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Cheng-Wei QIU Hai-Ying YAO Shah-Nawaz BUROKUR Said ZOUHDI Le-Wei LI
Electromagnetic scattering properties of metamaterial cylinders due to a line source are studied by a multilayer algorithm based on eigenfunctional expansion. Closed forms of electric and magnetic fields are formulated. Both the fields inside the cylinder and field in outer space are plotted for different sizes of the cylinder. The focusing phenomena and the wave propagation in the presence of metamaterial cylinders are investigated and shown. Electromagnetic field distributions are presented for subwavelength metamaterial cylinders and cylinders fabricated by magnetoelectric materials, and resonant scattering and focusing properties are reported. Special designs of scatterer cloaking are proposed and calculated by multilayer algorithm which can reduce scattering cross sections.
Jianfeng XU Hong LI Wen-Yan YIN Junfa MAO Le-Wei LI
The element-by-element finite element method (EBE-FEM) combined with the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) technique is employed in this paper to calculate the coupling capacitances of multi-level high-density three-dimensional interconnects (3DIs). All capacitive coupling 3DIs can be captured, with the effects of all geometric and physical parameters taken into account. It is numerically demonstrated that with this hybrid method in the extraction of capacitances, an effective and accurate convergent solution to the Laplace equation can be obtained, with less memory and CPU time required, as compared to the results obtained by using the commercial FEM software of either MAXWELL 3D or ANSYS.
Jianfeng XU Wen-Yan YIN Junfa MAO Le-Wei LI
In this paper, the thermal characteristic of the GaN HFETs has been analyzed using the hybrid finite element method (FEM). Both the steady and transient state thermal operations are quantitatively studied with the effects of temperature-dependent thermal conductivities of GaN and the substrate materials properly treated. The temperature distribution and the maximum temperatures of the HFETs operated under excitations of continuous-waves (CW) and pulsed-waves (PW) including double exponential shape PW such as electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and ultra-wideband (UWB) signal are studied and compared.
Neelakantam VENKATARAYALU Yeow-Beng GAN Le-Wei LI
Numerical Stability of the Finite Element/Finite Difference Time Domain Hybrid algorithm is dependent on the hybridization mechanism adopted. A framework is developed to analyze the numerical stability of the hybrid time marching algorithm. First, the global iteration matrix representing the hybrid algorithm following different hybridization schemes is constructed. An analysis of the eigenvalues of this iteration matrix reveals the stability performance of the algorithm. Thus conclusions on the performance with respect to numerical stability of the different schemes can be arrived at. Further, numerical experiments are carried out to verify the conclusions based on the stability analysis.
Wei-Bin EWE Le-Wei LI Qun WU Mook-Seng LEONG
This paper presents an analysis of electrically large antennas using the adaptive integral method (AIM). The arbitrarily shaped perfectly conducting surfaces are modeled using triangular patches and the associated electric field integral equation (EFIE) is solved for computing the radiation patterns of these antennas. The method of moments (MoM) is used to discretize the integral equations and the resultant matrix system will be solved by an iterative solver. The AIM is employed in the iterative solver to speed up the matrix-vector multiplication and to reduce the memory requirement. As specific applications, radiation patterns of parabolic reflectors and X-band horns are computed using the proposed method.