Yan QIAO Xuesong QIU Luoming MENG
We use end-to-end measurements to address the problem of fault diagnosis in computer networks. Since link-level characteristics cannot be uniquely determined from available end-to-end measurements, most existing diagnosis approaches make statistical assumptions of the network to obtain a unique solution. However, the performance of these approaches is not assured due to the uncertainty of the assumptions. Thus the diagnostic accuracy cannot be guaranteed. In this paper, we propose a different paradigm for fault diagnosis which can find all identifiable links and the minimal identifiable link sequences, and infer their loss rates with the least error. Compared with a former representative diagnosis method through experiments, the experimental results show that our method has smaller diagnosis granularity and much less running time for most network topologies. We also conducted experiments using 105 Planetlab hosts. The results validate the performance of our method as well.
Zhiyong ZHANG Gaolei FEI Shenli PAN Fucai YU Guangmin HU
Network tomography is an appealing technology to infer link delay distributions since it only relies on end-to-end measurements. However, most approaches in network delay tomography are usually computationally intractable. In this letter, we propose a Fast link Delay distribution Inference algorithm (FDI). It estimates the node cumulative delay distributions by explicit computations based on a subtree-partitioning technique, and then derives the individual link delay distributions from the estimated cumulative delay distributions. Furthermore, a novel discrete delay model where each link has a different bin size is proposed to efficiently capture the essential characteristics of the link delay. Combining with the variable bin size model, FDI can identify the characteristics of the network-internal link delay quickly and accurately. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of our method.
This paper discusses verification of the security against inference attacks on XML databases in the presence of a functional dependency. So far, we have provided the verification method for k-secrecy, which is a metric for the security against inference attacks on databases. Intuitively, k-secrecy means that the number of candidates of sensitive data (i.e., the result of unauthorized query) of a given database instance cannot be narrowed down to k-1 by using available information such as authorized queries and their results. In this paper, we consider a functional dependency on database instances as one of the available information. Functional dependencies help attackers to reduce the number of the candidates for the sensitive information. The verification method we have provided cannot be naively extended to the k-secrecy problem with a functional dependency. The method requires that the candidate set can be captured by a tree automaton, but the candidate set when a functional dependency is considered cannot be always captured by any tree automaton. We show that the ∞-secrecy problem in the presence of a functional dependency is decidable when a given unauthorized query is represented by a deterministic topdown tree transducer, without explicitly computing the candidate set.
Jeich MAR Hsiao-Chen NIEN Jen-Chia CHENG
An adaptive rate controller (ARC) based on an adaptive neural fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is designed to autonomously adjust the data rate of a mobile heterogeneous network to adapt to the changing traffic load and the user speed for multimedia call services. The effect of user speed on the handoff rate is considered. Through simulations, it has been demonstrated that the ANFIS-ARC is able to maintain new call blocking probability and handoff failure probability of the mobile heterogeneous network below a prescribed low level over different user speeds and new call origination rates while optimizing the average throughput. It has also been shown that the mobile cognitive wireless network with the proposed CS-ANFIS-ARC protocol can support more traffic load than neural fuzzy call-admission and rate controller (NFCRC) protocol.
Bayesian methods are often applied for estimating the event rate from a series of event occurrences. However, the Bayesian posterior distribution requires the computation of the marginal likelihood which generally involves an analytically intractable integration. As an event rate is defined in a very high dimensional space, it is computationally demanding to obtain the Bayesian posterior distribution for the rate. We estimate the rate underlying a sequence of event counts by deriving an approximate Bayesian inference algorithm for the time-varying binomial process. This enables us to calculate the posterior distribution analytically. We also provide a method for estimating the prior hyperparameter, which determines the smoothness of the estimated event rate. Moreover, we provide an efficient method to compute the upper and lower bounds of the marginal likelihood, which evaluate the approximation accuracy. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of the estimation accuracy.
Wei LIANG Jingping BI Zhongcheng LI Yiting XIA
BGP dictates routing between autonomous systems with rich policy mechanisms in today's Internet. Operators translate high-level policy principles into low-level configurations of multiple routers without a comprehensive understanding of the actual effect on the network behaviors, making the routing management and operation an error-prone and time-consuming procedure. A fundamental question to answer is: how to verify the intended routing principles against the actual routing effects of an ISP? In this paper, we develop a methodology RPIM (Routing Policy Inference Model) towards this end. RPIM extracts from the routing tables various policy patterns, which represent certain high-level policy intentions of network operators, and then maps the patterns into specific design primitives that the ISP employs. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to infer routing policies in ISP networks comprehensively from the aspects of business relationship, traffic engineering, scalability and security. We apply RPIM to 11 ASes selected from RIPE NCC RIS project, and query IRR database to validate our approach. Vast majority of inferred policies are confirmed by the policy registries, and RPIM achieves 96.23% accuracy excluding validation difficulties caused by incompleteness of the IRR database.
Cheng-Min LIN Jyh-Horng LIN Jen-Cheng CHIU
In a WSAN (Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network), most resources, including sensors and actuators, are designed for certain applications in a dedicated environment. Many researchers have proposed to use of gateways to infer and annotate heterogeneous data; however, such centralized methods produce a bottlenecking network and computation overhead on the gateways that causes longer response time in activity processing, worsening performance. This work proposes two distribution inference mechanisms: regionalized and sequential inference mechanisms to reduce the response time in activity processing. Finally, experimental results for the proposed inference mechanisms are presented, and it shows that our mechanisms outperform the traditional centralized inference mechanism.
Keita IMADA Katsuhiko NAKAMURA
This paper describes recent improvements to Synapse system for incremental learning of general context-free grammars (CFGs) and definite clause grammars (DCGs) from positive and negative sample strings. An important feature of our approach is incremental learning, which is realized by a rule generation mechanism called "bridging" based on bottom-up parsing for positive samples and the search for rule sets. The sizes of rule sets and the computation time depend on the search strategies. In addition to the global search for synthesizing minimal rule sets and serial search, another method for synthesizing semi-optimum rule sets, we incorporate beam search to the system for synthesizing semi-minimal rule sets. The paper shows several experimental results on learning CFGs and DCGs, and we analyze the sizes of rule sets and the computation time.
This paper proposes a sensing system for a behavior detection system using an ultrasonic oscillosensor and an air pressure sensor. The ultrasonic oscillosensor sensor has a cylindrical tank filled with water. It detects the vibration of the target object from the signal reflected from the water surface. This sensor can detect a biological vibration by setting to the bottom bed frame. The air pressure sensor consists of a polypropylene sheet and an air pressure sensor, and detects the pressure information by setting under the bed's mattress. An increase (decrease) in the load placed on the bed is detected by the increase (decrease) in the pressure of the air held in the tube attached to the sheet. We propose a behavior detection system using both sensors, complementally. The system recognizes three states (nobody in bed, keeping quiet in bed, moving in bed) using both sensors, and we detect the behavior before getting out of bed by recognized these states. Fuzzy logic plays a primary role in the system. As the fundamental experiment, we applied the system to five healthy volunteers, the system successfully recognized three states, and detected the behavior before getting out of bed. As the clinical experiment, we applied the system to four elderly patients with dementia, the system exactly detected the behavior before getting out of the bed with enough time for medical care support.
Sungsoo KIM Yonghwan KIM Kwangseon AHN
This letter proposes the Inference Algorithm through Effective Slot Allocation (ESA-IA). In ESA-IA, the tags which match the prefix of the reader's request-respond in the corresponding slot; the group of tags with an even number of 1's responds in slot 0, while the group with an odd number of 1's responds in slot 1. The proposed algorithm infers '00' and '11' if there are two collided bits in slot 0, while inferring '01' and '10' if there are two collided bits in slot 1. The ESA-IA decreases the time consumption for tag identification by reducing the overall number of queries.
Hirosato SEKI Fuhito MIZUGUCHI Satoshi WATANABE Hiroaki ISHII Masaharu MIZUMOTO
The single input rule modules connected fuzzy inference method (SIRMs method) by Yubazaki et al. can decrease the number of fuzzy rules drastically in comparison with the conventional fuzzy inference methods. Moreover, Seki et al. have proposed a functional-type SIRMs method which generalizes the consequent part of the SIRMs method to function. However, these SIRMs methods can not be applied to XOR (Exclusive OR). In this paper, we propose a "kernel-type SIRMs method" which uses the kernel trick to the SIRMs method, and show that this method can treat XOR. Further, a learning algorithm of the proposed SIRMs method is derived by using the steepest descent method, and compared with the one of conventional SIRMs method and kernel perceptron by applying to identification of nonlinear functions, medical diagnostic system and discriminant analysis of Iris data.
The situations where several population parameters need to be estimated simultaneously arise frequently in wide areas of applications, including reliability modeling, survival analysis and biological study. In this paper, we propose Bayesian methods of estimation of the ordered parameters of the two exponential populations, which incorporate the prior information about the simple order restriction, but sometimes breaks the order restriction. A simulation study shows that the proposed estimators are more efficient (in terms of mean square errors) than the isotonic regression of the maximum likelihood estimators with equal weights. An illustrative example is finally presented.
This paper discusses verification of the security against inference attacks on XML databases. First, a security definition called k-secrecy against inference attacks on XML databases is proposed. k-secrecy with an integer k > 1 (or k = ∞) means that attackers cannot narrow down the candidates for the value of the sensitive information to k - 1 (or finite), using the results of given authorized queries and schema information. Secondly, an XML query model such that verification can be performed straightforwardly according to the security definition is presented. The query model can represent practical queries which extract some nodes according to any of their neighboring nodes such as ancestors, descendants, and siblings. Thirdly, another refinement of the verification method is presented, which produces much smaller intermediate results if a schema contains no arbitrarily recursive element. The correctness of the refinement is proved, and the effect of the refinement in time and space efficiency has been confirmed by experiment.
Image restoration based on Bayesian estimation in most previous studies has assumed that the noise accumulated in an image was independent for each pixel. However, when we take optical effects into account, it is reasonable to expect spatial correlation in the superimposed noise. In this paper, we discuss the restoration of images distorted by noise which is spatially correlated with translational symmetry in the realm of probabilistic processing. First, we assume that the original image can be produced by a Gaussian model based on only a nearest-neighbor effect and that the noise superimposed at each pixel is produced by a Gaussian model having spatial correlation characterized by translational symmetry. With this model, we can use Fourier transformation to calculate system characteristics such as the restoration error and also minimize the restoration error when the hyperparameters of the probabilistic model used in the restoration process coincides with those used in the formation process. We also discuss the characteristics of image restoration distorted by spatially correlated noise using a natural image. In addition, we estimate the hyperparameters using the maximum marginal likelihood and restore an image distorted by spatially correlated noise to evaluate this method of image restoration.
Fuzzy inference has played a significant role in many applications. Although the simplified fuzzy inference method is currently mostly used, the problem is that the number of fuzzy rules becomes very huge and so the setup and adjustment of fuzzy rules become difficult. On the other hand, Yubazaki et al. have proposed a "single input rule modules connected fuzzy inference method" (SIRMs method) whose final output is obtained by summarizing the product of the importance degrees and the inference results from single input fuzzy rule module. Seki et al. have shown that the simplified fuzzy inference method and the SIRMs method are equivalent when the sum of diagonal elements in rules of the simplified fuzzy inference method is equal to that of cross diagonal elements. This paper clarifies the conditions for the infimum and supremum of the fuzzy inference method using the single input type fuzzy inference method, from the view point of fuzzy inference.
Ryoji TAKAMI Yusuke SUZUKI Tomoyuki UCHIDA Takayoshi SHOUDAI
Two-Terminal Series Parallel (TTSP, for short) graphs are used as data models in applications for electric networks and scheduling problems. We propose a TTSP term graph which is a TTSP graph having structured variables, that is, a graph pattern over a TTSP graph. Let TGTTSP be the set of all TTSP term graphs whose variable labels are mutually distinct. For a TTSP term graph g in TGTTSP, the TTSP graph language of g, denoted by L(g), is the set of all TTSP graphs obtained from g by substituting arbitrary TTSP graphs for all variables in g. Firstly, when a TTSP graph G and a TTSP term graph g are given as inputs, we present a polynomial time matching algorithm which decides whether or not L(g) contains G. The minimal language problem for the class LTTSP={L(g) | g ∈ TGTTSP} is, given a set S of TTSP graphs, to find a TTSP term graph g in TGTTSP such that L(g) is minimal among all TTSP graph languages which contain all TTSP graphs in S. Secondly, we give a polynomial time algorithm for solving the minimal language problem for LTTSP. Finally, we show that LTTSP is polynomial time inductively inferable from positive data.
This paper proposes a method of improving reception of digital satellite broadcasting in a moving vehicle. According to some studies, the antennas used for mobile reception will be smaller in the next generation and reception will be more difficult because of a fading multipath channel with delays in a low carrier-to-noise ratio. Commonly used approaches to reduce the inter symbol interference caused by a fading multipath channel with delays are pilot sequences and diversity reception. Digital satellite broadcasting, however, does not transmit pilot sequences for channel estimation and it is not possible to install multiple antennas in a vehicle. This paper does not propose any change to the broadcasting standards but discusses how to process currently available digital satellite signals to obtain better results. Our method does not rely on the pilot sequences or diversity reception, but consists of channel estimation and stochastic inference methods. For each task, two methods are proposed. The maximum likelihood estimation and higher order statistics matching methods are proposed for the estimation, and the marginal with the joint probability inference methods are proposed for the stochastic inference. The improvements were confirmed through experiments with numerical simulations and real data. The computational costs are also discussed for future implementation.
This paper proposes a method (Group-Linking Method) that has control over the complexity of the sequential function to construct Finite Memory Machines with minimal order--the machines have the largest number of states based on their memory taps. Finding a machine with maximum number of states is a nontrivial problem because the total number of machines with memory order k is (256)2k-2, a pretty large number. Based on the analysis of Group-Linking Method, it is shown that the amount of data necessary to reconstruct an FMM is the set of strings not longer than the depth of the machine plus one, which is significantly less than that required for traditional greedy-based machine learning algorithm. Group-Linking Method provides a useful systematic way of generating unified benchmarks to evaluate the capability of machine learning techniques. One example is to test the learning capability of recurrent neural networks. The problem of encoding finite state machines with recurrent neural networks has been extensively explored. However, the great representation power of those networks does not guarantee the solution in terms of learning exists. Previous learning benchmarks are shown to be not rich enough structurally in term of solutions in weight space. This set of benchmarks with great expressive power can serve as a convenient framework in which to study the learning and computation capabilities of various network models. A fundamental understanding of the capabilities of these networks will allow users to be able to select the most appropriate model for a given application.
We describe a new ultrasonography system, which can identify an implant position in bone. Although conventional X-ray fluoroscopy can visualize implants, it has the serious disadvantage of X-ray exposure. Therefore, we developed a system for orthopedic surgery that involves no X-ray exposure. Barriers to the development of the system were overcome using an ultrasonic instrument and fuzzy logic techniques. We located distal transverse screw holes in an intramedullary nail during surgery for femur fracture. The screw hole positions are identified by calculating two fuzzy degrees of intensity and the variance. Results allow this system to identify the screw hole positions within an error of 1.43 mm, an error ratio adequate for clinical surgical practice.
Masami TAKATA Hayaru SHOUNO Masato OKADA
Solving the error correcting code is an important goal with regard to communication theory. To reveal the error correcting code characteristics, several researchers have applied a statistical-mechanical approach to this problem. In our research, we have treated the error correcting code as a Bayes inference framework. Carrying out the inference in practice, we have applied the NMF (naive mean field) approximation to the MPM (maximizer of the posterior marginals) inference, which is a kind of Bayes inference. In the field of artificial neural networks, this approximation is used to reduce computational cost through the substitution of stochastic binary units with the deterministic continuous value units. However, few reports have quantitatively described the performance of this approximation. Therefore, we have analyzed the approximation performance from a theoretical viewpoint, and have compared our results with the computer simulation.