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[Author] Ryoichi SHINKUMA(26hit)


  • Designing Mobility Models Based on Relational Graph

    Zhenwei DING  Yusuke OMORI  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Network

    E97-D No:12

    Simulating the mobility of mobile devices has always been an important issue as far as wireless networks are concerned because mobility needs to be taken into account in various situations in wireless networks. Researchers have been trying, for many years, to improve the accuracy and flexibility of mobility models. Although recent progress of designing mobility models based on social graph have enhanced the performance of mobility models and made them more convenient to use, we believe the accuracy and flexibility of mobility models could be further improved by taking a more integrated structure as the input. In this paper, we propose a new way of designing mobility models on the basis of relational graph [1] which is a graph depicting the relation among objects, e.g. relation between people and people, and also people and places. Moreover, some novel mobility features were introduced in the proposed model to provide social, spatial and temporal properties in order to produce results similar to real mobility data. It was demonstrated by simulation that these measures could generate results similar to real mobility data.

  • Creation of Temporal Model for Prioritized Transmission in Predictive Spatial-Monitoring Using Machine Learning Open Access

    Keiichiro SATO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Takehiro SATO  Eiji OKI  Takanori IWAI  Takeo ONISHI  Takahiro NOBUKIYO  Dai KANETOMO  Kozo SATODA  


    E104-B No:8

    Predictive spatial-monitoring, which predicts spatial information such as road traffic, has attracted much attention in the context of smart cities. Machine learning enables predictive spatial-monitoring by using a large amount of aggregated sensor data. Since the capacity of mobile networks is strictly limited, serious transmission delays occur when loads of communication traffic are heavy. If some of the data used for predictive spatial-monitoring do not arrive on time, prediction accuracy degrades because the prediction has to be done using only the received data, which implies that data for prediction are ‘delay-sensitive’. A utility-based allocation technique has suggested modeling of temporal characteristics of such delay-sensitive data for prioritized transmission. However, no study has addressed temporal model for prioritized transmission in predictive spatial-monitoring. Therefore, this paper proposes a scheme that enables the creation of a temporal model for predictive spatial-monitoring. The scheme is roughly composed of two steps: the first involves creating training data from original time-series data and a machine learning model that can use the data, while the second step involves modeling a temporal model using feature selection in the learning model. Feature selection enables the estimation of the importance of data in terms of how much the data contribute to prediction accuracy from the machine learning model. This paper considers road-traffic prediction as a scenario and shows that the temporal models created with the proposed scheme can handle real spatial datasets. A numerical study demonstrated how our temporal model works effectively in prioritized transmission for predictive spatial-monitoring in terms of prediction accuracy.

  • An Approximated Selection Algorithm for Combinations of Content with Virtual Local Server for Traffic Localization in Peer-Assisted Content Delivery Networks

    Naoya MAKI  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E96-D No:12

    Our prior papers proposed a traffic engineering scheme to further localize traffic in peer-assisted content delivery networks (CDNs). This scheme periodically combines the content files and allows them to obtain the combined content files while keeping the price unchanged from the single-content price in order to induce altruistic clients to download content files that are most likely to contribute to localizing network traffic. However, the selection algorithm in our prior work determined which and when content files should be combined according to the cache states of all clients, which is a kind of unrealistic assumption in terms of computational complexity. This paper proposes a new concept of virtual local server to reduce the computational complexity. We could say that the source server in our mechanism has a virtual caching network inside that reflects the cache states of all clients in the ‘actual’ caching network and combines content files based on the virtual caching network. In this paper, without determining virtual caching network according to the cache states of all clients, we approximately estimated the virtual caching network from the cache states of the virtual local server of the local domain, which is the aggregated cache state of only altruistic clients in a local domain. Furthermore, we proposed a content selection algorithm based on a virtual caching network. In this paper, we used news life-cycle model as a content model that had the severe changes in cache states, which was a striking instance of dynamic content models. Computer simulations confirmed that our proposed algorithm successfully localized network traffic.

  • Opportunistic Resource Sharing in Mobile Cloud Computing

    Wei LIU  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E97-B No:12

    The mobile cloud computing (MCC) paradigm is aimed at integrating mobile devices with cloud computing. In the client-server architecture of MCC, mobile devices offload tasks to the cloud to utilize the computation and storage resources of data centers. However, due to the rapid increase in the traffic demand and complexity of mobile applications, service providers have to continuously upgrade their infrastructures at great expense. At the same time, modern mobile devices have greater resources (communication, computation, and sensing), and these resources are not always fully utilized by device users. Therefore, mobile devices, from time to time, encounter other devices that could provide resources to them. Because the amount of such resources has increased with the number of mobile devices, researchers have begun to consider making use of these resources, located at the “edge” of mobile networks, to increase the scalability of future information networks. This has led to a cooperation based architecture of MCC. This paper reports the concept and design of an resource sharing mechanism that utilize resources in mobile devices through opportunistic contacts between them. Theoretical models and formal definitions of problems are presented. The efficiency of the proposed mechanism is validated through formal proofs and extensive simulation.

  • A User Allocation Method for DASH Multi-Servers Considering Coalition Structure Generation in Cooperative Game Open Access

    Sumiko MIYATA  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  


    E107-A No:4

    Streaming systems that can maintain Quality of Experience (QoE) for users have attracted much attention because they can be applied in various fields, such as emergency response training and medical surgery. Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a typical protocol for streaming system. In order to improve QoE in DASH, a multi-server system has been presented by pseudo-increasing bandwidth through multiple servers. This multi-server system is designed to share streaming content efficiently in addition to having redundant server resources for each streaming content, which is excellent for fault tolerance. Assigning DASH server to users in these multi-servers environment is important to maintain QoE, thus a method of server assignment of users (user allocation method) for multi-servers is presented by using cooperative game theory. However, this conventional user allocation method does not take into account the size of the server bandwidth, thus users are concentrated on a particular server at the start of playback. Although the average required bit rate of video usually fluctuates, bit rate fluctuations are not taken into account. These phenomena may decrease QoE. In this paper, we propose a novel user allocation method using coalition structure generation in cooperative game theory to improve the QoE of all users in an immediate and stable manner in DASH environment. Our proposed method can avoid user concentration, since the bandwidth used by the overall system is taken into account. Moreover, our proposed method can be performed every time the average required bit rate changes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through simulations using Network Simulator 3 (NS3).

  • Incentive Service Differentiation for P2P Content Sharing by Wireless Users

    Masato YAMADA  Kenichiro SATO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E90-B No:12

    Wireless content sharing where peers share content and services via wireless access networks requires user contributions, as in fixed P2P content sharing. However, in wireless access environments, since the resources of mobile terminals are strictly limited, mobile users are not as likely to contribute as ones in fixed environments. Therefore, incentives to encourage user contributions are more significant in wireless access environments. Although an incentive service differentiation architecture where the content transfer rate is adjusted according to the contributions of each downloading user has been already proposed for fixed P2P, it may not work well in wireless access environments because several factors effect wireless throughput. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture for contribution-based transfer-rate differentiation using wireless quality of service (QoS) techniques that motivates users to contribute their resources for wireless content sharing. We also propose a radio resource assignment method for our architecture. Computer simulations and game-theoretic calculations validate our architecture.

  • A Local Resource Sharing Platform in Mobile Cloud Computing

    Wei LIU  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E97-B No:9

    Despite the increasing use of mobile computing, exploiting its full potential is difficult due to its inherent characteristics such as error-prone transmission channels, diverse node capabilities, frequent disconnections and mobility. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a paradigm that is aimed at overcoming previous problems through integrating mobile devices with cloud computing. Mobile devices, in the traditional client-server architecture of MCC, offload their tasks to the cloud to utilize the computation and storage resources of data centers. However, along with the development of hardware and software technologies in mobile devices, researchers have begun to take into consideration local resource sharing among mobile devices themselves. This is defined as the cooperation based architecture of MCC. Analogous to the conventional terminology, the resource platforms that are comprised of surrounding surrogate mobile devices are called local resource clouds. Some researchers have recently verified the feasibility and benefits of this strategy. However, existing work has neglected an important issue with this approach, i.e., how to construct local resource clouds in dynamic mobile wireless networks. This paper presents the concept and design of a local resource cloud that is both energy and time efficient. Along with theoretical models and formal definitions of problems, an efficient heuristic algorithm with low computational complexity is also presented. The results from simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models and method.

  • Traffic Engineering of Peer-Assisted Content Delivery Network with Content-Oriented Incentive Mechanism

    Naoya MAKI  Takayuki NISHIO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuya MORI  Noriaki KAMIYAMA  Ryoichi KAWAHARA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Network and Communication

    E95-D No:12

    In content services where people purchase and download large-volume contents, minimizing network traffic is crucial for the service provider and the network operator since they want to lower the cost charged for bandwidth and the cost for network infrastructure, respectively. Traffic localization is an effective way of reducing network traffic. Network traffic is localized when a client can obtain the requested content files from other a near-by altruistic client instead of the source servers. The concept of the peer-assisted content distribution network (CDN) can reduce the overall traffic with this mechanism and enable service providers to minimize traffic without deploying or borrowing distributed storage. To localize traffic effectively, content files that are likely to be requested by many clients should be cached locally. This paper presents a novel traffic engineering scheme for peer-assisted CDN models. Its key idea is to control the behavior of clients by using content-oriented incentive mechanism. This approach enables us to optimize traffic flows by letting altruistic clients download content files that are most likely contributed to localizing traffic among clients. In order to let altruistic clients request the desired files, we combine content files while keeping the price equal to the one for a single content. This paper presents a solution for optimizing the selection of content files to be combined so that cross traffic in a network is minimized. We also give a model for analyzing the upper-bound performance and the numerical results.

  • A New Resource Management Scheme for Multiple Video Transmission in Wireless Environment

    Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Minoru OKADA  Shozo KOMAKI  


    E85-B No:10

    In this paper, we propose a new resource management scheme for multiple video stream transmission in a wireless environment. The proposed scheme adaptively determines transmission parameters such as the number of assigned time slots, modulation format, and forward error correction (FEC) code rate according to the required bit rate and error sensitivity of the video stream as well as the channel state. The computer simulation results show that the proposed scheme drastically improves the image quality degradation due to channel errors.

  • Adaptive Transmission Scheme for Web Prefetching in Wireless Environment

    Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Minoru OKADA  Shozo KOMAKI  

    PAPER-Signal Processing

    E85-C No:3

    This paper proposes an adaptive transmission scheme for web prefetching in wireless communication systems. The proposed adaptive transmission scheme controls the modulation format and the error control scheme according to the access probability of the web document being transmitted. In the proposed system, the actually requested documents and the documents which have high access probability are transmitted with a reliable transmission format, while the pages whose access probabilities are lower than a certain threshold are transmitted with a bandwidth efficient transmission format. The computer simulation results show that the proposed scheme drastically improves the latency performance.

  • Incentive-Rewarding Mechanism for User-position Control in Mobile Services

    Makoto YOSHINO  Kenichiro SATO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E91-B No:10

    When the number of users in a service area increases in mobile multimedia services, no individual user can obtain satisfactory radio resources such as bandwidth and signal power because the resources are limited and shared. A solution for such a problem is user-position control. In the user-position control, the operator informs users of better communication areas (or spots) and navigates them to these positions. However, because of subjective costs caused by subjects moving from their original to a new position, they do not always attempt to move. To motivate users to contribute their resources in network services that require resource contributions for users, incentive-rewarding mechanisms have been proposed. However, there are no mechanisms that distribute rewards appropriately according to various subjective factors involving users. Furthermore, since the conventional mechanisms limit how rewards are paid, they are applicable only for the network service they targeted. In this paper, we propose a novel incentive-rewarding mechanism to solve these problems, using an external evaluator and interactive learning agents. We also investigated ways of appropriately controlling rewards based on user contributions and system service quality. We applied the proposed mechanism and reward control to the user-position control, and demonstrated its validity.

  • Adaptive Communication System with Renewable Energy Source

    Qishen WU  Sho SUZUKI  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E98-B No:8

    This paper introduces a communication system model with renewable power supply. As we assumed a battery-free microgrid system with conventional power as a backup power supply, we propose a method of power state and data transmission scheduling for delay-tolerant communication networks, which reduces conventional power consumption by operating adaptively to changes in renewable power. We found through computer simulations that the proposed method efficiently reduced conventional power consumption.

  • Frame Length Control for Wireless LANs in Fast Mobile Environments

    Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Takayuki YAMADA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E91-A No:7

    In this paper, we propose a novel solution to improving wireless channel quality of wireless local area networks (WLANs) in fast-mobile environments, which uses a media-access-control (MAC) layer approach: adaptive frame-length control and block acknowledgement (ACK). In fast-mobile environments, using short frame lengths can suppress channel estimation error and decrease frame errors. However, it increases the MAC overhead, resulting in decreased throughput. To solve this tradeoff, we combined block ACK, which is specified in IEEE802.11e as an optional function, with adaptive frame-length control. Although adaptive frame-length control considering this tradeoff has previously been investigated, the targets were different from WLANs using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in fast-mobile environments. The MAC-overhead reduction using block ACK is suitable for our frame-length control because it does not change the frame format in the physical layer. Also, it is a new idea to use block ACK as a solution to improving channel quality in fast-mobile environments. In this paper, we evaluate our method through computer simulations and verify the effectiveness of adaptive frame-length control that can accommodate relative speeds.

  • Virtual Multi-AP Access for Transport-Level Quality Improvement in Wireless Local Area Networks with Hidden Stations

    Koichi NISHIDE  Hiroyuki KUBO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E93-D No:12

    The demand of using applications that assume bidirectional communication such as voice telephony and peer-to-peer using wireless stations has been increasing and especially, the rapid increase of uplink traffic from wireless terminals is expected. However, in uplink WLANs, the hidden-station problem remains to be solved. In this paper, we point out this hidden-station problem and clarify the following unfairness between UDP and TCP uplink flows: 1) the effect of collision caused by hidden-station relationship on throughput and 2) the instability of the throughput depending on the number of hidden stations. To solve these problems, we propose a virtual multi-AP access mechanism. Our mechanism first groups stations according to the hidden-station relationship and type of transport protocol they use then assigns a virtually isolated channel to each group, which enables STAs to communicate as if STAs in different groups are connected to different isolated APs (virtual APs: VAPs). It can mitigate the effect caused by collisions between hidden stations and eliminate the contention between UDP and TCP uplink flows. Its performance is shown through simulation.

  • Multicast Routing Model to Minimize Number of Flow Entries in Software-Defined Network Open Access

    Seiki KOTACHI  Takehiro SATO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Eiji OKI  


    E104-B No:5

    The Software-defined network (SDN) uses a centralized SDN controller to store flow entries in the flow table of each SDN switch; the entries in the switch control packet flows. When a multicast service is provided in an SDN, the SDN controller stores a multicast entry dedicated for a multicast group in each SDN switch. Due to the limited capacity of each flow table, the number of flow entries required to set up a multicast tree must be suppressed. A conventional multicast routing scheme suppresses the number of multicast entries in one multicast tree by replacing some of them with unicast entries. However, since the conventional scheme individually determines a multicast tree for each request, unicast entries dedicated to the same receiver are distributed to various SDN switches if there are multiple multicast service requests. Therefore, further reduction in the number of flow entries is still possible. In this paper, we propose a multicast routing model for multiple multicast requests that minimizes the number of flow entries. This model determines multiple multicast trees simultaneously so that a unicast entry dedicated to the same receiver and stored in the same SDN switch is shared by multicast trees. We formulate the proposed model as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. In addition, we develop a heuristic algorithm which can be used when the ILP problem cannot be solved in practical time. Numerical results show that the proposed model reduces the required number of flow entries compared to two benchmark models; the maximum reduction ratio is 49.3% when the number of multicast requests is 40.

  • A Fair Resource Sharing Mechanism between Mobile Virtual Network Operators

    Wei LIU  Rui HU  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E98-B No:11

    Mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) are mobile operators without their own infrastructure or government issued spectrum licenses. They purchase spectrum resources from primary mobile network operators (MNOs) to provide communication services under their own brands. MVNOs are expected to play an important role in mobile network markets, as this will increase the competition in retail markets and help to meet the demand of niche markets. However, with the rapidly increasing demand of mobile data traffic, efficient utilization of the limited spectrum resources owned by MVNOs has become an important issue. We propose here a resource sharing mechanism between MVNOs against the background of network functions virtualization (NFV). The proposed mechanism enables MVNOs to improve their quality of service (QoS) by sharing spectrum resources with each other. A nash bargaining solution based decision strategy is also devised to ensure the fairness of resource sharing. Extensive numerical evaluation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed models and mechanisms.

  • Performance Evaluation of Inter-Vehicle Packet Relay for Road-Vehicle Communication in Fast Mobile Environment

    Takayuki YAMADA  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E90-B No:9

    In conventional road-vehicle communication systems, user terminals in the vehicles have to directly connect to wireless access points (APs). However, vehicle speeds are so fast that the channel condition between the terminals and the APs constantly changes because of changing path loss and time-varying fading. In this paper, to compensate for such deterioration, we propose to reduce the relative speed between the terminals and the APs by an inter-vehicle packet relay technique. If a terminal can send data via other vehicles running at lower speeds, the relative speed will decrease, which suppresses the dynamic range of path loss and deterioration by fading. We, first, validate our method by a numerical analysis using a statistical path-loss model. The numerical analysis verifies that our method is able to suppress deterioration caused by path loss and time-varying fading. However, in the numerical analysis, geometric propagation of paths is not considered; instantaneous and rapid loss changes are not considered. Therefore, we evaluate our method by computer simulations using a geometric propagation model. In the simulations, phase difference between multiple paths and loss fluctuation within one frame duration affect the performance. From the results of the simulations, we validate our method. Furthermore, we investigate the combination of our method and the selection diversity technique, which can suppress channel fluctuation and may enhance the performance of our method. Moreover, we measure interference in the overlapped zone between two AP areas. From the measurement, we show that our packet relays do not cause a problem in interference between areas.

  • TXOP Exchange: A Mechanism for Cooperation in CSMA Networks

    Takayuki NISHIO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  Narayan B. MANDAYAM  


    E95-B No:6

    Conventional mechanisms proposed for enhancing quality of service (QoS) in 802.11 networks suffer from a lack of backward compatibility and fairness with and to legacy devices. In this paper, we present a cooperative mechanism, called TXOP (transmission opportunity) Exchange, that provides a legacy-neutral solution in which only stations (STAs) participating in TXOP Exchange cooperatively use their available bandwidth to satisfy their required throughputs, while other legacy devices continue to get the same throughput performance as before. Specifically, we discuss the implementation of TXOP Exchange in legacy 802.11 networks. We show that this mechanism can be realized with minor modifications to the RTS (request-to-send) frames of only the STAs participating in TXOP Exchange and without any replacement of legacy access points or STAs. We show an example of a proportional fair algorithm for fair and efficient MAC cooperation using a Nash bargaining solution (NBS). A simulation study using a realistic simulator verifies that the TXOP Exchange mechanism ensures legacy neutrality and fair and efficient cooperation even when a large number of legacy STAs coexist.

  • Route Instruction Mechanism for Mobile Users Leveraging Distributed Wireless Resources

    Takeshi KAKEHI  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tutomu MURASE  Gen MOTOYOSHI  Kyoko YAMORI  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E95-B No:6

    The market growths of smart-phones and thin clients have been significantly increasing communication traffic in mobile networks. To handle the increased traffic, network operators should consider how to leverage distributed wireless resources such as distributed spots of wireless local access networks. In this paper, we consider the system where multiple moving users share distributed wireless access points on their traveling routes between their start and goal points and formulate as an optimization problem. Then, we come up with three algorithms as a solution for the problem. The key idea here is 'longcut route instruction', in which users are instructed to choose a traveling route where less congested access points are available; even if the moving distance increases, the throughput for users in the system would improve. In this paper, we define the gain function. Moreover, we analyze the basic characteristics of the system using as a simple model as possible.

  • Cooperative Networking Based on Infrastructure Multihop Architecture in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks

    Masato YAMADA  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E89-B No:10

    In heterogeneous mobile networks, infrastructure multihop techniques enable mobile stations (MSs) with only a single wireless interface to connect with other networks via multiple-interface MSs (MMSs). That is, MMSs can become gateways between two different mobile networks. Cooperation between different mobile networks linked by MMSs can yield many benefits, including coverage expansion, load balancing, and throughput improvement. We studied how to control these cooperative benefits. We developed a network control mechanism, Cooperative Networking, which controls the cooperative benefits in heterogeneous infra-multihop networks. The proposed mechanism assigns a cooperation rule to MSs. By following the rule, every MS chooses a path to a base station, such as direct connection to 3G networks or infra-multihop connection to wireless local area networks (WLANs). Cooperation rules are designed according to the cooperative benefits, which are selected based on the needs of network operators or users. We call a selected cooperative benefit a networking policy. In our proposed cooperative networking mechanism, network operators can adaptively select a networking policy appropriate for network conditions and the needs of users. Computer simulation results validated our proposed mechanism.


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