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Takeshi ONIZAWA Takafumi FUJITA Yusuke ASAI Daisei UCHIDA Atsushi OHTA Satoru AIKAWA
This paper proposes a new multi-task synchronization scheme for packet mode orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transmission systems; it targets high-rate wireless LANs that offer over 100 Mbit/s. In addition, this paper introduces a packet format for MIMO-OFDM signals that ensures backward compatibility with IEEE 802.11a. The proposed synchronization scheme has simple open-loop construction and consists of automatic frequency control (AFC), symbol timing detection, MIMO channel estimation, and phase tracking. AFC and symbol timing detection are carried out in the time-domain. After OFDM demodulation, the proposed scheme performs MIMO channel estimation and phase tracking in the frequency-domain. Considering all of the above synchronization tasks, we evaluate the packet error rate (PER) performance using the IEEE 802.11 TGn-defined channel model-D and model-E. In channel model-D with the RMS delay spread = 50 ns, the proposed scheme shows superior performance; it suppress the required Eb/N0 degradation to within 0.4 dB with 1000 byte packets compared to the performance achieved if only MIMO channel estimation is considered. Moreover, in channel model-E with the RMS delay spread = 100 ns, it is found that the proposed scheme degrades the required Eb/N0 only by approximately 1.5 dB compared to the MIMO channel estimation only case, even if the packet length is 1000 bytes with 64QAM and coding-rate = 7/8.
Kazuyoshi SAITOH Yasuhiko INOUE Tomoaki KUMAGAI Masataka IIZUKA Satoru AIKAWA Masahiro MORIKURA
This paper proposes a new effective data transfer method for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs by integrating priority control and multirate mechanism. The IEEE 802.11 PHY layer supports a multirate mechanism with dynamic rate switching and an appropriate data rate is selected in transmitting a frame. However, the multirate mechanism is used with the CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) protocol, low rate transmissions need much longer time than high rate transmissions to finish sending a frame. As a result, the system capacity is decreased. The proposed method assumes the same number of priority levels as the data rates, and a data rate is associated to a priority level. Priority of a transmission goes up with the used data rate. For this purpose, we have modified the CSMA/CA protocol to support prioritized transmission. By selecting the appropriate priority depending on the data rate and giving more transmission opportunities for high rate transmission, the system capacity is increased. The effect of the proposed mechanism is confirmed by computer simulations.
Wenjie JIANG Yusuke ASAI Satoru AIKAWA Yasutaka OGAWA
The wireless systems that establish multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels through multiple antennas at both ends of the communication link, have been proved to have tremendous potential to linearly lift the capacity of conventional scalar channel. In this paper, we present two efficient decision feedback equalization algorithms that achieve optimal and suboptimal detection order in MIMO spatial multiplexing systems. The new algorithms combine the recursive matrix inversion and ordered QR decomposition approaches, which are developed for nulling cancellation interaface Bell Labs layered space time (BLAST) and back substitution interface BLAST. As a result, new algorithms achieve total reduced complexities in frame based transmission with various payload lengths compared with the earlier methods. In addition, they enable shorter detection delay by carrying out a fast hybrid preprocessing. Moreover, the operation precision insensitivity of order optimization greatly relaxes the word length of matrix inversion, which is the most computational intensive part within the MIMO detection task.
The mesh topology based on the standard IEEE 802.11 for wireless LANs (WLANs) appears to be a very promising architecture on the way to realizing an ubiquitous high-speed wireless Internet access in the future. However, the current IEEE 802.11 protocol is aimed at single Access Point (AP) environments and many problems related to the wireless meshed interconnection of APs and Mobile Terminals (MTs) remain unsolved. Some proposed solutions to build such mesh architectures are based on ad-hoc-oriented single-channel schemes that modify IEEE 802.11 protocol. The main problem with this type of schemes, however, lies in the very low performance of the single-channel architecture itself when the network becomes larger or the offered traffic load increases. The task group IEEE 802.11s is currently discussing and working out a standard for IEEE 802.11-compliant mesh architectures for various usage scenarios including residential, office and campus/community/public access network but much work is ahead since the group was recently established. In this paper we propose a new multi-radio multi-channel mesh architecture for WLAN hot spots, which works using a Distributed Coordination Function (DCF)-based technique for interconnecting APs, and also a radio-aware packet forwarding scheme among APs. A major advantage of the system is that, putting routing issues aside, it introduces no changes into the MAC protocol of IEEE 802.11. The simulation results obtained in OPNET v.10.0 show the great potential of our mesh architecture to support real-time traffic with any packet size, and the effectiveness of the radio-aware forwarding scheme in improving the delay performance of the mesh network.
Satoru AIKAWA Hijin SATO Teruaki YOSHIDA
One of the most important topics of recent years is use of multimedia technology in radio systems for video, voice and data transmission. On the other hand, a major problem in such systems is the occurrence of errors due to multipath or interference noise. Forward error correction (FEC) is commonly used as a means of eliminating these errors. When employing the FEC technique, it is important to ensure that coding rate and coding gain requirements are met. In multimedia systems, however, the requirements differ with the type of media involved such as real-time voice, real-time video and data transmission. This paper proposes a variable-rate FEC method for multimedia systems as a means of overcoming this problem. The paper begins by presenting an information box and an ATM wireless LAN as examples of multimedia radio communication, and describes how the proposed variable-rate FEC method can be applied to these systems. Next, it shows in some detail how the ATM cells used in the variable-rate FEC are constructed. Then, it analyzes the effects of variable-rate FEC by employing a parameter called the Information Transmission Rate (ITR), which is defined as the product of the throughput rate and the coding rate. Finally, it shows the effects which the variable-rate FEC has on a typical quantity of traffic.
Takeshi ONIZAWA Takafumi FUJITA Tetsu SAKATA Masahiro MORIKURA Satoru AIKAWA
This paper considers a wireless LAN system operated in a multiple-cell environment with universal frequency reuse. A key technical goal is to increase cell-capacity within a cell. A very high-rate wireless LAN system, maximum data rates of over 100 Mbit/s, is proposed that offers an expanded signal-bandwidth compared to that specified in IEEE802.11a. The system employs OFDM and MC/CDMA signals in packet mode. It falls back from OFDM signals with low subcarrier modulation orders to MC/CDMA signals. A link level performance comparison shows that OFDM has superior performance to MC/CDMA at over 32 Mbit/s. Under 16 Mbit/s, however, MC/CDMA can establish wireless link connections unlike OFDM. Thus the fallback technique, which is triggered by the CIR environment, should select OFDM if the data rate exceeds 32 Mbit/s. It should fallback to MC/CDMA if the rate is less than 16 Mbit/s. We also evaluate the proposed scheme in a multiple-cell environment with universal frequency reuse, where the severe co-channel (other-cell) interference is present. We derive a cell capacity criterion for wireless LAN systems, and show that the proposed scheme offers a 2.2 times larger available transmission distance than the OFDM-only scheme. In addition, it is found that the proposed scheme offers a 1.3 times improvement in cell capacity compared to the MC/CDMA-only scheme, even if all other-cell interference is considered.
Yusuke ASAI Wenjie JIANG Takeshi ONIZAWA Atsushi OHTA Satoru AIKAWA
This paper proposes a simple and feasible decision-feedback channel tracking scheme for multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems designed for wireless local area networks (LANs). In the proposed scheme, the channel state matrix for each subcarrier is tentatively estimated from a replica matrix of the transmitted signals. The estimated channel matrices, each derived at a different timing, are combined, and the previously estimated channel matrices are replaced with the latest ones. Unlike conventional channel tracking schemes based on a Kalman filter, the proposed scheme needs no statistical information about a MIMO channel, which makes the receiver structure quite simple. The packet error rate (PER) performances for the proposed scheme are evaluated on computer simulations. When there are three transmit and receive antennas, the subcarrier modulation scheme is 64 QAM, and the coding rate is 3/4, the proposed scheme keeps the SNR degradation at PER of 1e-2 less than 0.1 dB when the velocity of receiver is 3 km/h in an indoor office environment at 5 GHz band. In addition, compared to the conventional channel tracking scheme based on known pilot symbols, the proposed scheme improves throughput performance by 13.8% because it does not need pilot symbols. These results demonstrate that the proposed channel tracking scheme is simple and feasible for implementation in MIMO-OFDM systems based on wireless LANs.
Wenjie JIANG Yusuke ASAI Takeshi ONIZAWA Satoru AIKAWA
In rich scattering environments, multiple antenna systems designed to accomplish spatial multiplexing have enormous potential of lifting the capacity of corresponding multiple input multiple output channels. In this paper, we present a new low complexity algorithm for decision feedback equalization detector in the SM scheme. The basic idea is to reduce the joint optimization problem to separate optimization problems to achieve better performance-complexity tradeoffs. Concretely, we separately optimize the detection order and the detector filters so that the complexity of the entire signal detection task is reduced. The new order search rule approximates the optimal Bell Labs layered space time (BLAST) approach from a geometrical perspective, and the detector filters are derived using a Cholesky based QR decomposition. The new algorithm is able to switch from zero forcing to minimum mean square error without additional operations and the computational effort is a small fraction of that in the optimal BLAST algorithm. Despite its low complexity, the error performance of new detector closely approximates that of the standard BLAST.
In this paper, how the new service of non-authenticated multicasting can be implemented on the AWA system is described. The AP is forced to send IGMP packets periodically in order to keep transmitting IP multicast data grams. The program tables of the non-authenticated multicast are transmitted as IP multicast data to allow the all clients to receive the material. Furthermore, the list of program tables which shows the pairs of the ID of the AP and the IP address of the program table are used so that different APs can offer different program tables and programs. Experiments on non-authenticated multicasting were successfully conducted and we confirmed that the proposed service works well.
Wenjie JIANG Takeshi ONIZAWA Atsushi OHTA Satoru AIKAWA
This paper presents a reduced-complexity maximum likelihood detection (MLD) scheme for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with space division multiplexing (OFDM-SDM) systems. Original MLD is known to be an optimal scheme for detecting the spatially multiplexed signals. However, MLD suffers from an exponentially computational complexity because it involves an exhaustive search for the optimal result. In this paper, we propose a novel detection scheme, which drastically reduce the complexity of MLD while keeping performance losses small. The proposed scheme decouples the spatially multiplexed signals in two stages. In stage one, the estimated symbols obtained from zero-forcing (ZF) are used to limit the candidate symbol vectors. In stage two, to form a final estimate of the transmitted symbol vector, the Euclidean or original defined likelihood metric is examined over all symbol vectors obtained from stage 1. Both the bit error rate (BER) and packet error rate (PER) performances are evaluated over a temporally and spatially uncorrelated frequency selective channel through the computer simulations. For a four-transmit and four-receive OFDM-SDM system transmitting data at 144 Mbit/s and 216 Mbit/ss i.e., employing 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16QAM) and 64QAM subcarrier modulation over 16.6 MHz bandwidth channel, the degradation in required SNR from MLD for PER = 1% are about 0.6 dB and 1.5 dB, respectively. However, the complexity of MLD is reduced to 0.51000% and 0.01562%.
Takeshi ONIZAWA Atsushi OHTA Yusuke ASAI Satoru AIKAWA
This paper describes the experimental performance of eigenbeam multi-input multi-output with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems as measured in a testbed implemented with field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The FPGA-testbed, characterized by the software-defined radio (SDR) technique, offers 1/5-scale real time signal processing. Extensive experiments on the testbed confirm the basic operation and performance of eigenbeam MIMO-OFDM with quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) and 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). From the packet error rate (PER) performance, we confirm that the eigenbeam 16QAM/MIMO-OFDM scheme with permutation matrix and three transmit antennas (Mt=3) drastically improves the required carrier-to-noise power ratio (CNR) by approximately 5.6 dB over the scheme without eigenbeam with Mt=2. Furthermore, to determine the impact of Doppler frequency fd, we focus on the transmission interval between the MIMO channel estimation and data transmission. To suppress the required CNR degradation to within 1.5 dB, it is found that the eigenbeam 16QAM/MIMO-OFDM scheme with permutation matrix and Mt=3 permits a transmission interval of approximately 68.5 ms when fd=1 Hz for a 1/5-scale model.
This paper presents experimental results obtained in indoor broad-band transmission experiments using a QPSK-100 Mbps modem in the 37 GHz band. Transmission performance is measured at many antenna locations in an office. The zone coverage, defined points where as the BER was less than 10-7, was derived in order to evaluate the possibility of high-speed transmission. It was found that adjusting the receiving antenna position a few centimeters greatly improves the zone coverage in utilizing millimeter waves. This result indicates the effectiveness in improving zone coverage of space diversity reception with an antenna spacing of several centimeters. Experimental results obtained show that zone coverage of up to 70% in the measured range is achieved by space diversity reception. Thus, the feasibility of 100 Mbps indoor wireless transmission, conventionally thought to be impossible, is experimentally confirmed.
Takafumi FUJITA Takeshi ONIZAWA Satoru HORI Atsushi OHTA Satoru AIKAWA
This paper proposes a new scheme that can evaluate the cell throughput performance of wireless local area network (LAN) systems, which use carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) and multiple transmission bit-rates (multi-rate). We extend the interference model of the conventional scheme in order to deal with interference more accurately in multi-cell environments. Unlike the conventional scheme, the proposed scheme is able to handle multi-rate systems. We use the proposed scheme to evaluate the IEEE 802.11a system and systems whose signal-bandwidth is expanded from that of the IEEE 802.11a system. We find that a system with 35(75) MHz signal-bandwidth achieves about 1.3(1.25) times higher cell throughput than the IEEE 802.11a system. Furthermore, the system with 35(75) MHz signal-bandwidth is also shown to have the potential to achieve up to 1.5(1.8) times higher cell throughput performance than the IEEE 802.11a system if the transmission efficiency on the media access control (MAC) layer is assumed to be ideal. It is concluded that the proposed scheme confirms that the approach to expand the signal bandwidth of the IEEE 802.11a system is effective to improve the cell throughput performance. This result is virtually impossible to derive with the conventional scheme.
Luis LOYOLA Masakatsu OGAWA Kengo NAGATA Satoru AIKAWA
The gateway access point (AP) in a wireless mesh network becomes the natural bottleneck node around which all the traffic relayed by APs that is exchanged among the terminals and the Internet tend to concentrate. So far most of the practical deployments of mesh wireless local area networks (WLANs) focused on public safety and public access have taken place in rural or suburban areas where the low density of users and the low data-rate applications in use do not impose stringent traffic conditions, making the conventional single-radio DCF-based system defined by IEEE 802.11 a feasible implementation option. However, under relatively high traffic-load conditions, the large number of packet collisions produced by the accumulation of traffic in the vicinity of gateway APs may greatly reduce the overall network throughput and largely increase the delay, especially in case of packets that traverse several hops, thus affecting real-time applications like voice over IP (VoIP). To cope with this problem a polling mechanism compliant with the IEEE 802.11e hybrid-coordination-function controlled channel access (HCCA) which operates in a single network interface card (NIC) in the vicinity of gateway APs has been proposed in this paper. The polling scheme is complemented with a Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) channel access that also operates in the vicinity of gateway APs in a different NIC and on a different channel. The HCCA NIC allows any gateway AP to exchange data frames with its surrounding APs in a scheduled and bidirectional way while the DCF NIC provides gateway APs a contention-based way to receive data frames from their respective surrounding APs. Computer simulations carried out in OPNET version 10.0 to evaluate the combination of both contention-based and contention-free access schemes in the area surrounding gateway APs show that the proposed mechanism can largely increase the total throughput while providing low transmission delay. As no changes to the IEEE 802.11 related protocols are required, the proposed scheme represents an attractive option to implement a mesh WLAN.
Wenjie JIANG Yusuke ASAI Satoru AIKAWA
Recent theoretical and experimental studies indicate that spatial multiplexing (SM) systems have enormous potential for increasing the capacity of corresponding multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels in rich scattering environments. In this paper, we propose a new recursion based algorithm for Bell Labs layered space time (BLAST) signal detection in SM systems. The new algorithm uses an inflated recursion in the initialization and a deflated recursion in the iteration stage: as a result, the complexity is greatly reduced and the irregularity issues are completely avoided. Compared with the conventional fastest recursive approach, the complexity of our proposal is lower by a factor of 2 and it is also very implementation friendly.