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[Keyword] combinatorial optimization(60hit)


  • A Flip-Count-Based Dynamic Temperature Control Method for Constrained Combinatorial Optimization by Parallel Annealing Algorithms Open Access

    Genta INOUE  Daiki OKONOGI  Satoru JIMBO  Thiem Van CHU  Masato MOTOMURA  Kazushi KAWAMURA  


    E108-D No:1

    Annealing machines use an Ising model to represent combinatorial optimization problems (COPs) and minimize the energy of the model with spin-flip sequences. Pseudo temperature is a key hyperparameter to control the search performance of annealing machines. In general, the temperature is statically scheduled such that it is gradually decreased from a sufficiently high to a sufficiently low values. However, the search process during high and low temperatures in solving constrained COPs does not improve the solution quality as expected, which requires repeated preliminary annealing for pre-tuning. This paper proposes a flip-count-based dynamic temperature control (FDTC) method to make the preliminary annealing unnecessary. FDTC checks whether the current temperature is effective by evaluating the average number of flipped spins in a series of steps. The simulation results for traveling salesman problems and quadratic assignment problems demonstrate that FDTC can obtain comparable or higher solution quality than the static temperature scheduling pre-tuned for every COP.

  • A Fully-Parallel Annealing Algorithm with Autonomous Pinning Effect Control for Various Combinatorial Optimization Problems

    Daiki OKONOGI  Satoru JIMBO  Kota ANDO  Thiem Van CHU  Jaehoon YU  Masato MOTOMURA  Kazushi KAWAMURA  


    E106-D No:12

    Annealing computation has recently attracted attention as it can efficiently solve combinatorial optimization problems using an Ising spin-glass model. Stochastic cellular automata annealing (SCA) is a promising algorithm that can realize fast spin-update by utilizing its parallel computing capability. However, in SCA, pinning effect control to suppress the spin-flip probability is essential, making escaping from local minima more difficult than serial spin-update algorithms, depending on the problem. This paper proposes a novel approach called APC-SCA (Autonomous Pinning effect Control SCA), where the pinning effect can be controlled autonomously by focusing on individual spin-flip. The evaluation results using max-cut, N-queen, and traveling salesman problems demonstrate that APC-SCA can obtain better solutions than the original SCA that uses pinning effect control pre-optimized by a grid search. Especially in solving traveling salesman problems, we confirm that the tour distance obtained by APC-SCA is up to 56.3% closer to the best-known compared to the conventional approach.

  • An Efficient Combined Bit-Width Reducing Method for Ising Models

    Yuta YACHI  Masashi TAWADA  Nozomu TOGAWA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E106-D No:4

    Annealing machines such as quantum annealing machines and semiconductor-based annealing machines have been attracting attention as an efficient computing alternative for solving combinatorial optimization problems. They solve original combinatorial optimization problems by transforming them into a data structure called an Ising model. At that time, the bit-widths of the coefficients of the Ising model have to be kept within the range that an annealing machine can deal with. However, by reducing the Ising-model bit-widths, its minimum energy state, or ground state, may become different from that of the original one, and hence the targeted combinatorial optimization problem cannot be well solved. This paper proposes an effective method for reducing Ising model's bit-widths. The proposed method is composed of two processes: First, given an Ising model with large coefficient bit-widths, the shift method is applied to reduce its bit-widths roughly. Second, the spin-adding method is applied to further reduce its bit-widths to those that annealing machines can deal with. Without adding too many extra spins, we efficiently reduce the coefficient bit-widths of the original Ising model. Furthermore, the ground state before and after reducing the coefficient bit-widths is not much changed in most of the practical cases. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, compared to existing methods.

  • A Hybrid Integer Encoding Method for Obtaining High-Quality Solutions of Quadratic Knapsack Problems on Solid-State Annealers

    Satoru JIMBO  Daiki OKONOGI  Kota ANDO  Thiem Van CHU  Jaehoon YU  Masato MOTOMURA  Kazushi KAWAMURA  


    E105-D No:12

    For formulating Quadratic Knapsack Problems (QKPs) into the form of Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO), it is necessary to introduce an integer variable, which converts and incorporates the knapsack capacity constraint into the overall energy function. In QUBO, this integer variable is encoded with auxiliary binary variables, and the encoding method used for it affects the behavior of Simulated Annealing (SA) significantly. For improving the efficiency of SA for QKP instances, this paper first visualized and analyzed their annealing processes encoded by conventional binary and unary encoding methods. Based on this analysis, we proposed a novel hybrid encoding (HE), getting the best of both worlds. The proposed HE obtained feasible solutions in the evaluation, outperforming the others in small- and medium-scale models.

  • Speeding-Up Construction Algorithms for the Graph Coloring Problem

    Kazuho KANAHARA  Kengo KATAYAMA  Etsuji TOMITA  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Algorithms and Data Structures, Graphs and Networks

    E105-A No:9

    The Graph Coloring Problem (GCP) is a fundamental combinatorial optimization problem that has many practical applications. Degree of SATURation (DSATUR) and Recursive Largest First (RLF) are well known as typical solution construction algorithms for GCP. It is necessary to update the vertex degree in the subgraph induced by uncolored vertices when selecting vertices to be colored in both DSATUR and RLF. There is an issue that the higher the edge density of a given graph, the longer the processing time. The purposes of this paper are to propose a degree updating method called Adaptive Degree Updating (ADU for short) that improves the issue, and to evaluate the effectiveness of ADU for DSATUR and RLF on DIMACS benchmark graphs as well as random graphs having a wide range of sizes and densities. Experimental results show that the construction algorithms with ADU are faster than the conventional algorithms for many graphs and that the ADU method yields significant speed-ups relative to the conventional algorithms, especially in the case of large graphs with higher edge density.

  • Industry 4.0 Based Business Process Re-Engineering Framework for Manufacturing Industry Setup Incorporating Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization

    Anum TARIQ  Shoab AHMED KHAN  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E105-D No:7

    Manufacturers are coping with increasing pressures in quality, cost and efficiency as more and more industries are moving from traditional setup to industry 4.0 based digitally transformed setup due to its numerous playbacks. Within the manufacturing domain organizational structures and processes are complex, therefore adopting industry 4.0 and finding an optimized re-engineered business process is difficult without using a systematic methodology. Authors have developed Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and Business Process Optimization (BPO) methods but no consolidated methodology have been seen in the literature that is based on industry 4.0 and incorporates both the BPR and BPO. We have presented a consolidated and systematic re-engineering and optimization framework for a manufacturing industry setup. The proposed framework performs Evolutionary Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). An example process from an aircraft manufacturing factory has been optimized and re-engineered with available set of technologies from industry 4.0 based on the criteria of lower cost, reduced processing time and reduced error rate. At the end to validate the proposed framework Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is used for simulations and perform comparison between AS-IS and TO-BE processes as it is widely used standard for business process specification. The proposed framework will be used in converting an industry from traditional setup to industry 4.0 resulting in cost reduction, increased performance and quality.

  • The Huffman Tree Problem with Upper-Bounded Linear Functions

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Yuichi SHIRAI  Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  


    E105-D No:3

    The construction of a Huffman code can be understood as the problem of finding a full binary tree such that each leaf is associated with a linear function of the depth of the leaf and the sum of the function values is minimized. Fujiwara and Jacobs extended this to a general function and proved the extended problem to be NP-hard. The authors also showed the case where the functions associated with leaves are each non-decreasing and convex is solvable in polynomial time. However, the complexity of the case of non-decreasing non-convex functions remains unknown. In this paper we try to reveal the complexity by considering non-decreasing non-convex functions each of which takes the smaller value of either a linear function or a constant. As a result, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for two subclasses of such functions.

  • A Reinforcement Learning Method for Optical Thin-Film Design Open Access

    Anqing JIANG  Osamu YOSHIE  


    E105-C No:2

    Machine learning, especially deep learning, is dramatically changing the methods associated with optical thin-film inverse design. The vast majority of this research has focused on the parameter optimization (layer thickness, and structure size) of optical thin-films. A challenging problem that arises is an automated material search. In this work, we propose a new end-to-end algorithm for optical thin-film inverse design. This method combines the ability of unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and includes a genetic algorithm to design an optical thin-film without any human intervention. Furthermore, with several concrete examples, we have shown how one can use this technique to optimize the spectra of a multi-layer solar absorber device.

  • An Ising Machine-Based Solver for Visiting-Route Recommendation Problems in Amusement Parks

    Yosuke MUKASA  Tomoya WAKAIZUMI  Shu TANAKA  Nozomu TOGAWA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E104-D No:10

    In an amusement park, an attraction-visiting route considering the waiting time and traveling time improves visitors' satisfaction and experience. We focus on Ising machines to solve the problem, which are recently expected to solve combinatorial optimization problems at high speed by mapping the problems to Ising models or quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) models. We propose a mapping of the visiting-route recommendation problem in amusement parks to a QUBO model for solving it using Ising machines. By using an actual Ising machine, we could obtain feasible solutions one order of magnitude faster with almost the same accuracy as the simulated annealing method for the visiting-route recommendation problem.

  • Optimization by Neural Networks in the Coherent Ising Machine and its Application to Wireless Communication Systems Open Access

    Mikio HASEGAWA  Hirotake ITO  Hiroki TAKESUE  Kazuyuki AIHARA  

    INVITED PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:3

    Recently, new optimization machines based on non-silicon physical systems, such as quantum annealing machines, have been developed, and their commercialization has been started. These machines solve the problems by searching the state of the Ising spins, which minimizes the Ising Hamiltonian. Such a property of minimization of the Ising Hamiltonian can be applied to various combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, we introduce the coherent Ising machine (CIM), which can solve the problems in a milli-second order, and has higher performance than the quantum annealing machines especially on the problems with dense mutual connections in the corresponding Ising model. We explain how a target problem can be implemented on the CIM, based on the optimization scheme using the mutually connected neural networks. We apply the CIM to traveling salesman problems as an example benchmark, and show experimental results of the real machine of the CIM. We also apply the CIM to several combinatorial optimization problems in wireless communication systems, such as channel assignment problems. The CIM's ultra-fast optimization may enable a real-time optimization of various communication systems even in a dynamic communication environment.

  • A Fully-Connected Ising Model Embedding Method and Its Evaluation for CMOS Annealing Machines

    Daisuke OKU  Kotaro TERADA  Masato HAYASHI  Masanao YAMAOKA  Shu TANAKA  Nozomu TOGAWA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:9

    Combinatorial optimization problems with a large solution space are difficult to solve just using von Neumann computers. Ising machines or annealing machines have been developed to tackle these problems as a promising Non-von Neumann computer. In order to use these annealing machines, every combinatorial optimization problem is mapped onto the physical Ising model, which consists of spins, interactions between them, and their external magnetic fields. Then the annealing machines operate so as to search the ground state of the physical Ising model, which corresponds to the optimal solution of the original combinatorial optimization problem. A combinatorial optimization problem can be firstly described by an ideal fully-connected Ising model but it is very hard to embed it onto the physical Ising model topology of a particular annealing machine, which causes one of the largest issues in annealing machines. In this paper, we propose a fully-connected Ising model embedding method targeting for CMOS annealing machine. The key idea is that the proposed method replicates every logical spin in a fully-connected Ising model and embeds each logical spin onto the physical spins with the same chain length. Experimental results through an actual combinatorial problem show that the proposed method obtains spin embeddings superior to the conventional de facto standard method, in terms of the embedding time and the probability of obtaining a feasible solution.

  • Online Combinatorial Optimization with Multiple Projections and Its Application to Scheduling Problem

    Takahiro FUJITA  Kohei HATANO  Shuji KIJIMA  Eiji TAKIMOTO  


    E101-A No:9

    We consider combinatorial online prediction problems and propose a new construction method of efficient algorithms for the problems. One of the previous approaches to the problem is to apply online prediction method, in which two external procedures the projection and the metarounding are assumed to be implemented. In this work, we generalize the projection to multiple projections. As an application of our framework, we show an algorithm for an online job scheduling problem with a single machine with precedence constraints.

  • Area Efficient Annealing Processor for Ising Model without Random Number Generator

    Hidenori GYOTEN  Masayuki HIROMOTO  Takashi SATO  

    PAPER-Device and Architecture

    E101-D No:2

    An area-efficient FPGA-based annealing processor that is based on Ising model is proposed. The proposed processor eliminates random number generators (RNGs) and temperature schedulers, which are the key components in the conventional annealing processors and occupying a large portion of the design. Instead, a shift-register-based spin flipping scheme successfully helps the Ising model from stucking in the local optimum solutions. An FPGA implementation and software-based evaluation on max-cut problems of 2D-grid torus structure demonstrate that our annealing processor solves the problems 10-104 times faster than conventional optimization algorithms to obtain the solution of equal accuracy.

  • BDD-Constrained A* Search: A Fast Method for Solving Constrained Shortest-Path Problems

    Fumito TAKEUCHI  Masaaki NISHINO  Norihito YASUDA  Takuya AKIBA  Shin-ichi MINATO  Masaaki NAGATA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E100-D No:12

    This paper deals with the constrained DAG shortest path problem (CDSP), which finds the shortest path on a given directed acyclic graph (DAG) under any logical constraints posed on taken edges. There exists a previous work that uses binary decision diagrams (BDDs) to represent the logical constraints, and traverses the input DAG and the BDD simultaneously. The time and space complexity of this BDD-based method is derived from BDD size, and tends to be fast only when BDDs are small. However, since it does not prioritize the search order, there is considerable room for improvement, particularly for large BDDs. We combine the well-known A* search with the BDD-based method synergistically, and implement several novel heuristic functions. The key insight here is that the ‘shortest path’ in the BDD is a solution of a relaxed problem, just as the shortest path in the DAG is. Experiments, particularly practical machine learning applications, show that the proposed method decreases search time by up to 2 orders of magnitude, with the specific result that it is 2,000 times faster than a commercial solver. Moreover, the proposed method can reduce the peak memory usage up to 40 times less than the conventional method.

  • Improving Performance of Heuristic Algorithms by Lebesgue Spectrum Filter Open Access

    Mikio HASEGAWA  


    E99-B No:11

    The previous researches on the chaotic CDMA have theoretically derived the chaotic sequences having the minimum asynchronous cross-correlation. To minimize the asynchronous cross-correlation, autocorrelation of each sequence have to be C(τ)≈C×rτ, r=-2+√3, dumped oscillation with increase of the lag τ. There are several methods to generate such sequences, using a chaotic map, using the Lebesgue spectrum filter (LSF) and so on. In this paper, such lowest cross-correlation found in the chaotic CDMA researches is applied to solution search algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. In combinatorial optimization, effectiveness of the chaotic search has already been clarified. First, an importance of chaos and autocorrelation with dumped oscillation for combinatorial optimization is shown. Next, in order to realize ideal solution search, the LSF is applied to the Hopfield-Tank neural network, the 2-opt method and the 2-exchange method. Effectiveness of the LSF is clarified even for the large problems for the traveling salesman problems and the quadratic assignment problems.

  • The Huffman Tree Problem with Unit Step Functions

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Takuya NAKAMURA  Toshihiro FUJITO  


    E98-A No:6

    A binary tree is regarded as a prefix-free binary code, in which the weighted sum of the lengths of root-leaf paths is equal to the expected codeword length. Huffman's algorithm computes an optimal tree in O(n log n) time, where n is the number of leaves. The problem was later generalized by allowing each leaf to have its own function of its depth and setting the sum of the function values as the objective function. The generalized problem was proved to be NP-hard. In this paper we study the case where every function is a unit step function, that is, a function that takes a lower constant value if the depth does not exceed a threshold, and a higher constant value otherwise. We show that for this case, the problem can be solved in O(n log n) time, by reducing it to the Coin Collector's problem.

  • Hybrid Consultant-Guided Search for the Traveling Salesperson Problem

    Hiroyuki EBARA  Yudai HIRANUMA  Koki NAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E97-A No:8

    Metaheuristic methods have been studied for combinational optimization problems for some time. Recently, a Consultant-Guided Search (CGS) has been proposed as a metaheuristic method for the Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP). This approach is an algorithm in which a virtual person called a client creates a solution based on consultation with a virtual person called a consultant. In this research, we propose a parallel algorithm which uses the Ant Colony System (ACS) to create a solution with a consultant in a Consultant-Guided Search, and calculate an approximation solution for the TSP. Finally, we execute a computer experiment using the benchmark problems (TSPLIB). Our algorithm provides a solution with less than 2% error rate for problem instances using less than 2000 cities.

  • Neuron Circuit Using Coupled SQUIDs Gate with Flat Output Characteristics for Superconducting Neural Network

    Takeshi ONOMI  Koji NAKAJIMA  


    E97-C No:3

    We propose an improved design of a neuron circuit, using coupled SQUIDs gates, for a superconducting neural network. An activation function with step-like input vs. output characteristics is desirable for a neuron circuit to solve a combinatorial optimization problem. The proposed neuron circuit is composed of two coupled SQUIDs gates with a cascade connection, in order to obtain such characteristics. The designed neuron circuit is fabricated by a 2.5kA/cm2 Nb/AlOx/Nb process. The operation of a fabricated neuron circuit is experimentally demonstrated. Network performance of a neural network using proposed neuron circuits is also estimated by numerical dynamic simulations.

  • Negative Correlation Learning in the Estimation of Distribution Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization


    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E96-D No:11

    This article introduces the Coincidence Algorithm (COIN) to solve several multimodal puzzles. COIN is an algorithm in the category of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) that makes use of probabilistic models to generate solutions. The model of COIN is a joint probability table of adjacent events (coincidence) derived from the population of candidate solutions. A unique characteristic of COIN is the ability to learn from a negative sample. Various experiments show that learning from a negative example helps to prevent premature convergence, promotes diversity and preserves good building blocks.

  • Network Topology and Battery Size Exploration for Decentralized Energy Network with MIP Base Power Flow Optimization

    Ittetsu TANIGUCHI  Kazutoshi SAKAKIBARA  Shinya KATO  Masahiro FUKUI  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E96-A No:7

    Large-scale introduction of renewable energy such as photovoltaic energy and wind is a big motivation for renovating conventional grid systems. To be independent from existing power grids and to use renewable energy as much as possible, a decentralized energy network is proposed as a new grid system. The decentralized energy network is placed among houses to connect them with each other, and each house has a PV panel and a battery. A contribution of this paper is a network topology and battery size exploration for the decentralized energy network in order to make effective use of renewable energy. The proposed method for exploring the decentralized energy network design is inspired by the design methodology of VLSI systems, especially design space exploration in system-level design. The proposed method is based on mixed integer programming (MIP) base power flow optimization, and it was evaluated for all design instances. Experimental results show that the decentralized energy network has the following features. 1) The energy loss and energy purchased due to power shortage were not affected by each battery size but largely affected by the sum of all battery sizes in the network, and 2) the network topology did not largely affect the energy loss and the purchased energy. These results will become a useful guide to designing an optimal decentralized energy network for each region.


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