The Effectiveness of Adaptive Capacity Allocation on QoE of Audio-Video IP Transmission over the IEEE 802.16 BE Service

Toshiro NUNOME, Shuji TASAKA

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Summary :

This paper deals with two types of capacity allocation schemes, i.e., static and adaptive, for uplink and downlink burst durations in the IEEE 802.16 BE (Best Effort) service. We study QoE (Quality of Experience) enhancement of audio-video IP transmission over the uplink channel with the two capacity allocation schemes. We introduce a piggyback request mechanism for uplink bandwidth requests from subscriber stations to the base station in addition to a random access-based request mechanism. We assess QoE of audio-video streams for four schemes obtained from the combination of the capacity allocation schemes and the bandwidth request mechanisms. We also employ two types of audio-video contents. From the assessment result, we notice that the adaptive allocation scheme is effective for QoE enhancement particularly under heavily loaded conditions because of its efficient usage of OFDM symbols. In addition, the piggyback request mechanism can enhance QoE of audio-video transmission. We also find that the effects of capacity allocation schemes and piggyback request mechanism on QoE change according to the content types.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E96-B No.2 pp.441-450
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Section on Quality of Communication Services Improving Quality of Life)



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