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Handwritten numeral recognition is a classical and important task in the computer vision area. We propose two novel deep learning models for this task, which combine the edge extraction method and Siamese/Triple network structures. We evaluate the models on seven handwritten numeral datasets and the results demonstrate both the simplicity and effectiveness of our models, comparing to baseline methods.
We propose optimal power allocation schemes for a secondary cognitive user sharing spectrum with a primary user under different interference power constraints in Rayleigh fading channels. Specifically, we consider a practical scenario in which the secondary user has a fixed transmission rate and the instantaneous channel state of the interference channel is not available to the secondary user. Simulation results verify the feasibility of the proposed schemes and evaluate the effective transmission rate loss due to the incomplete channel state information.
Qin YU Wei JIANG Supeng LENG Yuming MAO
In this paper, we propose a modeling approach for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that is based on non-volatile two-dimensional cellular automata (CA) and analyze the space-time dynamics of a WSN based on the proposed model. We introduce the fourth circuit element with memory function — memristor into the cells of CA to model a non-volatile CA and employ the non-volatile CA in modeling a WSN. A state transition method is designed to implement the synchronous updates of the states between the central sensor nodes and its neighbors which might behave asynchronously in sending messages to the central one. Therefore, the energy consumption in sensor nodes can be reduced by lessening the amount of exchanged information. Simulations demonstrate that the energy consumption of a WSN can be reduced greatly based on the proposed model and the lifetime of the whole network can be increased.
Eng Wei SOO Weiwei JIANG Lianjun WU Jian-Ping WANG
The effect of NiP as a seed layer for the [Co/Pd]n multilayer perpendicular recording media was studied. It was found that a thin layer of 2 nm NiP inserted between the FeCoC soft magnetic underlayer and the [Co/Pd]n recording layer improved the magnetic properties such as coercivity, squareness and nucleation field. These improvements may be due to the enhanced grain isolation promoted by the NiP seed layer, as well as the lower surface roughness of the NiP seed layer. Read/write test using Guzik spin stand with a ring-type head showed a D50 value 220 kFCI in the roll-off curve. The magnetic transitions recorded up to 390 kFCI for [Co/Pd]n media with the NiP seed layer can be observed clearly with MFM.
Loan default prediction has been a significant problem in the financial domain because overdue loans may incur significant losses. Machine learning methods have been introduced to solve this problem, but there are still many challenges including feature multicollinearity, imbalanced labels, and small data sample problems. To replicate the success of deep learning in many areas, an effective regularization technique named muddling label regularization is introduced in this letter, and an ensemble of feed-forward neural networks is proposed, which outperforms machine learning and deep learning baselines in a real-world dataset.
Zhihui FAN Zhaoyang LU Jing LI Chao YAO Wei JIANG
To eliminate casting shadows of moving objects, which cause difficulties in vision applications, a novel method is proposed based on Visual background extractor by altering its updating mechanism using relevant spatiotemporal information. An adaptive threshold and a spatial adjustment are also employed. Experiments on typical surveillance scenes validate this scheme.
Cong WANG Tiecheng SONG Jun WU Wei JIANG Jing HU
Green cognitive radio (CR) plays an important role in offering secondary users (SUs) with more spectrum with smaller energy expenditure. However, the energy efficiency (EE) issues associated with green CR for fading channels have not been fully studied. In this paper, we investigate the average EE maximization problem for spectrum-sharing CR in fading channels. Unlike previous studies that considered either the peak or the average transmission power constraints, herein, we considered both of these constraints. Our aim is to maximize the average EE of SU by optimizing the transmission power under the joint peak and average transmit power constraints, the rate constraint of SU and the quality of service (QoS) constraint of primary user (PU). Specifically, the QoS for PU is guaranteed based on either the average interference power constraint or the PU outage constraint. To address the non-convex optimization problem, an iterative optimal power allocation algorithm that can tackle the problem efficiently is proposed. The optimal transmission powers are identified under both of perfect and imperfect channel side information (CSI). Simulations show that our proposed scheme can achieve higher EE over the existing scheme and the EE achieved under perfect CSI is better than that under imperfect CSI.
Hao ZHOU Hailing XIONG Chuan LI Weiwei JIANG Kezhong LU Nian CHEN Yun LIU
Image dehazing is of great significance in computer vision and other fields. The performance of dehazing mainly relies on the precise computation of transmission map. However, the computation of the existing transmission map still does not work well in the sky area and is easily influenced by noise. Hence, the dark channel prior (DCP) and luminance model are used to estimate the coarse transmission in this work, which can deal with the problem of transmission estimation in the sky area. Then a novel weighted variational regularization model is proposed to refine the transmission. Specifically, the proposed model can simultaneously refine the transmittance and restore clear images, yielding a haze-free image. More importantly, the proposed model can preserve the important image details and suppress image noise in the dehazing process. In addition, a new Gaussian Adaptive Weighted function is defined to smooth the contextual areas while preserving the depth discontinuity edges. Experiments on real-world and synthetic images illustrate that our method has a rival advantage with the state-of-art algorithms in different hazy environments.
Sipeng ZHANG Wei JIANG Shin'ichi SATOH
In this paper, a multilevel thresholding color image segmentation method is proposed using a modified Artificial Bee Colony(ABC) algorithm. In this work, in order to improve the local search ability of ABC algorithm, Krill Herd algorithm is incorporated into its onlooker bees phase. The proposed algorithm is named as Krill herd-inspired modified Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (KABC algorithm). Experiment results verify the robustness of KABC algorithm, as well as its improvement in optimizing accuracy and convergence speed. In this work, KABC algorithm is used to solve the problem of multilevel thresholding for color image segmentation. To deal with luminance variation, rather than using gray scale histogram, a HSV space-based pre-processing method is proposed to obtain 1D feature vector. KABC algorithm is then applied to find thresholds of the feature vector. At last, an additional local search around the quasi-optimal solutions is employed to improve segmentation accuracy. In this stage, we use a modified objective function which combines Structural Similarity Index Matrix (SSIM) with Kapur's entropy. The pre-processing method, the global optimization with KABC algorithm and the local optimization stage form the whole color image segmentation method. Experiment results show enhance in accuracy of segmentation with the proposed method.
Hao ZHOU Zhuangzhuang ZHANG Yun LIU Meiyan XUAN Weiwei JIANG Hailing XIONG
Single image dehazing algorithm based on Dark Channel Prior (DCP) is widely known. More and more image dehazing algorithms based on DCP have been proposed. However, we found that it is more effective to use DCP in the RAW images before the ISP pipeline. In addition, for the problem of DCP failure in the sky area, we propose an algorithm to segment the sky region and compensate the transmission. Extensive experimental results on both subjective and objective evaluation demonstrate that the performance of the modified DCP (MDCP) has been greatly improved, and it is competitive with the state-of-the-art methods.
In this letter, we propose an adaptive sensing/transmission scheduling policy in which the secondary user senses the spectrum when its channel condition is poor for transmission. The adaptive sensing/transmission scheduling is modeled as a Markov process and a near-optimal algorithm is proposed to determine the sensing/transmission policy. Simulation results verify our analysis and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm.
Xiangyang CHEN Haiyue LI Chuan LI Weiwei JIANG Hao ZHOU
Since the dark channel prior (DCP)-based dehazing method is ineffective in the sky area and will cause the problem of too dark and color distortion of the image, we propose a novel dehazing method based on sky area segmentation and image fusion. We first segment the image according to the characteristics of the sky area and non-sky area of the image, then estimate the atmospheric light and transmission map according to the DCP and correct them, and then fuse the original image after the contrast adaptive histogram equalization to improve the details information of the image. Experiments illustrate that our method performs well in dehazing and can reduce image distortion.
Yi-Wei JIANG De XU Moon-Ho LEE Cong-Yan LANG
Visual inpainting is an interpolation problem that restores an image or a frame with missing or damaged parts. Over the past decades, a number of computable models of visual inpainting have been developed, but most of these models are based on the pixel domain. Little theoretical and computational work of visual inpainting is based on the compressed domain. In this paper, a visual inpainting model in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain is proposed. DCT coefficients of the non-inpainting blocks are utilized to get block features, and those block features are propagated to the inpainting region iteratively. The experimental results with I frames of MPEG4 are presented to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm.
Zhengwei XIA Yun LIU Xiaoyun WANG Feiyun ZHANG Rui CHEN Weiwei JIANG
Infrared and visible image fusion can combine the thermal radiation information and the textures to provide a high-quality fused image. In this letter, we propose a hybrid variational fusion model to achieve this end. Specifically, an ℓ0 term is adopted to preserve the highlighted targets with salient gradient variation in the infrared image, an ℓ1 term is used to suppress the noise in the fused image and an ℓ2 term is employed to keep the textures of the visible image. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed variational model and our results have more sharpen textures with less noise.
Laiwei JIANG Zheng CHEN Hongyu YANG
As a hierarchical network framework, clustering aims to divide nodes with similar mobility characteristics into the same cluster to form a more structured hierarchical network, which can effectively solve the problem of high dynamics of the network topology caused by the high-speed movement of nodes in aeronautical ad hoc networks. Based on this goal, we propose a multi-hop distributed clustering algorithm based on link duration. The algorithm is based on the idea of multi-hop clustering, which ensures the coverage and stability of clustering. In the clustering phase, the link duration is used to accurately measure the degree of stability between nodes. At the same time, we also use the link duration threshold to filter out relatively stable links and use the gravity factor to let nodes set conditions for actively creating links based on neighbor distribution. When selecting the cluster head, we select the most stable node as the cluster head node based on the defined node stability weight. The node stability weight comprehensively considers the connectivity degree of nodes and the link duration between nodes. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we compare them with the N-hop and K-means algorithms from four indicators: average cluster head duration, average cluster member duration, number of cluster head changes, and average number of intra-cluster link changes. Experiments show that the proposed method can effectively improve the stability of the topology.
Currently, a significant portion of acoustic scene categorization (ASC) research is centered around utilizing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models. This preference is primarily due to CNN’s ability to effectively extract time-frequency information from audio recordings of scenes by employing spectrum data as input. The expression of many dimensions can be achieved by utilizing 2D spectrum characteristics. Nevertheless, the diverse interpretations of the same object’s existence in different positions on the spectrum map can be attributed to the discrepancies between spectrum properties and picture qualities. The lack of distinction between different aspects of input information in ASC-based CNN networks may result in a decline in system performance. Considering this, a feature pyramid segmentation (FPS) approach based on CNN is proposed. The proposed approach involves utilizing spectrum features as the input for the model. These features are split based on a preset scale, and each segment-level feature is then fed into the CNN network for learning. The SoftMax classifier will receive the output of all feature scales, and these high-level features will be fused and fed to it to categorize different scenarios. The experiment provides evidence to support the efficacy of the FPS strategy and its potential to enhance the performance of the ASC system.
Zheqing ZHANG Hao ZHOU Chuan LI Weiwei JIANG
Single-image dehazing is a challenging task in computer vision research. Aiming at the limitations of traditional convolutional neural network representation capabilities and the high computational overhead of the self-attention mechanism in recent years, we proposed image attention and designed a single image dehazing network based on the image attention: IAD-Net. The proposed image attention is a plug-and-play module with the ability of global modeling. IAD-Net is a parallel network structure that combines the global modeling ability of image attention and the local modeling ability of convolution, so that the network can learn global and local features. The proposed network model has excellent feature learning ability and feature expression ability, has low computational overhead, and also improves the detail information of hazy images. Experiments verify the effectiveness of the image attention module and the competitiveness of IAD-Net with state-of-the-art methods.
The relevant model based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has been proven to be an effective solution in speech enhancement algorithms. However, there needs to be more research on CNNs based on microphone arrays, especially in exploring the correlation between networks associated with different microphones. In this paper, we proposed a CNN-based feature integration network for speech enhancement in microphone arrays. The input of CNN is composed of short-time Fourier transform (STFT) from different microphones. CNN includes the encoding layer, decoding layer, and skip structure. In addition, the designed feature integration layer enables information exchange between different microphones, and the designed feature fusion layer integrates additional information. The experiment proved the superiority of the designed structure.