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Our research is focused on examining the video quality assessment model based on the MPEG-7 descriptor. Video quality is estimated by using several features based on the predicted frame quality such as average value, worst value, best value, standard deviation, and the predicted frame rate obtained from descriptor information. As a result, assessment of video quality can be conducted with a high prediction accuracy with correlation coefficient=0.94, standard deviation of error=0.24, maximum error=0.68 and outlier ratio=0.23.
Our research is focused on examining the Image Quality Assessment Model based on the MPEG-7 descriptor and the No Reference model. The model retrieves a reference image using image search and evaluate its subject score as a pseudo Reduced Reference model. The MPEG-7 descriptor was originally used for content retrieval, but we discovered that the MPEG-7 descriptor can also be used for image quality assessment. We examined the performance of the proposed model and the results revealed that this method has a higher performance rating than the SSIM.
This paper assesses the media synchronization quality of recovery control schemes from asynchrony, which are referred to as reactive control schemes here, in terms of objective and subjective measures. We deal with four reactive control techniques: skipping, discarding, shortening and extension of output duration, and virtual-time contraction and expansion. We have carried out subjective and objective assessment of the media synchronization quality of nine schemes which consist of combinations of the four techniques. The paper makes a comparison of media synchronization quality among the schemes. It also clarifies the relations between the two kinds of quality measures.