1-4hit |
Go FUJII Masahiro UKIBE Shigetomo SHIKI Masataka OHKUBO
Superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) array detectors can exhibit excellent performance with respect to energy resolution, detection efficiency, and counting rate in the soft X-ray energy range, by which those excellent properties STJ array detectors are well suited for detecting X-rays at synchrotron radiation facilities. However, in order to achieve a high throughput analysis for trace impurity elements such as dopants in structural or functional materials, the sensitive area of STJ array detectors should be further enlarged up to more than 10 times larger by increasing the pixel number in array detectors. In this work, for a large STJ-pixel number of up to 1000 within a 10,mm- square compact chip, we have introduced three-dimensional (3D) structure by embedding a wiring layer in a SiO$_{2}$ isolation layer underneath a base electrode layer of STJs. The 3D structure is necessary for close-packed STJ arrangement, avoiding overlay of lead wiring, which is common in conventional two-dimensional layout. The fabricated STJ showed excellent current-voltage characteristics having low subgap currents less than 2,nA, which are the same as those of conventional STJs. An STJ pixel has an energy resolution of 31,eV (FWHM) for C-K$alpha $ (277,eV).
Keiichi TANAKA Akikazu ODAWARA Atsushi NAGATA Yukari BABA Satoshi NAKAYAMA Shigenori AIDA Toshimitsu MOROOKA Yoshikazu HOMMA Izumi NAKAI Kazuo CHINONE
The Transition Edge Sensor (TES)-Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) is an X-ray detector with high-energy resolution (12.8 eV). The TES can be mounted to a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The TES-EDS is based on a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator. The high-energy resolution enables analysis of the distribution of various elements in samples under low acceleration voltage (typically under 5 keV) by using K-lines of light elements and M lines of heavy elements. For example, the energy of the arsenic L line differs from the magnesium K line by 28 eV. When used to analyze the spore of the Pteris vittata L plant, the TES-EDS clearly reveals a different distribution of As and Mg in the micro region of the plant. The TES-EDS with SEM yields detailed information about the distribution of multi-elements in a sample.
Tohru TAINO Tomohiro NISHIHARA Koichi HOSHINO Hiroaki MYOREN Hiromi SATO Hirohiko M. SHIMIZU Susumu TAKADA
A normal-distribution-function-shaped superconducting tunnel junction (NDF-STJ) which consists of Nb/Al-AlOx/Al/Nb has been fabricated as an X-ray detector. Current - voltage characteristics were measured at 0.4 K using three kinds of STJs, which have the dispersion parameters σ of 0.25, 0.45 and 0.75. These STJs showed very low subgap leakage current of about 5 nA. By irradiating with 5.9 keV X-rays, we obtained the spectrum of these NDF-STJs. They showed good energy resolution with small magnetic fields of below 3 mT, which is about one-tenth of those for conventional-shaped STJs.
Takayuki OKU Tokihiro IKEDA Chiko OTANI Kazuhiko KAWAI Hiromi SATO Hirohiko M. SHIMIZU Hiromasa MIYASAKA Yoshiyuki TAKIZAWA Hiroshi WATANABE Wataru OOTANI Hiroshi AKOH Hiroshi NAKAGAWA Masahiro AOYAGI Tohru TAINO
We are developing a superconducting analog-to-digital converter (ADC) as a readout for high-resolution X-ray detectors based on a superconducting tunnel junction (STJ). The ADC has a sensitive front end which consists of a DC superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). A signal current is digitized by this front end without using any preamplifiers. A single-flux-quantum (SFQ) pulse train whose frequency is proportional to the input current is launched by the front end, and integrated by a digital counter. The counter has a 10-bit resolution, and the integrated value is scanned and transferred to room-temperature processing modules with a frequency of 40 MHz. In this paper, the design of the ADC is described, and the preliminary results of the ADC performance test are shown. The performance of the STJ accompanied by the ADC is discussed in terms of the X-ray energy resolution.