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Yingyi LIU Haiwen YUAN Qingjie ZHANG Degui CHEN Haibin YUAN
The dynamic characteristics are the key issues in the optimum design of a permanent magnetic actuator (PMA). A new approach to forecast the dynamic characteristics of the multilink PMA is proposed. By carrying out further developments of ADAMS and ANSOFT, a mathematic calculation model describing the coupling of mechanical movement, electric circuit and magnetic field considering eddy current effect, is constructed. With this model, the dynamic characteristics of the multilink PMA are calculated and compared with the experimental results. Factors that affect the opening time of the multilink PMA are analyzed with the model as well. The method is capable of providing a reference for the design of the PMA.
Yingyi LIU Degui CHEN Chunping NIU Liang JI Weixiong TONG
In the optimum design of AC contactors, it is important to analyze the dynamic behavior. Moreover, movable contact and core bounces have remarkable effect on the lifetime of contactors. According to a new kind of contactor with feedback controlled magnet system, this paper builds two different sets of periodically inter-transferred equations to obtain the dynamic characteristics of the contactor. The equations describe the coupling of the electric circuit, electromagnetic field and mechanical system taking account of the influence of friction. Then, the paper gives an optimum design to the dimension and the duty ratio of the contactor' pulse modulated wave (PWM) under different exciting, and proves, by experiment and simulation, that the bounce time of the contactor working in the optimized duty ratio is much less than that of the general AC contactors.
Honggang XIANG Degui CHEN Xingwen LI Zhipeng LI Weixiong TONG
A method is proposed to investigate the dynamic characteristics of a magnet release in molded case circuit breaker. With the static field assumption, two grids of the magnetic torque and flux linkage are calculated with the variation of the current and air gap, firstly. Considering the influence of tripping torque, coupled with circuit equation and mechanism motion equation, the dynamic characteristics may be obtained with Runge-Kutta 4 method. Experiments have been done to verify the method, and the difference between the calculated results and the experimental results is below 10%. In addition, the influence of the reaction spring on the protection characteristics is analyzed using this method. It demonstrates that the setting current varies with the initial angle and the stiffness of the reaction spring, and the variation with the initial angle of the reaction spring is closely linear but the stiffness nonlinear.