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[Keyword] ad-hoc network(59hit)


  • A Visual-Identification Based Forwarding Strategy for Vehicular Named Data Networking

    Minh NGO  Satoshi OHZAHATA  Ryo YAMAMOTO  Toshihiko KATO  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E106-D No:2

    Currently, NDN-based VANETs protocols have several problems with packet overhead of rebroadcasting, control packet, and the accuracy of next-hop selection due to the dynamic topology. To deal with these problems in this paper, we propose a robust and lightweight forwarding protocol in Vehicular ad-hoc Named Data Networking. The concept of our forwarding protocol is adopting a packet-free approach. A vehicle collects its neighbor's visual identification by a pair of cameras (front and rear) to assign a unique visual ID for each node. Based on these IDs, we construct a hop-by-hop FIB-based forwarding strategy effectively. Furthermore, the Face duplication [1] in the wireless environment causes an all-broadcast problem. We add the visual information to Face to distinguish the incoming and outgoing Face to prevent broadcast-storm and make FIB and PIT work more accurate and efficiently. The performance evaluation results focusing on the communication overhead show that our proposal has better results in overall network traffic costs and Interest satisfaction ratio than previous works.

  • Rhythm Tap Technique for Cross-Device Interaction Enabling Uniform Operation for Various Devices Open Access

    Hirohito SHIBATA  Junko ICHINO  Shun'ichi TANO  Tomonori HASHIYAMA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E102-D No:12

    This paper proposes a novel interaction technique to transfer data across various types of digital devices in uniform a manner and to allow specifying what kind of data should be sent. In our framework, when users tap multiple devices rhythmically, data corresponding to the rhythm (transfer type) are transferred from a device tapped in the first tap (source device) to the other (target device). It is easy to operate, applicable to a wide range of devices, and extensible in a sense that we can adopt new transfer types by adding new rhythms. Through a subjective evaluation and a simulation, we had a prospect that our approach would be feasible. We also discuss suggestions and limitation to implement the technique.

  • Multi-Autonomous Robot Enhanced Ad-Hoc Network under Uncertain and Vulnerable Environment Open Access

    Ming FENG  Lijun QIAN  Hao XU  


    E102-B No:10

    This paper studies the problem of real-time routing in a multi-autonomous robot enhanced network at uncertain and vulnerable tactical edge. Recent network protocols, such as opportunistic mobile network routing protocols, engaged social network in communication network that can increase the interoperability by using social mobility and opportunistic carry and forward routing algorithms. However, in practical harsh environment such as a battlefield, the uncertainty of social mobility and complexity of vulnerable environment due to unpredictable physical and cyber-attacks from enemy, would seriously affect the effectiveness and practicality of these emerging network protocols. This paper presents a GT-SaRE-MANET (Game Theoretic Situation-aware Robot Enhanced Mobile Ad-hoc Network) routing protocol that adopt the online reinforcement learning technique to supervise the mobility of multi-robots as well as handle the uncertainty and potential physical and cyber attack at tactical edge. Firstly, a set of game theoretic mission oriented metrics has been introduced to describe the interrelation among network quality, multi-robot mobility as well as potential attacking activities. Then, a distributed multi-agent game theoretic reinforcement learning algorithm has been developed. It will not only optimize GT-SaRE-MANET routing protocol and the mobility of multi-robots online, but also effectively avoid the physical and/or cyber-attacks from enemy by using the game theoretic mission oriented metrics. The effectiveness of proposed design has been demonstrated through computer aided simulations and hardware experiments.

  • A Novel Energy-Efficient Packet Transmission Protocol for Cluster-Based Cooperative Network

    Jianming CHENG  Yating GAO  Leiqin YAN  Hongwen YANG  


    E102-B No:4

    Cooperative communication can reduce energy consumption effectively due to its superior diversity gain. To further prolong network lifetime and improve the energy efficiency, this paper studies energy-efficient packet transmission in wireless ad-hoc networks and proposes a novel cluster-based cooperative packet transmission (CCPT) protocol to mitigate the packet loss and balance the energy consumption of networks. The proposed CCPT protocol first constructs a highly energy-efficient initial routing path based on the required energy cost of non-cooperative transmission. Then an iterative cluster recruitment algorithm is proposed that selects cooperative nodes and organizing them into clusters, which can create transmit diversity in each hop of communication. Finally, a novel two-step cluster-to-cluster cooperative transmission scheme is designed, where all cluster members cooperatively forward the packet to the next-hop cluster. Simulation results show that the CCPT protocol effectively reduces the energy cost and prolongs the network lifetime compared with the previous CwR and noC schemes. The results also have shown that the proposed CCPT protocol outperforms the traditional CwR protocol in terms of transmit efficiency per energy, which indicates that CCPT protocol has achieved a better trade-off between energy and packet arrival ratio.

  • Node Name Routing in Information-Centric Ad-Hoc Network

    Zheng WEN  Di ZHANG  Keping YU  Takuro SATO  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E100-A No:2

    We propose the node name routing (NNR) strategy for information-centric ad-hoc networks based on the named-node networking (3N). This strategy is especially valuable for use in disaster areas because, when the Internet is out of service during a disaster, our strategy can be used to set up a self-organizing network via cell phones or other terminal devices that have a sharing ability, and it does not rely on a base station (BS) or similar providers. Our proposed strategy can solve the multiple-name problem that has arisen in prior 3N proposals, as well as the dead loop problems in both 3N ad-hoc networks and TCP/IP ad-hoc networks. To evaluate the NNR strategy, it is compared with the optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR) and the dynamic source routing (DSR) strategy. Computer-based comprehensive simulations showed that our NNR proposal exhibits a better performance in this environment when all of the users are moving randomly. We further observed that with a growing number of users, our NNR protocol performs better in terms of packet delivery, routing cost, etc.

  • Towards Practical Store-Carry-Forward Networking: Examples and Issues Open Access

    Masato TSURU  Mineo TAKAI  Shigeru KANEDA   Agussalim  Rabenirina AINA TSIORY  


    E100-B No:1

    In the evolution of wireless networks such as wireless sensor networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, and delay/disruption tolerant networks, the Store-Carry-Forward (SCF) message relaying paradigm has been commonly featured and studied with much attention. SCF networking is essential for offsetting the deficiencies of intermittent and range limited communication environments because it allows moving wireless communication nodes to act as “mobile relay nodes”. Such relay nodes can store/carry/process messages, wait for a better opportunity for transmission, and finally forward the messages to other nodes. This paper starts with a short overview of SCF routing and then examines two SCF networking scenarios. The first one deals with large content delivery across multiple islands using existing infrastructural transportation networks (e.g., cars and ferries) in which mobility is uncontrollable from an SCF viewpoint. Simulations show how a simple coding technique can improve flooding-based SCF. The other scenario looks at a prototype system of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for high-quality video surveillance from the sky in which mobility is partially controllable from an SCF viewpoint. Three requisite techniques in this scenario are highlighted - fast link setup, millimeter wave communications, and use of multiple links. Through these examples, we discuss the benefits and issues of the practical use of SCF networking-based systems.

  • Contact Duration-Aware Epidemic Broadcasting in Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networks Open Access

    Kohei WATABE  Hiroyuki OHSAKI  


    E98-B No:12

    DTNs (Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networks) composed of mobile nodes in low node-density environments have attracted considerable attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a CD-BCAST (Contact Duration BroadCAST) mechanism that can reduce the number of message forwardings while maintaining short message delivery delays in DTNs composed of mobile nodes. The key idea behind CD-BCAST is to increase the probability of simultaneous forwarding by intentionally delaying message forwarding based on the contact duration distribution measured by each node. Through simulations, we show that CD-BCAST needs substantially less message forwardings than conventional mechanisms and it does not require parameter tuning under varieties of communication ranges and node densities.

  • Rescue Support System with DTN for Earthquake Disasters

    Raito MATSUZAKI  Hiroyuki EBARA  Noriaki MURANAKA  

    PAPER-Network System

    E98-B No:9

    In a previous paper, we proposed a rescue support system for victims buried in an earthquake disaster by constructing an ad-hoc network using home-server based smart homes. However, this system has the following two problems: i) it cannot ensure sufficient density of home servers to realize adequate WLAN coverage, ii) the system does not consider areas in which home servers cannot be used such as parks and factories, for example. In this paper, we propose a new method using a delay tolerant network (DTN) technique. In this method, rescuers (such as rescue teams) with mobile devices relay information between disconnected networks by walking around during rescue activities. For a performance evaluation, we performed simulation experiments using a map of Abeno-ku, Osaka. From our results, we show that the proposed method increases the information acquisition rate, and that the network can be maintained. We also quantitatively show the penetration rate of smart homes needed for our system. In addition, we show that the rescue request system is more effective than other systems, and the method with the mobile device relay is better than without this method.

  • Proposal and Realistic Evaluation of a New Routing Algorithm for a Regional Protection System

    Hikofumi SUZUKI  Shinichi KARASAWA  David ASANO  Yasushi FUWA  


    E98-A No:8

    A regional protection system based on a wireless Ad-Hoc network has been in operation since 2008 in Shiojiri City, Japan. Wireless terminals transmit data packets to a server via transponders situated around the city. In this paper, a new routing algorithm that takes into account the level of congestion of the transponders is proposed. Using computer simulations, the proposed algorithm is shown to reduce the packet loss rate compared to the previous algorithm which is based on minimization of the number of hops to the server. Also, the proposed algorithm is shown be have almost the same packet loss rate as the best routing decisions obtained by an exhaustive search. Furthermore, the simulations used recreate the actual movement of terminals, so the results show what will happen in a realistic environment.

  • Defense Mechanisms against Injecting Traffic with MAC Layer Misbehavior Detection and Cooperation Stimulation for Autonomous Ad Hoc Networks

    Amin JAMALI  Mehdi BERENJKOUB  Hossein SAIDI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:2

    Autonomous ad hoc networks are networks with nodes belonging to different authorities, and cooperative behavior of nodes is not guaranteed in such networks. In this paper, defense mechanisms are introduced to protect nodes against injecting traffic attacks in an autonomous ad hoc network, and to stimulate nodes to forward packets for each other. We have a cross-layer approach in the design of our mechanisms, and nodes use information from medium access control (MAC) layer for selecting a good route. In addition, nodes attempt to drop packets of those nodes that violate MAC layer backoff mechanism. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed mechanisms in the presence of injecting traffic attacks and MAC layer misbehaviors in an ad hoc network that consists of selfish nodes.

  • Bio-Inspired Time Synchronization Method for Multi-Hop Ad-Hoc Networks

    Un-Ha KIM  Yoon-Jae SHIN  Jung-Ryun LEE  


    E97-B No:8

    Time synchronization is important for frequency hopping, power management, scheduling, and basic operations of multi-hop ad-hoc networks. The main problem of existing time synchronization methods is that they depend on a particular node that has the fastest time information among neighbor nodes. The Cucker-Smale flocking model describes that global emergent behavior can be obtained by locally averaging the velocity of each bird. Inspired by this flocking model, we propose a time synchronization method not depending on a particular node. In the proposed method, each node revises its time information via the local-averaging procedure in a distributed manner. A self-correcting procedure is added to the proposed method in order to preserve the effect of time adjustment executed by the local-averaging procedure. The simulation results show that the proposed time synchronization method reduces the time difference among nodes, and enhances the performance of time synchronization in the context of IEEE 802.11-based ad-hoc networks.

  • P2P Based Social Network over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    He LI  KyoungSoo BOK  JaeSoo YOO  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E97-D No:3

    In this paper, we design an efficient P2P based mobile social network to facilitate contents search over mobile ad hoc networks. Social relation is established by considering both the locations and interests of mobile nodes. Mobile nodes with common interests and nearby locations are recommended as friends and are connected directly in a mobile social network. Contents search is handled by using social relationships of the mobile social network rather than those of the whole network. Since each mobile node manages only neighboring nodes that have common interests, network management overhead is reduced. Results of experiments have shown that our proposed method outperforms existing methods.

  • DECA-bewa: Density-Aware Reliable Broadcasting Protocol in VANETs



    E96-B No:5

    Reliable broadcasting in vehicular ad-hoc networks is challenging due to their unique characteristics including intermittent connectivity and various vehicular scenarios. Applications and services in intelligent transportation systems need an efficient, fast and reliable broadcasting protocol especially for safety and emergency applications. In our previous work, we have proposed DECA, a new reliable broadcasting protocol which suits such characteristics. To address the issue of various vehicular scenarios, our protocol performs beaconing to gather local density information of 1-hop neighbors and uses such information to adapt its broadcasting decision dynamically. Specifically, before broadcasting a message, a node selects a neighbor with the highest density and adds the selected neighbor's identifier to the message. Upon receiving of a broadcast message, each node checks whether or not it is the selected neighbor. If so, it is responsible for rebroadcasting the message immediately. This mechanism can raise the data dissemination speed of our protocol so that it is as fast as simple flooding. To address the issue of intermittent connectivity, identifiers of broadcast messages are added into beacons. This helps nodes to check if there are any broadcast messages that have not yet been received. In this paper, we propose DECA with a new beaconing algorithm and a new waiting timeout calculation, so-called DECA-bewa. Our new protocol can reduce redundant retransmissions and overall overhead in high density areas. The protocol performance is evaluated on the network simulator (NS-2). Simulation results show that DECA-bewa outperforms existing protocols in terms of reliability, overhead and speed of data dissemination.

  • Development of Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System (ERESS) in Panic-Type Disasters: Disaster Recognition Algorithm by Support Vector Machine

    Kazuya MORI  Akinori YAMANE  Youhei HAYAKAWA  Tomotaka WADA  Kazuhiro OHTSUKI  Hiromi OKADA  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E96-A No:2

    Many people have faced mortal risks due to sudden disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and terrorisms, etc. In disasters where most people become panic, it is important to grasp disaster positions immediately and to find out some appropriate evacuation routes. We previously proposed the specific evacuation support system named as Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System (ERESS). ERESS is based on Mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) and aims to reduce the number of victims in panic-type disasters. This system consists of mobile terminals with advanced disaster recognition algorithm and various sensors such as acceleration, angular velocity and earth magnetism. However, the former ERESS did not have the clear criteria to detect the disaster outbreak. In this paper, we propose a new disaster recognition algorithm by Support Vector Machine (SVM) which is a kind of machine learning. In this method, an ERESS mobile terminal learns the behaviors of its holder by SVM. The SVM acquires the decision boundary based on the sensing data of the terminal holder, and it is judged whether to be the emergency. We show the validity of the proposed method by panic-type experiments.

  • A Data Transfer Scheme Based on Autonomous Clustering with Positions and Moving Direction of Vehicles for VANETs

    Yasuharu OHTA  Tomoyuki OHTA  Yoshiaki KAKUDA  


    E95-B No:9

    An ad hoc network is a decentralized network that consists of mobile nodes with wireless communication devices without the aid of access points. A Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET) is one of the representative applications of the ad hoc network. Epidemic routing has been proposed as a routing protocol based on Store-Carry-Forward mechanism for VANET environment. However, in Epidemic Routing, network resources such as packet buffer of a node are significantly consumed because data packets are spread across the network. Therefore, this paper proposes a new autonomous clustering-based data transfer scheme using positions and moving direction of vehicles for VANETs. The autonomous clustering configures multiple clusters in the network and then only the cluster head that manages the cluster stores data packets. Whenever the cluster meets a new cluster, the cluster head of the cluster decides whether it should forward data packets to the new cluster based on its own position, the destination node's position, and moving direction of the cluster. Finally, this paper presents the simulation results to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

  • Recipients' Anonymity in Multihop Ad-Hoc Networks

    Helena RIFA-POUS  Emmanouil A. PANAOUSIS  Christos POLITIS  


    E95-D No:1

    Multihop ad-hoc networks have a dynamic topology. Retrieving a route towards a remote peer requires the execution of a recipient lookup, which can publicly reveal sensitive information about him. Within this context, we propose an efficient, practical and scalable solution to guarantee the anonymity of recipients' nodes in ad-hoc networks.

  • FSRS Routing Method for Energy Efficiency through the New Concept of Flooding Restriction in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

    Jangsu LEE  Sungchun KIM  


    E94-B No:11

    In MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks), there are two kinds of routing methods: proactive and reactive. Each has different characteristics and advantages. The latter generally employs the flooding technique to finding a routing path to the destination. However, flooding has big overheads caused by broadcasting RREQ packets to the entire network. Therefore, reducing this overhead is really needed to enable several network efficiencies. Previous studies introduced many approaches which are mainly concerned with the restriction of flooding. However, they usually configure the detailed routing path in the forward flooding procedure and ignore the factors causing the flooding overheads. In this paper, we propose the FSRS (First Search and Reverse Setting) routing protocol which is a new approach in flooding techniques and a new paradigm shift. FSRS is based on cluster topology and is composed of two main mechanisms: inter-cluster and intra-cluster flooding. Inter-cluster routing floods RREQ packets between cluster units and sets a cluster path. When the destination node receives the RREQ packet, it floods RREP packets to an intra-cluster destination which is a gateway to relay the RREP packet to a previous cluster. This is called intra-cluster routing. So to speak, a specific routing path configuration progresses in the RREP process through the reverse cluster path. Consequently, FSRS is a new kind of hybrid protocol well adapted to wireless ad-hoc networks. This suggests a basic wireless networking architecture to make a dynamic cluster topology in future work. In the simulation using NS-2, we compare it to several other protocols and verify that FSRS is a powerful protocol. In the result of the simulation, FSRS conserves energy by a maximum of 12% compared to HCR.

  • Dynamic Multipoint Relay Candidate Selection for Broadcast Data Aggregation in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    Hyung-Weon CHO  Jong-Moon CHUNG  Myunghwan SEO  Jongho PARK  Jihyoung AHN  Bumkwi CHOI  Tae-Jin LEE  


    E94-B No:9

    In OLSR, only selected multipoint relays (MPRs) are allowed to forward broadcast data during the flooding process, which reduces the message propagation overhead compared to the classical flooding mechanism. Since every node in a network selects its own MPRs independently, many nodes may be MPRs of other nodes, which results in many collisions in the medium access control (MAC) layer under heavy traffic conditions. In this paper, we propose an MPR candidate selection mechanism for broadcast data aggregation in mobile ad-hoc networks. The proposed MPR candidate selection scheme can reduce the number of MPR candidates and appropriately spread MPR candidates over the whole network area. The performance of the proposed MPR candidate selection mechanism is investigated via mathematical analysis and simulations. We also propose a broadcast data aggregation mechanism to achive efficient resource utilization. Performance evaluation indicates that the proposed MPR candidate selection and broadcast data aggregation mechanism is efficient under heavy broadcast traffic load conditions.

  • A Framework for Goodput Optimization in P2P Streaming over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

    Hao YE  Kaiping XUE  Peilin HONG  Hancheng LU  


    E94-B No:9

    Since the Content Distribution Network (CDN) and IP multicast have heavy infrastructure requirements, their deployment is quite restricted. In contrast, peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming applications are independent on infrastructures and thus have been widely deployed. Emerging wireless ad-hoc networks are poised to enable a variety of streaming applications. However, many potential problems, that are trivial in wired networks, will emerge when deploying existing P2P streaming applications directly into wireless ad-hoc networks. In this paper, we propose a goodput optimization framework for P2P streaming over wireless ad-hoc networks. A two-level buffer architecture is proposed to reassign the naive streaming systems' data requests. The framework adopts a chunk size-varying transmission algorithm to obtain smooth playback experience and acceptable overhead and utilize limited bandwidth resources efficiently. The distinguishing features of our implementation are as follows: first, the framework works as a middleware and is independent on the streaming service properties; existing P2P streaming application can be deployed in wireless ad-hoc networks with minimum modifications and development cost; second, the proposed algorithm can reduce unnecessary communication overheads compared with traditional algorithms which gain high playback continuity with small chunk size; finally, our scheme can utilize low bandwidth transmission paths rather than discarding them, and thus improve overall performance of the wireless network. We also present a set of experiments to show the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism.

  • A Self-Scheduling Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio MAC Protocol Based on Cooperative Communications

    Seyoun LIM  Tae-Jin LEE  


    E94-B No:6

    As the demand for spectrum for future wireless communication services increases, cognitive radio technology has been developed for dynamic and opportunistic spectrum access, which enables the secondary users to use the underutilized licensed spectrum of the primary users. In particular, the recent studies on the MAC protocol for dynamic and opportunistic access have focused on sensing and using the vacant spectrum efficiently. Under the ad-hoc network environment, how the secondary users use the unused channels by the primary users affects the efficient utilization of channels and a cognitive radio system is required to follow the rapid and frequent changes in channel status. In this paper, we propose a self-scheduling multi-channel cognitive MAC (SMC-MAC) protocol, which allows multiple secondary users to transmit data though the sensed idle channels by two cooperative channel sensing algorithms, i.e., fixed channel sensing (FCS) and adaptive channel sensing (ACS), and by slotted contention mechanism to exchange channel request information for self-scheduling. The performance of the proposed SMC-MAC protocol is investigated via analysis and simulations. According to the results, the proposed SMC-MAC protocol is effective in allowing multiple secondary users to transmit data frames effectively on multi-channels and adaptively in response to the primary users' traffic dynamics.


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