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[Keyword] HDR image(10hit)

  • Hue-Correction Scheme Considering Non-Linear Camera Response for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion

    Kouki SEO  Chihiro GO  Yuma KINOSHITA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E103-A No:12

    We propose a novel hue-correction scheme for multi-exposure image fusion (MEF). Various MEF methods have so far been studied to generate higher-quality images. However, there are few MEF methods considering hue distortion unlike other fields of image processing, due to a lack of a reference image that has correct hue. In the proposed scheme, we generate an HDR image as a reference for hue correction, from input multi-exposure images. After that, hue distortion in images fused by an MEF method is removed by using hue information of the HDR one, on the basis of the constant-hue plane in the RGB color space. In simulations, the proposed scheme is demonstrated to be effective to correct hue-distortion caused by conventional MEF methods. Experimental results also show that the proposed scheme can generate high-quality images, regardless of exposure conditions of input multi-exposure images.

  • A New Four-Channel Format for Encoding of HDR Images

    Fidaa ABED  Ishtiaq Rasool KHAN  Susanto RAHARDJA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:2

    High dynamic range (HDR) images contain more details of the scene as compared to commonly used low dynamic range (LDR) images. The additional information in the HDR images is important for applications such as high-quality graphics rendering, sensing, scene analysis, and surveillance etc. Moreover, HDR images would provide better visualization experience on HDR displays, which might become more common in near future. Therefore, it is important to encode the entire dynamic range of the HDR images. In this paper, a new lossless, four-channel, eight bits per channel, format for encoding floating-point HDR images is proposed. The format is similar to the well-known RGBE format but constructs the E channel differently for better accuracy. Experimental results show that our technique could reduce the rounding error of the RGBE by more than 88%. In addition, there was a reduction of 44.3% in average error for all 33 images in the database used for this study.

  • Two-Layer Lossless Coding for High Dynamic Range Images Based on Range Compression and Adaptive Inverse Tone-Mapping

    Taichi YOSHIDA  Masahiro IWAHASHI  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose a 2-layer lossless coding method for high dynamic range (HDR) images based on range compression and adaptive inverse tone-mapping. Recently, HDR images, which have a wider range of luminance than conventional low dynamic range (LDR) ones, have been frequently used in various fields. Since commonly used devices cannot yet display HDR images, 2-layer coding methods that decode not only HDR images but also their LDR versions have been proposed. We have previously proposed a state-of-the-art 2-layer lossless coding method for HDR images that unfortunately has huge HDR file size. Hence, we introduce two ideas to reduce the HDR file size to less than that of the previous method. The proposed method achieves high compression ratio and experiments show that it outperforms the previous method and other conventional methods.

  • Fast Inverse Tone Mapping Based on Reinhard's Global Operator with Estimated Parameters

    Yuma KINOSHITA  Sayaka SHIOTA  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E100-A No:11

    This paper proposes a new inverse tone mapping operator (TMO) with estimated parameters. The proposed inverse TMO is based on Reinhard's global operator which is a well-known TMO. Inverse TM operations have two applications: generating an HDR image from an existing LDR one, and reconstructing an original HDR image from the mapped LDR image. The proposed one can be applied to both applications. In the latter application, two parameters used in Reinhard's TMO, i.e. the key value α regarding brightness of a mapped LDR one and the geometric mean $overline{L}_w$ of an original HDR one, are generally required for carrying out the Reinhard based inverse TMO. In this paper, we show that it is possible to estimate $overline{L}_w$ from α under some conditions, while α can be also estimated from $overline{L}_w$, so that a new inverse TMO with estimated parameter is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms conventional ones for both applications, in terms of high structural similarities and low computational costs.

  • Enhanced Depiction of High Dynamic Images Using Tone Mapping Operator and Chromatic Adaptation Transform

    Ho-Hyoung CHOI  Byoung-Ju YUN  


    E100-C No:11

    The problem of reproducing high dynamic range (HDR) images on devices with a restricted dynamic range has gained a lot of interest in the computer graphics community. Various approaches to this issue exist, spanning several research areas, including computer graphics, image processing, color vision, and physiology. However, most of the approaches to the issue have several serious well-known color distortion problems. Accordingly, this article presents a tone-mapping method. The proposed method comprises the tone-mapping operator and the chromatic adaptation transform. The tone-mapping method is combined with linear and non-linear mapping using visual gamma based on contrast sensitive function (CSF) and using key of scene value, where the visual gamma is adopted to automatically control the dynamic range, parameter free, as well as to avoid both the luminance shift and the hue shift in the displayed images. Furthermore, the key of scene value is used to represent whether the scene was subjectively light, norm, dark. The resulting image is then processed through a chromatic adaptation transform and emphasis lies in human visual perception (HVP). The experiment results show that the proposed method yields better performance of the color rendering over the conventional method in subjective and quantitative quality and color reproduction.

  • An Remapping Operation without Tone Mapping Parameters for HDR Images

    Yuma KINOSHITA  Sayaka SHIOTA  Masahiro IWAHASHI  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E99-A No:11

    A number of successful tone mapping operators (TMOs) for contrast compression have been proposed due to the need to visualize high dynamic range (HDR) images on low dynamic range devices. This paper proposes a novel inverse tone mapping (TM) operation and a new remapping framework with the operation. Existing inverse TM operations require either the store of some parameters calculated in forward TM, or data-depended operations. The proposed inverse TM operation enables to estimate HDR images from LDR ones mapped by the Reinhard's global operator, not only without keeping any parameters but also without any data-depended calculation. The proposed remapping framework with the inverse operation consists of two TM operations. The first TM operation is carried out by the Reinhard's global operator, and then the generated LDR one is stored. When we want different quality LDR ones, the proposed inverse TM operation is applied to the stored LDR one to generate an HDR one, and the second TM operation is applied to the HDR one to generate an LDR one with desirable quality, by using an arbitrary TMO. This framework allows not only to visualize an HDR image on low dynamic range devices at low computing cost, but also to efficiently store an HDR one as an LDR one. In simulations, it is shown that the proposed inverse TM operation has low computational cost, compared to the conventional ones. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the proposed framework allows to remap the stored LDR one to another LDR one whose quality is the same as that of the LDR one remapped by the conventional inverse TMO with parameters.

  • Compatible Color Adjustment for Preserving Chromatic Adapted Color in HDR Image Rendering

    Seok-Min CHAE  Sung-Hak LEE  Kyu-Ik SOHNG  


    E96-C No:11

    The iCAM06 has been used as an image appearance model for HDR image rendering. iCAM06 goes through the color space conversions of the several steps to present HDR images. The dynamic range of a HDR image needs to be mapped onto the range of output devices, which is called the tone mapping. However, tone compression process of iCAM06 causes white point shift and color distortion because of color-clipping and cross-stimulus. Therefore, we proposed a modified white-balanced method in low-chromatic region and a color adjustment method in IPT space to compensate the color distortion during in tone compression process. Through the experimental results, we confirmed the proposed compatible color adjustment method had better performance than iCAM06 and enhanced models.

  • Separate Color Correction for Tone Compression in HDR Image Rendering

    Hwi-Gang KIM  Sung-Hak LEE  


    E96-A No:8

    Many High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) rendering techniques have been developed. Of these, the image color appearance model, iCAM, is a typical HDR image rendering algorithm. HDR rendering methods normally require a tone compression process and include many color space transformations from the RGB signal of an input image to the RGB signal of output devices for the realistic depiction of a captured image. The iCAM06, which is a refined iCAM, also contains a tone compression step and several color space conversions for HDR image reproduction. On the other hand, the tone compression and frequent color space changes in the iCAM06 cause color distortion, such as a hue shift and saturation reduction of the output image. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a separate color correction method that has no effect on the output luminance values by controlling only the saturation and hue of the color attributes. The color saturation of the output image was compensated for using the compensation gain and the hue shift was corrected using the rotation matrix. The separate color correction method reduces the existing color changes in iCAM06. The compensation gain and rotation matrix for the color correction were formulated based on the relationship between the input and output tristimulus values through the tone compression. The experimental results show that the revised iCAM06 with the proposed method has better performance than the default iCAM06.

  • Watermarking for HDR Image Robust to Tone Mapping

    Xinwei XUE  Takao JINNO  Xin JIN  Masahiro OKUDA  Satoshi GOTO  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E94-A No:11

    High Dynamic Range (HDR) images have been widely applied in daily applications. However, HDR image is a special format, which needs to be pre-processed known as tone mapping operators for display. Since the visual quality of HDR images is very sensitive to luminance value variations, conventional watermarking methods for low dynamic range (LDR) images are not suitable and may even cause catastrophic visible distortion. Currently, few methods for HDR image watermarking are proposed. In this paper, two watermarking schemes targeting HDR images are proposed, which are based on µ-Law and bilateral filtering, respectively. Both of the subjective and objective qualities of watermarked images are greatly improved by the two methods. What's more, these proposed methods also show higher robustness against tone mapping operations.

  • A Luminance-Adaptive Parameter of Nonlinear Tone Compression for HDR Color Reproduction

    Jae-Hoon JANG  Sung-Hak LEE  Kyu-Ik SOHNG  


    E92-A No:3

    The Processing of high-dynamic-range (HDR) images is embodied by a lot of algorithms. This paper takes notice of one of these algorithms which is presented using the iCAM06. iCAM06 is capable of making color appearance predictions of HDR images based on CIECAM02 color predictions and incorporating spatial process models in the human visual system (HVS) for contrast enhancement. The effect of user controllable factors of iCAM06 was investigated and the best factor which corresponds with Breneman's corresponding color data sets was found. A suggested model improves color matching predictions for the corresponding color data set in Breneman's experiment.

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