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Satoru KUROKAWA Michitaka AMEYA Yui OTAGAKI Hiroshi MURATA Masatoshi ONIZAWA Masahiro SATO Masanobu HIROSE
We have developed an all-optical fiber link antenna measurement system for a millimeter wave 5th generation mobile communication frequency band around 28 GHz. Our developed system consists of an optical fiber link an electrical signal transmission system, an antenna-coupled-electrode electric-field (EO) sensor system for 28GHz-band as an electrical signal receiving system, and a 6-axis vertically articulated robot with an arm length of 1m. Our developed optical fiber link electrical signal transmission system can transmit the electrical signal of more than 40GHz with more than -30dBm output level. Our developed EO sensor can receive the electrical signal from 27GHz to 30GHz. In addition, we have estimated a far field antenna factor of the EO sensor system for the 28GHz-band using an amplitude center modified antenna factor estimation equation. The estimated far field antenna factor of the sensor system is 83.2dB/m at 28GHz.
In this paper, we evaluated the characteristics of the magnetic core loop antenna that is used to receive long wave radio signals for time standards. To evaluate the receiving sensitivity of the antenna, we calculated the antenna factor of the magnetic core loop antenna by combining a magnetic field simulation and a circuit simulation. The simulation results are in good agreement with the results obtained from the experiments. We then investigated the optimization of the antenna shape, and showed the relation between the shape of the magnetic core and the receiving sensitivity.
This letter presents the characteristics of complex antenna factors of a resistor loaded dipole antenna with a balun consisting of two coaxial feeders (coaxial cable balun). The resistor loading is used to realize dipole antennas with higher fidelity than unloaded dipole equivalents. The complex antenna factor for a resistor loaded dipole antenna with coaxial cable balun is derived by extending the power loss concepts. The numerical results show that the series resistor loaded dipole antenna offers higher fidelity than the unloaded dipole. The result of the calculated complex antenna factors are in good agreement with that of the measured results.
Theoretical analyses are carried out on the height dependence of the antenna factor of an EMI antenna to develop an antenna calibration method that can provide the free-space value of the antenna factor. It is found that the antenna factor in general varies with the antenna height in a quasi-periodic way with a period of about λ/2. Thus, the present paper proposes to take an average of the antenna factors over a height range of about λ/2 to obtain an accurate estimate of the free-space antenna factor. Effective antenna arrangements are also proposed for the antenna calibration. Deviations in the estimate from the free-space antenna factor are less than 0.1 dB for tuned dipoles in the frequency range above 50 MHz. But the errors increase up to 0.3 dB at about 35 MHz. For broadband antennas, the free-space antenna factor can be accurately estimated by taking the average of the antenna factors. Errors are estimated to be less than 0.3 dB in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz.
The transmission S-parameter, S21, between dipole elements on a rectangular finite ground plane is calculated by the MoM with planar-segments in the horizontally and vertically polarized configurations. Supposed a 1/10 scaling, the frequency range is selected 0.15-0.8 GHz. The size of the finite ground plane is 40 cm 100 cm. The dipole-element length is 18.8 cm (half-wavelength at 0.8 GHz). The distance between dipole elements is 30 cm. The results are compared to the calculated results with the conventional MoM-GTD hybrid method and also the measured results with a TRL-calibrated network analyzer. It makes clear that the MoM-GTD hybrid method is not applicable to a small ground plane in the vertically polarized configuration. The results calculated by the MoM with planar-segments agree well to the measured results both in the horizontal and vertical polarizations. The results show that the size of the finite ground plane for the vertical polarization should be much larger than for the horizontal polarization.
The transmission S-parameter between two dipole-elements is a measure to evaluate sites for measuring complex antenna factors (CAF). In this paper, the S-parameter between two dipole-elements on a ground plane is measured using a network analyzer with its TRL (Thru-Reflect-Line) calibration. The S-parameter is also calculated by the method of moment (MoM) and compared to the measurement results. The comparison shows that the calculated S-parameter is usable as a reference value in the evaluation of CAF measurement sites. As an example of the evaluation and selection of measurement sites, the transmission S-parameter on a finite ground plane is calculated using the hybrid method combined the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) and MoM. As a result, a preferable antenna setting on the finite ground plane is recommended.
This paper reviews recent developments in small-sized broadband antennas for EMI measurements, especially in the microwave frequency region. Transient EMI measurements are also discussed by introducing complex antenna factors and conversion of frequency-domain data into time-domain data. This paper also focuses on considerable improvements achieved in calibration techniques for conventional EMI antennas in VHF/UHF bands.
Theoretical values of site attenuation for broadband receiving antenna or the antenna factor of broadband antenna over the frequency range from 30 MHz to 1 GHz have been calculated or measured by some researchers. For a frequency range over 1 GHz, wire antennas or horn antennas should be used. However, the theoretical site attenuation or antenna factor over 1 GHz have never yet been calculated. A CLS (Conical Log-periodic Spiral) antenna is generally used for EMC/EMI measurements in the microwave band as a broadband wire antenna for the swept frequency method. However, this antenna has the defect that its use results in the loss of polarization information. So we proposed an improved CLS antenna which has linear polarization. This new CLS antenna has another wire wound symmetrically to that of the standard CLS antenna. For this reason, we named it a double-wire CLS antenna. The double-wire CLS antenna loses no polarization information. We calculated the height pattern and the frequency characteristics of CSA (Classical Site Attenuation) for the double-wire CLS antenna when used for receiving, or used for both transmitting and receiving, as well as the antenna factor. Moreover, NSA (Normalized Site Attenuation) when the double-wire CLS antenna is used for receiving or used for both transmitting and receiving in free space were calculated.
The wave forms of electric and magnetic fields radiated by short gap discharges are measured to analyze electrostatic discharge (ESD) events in the near-field zone with the monopole antennas, the loop antenna and the 5.5GHz bandwidth waveform digitizer. The antenna outputs are corrected by the measured characteristics of the antennas. The relations between the measured electric field and the discharge currents are discussed.
Broadband antennas such as biconical antennas and log-periodic dipole antennas are generally used in automatic EMC measurements. However, these broadband antennas have not been used for accurate measurement because accurate specifications for them are lacking. Therefore, more accurate analysis is urgently required by the CISPR (International Special Committee on Radio Interference), to establish the specifications for broadband antennas for EMC measurements. In this paper, the AF of biconical antennas is calculated by using Moment Methods. The frequency characteristics and antenna height dependency of AF are presented. AF is also measured and compared to the data obtained by the calculations. Good agreement between the calculations and measurements is achieved, indicating the usefulness of our computation method. In addition, the effect of antenna separation distance and transmitting antenna height on AF is investigated. The calculated AF deviation from the reference value is nearly 0dB except for certain antenna arrangements. In these antenna arrangements, the field becomes null at the receiving antenna and widely varies in magnitude and phase around the null points. Therefore, the antenna is immersed in a non-uniform field, while the AF is defined on the assumption of a uniform field. Consequently, the erroneous AF will be derived from measurements around these null points and it will be greatly different from that obtained at other antenna heights. Thus, it is better to avoid these conditions during actual measurements. The effect of the ground plane on AF is also evaluated. AF is shown to be seriously affected by the ground plane especially at frequencies around 90MHz. It should be noted that AF deviation has crests corresponding to the null field at 300MHz. The obtained data will be useful in establishing specifications of biconical antennas for EMC measurements.
The antenna factor measurement of the dipole antennas for electromagnetic interference (EMI) measurements is studied theoretically and experimentally. The 3-antenna method is applied to near-field. Near-field transmission characteristics between the transmitting and receiving dipole antennas is obtained by using the electromotive force (EMF) method, where sinusoidal current distributions are assumed. It is shown that the antenna factors can be measured from transmission values between two antennas and near-field correction factors at any height of each antenna.