1-6hit |
Takeshi AMISHIMA Kazufumi HIRATA
Temporal Decorrelation source SEParation (TDSEP) is a blind separation scheme that utilizes the time structure of the source signals, typically, their periodicities. The advantage of TDSEP over non-Gaussianity based methods is that it can separate Gaussian signals as long as they are periodic. However, its shortcoming is that separation performance (SEP) heavily depends upon the values of the time shift parameters (TSPs). This paper proposes a method to automatically and blindly estimate a set of TSPs that achieves optimal SEP against periodic Gaussian signals. It is also shown that, selecting the same number of TSPs as that of the source signals, is sufficient to obtain optimal SEP, and adding more TSPs does not improve SEP, but only increases the computational complexity. The simulation example showed that the SEP is higher by approximately 20dB, compared with the ordinary method. It is also shown that the proposed method successfully selects just the same number of TSPs as that of incoming signals.
Rajkishore PRASAD Hiroshi SARUWATARI Kiyohiro SHIKANO
This paper presents a study on the blind separation of a convoluted mixture of speech signals using Frequency Domain Independent Component Analysis (FDICA) algorithm based on the negentropy maximization of Time Frequency Series of Speech (TFSS). The comparative studies on the negentropy approximation of TFSS using generalized Higher Order Statistics (HOS) of different nonquadratic, nonlinear functions are presented. A new nonlinear function based on the statistical modeling of TFSS by exponential power functions has also been proposed. The estimation of standard error and bias, obtained using the sequential delete-one jackknifing method, in the approximation of negentropy of TFSS by different nonlinear functions along with their signal separation performance indicate the superlative power of the exponential-power-based nonlinear function. The proposed nonlinear function has been found to speed-up convergence with slight improvement in the separation quality under reverberant conditions.
Akio ANDO Masakazu IWAKI Kazuho ONO Koichi KUROZUMI
This paper describes a method for separating a target sound from other noise arriving in a single direction when the target cannot, therefore, be separated by directivity control. Microphones are arranged in a line toward the sources to form null sensitivity points at given distances from the microphones. The null points exclude non-target sound sources on the basis of weighting coefficients for microphone outputs determined by blind source separation. The separation problem is thereby simplified to instantaneous separation by adjustment of the time-delays for microphone outputs. The system uses a direct (i.e. non-iterative) algorithm for blind separation based on second-order statistics, assuming that all sources are non-stationary signals. Simulations show that the 2-microphone system can separate a target sound with separability of more than 40 dB for the 2-source problem, and 25 dB for the 3-source problem when the other sources are adjacent.
Yuanqing LI Andrzej CICHOCKI Liqing ZHANG
This paper presents novel techniques for blind separation and blind extraction of instantaneously mixed binary sources, which are suitable for the case with less sensors than sources. First, a solvability analysis is presented for a general case. Necessary and sufficient conditions for recoverability of all or some part of sources are derived. A new deterministic blind separation algorithm is then proposed to estimate the mixing matrix and separate all sources efficiently in the noise-free or low noise level case. Next, using the Maximum Likelihood (ML) approach for robust estimation of centers of clusters, we have extended the algorithm for high additive noise case. Moreover, a new sequential blind extraction algorithm has been developed, which enables us not only to extract the potentially separable sources but also estimate their number. The sources can be extracted in a specific order according to their dominance (strength) in the mixtures. At last, simulation results are presented to illustrate the validity and high performance of the algorithms.
Blind separation of sources from their linear mixtures is a well understood problem. However, if the mixtures are nonlinear, this problem becomes generally very difficult. This is because both the nonlinear mapping and the underlying sources must be learned from the data in a blind manner, and the problem is highly ill-posed without a suitable regularization. In our approach, multilayer perceptrons are used as nonlinear generative models for the data, and variational Bayesian (ensemble) learning is applied for finding the sources. The variational Bayesian technique automatically provides a reasonable regularization of the nonlinear blind separation problem. In this paper, we first consider a static nonlinear mixing model, with a successful application to real-world speech data compression. Then we discuss extraction of sources from nonlinear dynamic processes, and detection of abrupt changes in the process dynamics. In a difficult test problem with chaotic data, our approach clearly outperforms currently available nonlinear prediction and change detection techniques. The proposed methods are computationally demanding, but they can be applied to blind nonlinear problems of higher dimensions than other existing approaches.
Mitsuru KAWAMOTO Kiyotoshi MATSUOKA Masahiro OYA
This paper proposes a new method for recovering the original signals from their linear mixtures observed by the same number of sensors. It is performed by identifying the linear transform from the sources to the sensors, only using the sensor signals. The only assumption of the source signals is basically the fact that they are statistically mutually independent. In order to perform the 'blind' identification, some time-correlational information in the observed signals are utilized. The most important feature of the method is that the full information of available time-correlation data (second-order statistics) is evaluated, as opposed to the conventional methods. To this end, an information-theoretic cost function is introduced, and the unknown linear transform is found by minimizing it. The propsed method gives a more stable solution than the conventional methods.