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In this paper, a recognition algorithm for the class of tree languages generated by linear, monadic context-free tree grammars (LM-CFTGs) is proposed. LM-CFTGs define an important class of tree languages because LM-CFTGs are weakly equivalent to tree adjoining grammars (TAGs). The algorithm uses the CKY algorithm as a subprogram and recognizes whether an input tree can be derived from a given LM-CFTG in O(n4) time, where n is the number of nodes of the input tree.
A topological book embedding of a graph is an embedding in a book that carries the vertices in the spine of the book and the edges in the pages so that edges are allowed to cross the spine. Recently, the author has shown that for an arbitrary graph G with n vertices there exists a d+1-page book embedding of G in which each edge crosses the spine logd n times. This paper improves the result for the case of bipartite graphs and shows that there exists a d+1-page book embedding of a bipartite graph Gn1,n2 having two partite sets with n1 and n2 vertices respectively (n1 ≥ n2) in which each edge crosses the spine logd n2 -1 times.
There have been many arguments that the underlying structure of natural languages is beyond the descriptive capacity of context-free languages. A well-known example is tree adjoining grammars; less common are spine grammars, linear indexed grammars, head grammars, and combinatory categorial grammars. It is known that these models of grammars have the same generative power of string languages and fall into the class of mildly context-sensitive grammars. For an automaton, it is known that the class of languages accepted by transfer pushdown automata is exactly the class of linear indexed languages. In this paper, deterministic transfer pushdown automata is introduced. We will show that the language accepted by a deterministic transfer pushdown automaton is generated by an unambiguous spine grammar. Moreover, we will show that there exists an inherently ambiguous language.
A topological book embedding of a graph is an embedding in a book that carries the vertices in the spine of the book and the edges in the pages; edges are allowed to cross the spine. Enomoto showed that for any graph G having n vertices, there exists a three-page book embedding of G in which each edge crosses the spine log n times. This paper generalizes the result and shows that for any graph G having n vertices, there exists a d + 1-page book embedding of G in which each edge crosses the spine logd n times.
Daisuke FURUKAWA Kensaku MORI Takayuki KITASAKA Yasuhito SUENAGA Kenji MASE Tomoichi TAKAHASHI
This paper proposes the design of a physically accurate spine model and its application to estimate three dimensional spine posture from the frontal and lateral views of a human body taken by two conventional video cameras. The accurate spine model proposed here is composed of rigid body parts approximating vertebral bodies and elastic body parts representing intervertebral disks. In the estimation process, we obtain neck and waist positions by fitting the Connected Vertebra Spheres Model to frontal and lateral silhouette images. Then the virtual forces acting on the top and the bottom vertebrae of the accurate spine model are computed based on the obtained neck and waist positions. The accurate model is deformed by the virtual forces, the gravitational force, and the forces of repulsion. The model thus deformed is regarded as the current posture. According to the preliminary experiments based on one real MR image data set of only one subject person, we confirmed that our proposed deformation method estimates the positions of the vertebrae within positional shifts of 3.2 6.8 mm. 3D posture of the spine could be estimated reasonably by applying the estimation method to actual human images taken by video cameras.
This paper studies the problem of book-embeddings of graphs. When each edge is allowed to appear in one or more pages by crossing the spine of a book, it is well known that every graph G can be embedded in a 3-page book. Recently, it has been shown that there exists a 3-page book embedding of G in which each edge crosses the spine O(log2 n) times. This paper considers a book with more than three pages. In this case, it is known that a complete graph Kn with n vertices can be embedded in a n/2 -page book without any edge-crossings on the spine. Thus it becomes an interesting problem to devise book-embeddings of G so as to reduce both the number of pages used and the number of edge-crossings over the spine. This paper shows that there exists a d-page book embedding of G in which each edge crosses the spine O(logd n) times. As a direct corollary, for any real number s, there is an ns -page book embedding of G in which each edge crosses the spine a constant number of times. In another paper, Enomoto-Miyauchi-Ota show that for an integer d, if n is sufficiently large compared with d, then for any embedding of Kn into a d-page book, there must exist Ω(n2 logd n) points at which edges cross over the spine. This means our result is the best possible for Kn in this case.
Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA Kenji NOMA Shigeki NAKAGAWA Masahiko NAOE
Ba ferrite films were deposited epitaxially on ZnO underlayer from targets with composition of BaO-6.5Fe2O3 at substrate temperature of 600 using the facing targets sputtering apparatus. The gas mixture of Ar and Xe of 0.18 Pa and O2 of 0.02 Pa was used as the sputtering gas and the dependences of crystallographic and magnetic characteristics on the partial Xe pressure PXe(0.0-0.18 Pa) were investigated. Films deposited at various PXe were composed of BaM ferrite and spinel crystallites, and the minimum centerline average roughness Ra of 8.3 nm was obtained at PXe of 0.10 Pa. Since saturation 4πMs of 5.1 kG and perpendicular anisotropy constant Ku1 of 4.23105 J