1-1hit |
Yan GUO Baoming SUN Ning LI Peng QIAN
Many basic tasks in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) rely heavily on the availability and accuracy of target locations. Since the number of targets is usually limited, localization benefits from Compressed Sensing (CS) in the sense that measurements can be greatly reduced. Though some CS-based localization schemes have been proposed, all of these solutions make an assumption that all targets are located on a pre-sampled and fixed grid, and perform poorly when some targets are located off the grid. To address this problem, we develop an adaptive dictionary algorithm where the grid is adaptively adjusted. To achieve this, we formulate localization as a joint parameter estimation and sparse signal recovery problem. Additionally, we transform the problem into a tractable convex optimization problem by using Taylor approximation. Finally, the block coordinate descent method is leveraged to iteratively optimize over the parameters and sparse signal. After iterations, the measurements can be linearly represented by a sparse signal which indicates the number and locations of targets. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed adaptive dictionary algorithm provides better performance than state-of-the-art fixed dictionary algorithms.