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[Author] Ryuji KOHNO(108hit)


  • Transmitting Array Antenna Beamforming Based on Goal Programming for Forward Link of DS-CDMA System

    Tsuguhide AOKI  Norimichi HIRANO  Ryuji KOHNO  

    PAPER-Application to CDMA

    E84-B No:7

    This paper investigates the improvement of the radiation pattern design of transmitting array antenna beamforming and transmission power control (TPC) for forward link of DS-CDMA/FDD system. Optimum transmission beamforming and TPC can be derived from the information of the propagation channel for the forward link, in terms of outage probability minimization. It is assumed that the channel is static and then all mobile stations (MS's) report channel characteristics measured in the forward link to a base station (BS) that can control signal to interference plus noise ratios (SINR's) received by individual MS's using that measured information. Then, for the multi-user environment of a single cell, goal programming (GP) is applied to derive an optimum weight vector of the transmitting array antenna and optimum TPC such that outage probability can be minimized.

  • Overview of Research, Development, Standardization, and Regulation Activities in NICT UWB Project

    Ken-ichi TAKIZAWA  Huan-Bang LI  Iwao NISHIYAMA  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E89-A No:11

    This paper presents an overview of research, development, standardization and regulation activities on ultra wideband (UWB) technologies in National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). NICT started a project on UWB technologies since 2002, and organized UWB consortium in cooperation with more than 20 companies and 7 universities in Japan. Up to now, we have been conducting numerous UWB R&D including the following main works: i) key technology development such as MMIC chips, antennas and other devices, ii) measurement and channel modeling for UWB signal propagation, iii) standardization in international activities of IEEE 802.15, ITU-R TG1/8 as well as in a national regulatory committee of Ministry of Internal Affair and Communications (MIC). The UWB systems we have studied occupy frequency bands range from microwave band (3-5 GHz) to quasi-millimeter wave band (24-29 GHz). Various prototype UWB systems including multi-functional terminals have been developed. The output of NICT has been succeeded by industrial parties with with national and international standardization and regulation.

  • Design of Simplified Coherent QPSK Modem for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum

    Satoru ISHII  Atsushi HOSHIKUKI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E84-A No:12

    PSK coherent demodulation has difficulty in achieving high speed carrier extraction and symbol synchronization when implementing to slow FH-SS radio system. On the other hand, implementation to FPGA has the requirement of a small gate size to design because of FPGA cost issue. We developed a QPSK coherent demodulation digital modem for FH-SS radio systems using FPGA by solving problems. The designed modem performs symbol synchronization with no carrier extractions, under the limitation of the small gate size requirement. The modem employs shift arithmetic operation and a comb digital BPF to achieve very good synchronization lock-up performance with small gate size. In this paper, the symbol synchronization and the carrier tracking scheme are mainly discussed. Analysis of its performance and stability are also explained. The achievement of its very good performance is presented by experimental measurement.

  • An Error-Controlling Scheme according to the Importance of Individual Segments of Model-Based Coded Facial Images

    Noriko SUZUKI  Taroh SASAKI  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E77-A No:8

    This paper proposes and investigates an intelligent error-controlling scheme according to different importance of segmental information. In particular, the scheme is designed for facial images encoded by model-based coding that is a kind of intelligent compression coding. Intelligent communication systems regard the contents of information to be transmitted with extremely high compression and reliability. After highly efficient information compression by model-beaed coding, errors in the compressed information lead to severe semantic errors. The proposed scheme reduces semantic errors of information for the receiver. In this paper, we consider Action Unit (AU) as a segment of model-based coded facial image of human being and define the importance for each AU. According to the importance, an AU is encoded by an appropriated code among codes with different error-correcting capabilities. For encoding with different error controlling codes, we use three kinds of constructions to obtain unequal error protection (UEP) codes in this paper. One of them is the direct sum construction and the others are the proposed constructions which are based on joint and double coding. These UEP codes can have higher coderate than other UEP codes when minimum Hamming distance is small. By using these UEP codes, the proposed intelligent error-controlling scheme can protect information in segment in order to reduce semantic errors over a conventional error-controlling scheme in which information is uniformly protected by an error-correcting code.

  • Optimum Modulation Assignment According to Subband Channel Status for BST-OFDM

    Masayuki MOTEGI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E84-A No:7

    This paper proposes and investigates optimum modulation assignment and band allocation scheme according to subband channel status for BST-OFDM system. The proposed system can adaptively optimize modulation assignment and band allocation according to the conditional parameter under independently fading subband channels. Specifically, in this paper only two optimization problems are treated in terms of modulation assignment. At first, an optimization criterion is a total Bit Error Rate (BER) subject to the constraint conditions of a desired total information bit rate under a fixed effective bandwidth. Another optimization problem is the maximization of a total information bit rate to satisfy a desired BER under a fixed effective bandwidth. Knowledge of the subband channel status is assumed to be updated by the feedback information from a receiver. This paper shows that the proposed system can overperform the conventional system in which all subbands employ the same modulation schemes in terms of BER. In addition, it is shown that the proposed system improves the overall information bit rate, which is not accomplishable in the conventional system.

  • Multilevel RLL (D,K,l) Constrained Sequences

    Oscar Yassuo TAKESHITA  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E77-A No:8

    Multilevel RLL (Runlength Limited) sequences are analyzed. Their noiseless capacity and lower bounds on the channel capacity in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise are given. Moreover, the analytical power spectra formulae for those sequences which generalize the previously derived one for binary sequences are newly derived. We conclude from the analysis of the power spectra that multilevel RLL sequences are attractive from the point of view that they increase information rate while keeping low DC-content and self-clocking capability of binary RLL sequences.

  • Adaptive Array Antenna Using Array Antennas as Element Antennas

    Hiroyuki YAMASUGE  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E85-B No:10

    An adaptive array antenna should be applied for suppression of CCI in the spatial domain. However, the adaptive array antenna has some problems as follows. Because the adaptive array antenna takes a long time to converge to the optimum antenna weights, it's hard to track in case of quick varying channel. On the other hand, processing burden increases with the number of elements in the array antenna. To solve these problems, we propose an adaptive array antenna using array antenna as element antennas, the so-called "Layered array antenna." At the 1st layer, sector area are defined. We can change the sector areas according to the DOA distribution, because the sector areas are defined by the antenna weights. At the 2nd layer, MMSE is performed. Interference that couldn't be suppressed at the 1st layer is suppressed at the 2nd layer. By the proposed system, we confirmed higher convergence speed while relieving processing complexity.

  • Development of an Implantable WBAN Path-Loss Model for Capsule Endoscopy

    Takahiro AOYAGI  Kenichi TAKIZAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kiyoshi HAMAGUCHI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E93-B No:4

    An implantable WBAN path-loss model for a capsule endoscopy which is used for examining digestive organs, is developed by conducting simulations and experiments. First, we performed FDTD simulations on implant WBAN propagation by using a numerical human model. Second, we performed FDTD simulations on a vessel that represents the human body. Third, we performed experiments using a vessel of the same dimensions as that used in the simulations. On the basis of the results of these simulations and experiments, we proposed the gradient and intercept parameters of the simple path-loss in-body propagation model.


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