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[Author] Takehiko KOBAYASHI(55hit)


  • Distributed Power Control for Real-Time and TCP Packet Communications over CDMA Wireless Link

    Hideki SATOH  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E84-A No:7

    We propose a novel control method for an unknown distributed system, and apply it to transmission power control in a code-division multiple access (CDMA) wireless system. Our proposed distributed control contains conventional transmission power control and packet transmission rate control for constant bit rate (CBR) and transmission control protocol (TCP) connections. Using theoretical analysis and computer simulations we show that our method for transmission power control allows high bandwidth utilization for both CBR and TCP connections, and that conventional power control, by contrast, does not make efficient use of bandwidth in TCP connections.

  • Delay Profile Measurement System for Microwave Broadband Transmission and Analysis of Delay Characteristics in an Urban Environment

    Hironari MASUI  Koichi TAKAHASHI  Satoshi TAKAHASHI  Kouzou KAGE  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E82-C No:7

    There is currently a need for development of a new frequency band to enable creation of next-generation mobile communication systems. Of the potential bands, the 3 GHz and over microwave band holds the greatest promise. Experimental studies on the delay characteristics of multipath propagation must be conducted in order to achieve high-speed transmission in the microwave band. We have developed a system for measuring the microwave broadband propagation delay profile over 100 MHz spread bandwidths in the 3, 8 and 15 GHz bands. Our experiments confirmed system performances of 20-ns resolution, 40-µs maximum measurable delay, relative amplitude error of within 3 dB and dynamic range of over 60 dB. We used our system to measure delay profiles on an urban area with line of sight, particularly, in terms of the effects of mobile antenna height. Typical examples are presented. Analysis showed that delay spreads increased with transmit/receive distance and decreased with the higher antenna height.

  • Load-Based Transmission Control for CDMA Cellular Packet Systems with Rayleigh Fading Channels

    Kazuo MORI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E82-A No:7

    This paper proposes an adaptive transmission control scheme for code-division multiple-access (CDMA) cellular slotted-ALOHA systems. This scheme adaptively controls the target received power and the processing gain according to both channel load and location of the mobile station. The target received power of each mobile station is controlled so that the difference between the target received powers by distance becomes large under heavy load conditions. As the distance from the base station increases, the target received power becomes smaller. The processing gain of transmitted packets is concurrently controlled with their target received powers. The packets transmitted with low signal power are spread by a large processing gain in order to reduce the unfairness in packet reception. The radio channels with distance attenuation, shadowing, slow Rayleigh fading and imperfect power control are taken into consideration in order to evaluate the performance of this scheme in the case that mobile stations transmit short massages to the base station in cellular environments. Computer simulation validates the effectiveness of this scheme: the capture effect can be achieved under heavy channel loads, and therefore, throughput performance is improved. Detailed evaluation of throughput, packet reception probability and transmission complete probability is presented. The effect of movement of mobile stations is also discussed. Calculated results show that the proposed scheme has superior characteristics and thus can expand the allowable load area in the cellular environments with slow Rayleigh fading channels.

  • Development of an Implantable WBAN Path-Loss Model for Capsule Endoscopy

    Takahiro AOYAGI  Kenichi TAKIZAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kiyoshi HAMAGUCHI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E93-B No:4

    An implantable WBAN path-loss model for a capsule endoscopy which is used for examining digestive organs, is developed by conducting simulations and experiments. First, we performed FDTD simulations on implant WBAN propagation by using a numerical human model. Second, we performed FDTD simulations on a vessel that represents the human body. Third, we performed experiments using a vessel of the same dimensions as that used in the simulations. On the basis of the results of these simulations and experiments, we proposed the gradient and intercept parameters of the simple path-loss in-body propagation model.

  • Ultra-Wideband Indoor Double-Directional Channel Estimation Using Transformation between Frequency and Time Domain Signals

    Naohiko IWAKIRI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Ultra Wideband System

    E92-A No:9

    This paper proposes an ultra-wideband double-directional spatio-temporal channel sounding technique using transformation between frequency- and time-domain (FD and TD) signals. Virtual antenna arrays, composed of omnidirectional antennas and scanners, are used for transmission and reception in the FD. After Fourier transforming the received FD signals to TD ones, time of arrival (TOA) is estimated using a peak search over the TD signals, and then angle of arrivals (AOA) and angle of departure (AOD) are estimated using a weighted angle histogram with a multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm applied to the FD signals, inverse-Fourier transformed from the TD signals divided into subregions. Indoor channel sounding results validated that an appropriate weighting reduced a spurious level in the angle histogram by a factor of 0.1 to 0.2 in comparison with that of non-weighting. The proposed technique successfully resolved dominant multipath components, including a direct path, a single reflection, and a single diffraction, in line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS environments. Joint TOA and AOA/AOD spectra were also derived from the sounding signals. The spectra illustrated the dominant multipath components (agreed with the prediction by ray tracing) as clusters.

  • LOS and NLOS Path-Loss and Delay Characteristics at 3.35 GHz in a Residential Environment

    Hiroyuki SHIMIZU  Hironari MASUI  Masanori ISHII  Kozo SAKAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E83-A No:7

    Path loss and delay profile characteristics of the 3-GHz band are measured and compared for line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) paths in a suburban residential area. For the LOS path, the path loss increases as a function of distance squared; and hence the propagation is considered as the free space propagation. For the NLOS paths, it is found that corner losses occur ranging from 28 to 40 dB, and subsequent losses increase as a function of distance squared, but in case of there are open spaces, spaces between the rows of houses or roads intersecting LOS road, the increase was small. The delay spread for the LOS path increased in proportion to power of the distance; and the exponents ranging from 1.9 to 2.9 is found smaller than in urban areas. The delay spreads for the NLOS paths were several times greater than that for the LOS path, and the rate of delay spread increase with distance was found to be several orders of magnitude greater for NLOS paths than the LOS path.

  • Effects of Bragg Scattering on Ultra-Wideband Signal Transmission from Periodic Surfaces

    Hiroaki TSUCHIYA  Navarat LERTSIRISOPON  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E91-B No:2

    In this paper, the effects of Bragg scattering on ultra-wideband (UWB) signal transmission from periodic surfaces are reported. First, the frequency dispersive property of Bragg scattering is theoretically and experimentally confirmed. Next, the transfer function of both specular path and Bragg scattering are extracted. Then direct sequence UWB (DS-UWB) transmission simulations are conducted by using a raised cosine pulse that occupied 3.1 to 10.6 GHz and a Gaussian pulse that occupied 8.75 to 9.25 GHz. Finally, the effects of Bragg scattering on UWB systems are discussed.

  • Simulation of Interference Effects from MB-OFDM and DS-UWB to a QPSK Digital Transmission System

    Atsushi TOMIKI  Idnin PASYA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E89-A No:11

    This paper reports on a study of the interference effects from 2 types of ultra wideband (UWB) sources on a QPSK transmission system by simulation. The culprit UWB sources were: multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (MB-OFDM) and direct-sequence UWB (DS-UWB), which were modeled on the proposal specifications in the IEEE 802.15.3a to standardize high-speed wireless personal area networks. Average bit error rate (BER) degradation of the victim system was evaluated under in-band interference from the UWB signals. The proposed modified equivalent baseband system was employed in the simulation in order to reduce the simulation costs. Interference effects from the UWB sources were also examined under a Rayleigh fading channel.

  • Measurement of Ultra Wideband Radar Cross Sections of an Automobile at Ka Band Using Circular Polarizations

    Hideyuki OSAKI  Takehiko NISHIDE  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E91-A No:11

    Ultra wideband (UWB) radar cross sections (RCSs) of several targets have been measured using various combinations of transmitting and receiving linear polarizations (V-V, H-H, and +45- -45) with a view to obtaining information on the design of vehicular short-range radars. This paper reports the UWB RCSs (σLR and σLL) of a typical passenger automobile using two circular polarization combinations (L and R denote left and right circular polarizations). The wideband measurements were carried out with use of a vector network analyzer by sweeping the frequency from 24.5 to 28.8 GHz in a radio anechoic chamber. The UWB RCSs were derived by integrating the received power in the frequency domain. Similar to the linear polarization results, fluctuations of the RCSs were smaller in the UWB than in narrowband for both L-R and L-L, because the ultra-wide bandwidth cancels out RCS plunges caused by narrowband interference among reflected waves from various facets of the target. The median of (σLR- σLL) was 2 dB, while the median of (σHH - σ+45 - -45) or (σVV-σ+45- -45) was 6 dB. This is because the body of the automobile comprises a number of smaller scattering objects yielding σ LL, either similar to the corner reflectors or asymmetrical to the radar boresight. Frequency-domain responses showed a number of notches caused by the interference between numerous reflecting waves having power levels of a similar order and different round-trip path lengths. Some representative reflective parts of the automobile were identified through analyses of time-domain responses.

  • Analyses and Modeling of Ultra-Wideband On-Body Propagation Channels Depending on Population Density within an Elevator Cabin

    Miyuki HIROSE  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E97-A No:1

    This paper presents an experimental study of on-body ultra-wideband (UWB) radio propagation channels within an enclosed space. To facilitate high-speed wireless body area networks, UWB is a promising technology because of its low power consumption and anti-multipath capabilities. The motivation of this study is to examine the effects of nearby humans on the UWB channels by varying the population within an elevator cabin from one (subject alone) to 20 (full capacity of the elevator). The first domain (0 < delay, t ≤ 4ns) in the measured delay profiles was either a direct (for line-of-sight) or diffracted (for non-line-of-sight) wave, which was found almost unrelated to the population; whereas the second domain (t > 4ns) highly depended on it. Total received power and delay spreads decreased with increasing the population. In addition, by varying human population, average power delay profiles were modeled based on measurements.


    Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E91-A No:11
  • Automatic Determination of Phase Centers and Its Application to Precise Measurement of Spacecraft Antennas in a Small Anechoic Chamber

    Yuzo TAMAKI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Atsushi TOMIKI  

    PAPER-Antennas Measurement

    E101-B No:2

    Precise determination of antenna phase centers is crucial to reduce the uncertainty in gain when employing the three-antenna method, particularly when the range distances are short-such as a 3-m radio anechoic chamber, where the distance between the phase centers and the open ends of an aperture antenna (the most commonly-used reference) is not negligible compared with the propagation distance. An automatic system to determine the phase centers of aperture antennas in a radio anechoic chamber is developed. In addition, the absolute gain of horn antennas is evaluated using the three-antenna method. The phase centers of X-band pyramidal horns were found to migrate up to 18mm from the open end. Uncertainties in the gain were evaluated in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 93-3: 2008. The 95% confidence interval of the horn antenna gain was reduced from 0.57 to 0.25dB, when using the phase center location instead of the open end. The phase centers, gains, polarization, and radiation patterns of space-borne antennas are measured: low and medium-gain X-band antennas for an ultra small deep space probe employing the polarization pattern method with use of the horn antenna. The 95% confidence interval in the antenna gain decreased from 0.74 to 0.47dB.

  • Proposal for an MB-OFDM UWB System Simultaneously Undertaking Ranging and Communications

    Yasuhiro OHHIKATA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E89-A No:11

    This paper proposes a new method which simultaneously undertakes ranging and communications based on the PHY of MB-OFDM technology. A transmitter modulated one or multiple OFDM subcarriers with a low-frequency (1.05 MHz) ranging signal; and a receiver sampled the received signal at a 3.2-MHz sampling rate to estimate the time of arrival of the ranging signal. This configuration and an additional protocol supporting bidirectional ranging achieved a 140-mm resolution (equivalent to 2.15 GHz sampling). This method does not modify the PHY but only changes the baseband signal processing. The validity of this method was demonstrated using computer simulation and prototype experiments.

  • Teletraffic Characteristics of Cellular Communication for Different Types of Vehicle Motion

    Hirotoshi HIDAKA  Kazuyoshi SAITOH  Noriteru SHINAGAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E84-B No:3

    The cellular-communication systems of the future will be required to provide multimedia services to users moving about in a variety of ways (on foot, in automobiles etc.). Different forms of motion have different characteristics. The characterization of the different forms of motion and their effects on telecommunications traffic is important in the planning, design and operation of mobile communication networks. The characterization of the motion of various platform types (inter-city buses, recreational vehicles, freight trucks, and taxis) based on measurements using Global Positioning System is presented in this paper. The measured characteristics of motion are then used to evaluate teletraffic statistics such as cell cross-over rate and cell dwell time by overlaying hypothetical cell systems on the measured loci of vehicles. Self-similarity was discovered in the cell dwell time characteristic of the taxis.

  • Ultra-Wideband Time-of-Arrival and Angle-of-Arrival Estimation Using a Signal Model Based on Measurements

    Naohiko IWAKIRI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E90-A No:11

    This paper presents an ultra wideband (UWB) channel sounding scheme with a technique for estimating time of arrival (TOA) and angle of arrival (AOA) using measurement signals. Since the power spectrum over the UWB bandwidth can be measured in advance, we propose a signal model using the measurement power spectrum to design the proper UWB signals model. This signal model is more similar to measurement signals than the flat spectrum model which is an ideal model. If more than three waves impinge on a receiver, we must determine the proper grouping of the elements of TOA vector and AOA vector. It is difficult to determine the grouping using only measurement signals because of many degradation factors. We also propose pairing the elements of TOA vector and that of AOA vector using correlation method based on measurement signals and the proposed signal model. This technique is available for more than the case of three paths if pairing the estimated TOAs and AOAs of measurement signals is not accurately determined. We evaluated the proposed techniques for a vector network analyzer (VNA) with a three-dimensional virtual antenna array.

  • Double Directional Ultra Wideband Channel Characterization in a Line-of-Sight Home Environment

    Katsuyuki HANEDA  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E88-A No:9

    This paper introduces the concept of measuring double directional channels in ultra wideband (UWB) systems. Antenna-independent channel data were derived by doing the measurements in a wooden Japanese house. The data were useful for investigating the impact of UWB antennas and analyzing waveform distortion. Up to 100 ray paths were extracted using the SAGE algorithm and they were regarded as being dominant. The paths were then identified in a real environment, in which clusterization analyses were done using the directional information on both sides of the radio link. Propagating power was found to be concentrated around the specular directions of reflection and diffraction. This led to the observation that the spatio-temporal characteristics of extracted paths greatly reflected the structure and size of the environment. The power in the clusters indicated that the estimated 100 paths contained 73% of the total received power, while the rest existed as diffuse scattering, i.e., the accumulation of weaker paths. The practical limits of path extraction with SAGE were also discussed. Finally, we derived the scattering loss and intra-cluster properties for each reflection order, which were crucial for channel reconstrucion based on the deterministic approach.

  • CDMA Transmission Power Control Suitable for Multimedia IP Packet Communications

    Masahiro ISHIBA  Hideki SATOH  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E85-A No:10

    To obtain a high throughput for transmission control protocol (TCP) connections over the wireless links, we previously proposed a novel transmission power control method for code division multiple access (CDMA) packet communication systems. By using this transmission power control method, we developed a transmission power control method and a packet multiplexing method to transmit constant bit rate (CBR) and TCP packets over CDMA wireless systems. Our methods can guarantee the quality of service (QoS) for CBR connections and utilize bandwidth effectively without modifying the TCP protocol or using slot assignments. Evaluation of our methods by computer simulation showed that the proposed methods provide a near-maximum throughput and guarantee the packet loss ratio of CBR connections regardless of the number of connections.

  • Evaluation of Teletraffic in Cellular Communication Systems Using Multi-Connections for Soft Handoff

    Noriteru SHINAGAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Keisuke NAKANO  Masakazu SENGOKU  


    E83-A No:7

    To implement soft handoff in cellular communication systems that employ code division multiple access (CDMA), it is necessary to establish communication lines between the switch and multiple base stations and distribute the communication data via these multi-connections to the base stations simultaneously. This means that, when soft handoff is performed with the same amount of communication line resources as hard handoff, the blocking probability is higher than for hard handoff, and service quality is thus worse. Furthermore, handoffs occur more frequently as the size of cells becomes smaller, and this increases the probability of forced terminations. Switches must be endowed with greater processing capacity to accommodate the more frequent handoffs. The use of the queuing handoff method can be expected, in general, to mitigate forced termination probability compared with the immediate handoff method. In this regard, we propose a prioritized queuing handoff method that gives priority to fast-moving mobile stations (MSs) as a way to mitigate forced terminations even more than the non-priority queuing method without appreciably increasing the processing load. We then compare the traffic characteristics of our proposed method with these of three other methods in micro cell systems--immediate method, non-priority queuing method, and conventional hard handoff method without multi-connections--by computer simulation. Here, considering that the proposed method gives priority to fast-moving calls, traffic characteristics for these methods were evaluated separately for slow- and fast-moving MSs. The results reveal that proposed method can reduce the forced termination probability and total call failure probability more than non-priority queuing method without having an appreciable impact on slow-moving calls.

  • An Experimental SAR Estimation of Human Head Exposure to UHF Near Fields Using Dry-Phantom Models and a Thermograph

    Toshio NOJIMA  Sadayuki NISHIKI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E77-B No:6

    An experimental SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) estimation system based upon the thermograph method using a thermograph camera and newly developed homogeneous dry-phantom human models are presented. Experiments are conducted using this system and UHF fields to obtain SAR distributions in the human head irradiated by hand-held portable radios. Experiment results show that the estimated peak SAR's due to the radiation waves from radios of 1W transmitting power are lower than 2W/kg and so conform to the recommendations of the radio-frequency radiation safety guidelines. The developed system enables the surface SAR distributions on the phantom model to be precisely estimated; a function not available with the original system. System parameters required for providing precise estimations are discussed first, and then experiments are conducted to estimate SAR's in the human head exposed to a UHF hand-held portable radio's near field. Finally, estimated data are examined from the viewpoint of radio-frequency exposure safety guidelines.

  • Ultra Wideband Signal Propagation in Desktop Environments

    Yoshiyuki SUZUKI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E88-A No:9

    Short-range propagation measurements were carried out using ultra wideband (UWB) and continuous wave (CW) signals on a rectangular aluminum conductive plate, simulating typical office desks, with and without a low vertical metal partition panels. The frequency of the UWB signal spanned from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz and that of the CW signal was 6.85 GHz. A vector network analyzer and two omnidirectional UWB antennas were used to obtain the frequency-domain response of the propagation paths. With the partition panel, the CW reception level showed approximately a 20-dB spatial variation, induced by the interference between the direct and the reflected waves, but the UWB reception level had no particular plunges. The additional losses were also measured when the 500-mm propagation path was blocked with a human arm, a coffee cup, and a copy paper pile and when the receiving antenna was covered with a human palm on the plate without the partition panel. The maximum additional propagation losses were found as follows: 10-12 dB by a human arm, 10 dB with a coffee cup, and 2 dB with a paper pile. Further additional loss caused by a palm covering the antenna was found to be 10 to 12 dB, mainly due to palm absorption.


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