1-4hit |
Yifei LIU Yuan ZHAO Jun ZHU Bin TANG
A novel Nyquist Folding Receiver (NYFR) based passive localization algorithm with Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) is proposed to estimate the position of a spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).Taking the geometry and kinematics of a satellite into consideration, this paper presents a surveillance geometry model, which formulates the localization problem into a sparse vector recovery problem. A NYFR technology is utilized to intercept the SAR signal. Then, a convergence algorithm with SBL is introduced to recover the sparse vector. Furthermore, simulation results demonstrate the availability and performance of our algorithm.
In this letter, we propose a novel kind of uncertain query, top (k1,k2) query. The x-tuple model and the possible world semantics are used to describe data objects in uncertain datasets. The top (k1,k2) query is going to find k2 x-tuples with largest probabilities to be the result of top k1 query in a possible world. Firstly, we design a basic algorithm for top (k1,k2) query based on dynamic programming. And then some pruning strategies are designed to improve its efficiency. An improved initialization method is proposed for further acceleration. Experiments in real and synthetic datasets prove the performance of our methods.
In this paper, we present a joint multi-patch and multi-task convolutional neural networks (JMM-CNNs) framework to learn more descriptive and robust face representation for face recognition. In the proposed JMM-CNNs, a set of multi-patch CNNs and a feature fusion network are constructed to learn and fuse global and local facial features, then a multi-task learning algorithm, including face recognition task and pose estimation task, is operated on the fused feature to obtain a pose-invariant face representation for the face recognition task. To further enhance the pose insensitiveness of the learned face representation, we also introduce a similarity regularization term on features of the two tasks to propose a regularization loss. Moreover, a simple but effective patch sampling strategy is applied to make the JMM-CNNs have an end-to-end network architecture. Experiments on Multi-PIE dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, and we achieve a competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art methods on Labeled Face in the Wild (LFW), YouTube Faces (YTF) and MegaFace Challenge.
To improve detection performance for a reconnaissance receiver, which is designed to detect the non-cooperative MIMO-LFM radar signal under low SNR condition, this letter proposed a novel signal detection method. This method is based on Fractional Fourier Transform with entropy weight (FRFTE) and autocorrelation algorithm. In addition, the flow chart and feasibility of the proposed algorithm are analyzed. Finally, applying our method to Wigner Hough Transform (WHT), we demonstrate the superiority of this method by simulation results.