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Digital/Analog-Operation of Hf-Based FeNOS Nonvolatile Memory Utilizing Ferroelectric Nondoped HfO2 Blocking Layer

Shun-ichiro OHMI

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Summary :

In this research, we investigated the digital/analog-operation utilizing ferroelectric nondoped HfO2 (FeND-HfO2) as a blocking layer (BL) in the Hf-based metal/oxide/nitride/oxide/Si (MONOS) nonvolatile memory (NVM), so called FeNOS NVM. The Al/HfN0.5/HfN1.1/HfO2/p-Si(100) FeNOS diodes realized small equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of 4.5 nm with the density of interface states (Dit) of 5.3 × 1010 eV-1cm-2 which were suitable for high-speed and low-voltage operation. The flat-band voltage (VFB) was well controlled as 80-100 mV with the input pulses of ±3 V/100 ms controlled by the partial polarization of FeND-HfO2 BL at each 2-bit state operated by the charge injection with the input pulses of +8 V/1-100 ms.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E107-C No.9 pp.232-236
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Section on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices)

1.  Introduction

Metal-oxide-nitride-oxide-Si (MONOS) nonvolatile memories (NVM) are widely investigated not only for storage memory but for in-memory computing applications [1], [2]. Utilizing the high-k (HK) thin films in MONOS NVM is effective to reduce the operation voltage and improve the operation speed [3], [4]. The memory window (MW) of MONOS NVM is necessary to be increased even when the operation voltage is decreased. In order to increase the MW, metal-ferroelectrics-nitride-oxide-Si (MFNOS) structure was proposed utilizing Sr0.7Bi2.3Nb2O9 (SBN) as a ferroelectric blocking layer (BL) for further improvement of memory characteristics of MONOS NVM [5]. However, the thickness of SBN was 100 nm to obtain the ferroelectric characteristics, and it was hard to be scaled although the relative dielectric constant (\(\varepsilon_{\mathrm{r}}\)) was high as 1000.

Since the HfO2 thin film crystallized in the metastable orthorhombic phase was reported to show ferroelectric characteristics [6], the applications of ferroelectric HfO2 in the MONOS structure have been attracting much attention because of its Si process compatibility, and the HfO2 shows ferroelectric characteristics even bellow the thickness of 10 nm which is suitable for device scaling [7], [8]. The ferroelectric HfO2 is effective to increase MW which is similar to Ref. [3].

We have proposed the digital/analog-operation utilizing ferroelectric nondoped HfO2 (FeND-HfO2) as a BL in the Hf-based MONOS structure, which is called FeNOS NVM, as shown in Fig. 1 (a) [9]-[12]. The FeND-HfO2 was able to be formed when the nitrogen concentration of HfNx CTL was \(\mathrm{x}=1.1\). The Hf-based FeNOS stacked structures from the HK-HfO2 tunneling layer (TL) to the HfN0.5 gate electrode layer are able to be deposited in a sputtering chamber by reactive sputtering process without exposing to the air. The FeNOS NVM is expected to realize the analog control of threshold voltage (VTH) by the partial polarization of FeND-HfO2 BL along with the multi-bit/cell operation by the charge trap in the HK-HfN1.1 CTL through a HK-HfO2 TL as shown in Fig. 1 (b). The polarization switching is able to be controlled at low-voltage and the switching speed is quite fast, while the charge trap and detrap operations are performed at high-voltage.

Fig. 1  (a) Schematic cross-section of the FeNOS NVM and (b) schematics of VTH control in FeNOS NVM. The partial polarization of FeND-HfO2 BL realizes the analog control of VTH (dotted lines) along with the multi-bit/cell operation of the charge trap in the HfN1.1 CTL (solid lines).

In this paper, we have investigated the fabrication process of Hf-based FeNOS diode, and the digital/analog-operation of Hf-based FeNOS diode was examined by controlling the pulse input conditions [13].

2.  Experimental Procedure

Figure 2 shows the fabrication process for the FeNOS diodes. The schematic cross-sections and the plane-view of the fabricated FeNOS diodes are also shown.

Fig. 2  Fabrication process for Al/HfO0.5/HfO2/HfN1.1/HfO2/Si(100) FeNOS diodes. Schematic cross-sections and plane-view were also shown.

For the fabrication of FeNOS diodes, lightly doped p-Si(100) (10-30 \(\Omega\)cm) substrates were cleaned by sulfuric-peroxide mixture (SPM) and diluted HF (DHF) solutions. After the 100 nm thick field SiO2 formation on p-Si(100) substrates, active area was patterned. Some of the FeNOS diodes were fabricated without field oxide. Then, the Hf-based FeNOS structures of HfN0.5 (gate electrode, 10 nm)/FeND-HfO2 (10-15 nm)/HfN1.1 (3 nm)/HK-HfO2 (2 nm)/Si(100) were in-situ deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR)-plasma sputtering at room temperature (RT) followed by the post-metallization annealing (PMA) at 350℃/1-10 min in N2 ambient. For the HK-HfO2 TL deposition, the Ar/O2 flow ratio was 23/4.6 sccm, while it was 16/2.4 sccm for the FeND-HfO2 BL deposition. The Ar/N2 flow ratio for HfN1.1 CTL was 8/6 sccm, while it was 10/0.2 sccm for the HfN0.5 gate electrode deposition. Next, Al top contact was evaporated, and the gate electrode was patterned by wet etching with the size of \(100 \times 100\)\(\mu\)m2.

The FeNOS diode structures were evaluated by C-V, J-V, and program/erase (P/E) measurements utilizing HP 4284A and Agilent 4156C, respectively. The density of interface states (Dit) was extracted by Terman method at midgap [14]. The equivalent oxide thickness was extracted from the C-V measurement by considering the quantum effect [15]. The charge centroid (Zeff) for the charge trap operation was evaluated utilizing HP8110A, Keithley 6517A, and KEYSIGHT DAQ970A [16]. The crystallinity was evaluated by the x-ray diffraction (XRD).

3.  Results and Discussion

Figure 3 shows the PMA duration dependence of the C-V and J-V characteristics for the Al/HfN0.5/HfN1.1(10 nm)/HfO2/p-Si(100) FeNOS diodes. As shown in Fig. 3 (a), the minimum EOT of 4.5 nm was obtained with negligible hysteresis by the PMA at 350℃/5 min. The Dit was extracted as \(5.3 \times 10^{10}\) eV\(-1\)cm\(-2\). The leakage current was decreased to \(1 \times 10^{- 8}\) A/cm2 at \(V_{\mathrm{G}} = - 1\) V by the PMA at 350℃/5 min compared to the PMA at 350℃/1 min as shown in Fig. 3 (b). The leakage current was increased in case of the PMA at 350℃/10 min so that the PMA with long duration seemed to degrade the film quality even at the low annealing temperature such as 350℃. Figure 4 shows the XRD patterns of FeNOS structures. The peak intensity of orthorhombic HfO2(111) was found to be increased by the PMA at 350℃/5 min, while it was decreased by the PMA at 350℃/10 min. Therefore, the 350℃ for 5 min seemed to be the optimum PMA condition for the FeNOS structures.

Fig. 3  PMA duration dependence of (a) C-V (100 kHz) and (b) J-V.

Fig. 4  PMA duration dependence on the XRD patterns for FeNOS structures. PMA was carried out at 350℃/1-10 min.

Figure 5 shows the retention characteristic for the charge trap operation of FeNOS diode with PMA at 350℃/5 min. The schematic measurement sequence was also shown. The P/E input pulses, VPGM/tPGM and VERS/tERS, were VPGM/tPGM: 8 V/100 ms and VERS/tERS: \(-8\) V/100 ms, respectively. The measurements were carried out until \(10^{4}\) s. The initial MW of 2.5 V was observed after P/E input pulses were applied. The estimated MW of 1.1 V after 10 years was obtained which was 44% compared with the initial MW of 2.5 V. This result suggested that reliability of the obtained memory characteristics was good enough even though the annealing temperature was low as 350℃.

Fig. 5  Retention characteristic for charge trap operation of FeNOS diode with PMA at 350℃/5 min. The input pulses were \(\pm8\) V/100 ms for charge trap operation.

Next, the charge centroid (Zeff) was evaluated by changing the program pulses as VPGM/tPGM: 8 V/1-100 ms. Figure 6 shows the pulse width dependence on the Zeff of FeNOS diode. The Zeff was extracted utilizing the following equation,

\[\begin{aligned} Z_{\mathit{eff}} = \frac{\varepsilon_{\mathit{ox}} \Delta V_{\mathit{FB}}} {\int_{V_{\mathit{FB}}}^{0} C(V)dV + Q_{m}} \end{aligned}\]

where \(\mathrm{Q}_{\mathrm{m}}\) is the measured charge, \(\varepsilon_{\mathrm{ox}}\) is the dielectric constant of HfO2 BL, and VFB is the flat-band voltage.

Fig. 6  Pulse width dependence on Zeff.

As shown in Fig. 6, the Zeff was located at the interface of FeND-HfO2 BL and HfN1.1 CTL even for the program pulse of VPGM/tPGM: 8 V/1 ms. Interestingly, the Zeff was not markedly changed for the longer pulse such as VPGM/tPGM: 8 V/100 ms. This is probably because the density of trap sites in the HfN1.1 CTL is large enough to accept the charge injection by the program conditions.

Finally, the charge trap and partial polarization operations were examined utilizing Al/HfN0.5/HfN1.1(15 nm)/HfO2/p-Si(100) FeNOS diodes. Figure 7 shows the charge trap operation utilizing program pulses of VPGM/tPGM: 8 V/1 ms-1 s. As shown in Fig. 7, 2 bit/cell operation was demonstrated by the input pulses of VPGM/tPGM: 8 V/1-100 ms after the initialization by the input pulse of VERS/tERS: \(-8\) V/100 ms with the maximum MW of 1.85 V. Negligible hysteresis was observed for each C-V characteristic after the P/E operations. When the input pulse of 8 V/1 s was applied, the MW was almost same with that of after 8 V/100 ms was applied so that the maximum available charge densities in the HfN1.1 CTL was estimated as 0.94 \(\mu\)C/cm2. From the obtained results, the margin of VFB between each state is large enough so that the further multi-bit/cell operation such as 3 bit or 4 bit/cell operation seems to be available for the FeNOS fabricated in this research.

Fig. 7  The charge trap operation utilizing program pulse of \(\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{PGM}}/\mathrm{t}_{\mathrm{PGM}} = 8\) V/1 ms-1 s. The C-V characteristics were measured at 100 kHz. The schematic measurement sequence was also shown.

Next, the VFB control by the partial polarization of FeND-HfO2 BL was examined utilizing P/E pulses of VPGM/tPGM: \(-3\) V/100 ms and VERS/tERS: 8 V/100 ms at ‘11’ and ‘01’ states of charge trap operations. Figure 8 clearly shows that the precise VFB control by the partial polarization. The erase pulse caused the negative VFB shift at each state, while the program pulses made VFB shifted to the positive direction. The VFB shift was approximately 80-100 mV. The MW of charge trap operation is 1.8 V so that 18-22 states control would be realized by the partial polarization operation.

Fig. 8  The partial polarization operation utilizing P/E pulses of \(\pm3\) V/100 ms. The C-V characteristics were measured at 100 kHz. The schematic measurement sequence was also shown.

4.  Conclusions

In this paper, we have investigated the digital/analog-operation of Hf-based FeNOS diode. The low-voltage input pulse operation was found to control the partial polarization, and the VFB shifts of approximately 80-100 mV were realized without causing the charge trap and/or detrap in the \(\mathrm{HfN}_{1.1}\) CTL. The VFB control by the partial polarization is also applicable for the VTH adjustment after the NVM fabrication. In conclusion, Hf-based FeNOS NVM is a promising memory device not only for storage memory but the in-memory computing applications.


This work was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19H00758, NEDO, JST, and CASIO Foundation. The author thanks Mr. W. Zhang and Mr. E.K. Hong for their help in this research.


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Shun-ichiro OHMI
  Tokyo Institute of Technology

received his Ph.D. degree in Applied Electronics from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan, in1996. In 1996, he joined Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he has been engaged in the research of Si and organic semiconductor devices and processes. From 1997 to 1999, he was a Post Doctoral Technical Staff with the Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories, where he was engaged in the research of TiSi2 and CoSi2 salicide processes. In 2000, he was a visiting researcher with North Carolina State University where he was engaged in the research of high-k gate insulator. Dr. Ohmi is a member of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the Japan Society of Applied Physics, and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.


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