1-2hit |
Mutsumi HOSOYA Willy HIOE Shin'ya KOMINAMI Hideyuki NAGAISHI Toshikazu NISHINO
This paper introduces a proto-type model of a superconducting packet switch which is composed of an input buffer, a contention solver, and a distribution network. The contention solver checks for contention by comparing packet addresses while sorting the packets. The input buffer is used for waiting when contention occurs. The distribution network distributes packets which are guaranteed to be contention-free by the contention solver. The design of the proto-type has been completed and the operation has been numerically simulated and confirmed. The elementary circuits of the input buffer, the contention solver, and the distribution network are fabricated by standard Nb tri-layer process and the correct operations are confirmed.
Eriko TAKEDA Toshikazu NISHINO Kazumasa TAKAGI
The relationship between the flux-trapping phenomenon and the device-structure of a SQUID has been studied using three types of SQUIDs; a SQUID with a guard-ring, a SQUID with a moat, and a SQUID without these structures. The change in the voltage-flux characteristics of the SQUIDs due to the flux-trapping are measured. For the measurements, an acceleration of the flux-trapping is realized by applying a magnetic field during cooling of the SQUIDs. From the measured results, the SQUID with the guard-ring and that with the moat can reject tha external magnetic field more effectively than the SQUID without these structures. The reason of the difference in the rejection of the external magnetic field is thought to be the existence of superconducting closed loops. However, the flux-trapping of the SQUID with the guard-ring and that with the moat occur more easily than the flux-trapping of the SQUID without these structures for the cooling under the finite magnetic field. Therefore, the moat structure and the guard-ring structure need a higher-grade magnetic shielding for a practical use.