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Series-connection of resonant-tunneling diodes (RTDs) has been considered to be efficient in upgrading the output power when it is introduced to oscillator architecture. This work is for clarifying the same architecture also contributes to increasing oscillation frequency because the device parasitic capacitance is reduced M times for M series-connected RTD oscillator. Although this mechanism is expected to be universal, we restrict the discussion to the recently proposed multiphase oscillator utilizing an RTD oscillator lattice loop. After explaining the operation principle, we evaluate how the oscillation frequency depends on the number of series-connected RTDs through full-wave calculations. In addition, the essential dynamics were validated experimentally in breadboarded multiphase oscillators using Esaki diodes in place of RTDs.
A one-dimensional lattice of tunnel-diode oscillators is investigated for potential high-speed frequency divider. In the evolution of the investigated lattice, the high-frequency oscillation dominates over the low-frequency oscillation. When a base oscillator is connected at the end, and generates oscillatory signals with a frequency higher than that of the synchronous lattice oscillation, the oscillator output begins to move in the lattice. This one-way property guarantees that the oscillation dynamics of the lattice have only slight influence on the oscillator motion. Moreover, counter-moving pulses in the lattice exhibit pair annihilation through head-on collisions. These lattice properties enable an efficient frequency division method. Herein, the operating principles of the frequency divider are described, along with a numerical validation.
Masaki AIDA Chisa TAKANO Masayuki MURATA
This paper proposes an oscillation model for analyzing the dynamics of activity propagation across social media networks. In order to analyze such dynamics, we generally need to model asymmetric interactions between nodes. In matrix-based network models, asymmetric interaction is frequently modeled by a directed graph expressed as an asymmetric matrix. Unfortunately, the dynamics of an asymmetric matrix-based model is difficult to analyze. This paper, first of all, discusses a symmetric matrix-based model that can describe some types of link asymmetry, and then proposes an oscillation model on networks. Next, the proposed oscillation model is generalized to arbitrary link asymmetry. We describe the outlines of four important research topics derived from the proposed oscillation model. First, we show that the oscillation energy of each node gives a generalized notion of node centrality. Second, we introduce a framework that uses resonance to estimate the natural frequency of networks. Natural frequency is important information for recognizing network structure. Third, by generalizing the oscillation model on directed networks, we create a dynamical model that can describe flaming on social media networks. Finally, we show the fundamental equation of oscillation on networks, which provides an important breakthrough for generalizing the spectral graph theory applicable to directed graphs.
In IEEE802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), frame collisions occur drastically when the number of wireless terminals connecting to the same Access Point (AP) increases. It causes the decrease of the total throughput of all terminals. To solve this issue, the authors have proposed a new media access control (MAC) method, Synchronized Phase MAC (SP-MAC), based on the synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators. We have addressed the network environment in which only uplink flows from the wireless terminal to an AP exist. However, it is necessary to take into consideration of the real network environment in which uplink and downlink flows are generated simultaneously. If many bidirectional data flows exist in the WLAN, the AP receives many frames from both uplink and downlink by collision avoidance of SP-MAC. As a result, the total throughput decreases by buffer overflow in the AP. In this paper, we propose a priority control method based on SP-MAC for avoiding the buffer overflow in the AP under the bidirectional environment. Also, we show that the proposed method has an effect for improving buffer overflow in the AP and total throughput by the simulation.
Wireless local area networks (LANs) based on the IEEE802.11 standard usually use carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) for media access control. However, in CSMA/CA, if the number of wireless terminals increases, the back-off time derived by the initial contention window (CW) tends to conflict among wireless terminals. Consequently, a data frame collision often occurs, which sometimes causes the degradation of the total throughput in the transport layer protocols. In this study, to improve the total throughput, we propose a new media access control method, SP-MAC, which is based on the synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators. Moreover, this study shows that SP-MAC drastically decreases the data frame collision probability and improves the total throughput when compared with the original CSMA/CA method.
Jinhua LIU Guican CHEN Hong ZHANG
This paper presents a systemic analysis for phase noise performances of differential cross-coupled LC oscillators by using Hajimiri and Lee's model. The effective impulse sensitivity functions (ISF) for each noise source in the oscillator is mathematically derived. According to these effective ISFs, the phase noise contribution from each device is figured out, and phase noise contributions from the device noise in the vicinity of the integer multiples of the resonant frequency, weighted by the Fourier coefficients of the effective ISF, are also calculated. The explicit closed-form expression for phase noise of the oscillator is definitely determined. The validity of the phase noise analysis is verified by good simulation agreement.
Koichi MAEZAWA Takashi OHE Koji KASAHARA Masayuki MORI
A third order harmonic oscillator has been proposed based on the resonant tunneling diode pair oscillators. This oscillator has significant advantages, good stability of the oscillation frequency against the load impedance change together with capability to output higher frequencies. Proper circuit operation has been demonstrated using circuit simulations. It has been also shown that the output frequency is stable against the load impedance change.
Shigeji NOGI Minoru SANAGI Kazuhiro FUJIMORI
Active integrated antenna techniques have high potential for giving smaller size, lighter weight, lower cost and higher efficiency, in particular to millimeter-wave circuit-antenna systems. This paper gives a review of active integrated antenna techniques with emphasis on beam steering and retrodirective antenna arrays. Various beam steering operations of integrated antenna oscillator arrays using locking phenomena are presented. Beam steering arrays of such type have the feature that phase shifters are not necessary in the arrays. Arrays with higher harmonic output radiation can enlarge the beam steering range. Arrays of locked active antennas which operate as self-oscillating mixers can be beam controllable receiving antennas.
Masayuki YAMAUCHI Yoshifumi NISHIO Akio USHIDA Mamoru TANAKA
In this study, nonlinear wave phenomena related to transmissions and reflections of the phase-inversion waves around a discontinuity of a coupled system consisting of two kinds of arrays of van der Pol oscillators are investigated. By computer simulations, behavior of the phase-inversion waves around the discontinuity in the coupled system is classified into eight types. Further, the mechanisms of the transmission and the reflection of a phase-inversion wave at the discontinuity are explained. Circuit experiments confirm the simulated results.
Masayuki YAMAUCHI Masahiro OKUDA Yoshifumi NISHIO Akio USHIDA
Recently, we have discovered wave propagation phenomena which are continuously existing waves of changing phase states between two adjacent oscillators from in-phase to anti-phase or from anti-phase to in-phase in van der Pol oscillators coupled by inductors as a ladder. We named the phenomena as "phase-inversion waves." In this study, phase-inversion waves which exist in the state of in-and-anti-phase synchronization have been found. We observe the phenomena by circuit experiments and computer calculations, and investigate them.
Masayuki YAMAUCHI Yoshifumi NISHIO Akio USHIDA
In this study, wave propagation phenomena of phase differences observed in van der Pol oscillators coupled by inductors as a ladder are investigated. The phenomena are called "phase waves. " We classify the observed phenomena and analyze the difference in detail. We observe that the behavior of the phase waves generated by giving a phase difference of positive value is different from the behavior of those generated by giving a phase difference of negative value. We can also observe the generation of two pairs of phase waves. We clarify the mechanisms of these complicated phenomena. Finally, for the case of nine oscillators, we carry out both computer calculations and circuit experiments. Circuit experimental results agree well with computer calculated results qualitatively.
Toshimichi SAITO Fumitaka KOMATSU Hiroyuki TORIKAI
As two simple relaxation oscillators are coupled by periodical and instantaneous switching, the system exhibits rich superstable synchronous phenomena. In order to analyze the phenomena, we derive a hybrid return map of real and binary variables; and give theoretical results for (1) superstability of the synchronous phenomena and (2) period of the synchronous phenomena as a function of the parameters. Using a simple test circuit, typical phenomena are verified in the laboratory.
Hidehiro NAKANO Toshimichi SAITO Kunihiko MITSUBORI
This paper studies mutually coupled integrate-and-fire type chaotic oscillators. The coupling is realized by impulsive switchings and the system exhibits various synchronous and asynchronous phenomena. We give a basic classification of the chaos synchronization phenomena and their breakdown patterns. The stability of the synchronous states can be confirmed using the piecewise exact solutions, and the basic mechanism of the phenomena can be elucidated by a simple geometric consideration. The typical phenomena are confirmed in the laboratory.
Tatsuki OKAMOTO Yoshifumi NISHIO Akio USHIDA
In this study, we show how changing a frequency in one of N chaotic circuits coupled by a resistor effects our system by means of both circuit experiment and computer calculation. In these N chaotic circuits, N-1 circuits are completely identical, and the remaining one has altered the value of the oscillation frequency. It is found that for the case of N = 3 when a value of a coupling resistor is gradually increased, only one circuit with different frequency exhibits bifurcation phenomena including inverse period-doubling bifurcation, and for larger value of coupling resistor, the chaotic circuit with different frequency suddenly stops oscillating and the remaining two chaotic circuits exhibit completely anti-phase synchronization.
Seiichiro MORO Yoshifumi NISHIO Shinsaku MORI
When N oscillators are coupled by one resistor, we can see N-phase oscillation, because the system tends to minimize the current through the coupling resistor. Moreover, when the hard oscillators are coupled, we can see N, N - 1, , 3, 2-phase oscillation and get much more phase states. In this study, the two types of coupled oscillators networks with third and fifth-power nonlinear characteristics are proposed. One network has two-dimensional hexagonal structure and the other has two-dimensional lattice structure. In the hexagonal circuit, adjacent three oscillators are coupled by one coupling resistor. On the other hand, in the lattice circuit, four oscillators are coupled by one coupling resistor. In this paper we confirm the phenomena seen in the proposed networks by circuit experiments and numerical calculations. In the system with third-power nonlinear characteristics, we can see the phase patterns based on 3-phase oscillation in the hexagonal circuit, and based on anti-phase oscillation in lattice circuit. In the system with fifth-power nonlinear characteristics, we can see the phase patterns based on 3-phase and anti-phase oscillation in both hexagonal and lattice circuits. In particular, in these networks, we can see not only the synchronization based on 3-phase and anti-phase oscillation but the synchronization which is not based on 3-phase and anti-phase oscillation.
Seiichiro MORO Yoshifumi NISHIO Shinsaku MORI
In this study, we propose a system of N Wien-bridge oscillators with the same natural frequency coupled by one resistor, and investigate synchronization phenomena in the proposed system. Because the structure of the system is different from that of LC oscillators systems proposed in our previous works, this system cannot exhibit N-phase oscillations but 3-phase and in-phase oscillations. Also in this system, we can get an extremely large number of steady phase states by changing the initial states. In particular, when N is not so large, we can get more phase states in this system than that of the LC oscillators systems. Because this system does not include any inductors and is strong against phase error this system is much more suitable for applications on VLSI compared with coupled system of van der Pol type LC oscillators.
Seiichiro MORO Yoshifumi NISHIO Sinsaku MORI
There have been many investigations of mutual synchronization of oscillators. In this article, N oscillators with the same natural frequencies mutually coupled by one resistor are analyzed. In this system, various synchronization phenomena can be observed because the system tends to minimize the current through the coupling resistor. When the nonlinear characteristics are third-power, we can observe N-phase oscillation, and this system can take (N 1)! phase states. When the nonlinear characteristics are fifth-power, we can observe (N 1),(N 2)3 and 2-phase oscillations as well as N-phase oscillations and we can get much more phase states from this system than that of the system with third-power nonlinear characteristics. Because of their coupling structure and huge number of steady states of the system, our system would be a structural element of cellular neural networks. In this study, it is confirmed that our systems can stably take huge number of phase states by theoretical analysis, computer calculations and circuit experiments.
Bifurcations of quasi–periodic responses in an oscillator described by conductively coupled van der Pol equations with a sinusoidal forcing term are investigated. According to the variation of three base frequencies, i.e., two natural frequencies of oscillators and the forcing frequency, various nonlinear phenomena such as harmonic or subharmonic synchronization, almost synchronization and complete desynchronization are ovserved. The most characteristic phenomenon observed in the four–dimensional nonautonomous system is the occurrence of a double Hopf bifurcation of periodic solutions. A quasi–periodic solution with three base spectra, which is generated by the double Hopf bifurcation, is studied through an investigation of properties of limit cycles observed in an averaged system for the original nonautonomous equations. The oscillatory circuit is particularly motivated by analysis of human circadian rhythms. The transition from an external desynchronization to a complete desynchronization in human rest–activity can be referred to a mechanism of the bifurcation of quasi–periodic solutions with two and three base spectra.