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[Author] Hiroshi NISHIMOTO(9hit)

  • 10-Gb/s Repeaterless Transmission Using Standard Single-Mode Fiber with Pre-Chirping and Dispersion Compensation Techniques

    George ISHIKAWA  Motoyoshi SEKIYA  Hiroshi ONAKA  Terumi CHIKAMA  Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  


    E78-C No:1

    This paper proposes that a combination of pre-chirping and dispersion compensation is effective in suppressing the waveform distortion due to the self-phase modulation and the group-velocity dispersion in 10 Gb/s repeaterless transmission using 1.3-µm zero-dispersion single-mode fibers (SMF) operating at a wavelength of 1.55µm. The following results were obtained through simulation. 1) Setting the α-parameter of a LiNbO3 optical modulator negative (α1.0) gives a large tolerance of the launched power Pin. 2) For 90-km SMF transmission, the maximum Pin is obtained when the dispersion compensation ratio β is from 50% to 70%. 3) For the allowable β as a function of the transmission distance when a dispersion compensator is located in the receiver (post-compensation scheme), the lower limit of β is determined by the constant residual dispersion value, which agrees well with the dispersion tolerance without dispersion compensation. Our 90-km SMF transmission experiments using a LiNbO3 optical modulator and a dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) confirmed the simulation results regarding the optimum value of β and the large tolerance of the fiber launched power. Based on the above investigations, we achieved a 10-Gb/s repeaterless 140-km SMF transmission with α1.0 and post-compensation.

  • Subblock Processing for Frequency-Domain Turbo Equalization under Fast Fading Environments

    Keiichi KAMBARA  Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  


    E92-B No:5

    Frequency-domain equalization (FDE) has been studied for suppressing inter-symbol interference (ISI) due to frequency selective fading in single carrier systems. When a high-mobility terminal is assumed in the system, channel transition within an FDE block cannot be ignored. The ISI reduction performance of FDE degrades since the cyclicity of the channel matrix is lost. To solve this problem, a method of dividing the received data block into multiple subblocks has been proposed, where pseudo cyclic prefix (CP) processing is introduced to realize periodicity in each subblock. In this method, the performance is degraded by the inherently-inaccurate pseudo CP. In this paper, we study the application of frequency-domain turbo equalization (FDTE) to subblock processing for improving the accuracy of pseudo CP. The simulation results show that FDTE with subblock processing yields remarkable performance improvements.

  • NL-BMD: Nonlinear Block Multi-Diagonalization Precoding for High SHF Wide-Band Massive MIMO in 5G Open Access

    Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Akinori TAIRA  Hiroki IURA  Shigeru UCHIDA  Akihiro OKAZAKI  Atsushi OKAMURA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:8

    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology is one of the key enablers in the fifth generation mobile communications (5G), in order to accommodate growing traffic demands and to utilize higher super high frequency (SHF) and extremely high frequency (EHF) bands. In the paper, we propose a novel transmit precoding named “nonlinear block multi-diagonalization (NL-BMD) precoding” for multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) downlink toward 5G. Our NL-BMD precoding strategy is composed of two essential techniques: block multi-diagonalization (BMD) and adjacent inter-user interference pre-cancellation (IUI-PC). First, as an extension of the conventional block diagonalization (BD) method, the linear BMD precoder for the desired user is computed to incorporate a predetermined number of interfering users, in order to ensure extra degrees of freedom at the transmit array even after null steering. Additionally, adjacent IUI-PC, as a nonlinear operation, is introduced to manage the residual interference partially allowed in BMD computation, with effectively-reduced numerical complexity. It is revealed through computer simulations that the proposed NL-BMD precoding yields up to 67% performance improvement in average sum-rate spectral efficiency and enables large-capacity transmission regardless of the user distribution, compared with the conventional BD precoding.

  • Performance of MIMO E-SDM Systems Using Channel Prediction in Actual Time-Varying Indoor Fading Environments

    Huu Phu BUI  Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  

    PAPER-Smart Antennas & MIMO

    E91-B No:6

    In time-varying fading environments, the performance of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems applying an eigenbeam-space division multiplexing (E-SDM) technique may be degraded due to a channel change during the time interval between the transmit weight matrix determination and the actual data transmission. To compensate for the channel change, we have proposed some channel prediction methods. Simulation results based on computer-generated channel data showed that better performance can be obtained when using the prediction methods in Rayleigh fading environments assuming the Jakes model with rich scatterers. However, actual MIMO systems may be used in line-of-sight (LOS) environments, and even in a non-LOS case, scatterers may not be uniformly distributed around a receiver and/or a transmitter. In addition, mutual coupling between antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver cannot be ignored as it affects the system performance in actual implementation. We conducted MIMO channel measurement campaigns at a 5.2 GHz frequency band to evaluate the channel prediction techniques. In this paper, we present the experiment and simulation results using the measured channel data. The results show that robust bit-error rate performance is obtained when using the channel prediction methods and that the methods can be used in both Rayleigh and Rician fading environments, and do not need to know the maximum Doppler frequency.

  • MIMO E-SDM Transmission Performance in an Actual Indoor Environment

    Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Yasutaka OGAWA  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E90-B No:6

    MIMO systems using a space division multiplexing (SDM) technique in which each transmit antenna sends an independent signal substream have been studied as one of the successful applications to increase data rates in wireless communications. The throughput of a MIMO channel can be maximized by using an eigenbeam-SDM (E-SDM) technique, and this paper investigates the practical performance of 22 and 44 MIMO E-SDM based on indoor measurements. The channel capacity and bit error rate obtained in various uniform linear array configurations are evaluated and are compared with the corresponding values for conventional SDM. Analysis results show that the bit error rate performance of E-SDM is better than that of SDM and that E-SDM gives better performance in line-of-sight (LOS) conditions than in non-LOS ones. They also show that the performance of E-SDM in LOS conditions depends very much on the array configuration.

  • Arrangement of Scattering Points in Jakes' Model for i.i.d. Time-Varying MIMO Fading

    Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E90-B No:11

    For simulating i.i.d. time-varying MIMO channels using multiple Jakes' rings, it is desirable to generate channels having stable statistics with fewer scatterers. The statistical property of the conventional Jakes' model may depend on the initial phase set assigned to scattering points. In this letter, we present simple and effective conditions on arrangement of scattering points to achieve stable fading properties. The results show that the proposed arrangement provides higher statistical stability in generating time-varying channels.

  • Measurement-Based Performance Evaluation of Coded MIMO-OFDM Spatial Multiplexing with MMSE Spatial Filtering in an Indoor Line-of-Sight Environment

    Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:5

    The MIMO system can meet the growing demand for higher capacity in wireless communication fields. So far, the authors have reported that, based on channel measurements, uncoded performance of narrowband MIMO spatial multiplexing in indoor line-of-sight (LOS) environments generally outperforms that in non-LOS (NLOS) ones under the same transmit power condition. In space-frequency coded MIMO-OFDM spatial multiplexing, however, we cannot expect high space-frequency diversity gain in LOS environments because of high fading correlations and low frequency selectivity of channels so that the performance may degrade unlike uncoded cases. In this letter, we present the practical performance of coded MIMO-OFDM spatial multiplexing based on indoor channel measurements. The results show that an LOS environment tends to provide lower space-frequency diversity effect whereas the MIMO-OFDM spatial multiplexing performance is still better in the environment compared with an NLOS environment.

  • Pseudo Eigenbeam-Space Division Multiplexing (PE-SDM) in Frequency-Selective MIMO Channels

    Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:11

    In a frequency-selective multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel, the optimum transmission is achieved by beamforming with eigenvectors obtained at each discrete frequency point, i.e., an extension of eigenbeam-space division multiplexing (E-SDM). However, the calculation load of eigenvalue decomposition at the transmitter increases in proportion to the number of frequency points. In addition, frequency-independent eigenvectors increase the delay spread of the effective channel observed at the receiver. In this paper, we propose a pseudo eigenvector scheme for the purpose of mitigating the calculation load and maintaining frequency continuity (or decreasing the delay spread). First, we demonstrate that pseudo eigenvectors reduce the delay spread of the effective channels with low computational complexity. Next, the practical performance of the pseudo E-SDM (PE-SDM) transmission is evaluated. The simulation results show that PE-SDM provides almost the same or better performance compared with E-SDM when the receiver employs a time-windowing-based channel estimation available in the low delay spread cases.

  • An Equalization of PN-DSTBC for Concatenating with Spectral Precoding

    Kanako YAMAGUCHI  Nicolas GRESSET  Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Akihiro OKAZAKI  Hiroyasu SANO  Shusaku UMEDA  Kaoru TSUKAMOTO  Atsushi OKAMURA  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E102-A No:3

    A diversity strategy is efficient to reduce the fluctuation of communication quality caused by fading. In order to further maintain the communication quality and improve the communication capacity, this paper proposes a two-dimensional diversity approach by serially-concatenating spectral precoding and power normalized-differential space time block coding (PN-DSTBC). Spectral precoding is able to take benefit from a frequency diversity effect without loss in spectral efficiency. In addition, PN-DSTBC is robust against serious phase noise in an extremely high frequency (EHF) band by exploiting a spatial diversity effect. However, there is a problem that a naive concatenation degrades the performance due to the imbalance of equivalent noise variances over transmit frequencies. Thus, we examine an equalized PN-DSTBC decoder as a modified approach to uniform equivalent noise variances over frequencies. The performance evaluation using computer simulations shows that the proposed modified approach yields the performance improvement at any modulation schemes and at any number of transmit frequencies. Furthermore, in the case of 64QAM and two transmit frequencies, the performance gain of the modified approach is 4dB larger than that of PN-DSTBC only at uncoded BER=10-4.

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