errors. In this paper, we proposed a cascaded deep neural network (DNN) framework named as off-grid network (OGNet) to provide accurate DOA estimation in the case of off-grid. The OGNet is composed of an autoencoder consisted by fully connected (FC) layers and a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) with 2-dimensional convolutional layers. In the proposed OGNet, the off-grid error is modeled into labels to achieve off-grid DOA estimation based on its sparsity. As compared to the state-of-the-art grid-based methods, the OGNet shows advantages in terms of precision and resolution. The effectiveness and superiority of the OGNet are demonstrated by extensive simulation experiments in different experimental conditions.