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Wentao LYU Di ZHOU Chengqun WANG Lu ZHANG
In this paper, we present a novel discriminative dictionary learning (DDL) method for image classification. The local structural relationship between samples is first built by the Laplacian eigenmaps (LE), and then integrated into the basic DDL frame to suppress inter-class ambiguity in the feature space. Moreover, in order to improve the discriminative ability of the dictionary, the category label information of training samples is formulated into the objective function of dictionary learning by considering the discriminative promotion term. Thus, the data points of original samples are transformed into a new feature space, in which the points from different categories are expected to be far apart. The test results based on the real dataset indicate the effectiveness of this method.
Kotaro NAGAI Daisuke KANEMOTO Makoto OHKI
This letter reports on the effectiveness of applying the K-singular value decomposition (SVD) dictionary learning to the electroencephalogram (EEG) compressed sensing framework with outlier detection and independent component analysis. Using the K-SVD dictionary matrix with our design parameter optimization, for example, at compression ratio of four, we improved the normalized mean square error value by 31.4% compared with that of the discrete cosine transform dictionary for CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Database.
This paper proposes a high-quality computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction method from low-dose X-ray projection data. A state-of-the-art method, proposed by Xu et al., exploits dictionary learning for image patches. This method generates an overcomplete dictionary from patches of standard-dose CT images and reconstructs low-dose CT images by minimizing the sum of a data fidelity and a regularization term based on sparse representations with the dictionary. However, this method does not take characteristics of each patch, such as textures or edges, into account. In this paper, we propose to classify all patches into several classes and utilize an individual dictionary with an individual regularization parameter for each class. Furthermore, for fast computation, we introduce the orthogonality to column vectors of each dictionary. Since similar patches are collected in the same cluster, accuracy degradation by the orthogonality hardly occurs. Our simulations show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of both accuracy and speed.
Air quality index (AQI) is a non-dimensional index for the description of air quality, and is widely used in air quality management schemes. A novel method for Air Quality Index Forecasting based on Deep Dictionary Learning (AQIF-DDL) and machine vision is proposed in this paper. A sky image is used as the input of the method, and the output is the forecasted AQI value. The deep dictionary learning is employed to automatically extract the sky image features and achieve the AQI forecasting. The idea of learning deeper dictionary levels stemmed from the deep learning is also included to increase the forecasting accuracy and stability. The proposed AQIF-DDL is compared with other deep learning based methods, such as deep belief network, stacked autoencoder and convolutional neural network. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method leads to good performance on AQI forecasting.
Takayuki NAKACHI Yukihiro BANDOH Hitoshi KIYA
In this paper, we propose secure dictionary learning based on a random unitary transform for sparse representation. Currently, edge cloud computing is spreading to many application fields including services that use sparse coding. This situation raises many new privacy concerns. Edge cloud computing poses several serious issues for end users, such as unauthorized use and leak of data, and privacy failures. The proposed scheme provides practical MOD and K-SVD dictionary learning algorithms that allow computation on encrypted signals. We prove, theoretically, that the proposal has exactly the same dictionary learning estimation performance as the non-encrypted variant of MOD and K-SVD algorithms. We apply it to secure image modeling based on an image patch model. Finally, we demonstrate its performance on synthetic data and a secure image modeling application for natural images.
This study presents a joint dictionary learning approach for speech emotion recognition named locality preserved joint nonnegative matrix factorization (LP-JNMF). The learned representations are shared between the learned dictionaries and annotation matrix. Moreover, a locality penalty term is incorporated into the objective function. Thus, the system's discriminability is further improved.
Fei WU Xiwei DONG Lu HAN Xiao-Yuan JING Yi-mu JI
Recently, multi-view dictionary learning technique has attracted lots of research interest. Although several multi-view dictionary learning methods have been addressed, they can be further improved. Most of existing multi-view dictionary learning methods adopt the l0 or l1-norm sparsity constraint on the representation coefficients, which makes the training and testing phases time-consuming. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-view dictionary learning approach named multi-view synthesis and analysis dictionaries learning (MSADL), which jointly learns multiple discriminant dictionary pairs with each corresponding to one view and containing a structured synthesis dictionary and a structured analysis dictionary. MSADL utilizes synthesis dictionaries to achieve class-specific reconstruction and uses analysis dictionaries to generate discriminative code coefficients by linear projection. Furthermore, we design an uncorrelation term for multi-view dictionary learning, such that the redundancy among synthesis dictionaries learned from different views can be reduced. Two widely used datasets are employed as test data. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Jianhong WANG Pinzheng ZHANG Linmin LUO
Nonnegative component representation (NCR) is a mid-level representation based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). Recently, it has attached much attention and achieved encouraging result for action recognition. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical dictionary learning strategy (HDLS) for NMF to improve the performance of NCR. Considering the variability of action classes, HDLS clusters the similar classes into groups and forms a two-layer hierarchical class model. The groups in the first layer are disjoint, while in the second layer, the classes in each group are correlated. HDLS takes account of the differences between two layers and proposes to use different dictionary learning methods for this two layers, including the discriminant class-specific NMF for the first layer and the discriminant joint dictionary NMF for the second layer. The proposed approach is extensively tested on three public datasets and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of NCR with HDLS for large-scale action recognition.
Fang TIAN Jie GUO Bin SONG Haixiao LIU Hao QIN
Distributed compressed video sensing (DCVS), combining advantages of compressed sensing and distributed video coding, is developed as a novel and powerful system to get an encoder with low complexity. Nevertheless, it is still unclear how to explore the method to achieve an effective video recovery through utilizing realistic signal characteristics as much as possible. Based on this, we present a novel spatiotemporal dictionary learning (DL) based reconstruction method for DCVS, where both the DL model and the l1-analysis based recovery with correlation constraints are included in the minimization problem to achieve the joint optimization of sparse representation and signal reconstruction. Besides, an alternating direction method with multipliers (ADMM) based numerical algorithm is outlined for solving the underlying optimization problem. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other methods, with 0.03-4.14 dB increases in PSNR and a 0.13-15.31 dB gain for non-key frames.
Leigang HUO Xiangchu FENG Chunlei HUO Chunhong PAN
Using traditional single-layer dictionary learning methods, it is difficult to reveal the complex structures hidden in the hyperspectral images. Motivated by deep learning technique, a deep dictionary learning approach is proposed for hyperspectral image denoising, which consists of hierarchical dictionary learning, feature denoising and fine-tuning. Hierarchical dictionary learning is helpful for uncovering the hidden factors in the spectral dimension, and fine-tuning is beneficial for preserving the spectral structure. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
An LIU Maoyin CHEN Donghua ZHOU
Robust crater recognition is a research focus on deep space exploration mission, and sparse representation methods can achieve desirable robustness and accuracy. Due to destruction and noise incurred by complex topography and varied illumination in planetary images, a robust crater recognition approach is proposed based on dictionary learning with a low-rank error correction model in a sparse representation framework. In this approach, all the training images are learned as a compact and discriminative dictionary. A low-rank error correction term is introduced into the dictionary learning to deal with gross error and corruption. Experimental results on crater images show that the proposed method achieves competitive performance in both recognition accuracy and efficiency.
Jigisha N PATEL Jerin JOSE Suprava PATNAIK
The concept of sparse representation is gaining momentum in image processing applications, especially in image compression, from last one decade. Sparse coding algorithms represent signals as a sparse linear combination of atoms of an overcomplete dictionary. Earlier works shows that sparse coding of images using learned dictionaries outperforms the JPEG standard for image compression. The conventional method of image compression based on sparse coding, though successful, does not adapting the compression rate based on the image local block characteristics. Here, we have proposed a new framework in which the image is classified into three classes by measuring the block activities followed by sparse coding each of the classes using dictionaries learned specific to each class. K-SVD algorithm has been used for dictionary learning. The sparse coefficients for each class are Huffman encoded and combined to form a single bit stream. The model imparts some rate-distortion attributes to compression as there is provision for setting a different constraint for each class depending on its characteristics. We analyse and compare this model with the conventional model. The outcomes are encouraging and the model makes way for an efficient sparse representation based image compression.
Yurui XIE Qingbo WU Bing LUO Chao HUANG Liangzhi TANG
In this letter, we exploit a new framework for detecting the non-specific object via combing the top-down and bottom-up cues. Specifically, a novel supervised discriminative dictionaries learning method is proposed to learn the coupled dictionaries for the object and non-object feature spaces in terms of the top-down cue. Different from previous dictionary learning methods, the new data reconstruction residual terms of coupled feature spaces, the sparsity penalty measures on the representations and an inconsistent regularizer for the learned dictionaries are all incorporated in a unitized objective function. Then we derive an iterative algorithm to alternatively optimize all the variables efficiently. Considering the bottom-up cue, the proposed discriminative dictionaries learning is then integrated with an unsupervised dictionary learning to capture the objectness windows in an image. Experimental results show that the non-specific object detection problem can be effectively solved by the proposed dictionary leaning framework and outperforms some established methods.
This paper presents a method for learning an overcomplete, nonnegative dictionary and for obtaining the corresponding coefficients so that a group of nonnegative signals can be sparsely represented by them. This is accomplished by posing the learning as a problem of nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) with maximization of the incoherence of the dictionary and of the sparsity of coefficients. By incorporating a dictionary-incoherence penalty and a sparsity penalty in the NMF formulation and then adopting a hierarchically alternating optimization strategy, we show that the problem can be cast as two sequential optimal problems of quadratic functions. Each optimal problem can be solved explicitly so that the whole problem can be efficiently solved, which leads to the proposed algorithm, i.e., sparse hierarchical alternating least squares (SHALS). The SHALS algorithm is structured by iteratively solving the two optimal problems, corresponding to the learning process of the dictionary and to the estimating process of the coefficients for reconstructing the signals. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the new algorithm performs better than the nonnegative K-SVD (NN-KSVD) algorithm and several other famous algorithms, and its computational cost is remarkably lower than the compared algorithms.