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[Keyword] throughput(233hit)


  • Stability Analysis for Global Performance of Flow Control in High-Speed Networks Based on Statistical Physics

    Masaki AIDA  Kenji HORIKAWA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E82-B No:12

    This paper focuses on flow control in high-speed and large-scale networks. Each node in the network handles its local traffic flow only on the basis of the information it knows. It is preferable, however, that the decision making of each node leads to high performance of the whole network. To this end, the relationship between local decision making and global performance of flow control is the essential object. We propose phenomenological models of flow control of high-speed and large-scale networks, and investigate the stability of these models.

  • Experimental Investigation of Propagation Characteristics and Performance of 2.4-GHz ISM-Band Wireless LAN in Various Indoor Environments

    Yuji MAEDA  Kazuhiro TAKAYA  Nobuo KUWABARA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E82-B No:10

    Wireless communication systems are affected by several factors in the indoor environment. The complexity of this environment, however, has hampered the development of methods for analyzing it. Reported here is our investigation of the relationship between the propagation characteristics and performance of a 2.4-GHz ISM-band wireless LAN in various indoor environments. Our objective was to develop guidelines for designing ideal indoor environments for wireless LANs. A booth constructed of a ceiling, floor, and wall materials that could be changed was used for our investigation. The transmission loss and delay spread were measured for four environments; they were calculated by using a ray-tracing method to verify the effectiveness of the ray tracing calculation. The throughput and BER characteristics were measured for the same environments. The following results were obtained. (1) The transmission loss and delay spread could be estimated by using this ray tracing method because the deviations between the calculated and measured data were within 5 dB for the transmission loss and within 10 ns for the delay spread. (2) Reflections from the walls caused a serious interference problem: throughput was 0.0 at more than 30% of the positions along the center line of the booth when the walls were constructed of high-reflection-coefficient material. (3) The throughput and BER were closely correlated with the delay spread; the number of positions meeting a certain throughput was estimated by the method based on the delay spread calculated using the ray tracing method. It was within 10% of the number measured. The results obtained can be used to design ideal indoor environments for 2.4-GHz ISM-band LAN systems.

  • An Integrated Voice/Data CDMA Packet Communications with Multi-Code CDMA Scheme

    Abbas SANDOUK  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Systems

    E82-A No:10

    In this paper, we consider an integrated voice and data system over CDMA Slotted-ALOHA (CDMA S-ALOHA). We investigate its performance when multi-code CDMA (MC-CDMA) is applied as a multi-rate scheme to support users which require transmission with different bit rates. Two different classes of data users are transmitted together with voice. Performance measurement is obtained in respect of throughput for data and outage probability for voice. Moreover, we consider the Modified Channel Load Sensing Protocol (MCLSP) as a traffic control to improve the throughput of data. As a result, we show that the MC-CDMA technique is an effective one to obtain good throughput for data users at an acceptable voice outage probability. Furthermore, we show that with MCLSP, the throughput of data can be improved to reach a constant value even at a high offered load of data users.

  • ABR Traffic Control Scheme for Bursty Traffic Considering the Number of Hops


    PAPER-ATM Networks

    E81-B No:11

    One of the objectives of ABR traffic control is a fair allocation of transmission rate to every connection. Algorithms which have been proposed can achieve the fair allocation of transmission rate in persistent traffic, even though the connections have different number of hops. In bursty traffic, however, the transmission rate during the burst period, called average burst throughput, may become degraded when the number of hops increases. In this paper, we evaluate the average burst throughput characteristics of ERICA switch algorithm and investigate the effect of the number of hops. We propose a new bandwidth allocation method which can improve the performance degradation by taking the number of hops into account. The effectiveness of our method is evaluated by computer simulation.

  • QoS Evaluation of a Multimedia Interactive Satellite Communications System

    Manabu NAKAGAWA  Yoichi HASHIMOTO  Noriyuki IKEUCHI  

    PAPER-Satellite and Wireless Networks

    E81-B No:11

    QoS of a multimedia interactive satellite communications system, which uses a satellite circuit for downlinks and a terrestrial network for uplinks, has been measured and evaluated under inferior satellite circuit conditions. Our attention in this paper is focused on TCP throughput as the most significant QoS, and experiments and analysis on TCP throughput were performed. The measured results are in good agreement with theoretical values calculated by taking congestion avoidance algorithms of TCP into consideration. As a result, we were able to verify that the TCP throughput declines radically when the low signal quality of a satellite circuit causes packet retransmission to occur. In this case, congestion avoidance works to reduce network congestion. The congestion avoidance increases the value of a retransmission timer and decreases the window size even if the network is not congested. Assuming that throughput deterioration is caused by rain fade, the total time when the throughput declines is less than 4 hours a year in Tokyo, and the results show the system can be put to practical use.

  • Performance Comparison of Two Retransmission Control Schemes for Slow-Frequency-Hopped Communication Systems

    Katsumi SAKAKIBARA  Kazushi MOTONAGA  Yoshiharu YUBA  


    E81-A No:11

    This letter proposes a new retransmission control scheme for slow-frequency-hopped communication systems, in which the number of (re)transmitted packets is adaptively decreased in a certain period. Performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed and compared with that of the conventional scheme in terms of the normalized throughput and the 98% packet transmission delay. The numerical results show the superiority of the proposed scheme.

  • Throughput Analysis of a Server with Heterogeneous Inputs for Facsimile Communication Networks

    Ken'ichi KAWANISHI  Yoshitaka TAKAHASHI  Toyofumi TAKENAKA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:10

    We present a throughput analysis of a multi-address call extraction server in F-NET. The extraction server splits a multi-address call into individual calls. Since the actual operation mechanisms of the server are complicated, it is difficult to directly apply the standard Markov chain technique. Restricting ourselves to the case where the server is offered by a saturated input process, we propose a simple probabilistic method to investigate the departure process of the server and its asymptotic behavior. Numerical examples evaluated by the method are compared with simulations, which demonstrate the accuracy of our modeling approach.

  • A Random Access Micro-Cellular System Based on CSMA and Power Control

    Satoru KUBOTA  Kouichi MUTSUURA  Osamu AKIZUKI  Shinjirou OOSHITA  


    E81-A No:7

    A random access micro-cellular system based on CSMA (RAMCS/CSMA) is proposed. On uplink in RAMCS/ CSMA, packets are transmitted by means of CSMA at the same carrier frequency in any cell. On downlink, packets are broadcast conforming to TDMA, also at the same carrier frequency in any cell. In RAMCS/CSMA, deployed microcells produce higher system capacity. Nevertheless, " handoff on a terminal " isn't required. In this paper, overview of the system, fundamental uplink performance, and two kinds of power control methods are presented. As for the control methods, one is control according to packet priority. The other is a way according to location of a mobile terminal. By means of CSMA, throughput performance on uplink becomes great and is saturated at 0. 39 per cell. And the performance strongly depends on the threshold level on carrier sense. Such a throughput performance is peculiar to RAMCS/CSMA and different from an ordinary CSMA system. The optimum threshold is also indicated here. Furthermore, it is clarified that both power control methods highly improve the throughput performance. As a result, it is found that RAMCS/CSMA is excellent for mobile communications.

  • CDMA Slotted ALOHA System with Finite Buffers

    Hiraku OKADA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  


    E81-A No:7

    In this paper, CDMA slotted ALOHA system with finite size of buffers is proposed. To analyze the system performance, we use the linear approximate solution based on restricted occupancy urn models. We evaluate the system performance in terms of throughput, average delay, and rejection probability and clarify the effect of buffer capacity.

  • A Performance Analysis of Buffered DQDB Network with Request Arrival Process Depending on Its Request Counter Value and Its Location on the Buses

    Shu LI  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:3

    The location of stations on the buses can not be ignored in the analysis of the DQDB protocol, especially when traffic load is heavy. In this paper, we propose a new method to model the DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus) protocol by assuming that the request arrival process depends on both the value of the request counter and the location of a station on the buses. By taking these dependences, we can catch the real behavior of the DQDB stations, which is locationally dependent and unfair under heavy load traffic. Based on this model, we analyze the DQDB system with finite buffer by considering the request counter states and buffer states separately and obtain the throughput, mean packet delay and packet reject probability of individual stations. The throughput in individual stations matches that of simulation very well within the range of traffic up to the channel capacity. Also the delay and packet reject rate performance is good up to moderate traffic load. These numerical results reveal the properties of the location dependence and the unfairness of DQDB system under heavy load condition. The analytic results under heavy load traffic for a general DQDB system has not been reported till now. Therefore we conclude that our model and analysis are valid and effective.

  • Maximum Throughput Analysis of a Datagram Switch for Broadband Networks

    Paolo GIACOMAZZI  

    PAPER-Control and performance

    E81-B No:2

    This paper evaluates the throughput performance of a switch architecture for broadband networks that is capable of switching variable-length packets. The structure is connectionless, so that no bandwidth reservation takes place before the user packet, or datagram, is transferred. The interconnection network is assumed to be internally non-blocking and provided with input queues. A previous approximated throughput analysis of the proposed system has been carried out under the hypothesis that the length of the offered packets is uniformly distributed. In this work we perform an exact throughput analysis and we show how the actual throughput of the system can be expressed analytically with a simple closed form. Moreover, we consider a more general case of packet length distributed as a truncated exponential. In this way it is possible to account for cases in which short packets are more frequent than long packets or, conversely, long packets are more frequent than short ones. The minimum throughput of the system is obtained when packets are uniformly distributed; a better performance is obtained when short (long) packets are more frequent than long (short) ones.

  • Comparative Evaluation of Photonic ATM Switch Architectures

    Yoshihiro NAKAHIRA  Hideki SUNAHARA  Yuji OIE  

    PAPER-Advanced technologies for ATM system

    E81-B No:2

    In this paper, we discuss configurations of photonic ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) switches and their advantages in terms of the number of optical switching devices to be implemented on the system, the number of wavelengths, throughput, broadcast function etc. In particular, we focus on photonic ATM switch architectures which can be built in the near future; that is, with presently available optical and electrical devices. For example, we assume the optical devices such as optical gate switches with 40 dB on/off ratio. In this context, we evaluate 17 types of photonic ATM switches; they are 6 types of input buffer type switches, 6 types of output buffer type switches, 4 types of shared buffer switches, and 1 proposed type. From our evaluation, for cell switching, wavelength division switching technologies are desirable compared with space division switching technologies in the sense that the former enables us to build a photonic ATM switch with the less number of optical gate switches. Furthermore, we propose a switch architecture equipped with optical delay line buffers on outputs and electric buffers on inputs. We show that our switch architecture is superior in the number of required optical gate switch elements under the given conditions.

  • Approximation Method for Deriving Transmission Efficiency in Direct-Sequence Spread ALOHA Communications System Using a Unified Spread Code

    Tohru KIKUTA  Fumihito SASAMORI  Fumio TAKAHATA  


    E80-A No:12

    Considering that the application of the direct-sequence slotted spread ALOHA communications system to access/control channel is effective in communications systems with traffic channels operating at CDMA mode, the spread ALOHA communications system is discussed in terms of the system configuration and transmission efficiency. The transmission efficiency of the spread ALOHA communications system using a unified spread code is derived by means of two methods. One is based on the simulation of demodulation algorithm, and the other is based on the approximation by modeling. It becomes obvious from quantitative evaluation in terms of the probability of packet success and the throughput performance that the approximated results coincide with the simulated results, and that the modeling is very effective to estimate the transmission efficiency of the spread ALOHA communications system.

  • On Performance Improvements of Spread Slotted ALOHA Network with CLSP/CC

    Tae-Joong KIM  Ki-Jun KIM  Seung-Hoon HWANG  Keum-Chan WHANG  


    E80-A No:12

    This paper presents a new CLSP/CC (Channel Load Sensing Protocol/Channel Clearance) in order to obtain better performances in spread slotted ALOHA networks. This protocol can decrease a wasteful utilization of channel by prohibiting continuous transmission of the packets destroyed in previous slot, with little added network complexities. For channel clearance technique, hub station broadcasts NAK to all mobile stations when the number of packets transmitted in a slot exceeds the channel capacity, and mobile stations cease own packet transmissions at NAK broadcast. The performances of the proposed CLSP/CC are obtained and compared with those of conventional CLSP by simulations. The performances include network throughput, average processing time and the number of mobile stations in backlogged state. As simulation results, the proposed CLSP/CC outperforms conventional CLSP, especially in highly offered load environment. Also as the proposed CLSP/CC obtain maximum throughputs at higher offered loads and the larger number of mobile stations in backlogged state than the conventional CLSP, it is found that our protocol can support more mobile stations and higher occurrence probabilities.

  • On the Application of PN Acquisition Scheme to a DS/SSMA Packet Radio System

    Jin Young KIM  Jae Hong LEE  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E80-B No:9

    The performance of a noncoherent parallel matched-filter (MF) acquisition scheme with a reference filter (RF) is evaluated for a direct-sequence/spread-spectrum multiple access (DS/SSMA) packet radio system in a mobile cellular environment. This acquisition scheme employs a RF to estimate the variance of interference at the output of detecting MF. Acquisition-based packet throughput of the parallel NM-RF scheme is derived for an AWGN and a Rayleigh fading channels. Packet throughput of a parallel MF-RF acquisition scheme is compared with those of a serial MF scheme, a serial MF-RF scheme, and a parallel MF. From the numerical results, it is shown that the packet throughput decreases with the number of users in the system, and increases with the preamble length. Imperfect power control causes packet throughput to decrease especially when the power control error is large. The considerations in this paper can be applied to the reverse link (mobile-to-base station) design of a DS/SSMA system for packet-type services.

  • A Novel Packet Data Transmission Strategy for Personal Handy-Phone System

    Masataka IIZUKA  Hidetoshi KAYAMA  Hiroshi YOSHIDA  Takeshi HATTORI  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E80-B No:5

    The demand for data communication over Personal Handy-phone System (PHS) is expected to rapidly increase in the near future. Some applications based on the circuit-switched services have been recently developed. However, the packet-switched service is better than the circuit-switched service for personal data communications in terms of the flexible utilization of radio resources. In this paper, we propose PHS with packet data communications system (PHS-PD), which has four system concepts; (i) to supprot the Internet access, (ii) to realize compatibility with circuit-switching services, (iii) to share the common radio channels with circuit-switched calls, and (iv) to utilize idle time slots for packet data. Moreover, a novel packet channel structure for sharing radio resources with circuit-switched calls is introduced. Although packet data are transferred using common radio resources, the proposed channel structure prevents any degradation in call loss performance of the circuit-switching service. An evaluation of the maximum packet transmission rate shows that PHS-PD can offer a data communication rate of 20.1 kbps even if circuit-switched calls are in progress. Furthermore, up to 83.6 kbps is possible if circuit-switched calls are quiescent. It is also shown that enough capacity for a practical e-mail service can be ensured by PHS-PD even if the degradation of throughput performance due to packet collisions on random access channels is considered.

  • The Maximum Throughput of a Nonblocking Packet Switch with Window Policy

    Dye-Jyun MA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E80-B No:4

    It is known that in a nonblocking packet switch with input queueing, head-of-line (HOL) blocking affects significantly the maximum throughput of the packet switch. To alleviate the HOL blocking effect, a window policy has been proposed in that each input queue can scan up to a fixed number of packets (called the window size) to select for transmission on the outputs. However, the performance of the window policy has never been precisely characterized. In this paper, we use a closed queueing network model to characterize the performance of the packet switch with window policy. We obtain explicit closed-form formulae for the maximum throughput of the packet switch as a function of the window size. Both balanced and imbalanced traffic patterns are discussed. The formulae can easily determine the effectiveness of the window policy.

  • Partial Capture Effect for Multi-Carrier Radio Packet Communication Network

    Hiroyuki ATARASHI  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E80-B No:2

    Partial capture effect for multi-carrier radio packet communication network is evaluated in frequency selective fading channel. In multi-carrier modulation (MCM) network where each terminal uses several sub-carriers for transmission,the terminals have different instantaneous frequency responses because of its location, fading pattern, and other various factors. This generates the difference of received power in frequency domain, then partial capture effect can be considered at each sub-carrier. Moreover these partially captured packets are not damaged by inter symbol interference (ISI) caused by frequency selective fading, which seriously degrades single-carrier modulation (SCM) network. From this point of view we present the partial capture effect for the MCM network in the frequency selective fading environment. The results show that the MCM network with partial capture has more advantages than the MCM network without partial capture in terms of the throughput and the average number of transmissions.

  • A Multi-Segment Bandwidth Reservation Protocol for a DQDB Subnetwork

    Yukuo HAYASHIDA  Manabu IKEGAMI  Nobuyuki SUGIMACHI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E80-B No:1

    The DQDB MAC Protocol standardized by the IEEE 802.6 Committee is a single segment bandwidth reservation scheme that only reserves bandwidth for one segment in the distributed queue. Recently, multi-segment bandwidth reservation schemes that reserve bandwidth for not only one segment in the distributed queue but also a part of or all segments in the local node queue have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a new multi-segment bandwidth reservation protocol that can quickly react to changes in a node's traffic and can quickly allocate the bandwidth fairly and waste-free. We also evaluate the mean message transmission delay and throughput convergence performance by simulation. As a result, it is shown that the mean message transmission delay can be decreased and the throughput can be quickly converged to fair bandwidth allocation.

  • Low Power Design Technology for Digital LSIs

    Tadayoshi ENOMOTO  


    E79-C No:12

    Discussed here is reduction of power dissipation for multi-media LSIs. First, both active power dissipation Pat and stand-by power dissipation Pst for both CMOS LSIs and GaAs LSIs are summarized. Then, general technologies for reducing Pat are discussed. Also reviewed are a wide variety of approaches (i.e., parallel and pipeline schemes, Chen's fast DCT algorithms, hierarchical search scheme for motion vectors, etc.) for reduction of Pat. The last part of the paper focuses on reduction of Pst. Reducing both Pat and Pst requires that both throughput and active chip areas be either maintained or improved.


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