In this paper, a concept of non-contact PIM evaluation method using balanced transmission lines is proposed for impedance-matched PIM measurement systems. In order to evaluate the PIM characteristics of a MSL by using its image model, measurement system using balanced transmission line is introduced. In non-contact PIM measurement, to reduce undesirable PIM generation by metallic contact and the PIM-degradation in repeated measurements, a non-contact connector which is applicable without any design changes in DUT is introduce. The three-dimensional balun composed of U-balun and balanced transmission line is also proposed so that it can be applicable to conventional unbalanced PIM measurement systems. In order to validate the concept of the proposed system, a sample using nickel producing high PIM is introduced. In order to avoid the effect of the non-contact connection part on observed PIM, a sample-configuration that PIM-source exists outside of the non-contact connection part is introduced. It is also shown using a sample using copper that, nickel-sample can be clearly differentiated in PIM characteristics while it is equivalent to low-PIM sample in scattering-parameter characteristics. Finally, by introducing the TRL-calibration and by extracting inherent DUT-characteristics from whole-system characteristics, a method to estimate the PIM characteristics of DUT which cannot be taken directly in measurement is proposed.
Yukihiro TOZAWA Takeshi ISHIDA Jiaqing WANG Osamu FUJIWARA
Measurements of contact discharge current waveforms from an ESD generator with a test voltage of 4kV are conducted with the IEC specified arrangement of a 2m long return current cable in different three calibration environments that all comply with the IEC calibration standard to identify the occurrence source of damped oscillations (ringing), which has remained unclear since contact discharge testing was first adopted in 1989 IEC publication 801-2. Their frequency spectra are analyzed comparing with the spectrum calculated from the ideal contact discharge current waveform without ringing (IEC specified waveform) offered in IEC 61000-4-2 and the spectra derived from a simplified equivalent circuit based on the IEC standard in combination with the measured input impedances of one-ended grounding return current cable with the same arrangement in the same calibration environment as those for the current measurements. The results show that the measured contact discharge waveforms have ringing around the IEC specified waveform after the falling edge of the peak, causing their spectra from 20MHz to 200MHz, but the spectra from 40MHz to 200MHz significantly differ depending on the calibration environments even for the same cable arrangement, which do not almost affect the spectra from 20MHz to 40MHz and over 200MHz. In the calibration environment under the cable arrangement close to the reference ground, the spectral shapes of the measured contact discharge currents and their frequencies of the multiple peaks and dips roughly correspond to the spectral distributions calculated from the simplified equivalent circuit using the measured cable input impedances. These findings reveal that the root cause of ringing is mainly due to the resonances of the return current cable, and calibration environment under the cable arrangement away from the reference ground tends to mitigate the cable resonances.
Fankun ZENG Xin QIU Jinhai LI Biqi LONG Wuhai SU Xiaoran CHEN
Mutual coupling between antenna array elements will significantly degrade the performance of the array signal processing methods. Due to the Toeplitz structure of mutual coupling matrix (MCM), there exist some mutual coupling calibration algorithms for the uniform linear array (ULA) or uniform circular array (UCA). But few methods for other arrays. In this letter, we derive a new transformation formula for the MCM of the 7-elements hexagonal array (HA-7). Further, we extend two mutual coupling auto-calibration methods from UCA to HA by the transformation formula. Simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed two methods.
This article presents a 28GHz high-accuracy phase and amplitude detection circuit for dual-polarized phased-array calibration. With dual-polarized calibration scheme, external LO signal is not required for calibration. The proposed detection circuit detects phase and amplitude independently, using PDC and ADC. By utilizing a 28GHz-to-140kHz downconversion scheme, the phase and amplitude are detected more accurately. In addition, reference signal for PDC and ADC is generated from 28GHz LO signal with divide-by-6 dual-step-mixing injection locked frequency divider (ILFD). This ILFD achieves 24.5-32.5GHz (28%) locking range with only 3.0mW power consumption and 0.01mm2 area. In the measurement, the detection circuit achieves phase and amplitude detections with RMS errors of 0.17degree and 0.12dB, respectively. The total power consumption of the proposed circuit is 59mW with 1-V supply voltage.
Hongmei CHEN Jian WANG Lanyu WANG Long LI Honghui DENG Xu MENG Yongsheng YIN
This paper presents a fully digital modulation calibration technique for channel mismatch of TIADC at any frequency. By pre-inputting a test signal in TIADC, the mismatch errors are estimated and stored, and the stored values will be extracted for compensation when the input signal is at special frequency which can be detected by a threshold judgement module, thus solving the problem that the traditional modulation calibration algorithm cannot calibrate the signal at special frequency. Then, by adjusting the operation order among the error estimation coefficient, modulation function and input signal in the calibration loop, further, the order of correlation and modulation in the error estimation module, the complexity of the proposed calibration algorithm is greatly reduced and it will not increase with the number of channels of TIADC. What's more, the hardware consumption of filters in calibration algorithm is greatly reduced by introducing a CSD (Canonical Signed Digit) coding technique based on Horner's rule and sub-expression sharing. Applied to a four-channel 14bit 560MHz TIADC system, with input signal at 75.6MHz, the FPGA verification results show that, after calibration, the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) improves from 33.47dB to 99.81dB and signal-to-noise distortion ratio (SNDR) increases from 30.15dB to 81.89dB.
Sijia LI Long WANG Zhongju WANG
Soil moisture sensor calibration based on the Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARSplines) model is studied in this paper. Different from the generic polynomial fitting methods, the MARSplines model is a non-parametric model, and it is able to model the complex relationship between the actual and measured soil moisture. Rao-1 algorithm is employed to tune the hyper-parameters of the calibration model and thus the performance of the proposed method is further improved. Data collected from four commercial soil moisture sensors is utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. To assess the calibration performance, the proposed model is compared with the model without using the temperature information. The numeric studies prove that it is promising to apply the proposed model for real applications.
Takehiro KITAMURA Mahfuzul ISLAM Takashi HISAKADO Osami WADA
High-speed flash ADCs are useful in high-speed applications such as communication receivers. Due to offset voltage variation in the sub-micron processes, the power consumption and the area increase significantly to suppress variation. As an alternative to suppressing the variation, we have developed a flash ADC architecture that selects the comparators based on offset voltage ranking for reference generation. Specifically, with the order statistics as a basis, our method selects the minimum number of comparators to obtain equally spaced reference values. Because the proposed ADC utilizes offset voltages as references, no resistor ladder is required. We also developed a time-domain sorting mechanism for the offset voltages to achieve on-chip comparator selection. We first perform a detailed analysis of the order statistics based selection method and then design a 4-bit ADC in a commercial 65-nm process and perform transistor-level simulation. When using 127 comparators, INLs of 20 virtual chips are in the range of -0.34LSB/+0.29LSB to -0.83LSB/+0.74LSB, and DNLs are in the range of -0.33LSB/+0.24LSB to -0.77LSB/+1.18LSB at 1-GS/s operation. Our ADC achieves the SNDR of 20.9dB at Nyquist-frequency input and the power consumption of 0.84mW.
Jian BAI Lin LIU Xiaoyang ZHANG
The characteristics of antenna array, like sensor location, gain and phase response are rarely perfectly known in realistic situations. Location errors usually have a serious impact on the DOA (direction of arrival) estimation. In this paper, a novel array location calibration method of MUSIC (multiple signal classification) algorithm based on the virtual interpolated array is proposed. First, the paper introduces the antenna array positioning scheme. Then, the self-calibration algorithm of FIR-Winner filter based on virtual interpolation array is derived, and its application restriction are also analyzed. Finally, by simulating the different location errors of antenna array, the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated.
Kazumoto TANAKA Yunchuan ZHANG
We propose an augmented-reality-based method for arranging furniture using natural markers extracted from the edges of the walls of rooms. The proposed method extracts natural markers and estimates the camera parameters from single images of rooms using deep neural networks. Experimental results show that in all the measurements, the superimposition error of the proposed method was lower than that of general marker-based methods that use practical-sized markers.
A novel jig structure for S11 calibration with short/open conditions and one reference material (referred to here as SOM) in dielectric measurement of liquids using a coaxial feed type stepped cut-off circular waveguide and a formula for exact calculation of S11 for the analytical model of the structure using the method of moments (MoM) was proposed. The accuracy and validity of S11 values calculated using the relevant formula was then verified for frequencies of 0.50, 1.5 and 3.0 GHz, and S11 measurement accuracy with each termination condition was verified after calibration with SOM by combining the jig of the proposed structure with the study's electromagnetic (EM) analysis method. The relative complex permittivity was then estimated from S11 values measured with various liquids in the jig after calibration, and differences in results obtained with the proposed method and the conventional jig, the analytical model and the EM analysis method were examined. The validity of the proposed dielectric measurement method based on a combination of the above jig structure, numerical S11 calculation and the calibration method was thus confirmed.
Zongli RUAN Hongshu LIAO Guobing QIAN
In this letter, firstly, a novel adaptive beamformer using independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm is proposed. By this algorithm, the ambiguity of amplitude and phase resulted from blind source separation is removed utilizing the special structure of array manifolds matrix. However, there might exist great calibration error when the powers of interferences are far larger than that of desired signal at many applications such as sonar, radio astronomy, biomedical engineering and earthquake detection. As a result, this will lead to a significant reduction in separation performance. Then, a new method based on the combination of ICA and primary component analysis (PCA) is proposed to recover the desired signal's amplitude under strong interference. Finally, computer simulation is carried out to indicate the effectiveness of our methods. The simulation results show that the proposed methods can obtain higher SNR and more accurate power estimation of desired signal than diagonal loading sample matrix inversion (LSMI) and worst-case performance optimization (WCPO) method.
This paper presents a simulation study on the printing behavior of three different EUV resist systems. Stochastic models for negative metal-based resist and conventional chemically amplified resist (CAR) were calibrated and then validated. As for negative-tone development (NTD) CAR, we commenced from a positive-tone development (PTD) CAR calibrated (material) and NTD development models, since state-of-the-art measurements are not available. A conceptual study between PTD CAR and NTD CAR shows that the stochastic inhibitor fluctuation differs for PTD CAR: the inhibitor level exhibits small fluctuation (Mack development). For NTD CAR, the inhibitor fluctuation depends on the NTD type, which is defined by categorizing the difference between the NTD and PTD development thresholds. Respective NTD types have different inhibitor concentration level. Moreover, contact hole printing between negative metal-based and NTD CAR was compared to clarify the stochastic process window (PW) for tone reversed mask. For latter comparison, the aerial image (AI) and secondary electron effect are comparable. Finally, the local CD uniformity (LCDU) for the same 20 nm size, 40 nm pitch contact hole was compared among the three different resists. Dose-dependent behavior of LCDU and stochastic PW for NTD were different for the PTD CAR and metal-based resist. For NTD CAR, small inhibitor level and large inhibitor fluctuation around the development threshold were observed, causing LCDU increase, which is specific to the inverse Mack development resist.
In this paper, we present an efficient and robust method for estimating Homography matrix for soccer field registration between a captured camera image and a soccer field model. The presented method first detects reliable field lines from the camera image through clustering. Constructing a novel directional feature of the intersection points of the lines in both the camera image and the model, the presented method then finds matching pairs of these points between the image and the model. Finally, Homography matrix estimations and validations are performed using the obtained matching pairs, which can reduce the required number of Homography matrix calculations. Our presented method uses possible intersection points outside image for the point matching. This effectively improves robustness and accuracy of Homography estimation as demonstrated in experimental results.
In this paper, we propose an active calibration algorithm to tackle both gain-phase errors and position perturbations. Unlike many other active calibration methods, which fix the array while changing the location of the source, our approach rotates the array but does not change the location of the source, and knowledge of the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of the far-field calibration source is not required. The superiority of the proposed method lies in the fact that measurement of the direction of a far-field calibration source is not easy to carry out, while measurement of the rotation angle via the proposed calibration strategy is convenient and accurate. To obtain the receiving data from different directions, the sensor array is rotated to three different positions with known rotation angles. Based on the eigen-decomposition of the data covariance matrices, we can use the direction of the auxiliary source to represent the gain-phase errors and position perturbations. After that, we estimate the DOA of the calibration source by a one-dimensional search. Finally, the sensor gain-phase errors and position perturbations are calculated by using the estimated direction of the calibration source. Simulations verify the effectiveness and performance of the algorithm.
A method for the calibration of S11 at the front surface of a material for a coaxial-feed type cut-off circular waveguide with three reference materials inserted and no short termination condition was proposed as a preliminary step for dielectric measurement in liquids. The equations for jig calibration of S11 with these reference materials were first defined, and the electrostatic capacitance for the analytical model unique to the jig was quantified by substituting the reflection constant (calculated at frequencies of 0.50, 1.5 and 3.0 GHz using the mode-matching (MM) technique) into the equivalent circuit, assuming the sample liquid in the jig. The accuracy of S11 measured using the proposed method was then verified. S11 for the front surface of the sample material was also measured with various liquids in the jig after calibration, and the dielectric constants of the liquids were estimated as an inverse problem based on comparison of S11 calculated from an analytical model using EM analysis via the MM technique with the measured S11 values described above. The effectiveness of the proposed S11 calibration method was verified by comparison with dielectric constants estimated after S11 SOM (short, open and reference material) calibration and similar, with results showing favorable agreement with each method.
Hiroto KAWAKAMI Shoichiro KUWAHARA Yoshiaki KISAKA
We show that imperfection in an IQ-modulator degrades the accuracy of the auto bias control (ABC) circuit connected to the modulator's complementary port. Theoretical analyses show that the IQ-modulator constructed by a nested Mach-Zehnder modulator with a low extinction ratio can distort a constellation of modulated light observed at the complementary port. We propose an auto calibration technique for the ABC circuit that can effectively suppress this degradation. Experimental results using 32-Gbaud, 16-QAM signals showed the measured Q-factor improved by 0.5dB with our proposed technique.
In this paper, we propose an accurate calibration method for glassless stereoscopic systems. The method uses a lenticular lens on a general display. Glassless stereoscopic displays are currently used in many fields; however, accurately adjusting their physical display position is difficult because an accuracy of several microns or one hundredth of a degree is required, particularly given their larger display area. The proposed method enables a dynamic adjustment of the positions of images on the display to match various physical conditions in three-dimensional (3D) displays. In particular, compared with existing approaches, this avoids degradation of the image quality due to the image location on the screen while improving the image quality by local mapping. Moreover, it is shown to decrease the calibration time by performing simultaneous processing for each local area. As a result of the calibration, the offset jitter representing the crosstalk reduces from 14.946 to 8.645 mm. It is shown that high-quality 3D videos can be generated. Finally, we construct a stereoscopic viewing system using a high-resolution display and lenticular lens and produce high-quality 3D images with automatic calibration.
For automotive millimeter radar, a method using a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) array antenna is essential for high angle resolution with module miniaturization. MIMO enables us to extend an antenna array with virtual antennas, and a large antenna array aperture enables high resolution angle estimation. Time division multiplex (TDM) MIMO, which is a method to generate virtual array antennas, makes it easy to design radar system integrated circuits. However, this method leads to two issues in signal processing; the phase error reduces the accuracy of angle estimation of a moving target, and the maximum detectable velocity decreases in inverse proportion to the number of Tx antennas. We analytically derived this phase error and proposed a method to correct the error. Because the phase error of TDM-MIMO is proportional to the target velocity, accurate estimation of the target velocity is an important issue for phase error correction. However, the decrease of the maximum detectable velocity in TDM-MIMO reduces the accuracy of both velocity estimation and angle estimation. To solve these issues, we propose new signal processing for range-velocity estimation for TDM-MIMO radar. By using the feedback result of the estimated direction of arrival (DoA), we can avoid decreasing the maximum detectable velocity. We explain our method with our simulation results.
Jingyu LI Dandan XIAO Yue ZHANG
A high-speed high-resolution sampling system is the crucial part in wideband radar receivers. A 10.4-GS/s 12-bit wideband sampling system based on TIADC technique is designed in this letter. The acquisition function is implemented on a VPX platform. The storage function is implemented on a standard 19-inch rack server. The sampled data is transmitted at high speed through optical fibers between them. A mixed calibration method based on perfect reconstruction is adopted to compensate channel mismatches of wideband TIADC system. For sinusoidal signals from 100MHz to 5000MHz, more than 46-dB SNDR and 56-dB SFDR can be obtained in this sampling system. This letter provides a high-speed and high-resolution acquisition scheme for direct intermediate frequency sampling wideband digital receivers.
An offline sensor gain-phase errors calibration method for a linear array using a source in unknown location is proposed. The proposed method is realized through three steps. First, based on the observed covariance matrix, we construct a function related to direction, and it is proved that when the function takes the minimum value, the corresponding value should be the direction of the calibration source. Second, the direction of calibration source is estimated by locating the valley from the constructed function. Third, the gain-phase errors are obtained based on the estimated direction. The proposed method offers a number of advantages. First, the accurate direction measurement of the calibration source is not required. Second, only one calibration source needs to be arranged. Third, it does not require an iterative procedure or a two-dimensional (2D) spectral search. Fourth, the method is applicable to linear arrays, not only to uniform linear arrays (ULAs). Numerical simulations are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed method.