1-2hit |
Saneaki TAMAKI Michitaka KAMEYAMA
Design of high-speed digital circuits such as adders and multipliers is one of the most important issues to implement high performance VLSI systems. This paper proposes a new multiple-valued code assignment algorithm to implement locally computable combinational circuits for k-ary operations. By the decomposition of a given k-ary operation into unary operations, a code assignment algorithm for k-ary operations is developed. Partition theory usually used in the design of sequential circuits is effectively employed for optimal code assignment. Some examples are shown to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed algorithm.
To realize next-generation high performance ULSI processors, it is a very important issue to reduce the critical delay path which is determined by a cascade chain of basic gates. To design highly parallel digital operation circuits such as an adder and a multiplier, it is difficult to find the optimal code assignment in the non-linear digital system. On the other hand, the use of the linear concept in the digital system seems to be very attractive because analytical methods can be utilized. To meet the requirement, we propose a new design method of highly parallel linear digital circuits for unary operations using the concept of a cycle and a tree. In the linear digital circuit design, the analytical method can be developed using a representation matrix, so that the search procedure for optimal locally computable circuits becomes very simple. The evaluations demonstrate the usefulness of the circuit design algorithm.