Ken-ichi TAKIZAWA Huan-Bang LI Iwao NISHIYAMA Jun-ichi TAKADA Ryuji KOHNO
This paper presents an overview of research, development, standardization and regulation activities on ultra wideband (UWB) technologies in National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). NICT started a project on UWB technologies since 2002, and organized UWB consortium in cooperation with more than 20 companies and 7 universities in Japan. Up to now, we have been conducting numerous UWB R&D including the following main works: i) key technology development such as MMIC chips, antennas and other devices, ii) measurement and channel modeling for UWB signal propagation, iii) standardization in international activities of IEEE 802.15, ITU-R TG1/8 as well as in a national regulatory committee of Ministry of Internal Affair and Communications (MIC). The UWB systems we have studied occupy frequency bands range from microwave band (3-5 GHz) to quasi-millimeter wave band (24-29 GHz). Various prototype UWB systems including multi-functional terminals have been developed. The output of NICT has been succeeded by industrial parties with with national and international standardization and regulation.
Katsuyuki HANEDA Jun-ichi TAKADA Takeo IWATA Yoshitaka WAKINAKA Takeshi KUNISHIMA
Electronic Toll Collection (ETC), an application of Dedicated Short Range Wireless Communication (DSRC), had suffered from wrong operations due to multipath problems. To solve this problem, we proposed to apply a simple configured path determination scheme for the ETC system. The system consists of a vector network analyzer, low-noise amplifier, and X-Y positioner and achieves an automatic measurement of the spatial transfer function with emphasis on accurate measurement and reproducibility. For the reliable identification of the propagating paths, 3-D Unitary ESPRIT and SAGE algorithms were employed. Having developed the system, field experiments at the toll gate of the highway was carried out. In the measurements, we could determine many propagation paths so that the dominant propagation phenomena at the toll gate was identified. They included a ground-canopy twice reflected wave, which was a potential path that caused wrong operation. Consequently, their reflection coefficients and polarization characteristics were investigated. From the results, applicability of the path determination system for short range on-site measurement was confirmed.
Jung-Sik JEONG Kei SAKAGUCHI Kiyomichi ARAKI Jun-ichi TAKADA
Recently the effect of the angular spread caused by locally scattered signals in the vicinity of the mobile has received considerable attention. This paper proposes the Extended Array Mode Vector (EAMV) which represents the Instantaneous Angular Spread (IAS) as well as the Instantaneous Direction Of Arrival (IDOA) of the received signal at the Base Station (BS). Using the EAMV, MUSIC algorithm is generalized in order that it is possible to estimate both the IDOA and the IAS. In computer simulations, the estimates of the IDOA and the IAS in the fading situation are evaluated. The results show that the estimates for small angular spread agree well with the given values and demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.
Atsushi HONDA Kei SAKAGUCHI Jun-ichi TAKADA Kiyomichi ARAKI
An RF front-end using a six-port circuit is a promising technology for realization of a compact software defined radio (SDR) receiver. Such a receiver, called a six-port direct conversion receiver (DCR), consists of analog circuit and digital signal processing components. The six-port DCR itself outputs four different linear combinations of received and local signals. The output powers are measured at each port, and the received signal is recovered by solving a set of linear equations. This receiver can easily cover a wide frequency band unlike the conventional DCR since it does not require the precise orthogonality that the conventional one does. In this paper, we propose a novel calibration method for a six-port system that includes nonlinear circuits such as diode detectors. We demonstrated the demodulation performance of a six-port DCR by computer simulation and experiments at 1.9, 2.45, and 5.85 GHz.
In this paper, a method of the signal subspace interpolation to constructing a continuous fingerprint database for radio localization is proposed. When using the fingerprint technique, enhancing the accuracy of location estimation requires very fine spatial resolution of the database, which entails much time in collecting the data to build up the database. Interpolated signal subspace is presented to achieve a fine spatial resolution of the fingerprint database. The angle of arrival (AOA) and the measured signal subspace at known locations are needed to obtain the interpolated signal subspaces. The effectiveness of this method is verified by an outdoor experiment and the estimated location using this method was compared with those using the geometrically calculated fingerprint and the measured signal subspace fingerprint techniques.
Manabu KITAMURA Jun-ichi TAKADA Kiyomichi ARAKI
The Matrix-Pencil (MP) method is applied to the estimation of the undesired radiation from the microstrip line discontinuities. The Q factors are obtained from the complex resonant frequencies estimated from FDTD transient field by using MP. The number of the damped oscillations is estimated by using MDL which is widely used as an information theoretic criterion for the model order estimation.
A polarization diversity planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) on portable telephone in the practical use near the operator's body is investigated at 1,800 MHz under multipath urban environment. The antenna structure comprises a center-fed square patch with one permanent short-pin and two RF-switches on three corners. The RF-switches perform as the polarization branch switches for dominantly vertical polarization (VP) or dominantly horizontal polarization (HP) modes. The radiation efficiency of the polarization diversity PIFA is 58% and 53% for VP and HP modes, respectively, which is higher than the 52% efficiency of the reference λ/4 monopole antenna under the same condition. The mean effective gain (MEG) of VP and HP modes decrease with respect to the increasing cross-polarization power ratio (XPR). The correlation coefficient of two diversity branches is between 0.66 through all the possible XPR ranging from -10 dB to +10 dB. The diversity gain is computed from the MEG and correlation coefficient to determine the diversity antenna gain (DAG). The diversity gain, based on 10-3 BER for selective combining, is 7.5 dB over non-diversity reception. The DAG is -1.2+2.8 dBi which is approximately 4 dB lower than the case without human body. In other words, the presence of the human body degrades the communication performance by a half.
Jung-Sik JEONG Kei SAKAGUCHI Jun-ichi TAKADA Kiyomichi ARAKI
It is known that MUSIC and ESPRIT algorithms can estimate simultaneously both the instantaneous Direction of Arrival (DOA) and the instantaneous Angular Spread (AS) in multiple scattering environments. These algorithms use the Extended Array Mode Vector (EAMV) with complex angle. The previous work evaluated the performance of those algorithms by comparing the estimated DOA and the estimated AS with the DOA and the AS given in the EAMV, which uses the first-order approximation. Thus, this evaluation method has not clearly reflected the estimation accuracy of MUSIC and ESPRIT. This paper presents the joint estimation performance of MUSIC and ESPRIT by introducing the criteria for evaluation. For this, the spatial signature (SS) is reconstructed from the estimates of the DOA and the AS, and compared to the true SS in the meaning of data fitting.
Minseok KIM Tatsuki IWATA Shigenobu SASAKI Jun-ichi TAKADA
In radio channel measurements and modeling, directional scanning via highly directive antennas is the most popular method to obtain angular channel characteristics to develop and evaluate advanced wireless systems for high frequency band use. However, it is often insufficient for ray-/cluster-level characterizations because the angular resolution of the measured data is limited by the angular sampling interval over a given scanning angle range and antenna half power beamwidth. This study proposes the sub-grid CLEAN algorithm, a novel technique for high-resolution multipath component (MPC) extraction from the multi-dimensional power image, so called double-directional angular delay power spectrum. This technique can successfully extract the MPCs by using the multi-dimensional power image. Simulation and measurements showed that the proposed technique could extract MPCs for ray-/cluster-level characterizations and channel modeling. Further, applying the proposed method to the data captured at 58.5GHz in an atrium entrance hall environment which is an indoor hotspot access scenario in the fifth generation mobile system, the multipath clusters and corresponding scattering processes were identified.
An implantable WBAN path-loss model for a capsule endoscopy which is used for examining digestive organs, is developed by conducting simulations and experiments. First, we performed FDTD simulations on implant WBAN propagation by using a numerical human model. Second, we performed FDTD simulations on a vessel that represents the human body. Third, we performed experiments using a vessel of the same dimensions as that used in the simulations. On the basis of the results of these simulations and experiments, we proposed the gradient and intercept parameters of the simple path-loss in-body propagation model.
Quoc Tuan TRAN Shinsuke HARA Kriangsak SIVASONDHIVAT Jun-ichi TAKADA Atsushi HONDA Yuuta NAKAYA Kaoru YOKOO Ichirou IDA Yasuyuki OISHI
The combination of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technologies gives wireless communications systems the advantages of lower bit error rate (BER) and higher data rate in frequency-selective fading environments. However, the main drawbacks of MIMO systems are their high complexity and high cost. Therefore, antenna selection in MIMO systems has been shown to be an effective way to overcome the drawbacks. In this paper, we propose two receive antenna selection methods for a MIMO-OFDM system with radio frequency (RF) switches and polarization antenna elements at the receiver side, taking into consideration low computational complexity. The first method selects a set of polarization antenna elements which gives lower correlation between received signals and larger received signal power, thus achieves a lower BER with low computational complexity. The second method first selects a set of polarization antenna elements based on the criterion of the first method and another set of polarization antenna elements based on the criterion of minimizing the correlation between the received signals; it then calculates the signal-to-interference-plus-noise power ratio (SINR) of the two sets and selects a set with larger SINR. As a result, the second method achieves a better BER than the first one but it also requires higher computational complexity than the first one. We use the measured channel data to evaluate the performance of the two methods and show that they work effectively for the realistic channel.
In this paper, the effects of Bragg scattering on ultra-wideband (UWB) signal transmission from periodic surfaces are reported. First, the frequency dispersive property of Bragg scattering is theoretically and experimentally confirmed. Next, the transfer function of both specular path and Bragg scattering are extracted. Then direct sequence UWB (DS-UWB) transmission simulations are conducted by using a raised cosine pulse that occupied 3.1 to 10.6 GHz and a Gaussian pulse that occupied 8.75 to 9.25 GHz. Finally, the effects of Bragg scattering on UWB systems are discussed.
Minseok KIM Yohei KONISHI Jun-ichi TAKADA Boxin GAO
This letter proposes an automatic IQ imbalance compensation technique for quadrature modulators by means of spectrum measurement of RF signal using a spectrum analyzer. The analyzer feeds back only magnitude information of the frequency spectrum of the signal. To realize IQ imbalance compensation, the conventional method of steepest descent is modified; the descent direction is empirically determined and a variable step-size is introduced for accelerating convergence. The experimental results for a four-channel transmitter operating at 11 GHz are presented for verification.
Yukiko KISHIKI Jun-ichi TAKADA Gilbert Siy CHING Hajime TAKAO Yoshihiro SUGIHARA Shigeaki MATSUNAGA Fumiya UESAKA
For the modeling of multipath propagation in every wireless systems, the ray tracing method has been widely studied. However, large errors may result due to the approximation of geometrical optics in curved surfaces. This paper therefore focused on the curved surfaces and edges, which are difficult to handle in ray tracing. Examples of curved surfaces can be found in arched cross-section tunnels which are common in highway networks of mountainous areas. The traditional ray tracing method of dividing the curved surface into smaller flat plates is not so accurate as the size of smaller plates may not satisfy the geometrical optics assumption, and the reflection point which satisfies Fermat's principle may not exist. In this work, a new ray tracing method is proposed with 2 contributions. The first one is the implementation of the reflection coefficient for curved surfaces in ray tracing. The second is applying the physical optics method on the caustics region. To evaluate these methods, path gain simulation results for an arched cross-section model are compared with measurements made inside an arched tunnel. To further improve the simulation results, the effect of rough surface is introduced, and the results are again compared with measurement.
Yousuke NARUSE Jun-ichi TAKADA
We address the issue of MIMO channel estimation with the aid of a priori temporal correlation statistics of the channel as well as the spatial correlation. The temporal correlations are incorporated to the estimation scheme by assuming the Gauss-Markov channel model. Under the MMSE criteria, the Kalman filter performs an iterative optimal estimation. To take advantage of the enhanced estimation capability, we focus on the problem of channel estimation from a partial channel measurement in the MIMO antenna selection system. We discuss the optimal training sequence design, and also the optimal antenna subset selection for channel measurement based on the statistics. In a highly correlated channel, the estimation works even when the measurements from some antenna elements are omitted at each fading block.
Karma WANGCHUK Minseok KIM Jun-ichi TAKADA
To improve the outage performance of a wireless body area network (BAN), exploitation of the diversity in the channel obtained by letting different nodes cooperate and relay signals for each other is an attractive solution. We carry out multi-link channel measurements and modeling for all realistic locations of the on-body sensor nodes and for three different motion scenarios in a typical office environment to develop equivalent channel model for simple and practical cooperative transmission schemes. Using the developed model the performance of the transmission schemes are evaluated and compared. Incremental decode and forward relaying is found to be consistently better than the other schemes with gains of up to 16dB at 10% outage probability, and an average gain of more than 5.9dB for any location of the coordinator node. The best location of the coordinator node based on the performance is also determined. Such insights will be very useful in designing BANs.
N. M. Alam CHOWDHURY Jun-ichi TAKADA Masanobu HIROSE
A novel formulation for the Scalar-field approach of Integral Equation formulation of the Measured Equation of Invariance (SIE-MEI) is derived from the scalar reciprocity relation to solve the scalar Helmholtz equation. The basics of this formulation are similar to IE-MEI method for the electromagnetic (EM) problem. The surface integral equation is derived from reciprocity relation and on-surface MEI postulates are used. As a result it generates a sparse linear system with the same number of unknowns as of Boundary Element Method (BEM) and keeps the merits in minimum storage memory requirements and CPU time consumption for computing the final matrix. IE-MEI method has been proposed for two-dimensional (2D) electromagnetic problem, but three-dimensional (3D) problem is very difficult to be extend. This scalar-field approach of IE-MEI method is identical to electromagnetic in 2D, but easily extended to the 3D scalar-field scattering problem contrary to EM problem. The numerical results of sphere and cube are verified with some rigorous or numerical solutions, which give excellent agreement.
Minseok KIM Kimtho PO Jun-ichi TAKADA
Spectrum sensing, a key technical challenge in cognitive radios (CR) technology, is a technique that enables the spectrum of licensed systems to be accessed without causing undue interference. It is well known that cyclostationarity detectors have great advantages over energy detectors in terms of the robustness to noise uncertainty that significantly degrades the performance as well as the capability to distinguish the signal of interest from the other interferences and noise. The generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is a recognized sensing technique that utilizes the inherent cyclostationarity of the signal and has been intensively studied. However, no comprehensive evaluation on its performance enhancement has been published to date. Moreover high computational complexity is still a significant problem for its realization. This paper proposes a maximum ratio combining multi-cyclic detector which uses multiple cyclic frequencies for performance enhancement with reduced computational complexity. An orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signal based on the ISDB-T (integrated services digital broadcasting terrestrial), a Japanese digital television broadcasting standard, was used in the evaluation assuming this as a primary system in WRAN (wireless regional area network) applications like IEEE 802.22.
Naotake YAMAMOTO Taichi SASAKI Atsushi YAMAMOTO Tetsuya HISHIKAWA Kentaro SAITO Jun-ichi TAKADA Toshiyuki MAEYAMA
A path loss prediction formula for IoT (Internet of Things) wireless communication close to ceiling beams in the 920MHz band is presented. In first step of our investigation, we conduct simulations using the FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) method and propagation tests close to a beam on the ceiling of a concrete building. In the second step, we derive a path loss prediction formula from the simulation results by using the FDTD method, by dividing into three regions of LoS (line-of-sight) situation, situation in the vicinity of the beam, and NLoS (non-line-of-sight) situation, depending on the positional relationship between the beam and transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) antennas. For each condition, the prediction formula is expressed by a relatively simple form as a function of height of the antennas with respect to the beam bottom. Thus, the prediction formula is very useful for the wireless site planning for the IoT wireless devices set close to concrete beam ceiling.
Marcelo Agustin TANEDA Jun-ichi TAKADA Kiyomichi ARAKI
Many experimentally and theoretically based models have been proposed to predict, quantitatively evaluate, and combat the fading phenomenon in mobile communication systems. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, up to now there is no objective method to determine which is the most suitable distribution to model the fading phenomenon based on experimental data. In this work, the Minimum Description Length (MDL) criterion for model selection is proposed for that purpose. Furthermore, the MDL analysis is performed for some of the most widely used fading models based on measurements taken in a sub-urban environment.