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[Keyword] DQPSK(12hit)

  • Asymptotic Error Probability Analysis of DQPSK/DDQPSK over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    Hoojin LEE  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E99-B No:1

    In this paper, we derive two simple asymptotic closed-form formulas for the average bit error probability (BEP) of differential quaternary phase shift keying (DQPSK) with Gray encoding and a simple asymptotic approximation for the average symbol error probability (SEP) of doubly-differential quaternary phase shift keying (DDQPSK) in Nakagami-m fading channels. Compared with the existing BEP/SEP expressions, the derived concise formulas are much more effective in evaluating the asymptotic properties of DQPSK/DDQPSK with various Nakagami fading parameters, the accuracy of which is verified by extensive numerical results.

  • Performance Improvement by Local Frequency Offset Spatial Diversity Reception with π/4-DQPSK in Implant Body Area Networks

    Daisuke ANZAI  Takashi KOYA  Jingjing SHI  Jianqing WANG  


    E97-B No:3

    Space diversity reception is well known as a technique that can improve the performance of wireless communication systems without any temporal and spectral resource expansion. Implant body area networks (BANs) require high-speed transmission and low energy consumption. Therefore, applying spatial diversity reception to implant BANs can be expected to fulfill these requirements. For this purpose, this paper presents a local frequency offset diversity system with π/4-differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) for implant BANs that offer improved communication performance with a simpler receiver structure, and evaluates the proposal's bit error rate (BER) performance by theoretical analysis. In the theoretical analysis, it is difficult to analytically derive the probability density function (pdf) on the combined signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) at the local offset frequency diversity receiver output. Therefore, this paper adopts the moment generating function approximation method and demonstrates that the resulting theoretical analyses yield performances that basically match the results of computer simulations. We first confirm that the local frequency offset diversity reception can effectively improve the communication performance of implant BANs. Next, we perform an analysis of a realistic communication performance, namely, a link budget analysis based on derived BER performance and evaluate the link parameters including system margin, maximum link distance and required transmit power. These analyses demonstrate that the local frequency offset diversity system can realize a reliable communication link in a realistic implant BAN scenario.

  • Effects of Preamplifier Nonlinearity on PMD Equalization with Electronic Dispersion Compensation for 43G DQPSK

    Toshihiro ITOH  Tomofumi FURUTA  Hiroyuki FUKUYAMA  Koichi MURATA  


    E94-C No:7

    We study effects of preamplifier nonlinearity on polarization mode dispersion (PMD) equalization performance of feed-forward equalizer (FFE) electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) IC. We have shown that a nonlinear limiting amplifier can be used as a preamplifier for FFE EDC IC for a 6-dB dynamic range.

  • Compact and Athermal DQPSK Demodulator with Silica-Based Planar Lightwave Circuit Open Access

    Yusuke NASU  Yohei SAKAMAKI  Kuninori HATTORI  Shin KAMEI  Toshikazu HASHIMOTO  Takashi SAIDA  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Yasuyuki INOUE  


    E93-C No:7

    We present a full description of a polarization-independent athermal differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) demodulator that employs silica-based planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology. Silica-based PLC DQPSK demodulator has good characteristics including low polarization dependence, mass producibility, etc. However delay line interferometer (DLI) of demodulator had the large temperature dependence of its optical characteristics, so it required large power consumption to stabilize the chip temperature by the thermo-electric cooler (TEC). We previously made a quick report about an athermal DLI to reduce a power consumption by removing the TEC. In this paper, we focus on the details of the design and the fabrication method we used to achieve the athermal characteristics, and we describe the thermal stability of the signal demodulation and the reliability of our demodulator. We described two athermalization methods; the athermalization of the transmission spectrum and the athermalization of the polarization property. These methods were successfully demonstrated with keeping a high extinction ratio and a small footprint by introducing a novel interwoven DLI configuration. This configuration can also limit the degradation of the polarization dependent phase shift (PDf) to less than 1/10 that with the conventional configuration when the phase shifters on the waveguide are driven. We used our demodulator and examined its demodulation performance for a 43 Gbit/s DQPSK signal. We also verified its long-term reliability and thermal stability against the rapid temperature change. As a result, we confirmed that our athermal demodulator performed sufficiently well for use in DQPSK systems.

  • Study of a PMD Tolerance Extension by InP HBT Analog EDC IC without Adaptive Control in 43G DQPSK Transmission

    Toshihiro ITOH  Kimikazu SANO  Hiroyuki FUKUYAMA  Koichi MURATA  

    PAPER-Compound Semiconductor Devices

    E93-C No:5

    We experimentally studied the polarization mode dispersion (PMD) tolerance of an feed-forward equalizer (FFE) electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) IC in the absence of adaptive control, in 43-Gbit/s RZ-DQPSK transmission. Using a 3-tap FFE IC composed of InP HBTs, differential group delay (DGD) tolerance at a 2-dB Q penalty is shown to be extended from 25 ps to up to 29 ps. When a polarization scrambler is used, the tolerance is further extended to 31 ps. This value is close to the tolerance obtained with adaptive control, without a polarization scrambler.

  • All-Optical Phase Multiplexing from π/2-Shifted DPSK-WDM to DQPSK Using Four-Wave Mixing in Highly-Nonlinear Fiber

    Guo-Wei LU  Kazi Sarwar ABEDIN  Tetsuya MIYAZAKI  


    E91-C No:7

    An all-optical phase multiplexing scheme for phase-modulated signals is proposed and experimentally demonstrated using four-wave mixing (FWM) in a highly-nonlinear fiber (HNLF). Two 10-Gb/s π/2-shifted differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) signals are experimentally demonstrated to be converted and phase-multiplexed into a 20-Gb/s differential quadrature phase-shift keying (DQPSK) signal with non-return-to-zero (NRZ) and return-to-zero (RZ) formats, respectively. Experimental results show that, due to phase-modulation-depth doubling effect and phase multiplexing effect in the FWM process, a DQPSK signal is successfully generated through the proposed all-optical phase multiplexing with improved receiver sensitivity and spectral efficiency.

  • A Dual-Mode Bluetooth Transceiver with a Two-Point-Modulated Polar-Loop Transmitter and a Frequency-Offset-Compensated Receiver

    Takashi OSHIMA  Masaru KOKUBO  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E90-A No:8

    An entire dual-mode transceiver capable of both the conventional GFSK-modulated Bluetooth and the Medium-Rate π/4-DQPSK-modulated Bluetooth has been investigated and reported. The transmitter introduces a novel two-point-modulated polar-loop technique without the global feedback to realize reduced power consumption, small chip area and also high modulation accuracy. The receiver shares all the circuits for both operating modes except the demodulators and also features a newly-proposed cancellation technique of the carrier-frequency offset. The transceiver has been confirmed by system or circuit simulations to meet all the dual-mode Bluetooth specifications. The simulation results show that the transmitting power can be larger than 10 dBm while achieving the total power efficiency above 30% and also RMS DEVM of 0.050. It was also confirmed by simulation that the receiver is expected to attain the sensitivity of -85 dBm in both modes while satisfying the image-rejection and the blocker-suppression specifications. The proposed transceiver will provide a low-cost, low-power single-chip RF-IC solution for the next-generation Bluetooth communication.

  • Design and Analysis of the ZFE MUD Receiver for DS-SS Microphone System in 2.4 GHz ISM Band

    Chang-Seok LEE  Jung-Gon KIM  Jae-Hyung KIM  Kyun-Hyon TCHAH  


    E87-A No:10

    In this paper, we consider a direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) microphone system in 2.4 GHz ISM band under indoor environments. It can be modeled as the asynchronous DS-CDMA system in which multiple transmitters share a common channel to transmit information to a single receiver. However, this system has the two critical defects, one is that many burst errors are occurred because of the long-term deep fade in an indoor channel, and the other is that power control is impossible due to the unidirectional structure. Since the reliable performance of DS-CDMA systems can be guaranteed under a reliable bit error rate performance and perfect power control, the solution to these problems is imperative. Hence, in order to overcome these problems, we propose a zero forcing equalizer (ZFE) based multi-user detection (MUD) receiver for this system, since an MUD receiver doesn't require rigorous power control and is able to remove multiple access interference using linear equalization. We derive the modeling and the tap coefficients of the proposed ZFE, and also analyze the performance of the proposed receiver. Based on the performance comparison with the conventional receivers, such as single user detection and post-detection combining diversity receivers, it is shown that the proposed receiver can achieve a lower bit error rate performance.

  • New DQPSK Simultaneous Carrier and Bit-Timing Recovery Coherent Demodulator for Wireless Broadband Communication Systems

    Yoichi MATSUMOTO  Takeyuki NAGURA  Masahiro UMEHIRA  


    E80-B No:8

    This paper proposes a differentially-coded-quadrature-phase-shift-keying (DQPSK) coherent demodulator using a new simultaneous carrier and bit-timing recovery scheme (SCBR). The new DQPSK SCBR (DSCBR) scheme works with a frequently used preamble, whose baseband signal alternates between two diagonal decision points, for example, a repeated bit-series of "1001." With the DSCBR scheme, the proposed demodulator achieves a significantly agile carrier and bit-timing recovery using an open-loop approach with a one-part preamble. To illustrate this, a preamble of 8 symbols is applicable with the Eb/No degradation from the theory over AWGN of 0.2 dB. It is also shown that the proposed demodulator achieves an improvement in the required Eb/No of more than 2 dB over differential detection over Ricean fading communication channels. The channels are modeled for wireless broadband communication systems with directional antennas or line of sight (LOS) paths. This paper concludes that the proposed demodulator is a strong candidate for receivers in wireles broadband communication systems.

  • A Low Distortion and High Efficiency Paralleled Power Amplifier without an Isolator in Wide Range of Load Impedances

    Hikaru IKEDA  Hiroaki KOSUGI  Tomoki UWANO  


    E80-C No:6

    Characteristics of a distortion, gain and efficiency of a power amplifier grow worse extremely by different phases of the load reflection coefficient when load impedances of the power amplifier are far from 50 Ω. It was found that the value of the distortion, gain and efficiency showed the tradeoff behavior when the phase of the reflection coefficient was different in 180 degrees. Therefore we have proposed new two- and four-parallel unit power amplifiers combined in 90 degree and 45 degree different phases each in order to accomplish low distortion and high efficiency in wide range of load impedances without an isolator. We studied the power amplifiers by simulation based on experiments and realized an amplifier in that adjacent channel leakage power of π/4-DQPSK modulation (for Japan's digital cellular system) is less than -45 dBc and efficiency is over 45% in range of load VSWR less than 3.

  • Transmission Characteristics of DQPSK-OFDM for Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting Systems

    Masafumi SAITO  Shigeki MORIYAMA  Shunji NAKAHARA  Kenichi TSUCHIDA  


    E77-B No:12

    OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is a useful digital modulation method for terrestrial digital broadcasting systems, both for digital TV broadcasting and digital audio broadcasting. OFDM is a kind of multicarrier modulation and shows excellent performance especially in multipath environments and in mobile reception. Other advantages are its resistance to interference signals and its suitability for digital signal processing. When each carrier of the OFDM signal is modulated with DQPSK, we call it DQPSK-OFDM. DQPSK-OFDM is a basic OFDM system, which is especially suitable for mobile reception. This paper describes how a DQPSK-OFDM system works and shows several experimental and simulation results. The experimental results mainly concern the performance of the DQPSK-OFDM system relative to various disturbances such as multipath (ghost) signals, nonlinearity of the channel, and interference from analog signals. The transmission characteristics of DQPSK-OFDM are investigated and the basic criteria for the system design of DQPSK-OFDM are discussed.

  • Closed-Form Error Probability Formula for Narrowband DQPSK in Slow Rayleigh Fading and Gaussian Noise

    Chun Sum NG  Francois P.S. CHIN  Tjeng Thiang TJUNG  Kin Mun LYE  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E75-B No:5

    A new error rate formula for narrowband Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keyed system in a Rayleigh fading channel is obtained in closed-form. The formula predicts a non-zero error probability for noiseless reception. As predicted, the computed error rates approach some constant or floor values as the signal-to-noise ratio is increased beyond a certain limit. In the presence of various Doppler frequency shifts, an IF filter bandwidth of about one times the symbol rate is found to lead to a minimum error probability prior to the appearence of the error rate floor.

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