We consider Feistel ciphers instantiated with tweakable block ciphers (TBCs) and ideal ciphers (ICs). The indistinguishability security of the TBC-based Feistel cipher is known, and the indifferentiability security of the IC-based Feistel cipher is also known, where independently keyed TBCs and independent ICs are assumed. In this paper, we analyze the security of a single-keyed TBC-based Feistel cipher and a single IC-based Feistel cipher. We characterize the security depending on the number of rounds. More precisely, we cover the case of contracting Feistel ciphers that have d ≥ 2 lines, and the results on Feistel ciphers are obtained as a special case by setting d = 2. Our indistinguishability security analysis shows that it is provably secure with d + 1 rounds. Our indifferentiability result shows that, regardless of the number of rounds, it cannot be secure. Our attacks are a type of a slide attack, and we consider a structure that uses a round constant, which is a well-known countermeasure against slide attacks. We show an indifferentiability attack for the case d = 2 and 3 rounds.
In [2], Choi et al. proposed an identity-based password-authenticated key exchange (iPAKE) protocol using the Boneh-Franklin IBE scheme, and its generic construction (UKAM-PiE) that was standardized in ISO/IEC 11770-4/AMD 1. In this paper, we show that the iPAKE and UKAM-PiE protocols are insecure against passive/active attacks by a malicious PKG (Private Key Generator) where the malicious PKG can find out all clients' passwords by just eavesdropping on the communications, and the PKG can share a session key with any client by impersonating the server. Then, we propose a strengthened PAKE (for short, SPAIBE) protocol with IBE, which prevents such a malicious PKG's passive/active attacks. Also, we formally prove the security of the SPAIBE protocol in the random oracle model and compare relevant PAKE protocols in terms of efficiency, number of passes, and security against a malicious PKG.
In [31], Shin et al. proposed a Leakage-Resilient and Proactive Authenticated Key Exchange (LRP-AKE) protocol for credential services which provides not only a higher level of security against leakage of stored secrets but also secrecy of private key with respect to the involving server. In this paper, we discuss a problem in the security proof of the LRP-AKE protocol, and then propose a modified LRP-AKE protocol that has a simple and effective measure to the problem. Also, we formally prove its AKE security and mutual authentication for the entire modified LRP-AKE protocol. In addition, we describe several extensions of the (modified) LRP-AKE protocol including 1) synchronization issue between the client and server's stored secrets; 2) randomized ID for the provision of client's privacy; and 3) a solution to preventing server compromise-impersonation attacks. Finally, we evaluate the performance overhead of the LRP-AKE protocol and show its test vectors. From the performance evaluation, we can confirm that the LRP-AKE protocol has almost the same efficiency as the (plain) Diffie-Hellman protocol that does not provide authentication at all.
We provide a formal proof for the indifferentiability of SKINNY-HASH internal function from a random oracle. SKINNY-HASH is a family of sponge-based hash functions that use functions (instead of permutations) as primitives, and it was selected as one of the second round candidates of the NIST lightweight cryptography competition. Its internal function is constructed from the tweakable block cipher SKINNY. The construction of the internal function is very simple and the designers claim n-bit security, where n is the block length of SKINNY. However, a formal security proof of this claim is not given in the original specification of SKINNY-HASH. In this paper, we formally prove that the internal function of SKINNY-HASH has n-bit security, i.e., it is indifferentiable from a random oracle up to O(2n) queries, substantiating the security claim of the designers.
Goichiro HANAOKA Yusuke SAKAI Toshiya SHIMIZU Takeshi SHIMOYAMA SeongHan SHIN
Let us consider a situation where someone wants to encrypt his/her will on an existing blockchain, e.g. Bitcoin, and allow an encrypted will to be decryptable only if designated members work together. At a first glance, such a property seems to be easily provided by using conventional threshold encryption. However, this idea cannot be straightforwardly implemented since key pairs for an encryption mechanism is additionally required. In this paper, we propose a new threshold encryption scheme in which key pairs for ECDSA that are already used in the Bitcoin protocol can be directly used as they are. Namely, a unique key pair can be simultaneously used for both ECDSA and our threshold encryption scheme without losing security. Furthermore, we implemented our scheme on the Bitcoin regtest network, and show that it is fairly practical. For example, the execution time of the encryption algorithm Enc (resp., the threshold decryption algorithm Dec) is 0.2sec. (resp., 0.3sec.), and the total time is just only 3sec. including all the cryptographic processes and network communications for a typical parameter setting. Also, we discuss several applications of our threshold encryption scheme in detail: Claiming priority of intellectual property, sealed-bid auction, lottery, and coin tossing service.
Multisignatures are digital signatures for a group consisting of multiple signers where each signer signs common documents via interaction with its co-signers and the data size of the resultant signatures for the group is independent of the number of signers. In this work, we propose a multisignature scheme, whose security can be tightly reduced to the CDH problem in bilinear groups, in the strongest security model where nothing more is required than that each signer has a public key, i.e., the plain public key model. Loosely speaking, our main idea for a tight reduction is to utilize a three-round interaction in a full-domain hash construction. Namely, we surmise that a full-domain hash construction with three-round interaction will become tightly secure under the CDH problem. In addition, we show that the existing scheme by Zhou et al. (ISC 2011) can be improved to a construction with a tight security reduction as an application of our proof framework.
Shoichi HIROSE Hidenori KUWAKADO Hirotaka YOSHIDA
This paper discusses a mode for pseudorandom functions (PRFs) based on the hashing mode of Lesamnta-LW and the domain extension called Merkle-Damgård with permutation (MDP). The hashing mode of Lesamnta-LW is a plain Merkle-Damgård iteration of a block cipher with its key size half of its block size. First, a PRF mode is presented which produces multiple independent PRFs with multiple permutations and initialization vectors if the underlying block cipher is a PRP. Then, two applications of the PRF mode are presented. One is a PRF with minimum padding. Here, padding is said to be minimum if the produced message blocks do not include message blocks only with the padded sequence for any non-empty input message. The other is a vector-input PRF using the PRFs with minimum padding.
Deterministic ID-based signatures are digital signatures where secret keys are probabilistically generated by a key generation center while the signatures are generated deterministically. Although the deterministic ID-based signatures are useful for both systematic and cryptographic applications, to the best of our knowledge, there is no scheme with a tight reduction proof. Loosely speaking, since the security is downgraded through dependence on the number of queries by an adversary, a tighter reduction for the security of a scheme is desirable, and this reduction must be as close to the difficulty of its underlying hard problem as possible. In this work, we discuss mathematical features for a tight reduction of deterministic ID-based signatures, and show that the scheme by Selvi et al. (IWSEC 2011) is tightly secure by our new proof framework under a selective security model where a target identity is designated in advance. Our proof technique is versatile, and hence a reduction cost becomes tighter than the original proof even under an adaptive security model. We furthermore improve the scheme by Herranz (The Comp. Jour., 2006) to prove tight security in the same manner as described above. We furthermore construct an aggregate signature scheme with partial aggregation, which is a key application of deterministic ID-based signatures, from the improved scheme.
Structured signatures are digital signatures where relationship between signers is guaranteed in addition to the validity of individually generated data for each signer, and have been expected for the digital right management. Nevertheless, we mention that there is no scheme with a tight security reduction, to the best of our knowledge. Loosely speaking, it means that the security is downgraded against an adversary who obtains a large amount of signatures. Since contents are widely utilized in general, achieving a tighter reduction is desirable. Based on this background, we propose the first structured signature scheme with a tight security reduction in the conventional public key cryptography and the one with a rigorous reduction proof in the ID-based cryptography via our new proof method. Moreover, the security of our schemes can be proven under the CDH assumption which is the most standard. Our schemes are also based on bilinear maps whose implementation can be provided via well-known cryptographic libraries.
Anonymous password-based authentication protocols are designed to provide not only password-based authentication but also client anonymity. In [22], Qian et al. proposed a simple anonymous password-based authentication protocol (SAPAKE). In this paper, we reconsider the SAPAKE protocol [22] by first showing that an (third party) active attacker can impersonate the server and compute a session key with probability 1. After giving a formal model that captures such attacks, we propose a simple and secure anonymous password-based authentication (for short, S2APA) protocol that provides security against modification attacks on protocol-specific values and is more efficient than YZWB09/10 [32], [33] and SAPAKE [22]. Also, we prove that the S2APA protocol is AKE-secure against active attacks as well as modification attacks under the computational Diffie-Hellman problem in the random oracle model, and provides unconditional client anonymity against a semi-honest server, who honestly follows the protocol.
Radio Frequency Identifications (RFID) are useful low-cost devices for identification or authentication systems through wireless communication. The ownership of the RFID tag is frequently changed in the life cycle of the tag, it may fall in to the hands of a malicious adversary. The privacy problem in this situation is studied in the RFID ownership transfer protocol. However, almost all previous works provide only heuristic analysis and many protocols are broken. Elkhiyaoui et al. defined the security model for RFID ownership transfer protocols and proposed the detailed security proof to their protocol, but we show that their protocol does not provide enough privacy and cover the realistic attack. We investigate a suitable security model for RFID ownership transfer protocols and provide a new provably secure RFID ownership transfer protocol.
Shinsuke HAMASHO Yasuyuki MURAKAMI
In TCC2010, Lyubashevsky et al. proposed a public-key cryptosystem provably as secure as subset sum problem which will be referred to as LPS scheme. This fact gave an impact at the study of the knapsack schemes. However, this scheme seems to be very weak in practical use. In this paper, we propose an attack against LPS scheme by converting from the problem of computing the secret key into a low-density subset sum problem. Moreover, we confirm the effectiveness of the proposed attack with the computer experiment by using the conventional low-density attack proposed Coster et al. This result means that even a scheme with the provable security does not always have the practical security.
This letter discusses with cryptanalysis with impossible differentials. After Biham et al. presented an attack on Skipjack, the applications to many ciphers were done, and we think that the attack is one of the most effective tool to cryptanalyze a block cipher. However, unfortunately, there is no construction method that provably resists the attack. This letter first introduces the measure that can evaluate the resistance against cryptanalysis with impossible differentials. Then, we propose a construction that resists cryptanalysis with impossible differentials. Moreover, a cipher that is based on the construction also provably resists differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis.
We introduce an efficient fully simulatable construction of oblivious transfer based on the McEliece assumptions in the common reference string model. This is the first efficient fully simulatable oblivious protocol based on coding assumptions. Moreover, being based on the McEliece assumptions, the proposed protocol is a good candidate for the post-quantum scenario.
Shoichi HIROSE Hidenori KUWAKADO
This article discusses the provable security of block-cipher-based hash functions. It introduces a new model called a weak ideal cipher model. In this model, an adversary is allowed to make key-disclosure queries to the oracle as well as encryption and decryption queries. A key-disclosure query is a pair of a plaintext and a ciphertext, and the reply is a corresponding key. Thus, in this model, a block cipher is random but completely insecure as a block cipher. It is shown that collision resistant hash functions can be constructed even in this weak model.
SeongHan SHIN Kazukuni KOBARA Hideki IMAI
An anonymous password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocol is designed to provide both password-only authentication and client anonymity against a semi-honest server, who honestly follows the protocol. In INDOCRYPT2008, Yang and Zhang [26] proposed a new anonymous PAKE (NAPAKE) protocol and its threshold (D-NAPAKE) which they claimed to be secure against insider attacks. In this paper, we first show that the D-NAPAKE protocol [26] is completely insecure against insider attacks unlike their claim. Specifically, only one legitimate client can freely impersonate any subgroup of clients (the threshold t > 1) to the server. After giving a security model that captures insider attacks, we propose a threshold anonymous PAKE (called, TAP+) protocol which provides security against insider attacks. Moreover, we prove that the TAP+ protocol has semantic security of session keys against active attacks as well as insider attacks under the computational Diffie-Hellman problem, and provides client anonymity against a semi-honest server, who honestly follows the protocol. Finally, several discussions are followed: 1) We also show another threshold anonymous PAKE protocol by applying our RATIONALE to the non-threshold anonymous PAKE (VEAP) protocol [23]; and 2) We give the efficiency comparison, security consideration and implementation issue of the TAP+ protocol.
Undeniable signatures, introduced by Chaum and van Antwerpen, require a verifier to interact with the signer to verify a signature, and hence allow the signer to control the verifiability of his signatures. Convertible undeniable signatures, introduced by Boyar, Chaum, Damgård, and Pedersen, furthermore allow the signer to convert signatures to publicly verifiable ones by publicizing a verification token, either for individual signatures or for all signatures universally. In addition, the original definition allows the signer to delegate the ability to prove validity and convert signatures to a semi-trusted third party by providing a verification key. While this functionality is implemented by the early convertible undeniable signature schemes, most recent schemes do not consider this form of delegation despite its practical appeal. In this paper we present an updated definition and security model for schemes allowing delegation, and furthermore highlight a new essential security property, token soundness, which is not formally treated in the previous security models for convertible undeniable signatures. We then propose a new convertible undeniable signature scheme. The scheme allows delegation of verification and is provably secure in the standard model assuming the computational co-Diffie-Hellman problem, a closely related problem, and the decisional linear problem are hard. Furthermore, unlike the recently proposed schemes by Phong et al. and Huang et al., our scheme provably fulfills all security requirements while providing short signatures.
SeongHan SHIN Kazukuni KOBARA Hideki IMAI
An anonymous password-authenticated key exchange (anonymous PAKE) protocol is designed to provide both password-only authentication and user anonymity against a semi-honest server, who follows the protocol honestly. Very recently, Yang and Zhang have proposed a new anonymous PAKE (NAPAKE) protocol that is claimed efficient compared to the previous constructions. In this paper, we propose a very-efficient anonymous PAKE (called, VEAP) protocol that provides the most efficiency among their kinds in terms of computation and communication costs. The VEAP protocol guarantees semantic security of session keys in the random oracle model under the chosen target CDH problem, and unconditional user anonymity against a semi-honest server. If the pre-computation is allowed, both the user and the server are required to compute only one modular exponentiation, respectively. Surprisingly, this is the same computation cost of the well-known Diffie-Hellman protocol that does not provide authentication at all. In addition, we extend the VEAP protocol in two ways: the first is designed to reduce the communication costs of the VEAP protocol and the second shows that stripping off anonymity parts from the VEAP protocol results in a new PAKE protocol.
We explicitly describe and analyse blind hierachical identity-based encryption (blind HIBE) schemes, which are natural generalizations of blind IBE schemes [20]. We then uses the blind HIBE schemes to construct: (1) An identity-based blind signature scheme secure in the standard model, under the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption, and with much shorter signature size and lesser communication cost, compared to existing proposals. (2) A new mechanism supporting a user to buy digital information over the Internet without revealing what he/she has bought, while protecting the providers from cheating users.
This work focuses on a vulnerability of hash functions due to sloppy usages or implementations in the real world. If our cryptographic research community succeeded in the development of a perfectly secure random function as the random oracle, it might be broken in some sense by invalid uses. In this paper, we propose a new variant of the random oracle model in order to analyze the security of cryptographic protocols under the situation of an invalid use of hash functions. Our model allows adversaries to obtain contents of the hash list of input and output pairs arbitrarily. Also, we analyze the security of several prevailing protocols (FDH, OAEP, Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem, Kurosawa-Desmedt cryptosystem, NAXOS) in our model. As the result of analyses, we clarify that FDH and Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem are still secure but others are insecure in our model. This result shows the separation between our model and the standard model.