1-2hit |
Hiroyuki EBARA Yasutomo ABE Daisuke IKEDA Tomoya TSUTSUI Kazuya SAKAI Akiko NAKANIWA Hiromi OKADA
Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) are highly advanced architectures for networks on the Internet, providing low latency, scalability, fault tolerance, and load balancing. One of the most important issues to realize these advantages of CDNs is dynamic content allocation to deal with temporal load fluctuation, which provides mirroring of content files in order to distribute user accesses. Since user accesses for content files change over time, the content files need to be reallocated appropriately. In this paper, we propose a cost-effective content migration method called the Step-by-Step (SxS) Migration Algorithm for CDNs, which can dynamically relocate content files while reducing transmission cost. We show that our method maintains sufficient performance while reducing cost in comparison to the conventional shortest-path migration method. Furthermore, we present six life cycle models of content to consider realistic traffic patterns in our simulation experiments. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of our SxS Migration Algorithm for dynamic content reconfiguration across time.
Mirroring of network servers has been considered to be effective for load balancing. However, the cost of setting up new mirror servers is enormously high. In this paper, we propose a dynamic file allocation model with a simple mirroring function for handling significant changes of network traffic in the Internet. According to the load fluctuation, we can dynamically reallocate files using this model. We show that our model accomplishes satisfactory performance and reduces cost by adding a simple mirroring function to all existent servers instead of setting up mirror servers afresh.