1-3hit |
Minjia SHI Yan LIU Patrick SOLÉ
The Lee complete ρ weight enumerator and the exact complete ρ weight enumerator over Mn×s(Fl+vFl+v2Fl)(v3=v) are defined, and the MacWilliams identities with respect to RT metric for these two weight enumerators of linear codes over Mn×s(Fl+vFl+v2Fl) are obtained, respectively. Finally, we give two examples to illustrate the obtained results.
Jianzhang CHEN Wenguang LONG Bo FU
Nowadays, error control codes have become an essential technique to improve the reliability of various digital systems. A new type error control codes called m-spotty byte error control codes are applied to computer memory systems. These codes are essential to make the memory systems reliable. Here, we introduce the m-spotty Rosenbloom-Tsfasman weights and m-spotty Rosenbloom-Tsfasman weight enumerator of linear codes over Fq[u]/(uk) with uk=0. We also derive a MacWilliams type identity for m-spotty Rosenbloom-Tsfasman weight enumerator.
M-spotty byte error control codes are very effective for correcting/detecting errors in semiconductor memory systems that employ recent high-density RAM chips with wide I/O data (e.g., 8, 16, or 32 bits). In this case, the width of the I/O data is one byte. A spotty byte error is defined as random t-bit errors within a byte of length b bits, where 1 ≤ t ≤ b. Then, an error is called an m-spotty byte error if at least one spotty byte error is present in a byte. M-spotty byte error control codes are characterized by the m-spotty distance, which includes the Hamming distance as a special case for t = 1 or t = b. The MacWilliams identity provides the relationship between the weight distribution of a code and that of its dual code. The present paper presents the MacWilliams identity for the m-spotty weight enumerator of m-spotty byte error control codes. In addition, the present paper clarifies that the indicated identity includes the MacWilliams identity for the Hamming weight enumerator as a special case.