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[Author] Yue XIE(16hit)

  • Speech Emotion Recognition Using Multihead Attention in Both Time and Feature Dimensions

    Yue XIE  Ruiyu LIANG  Zhenlin LIANG  Xiaoyan ZHAO  Wenhao ZENG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E106-D No:5

    To enhance the emotion feature and improve the performance of speech emotion recognition, an attention mechanism is employed to recognize the important information in both time and feature dimensions. In the time dimension, multi-heads attention is modified with the last state of the long short-term memory (LSTM)'s output to match the time accumulation characteristic of LSTM. In the feature dimension, scaled dot-product attention is replaced with additive attention that refers to the method of the state update of LSTM to construct multi-heads attention. This means that a nonlinear change replaces the linear mapping in classical multi-heads attention. Experiments on IEMOCAP datasets demonstrate that the attention mechanism could enhance emotional information and improve the performance of speech emotion recognition.

  • An Integrated Convolutional Neural Network with a Fusion Attention Mechanism for Acoustic Scene Classification

    Pengxu JIANG  Yue XIE  Cairong ZOU  Li ZHAO  Qingyun WANG  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E106-A No:8

    In human-computer interaction, acoustic scene classification (ASC) is one of the relevant research domains. In real life, the recorded audio may include a lot of noise and quiet clips, making it hard for earlier ASC-based research to isolate the crucial scene information in sound. Furthermore, scene information may be scattered across numerous audio frames; hence, selecting scene-related frames is crucial for ASC. In this context, an integrated convolutional neural network with a fusion attention mechanism (ICNN-FA) is proposed for ASC. Firstly, segmented mel-spectrograms as the input of ICNN can assist the model in learning the short-term time-frequency correlation information. Then, the designed ICNN model is employed to learn these segment-level features. In addition, the proposed global attention layer may gather global information by integrating these segment features. Finally, the developed fusion attention layer is utilized to fuse all segment-level features while the classifier classifies various situations. Experimental findings using ASC datasets from DCASE 2018 and 2019 indicate the efficacy of the suggested method.

  • Prior Information Based Decomposition and Reconstruction Learning for Micro-Expression Recognition

    Jinsheng WEI  Haoyu CHEN  Guanming LU  Jingjie YAN  Yue XIE  Guoying ZHAO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E106-D No:10

    Micro-expression recognition (MER) draws intensive research interest as micro-expressions (MEs) can infer genuine emotions. Prior information can guide the model to learn discriminative ME features effectively. However, most works focus on researching the general models with a stronger representation ability to adaptively aggregate ME movement information in a holistic way, which may ignore the prior information and properties of MEs. To solve this issue, driven by the prior information that the category of ME can be inferred by the relationship between the actions of facial different components, this work designs a novel model that can conform to this prior information and learn ME movement features in an interpretable way. Specifically, this paper proposes a Decomposition and Reconstruction-based Graph Representation Learning (DeRe-GRL) model to efectively learn high-level ME features. DeRe-GRL includes two modules: Action Decomposition Module (ADM) and Relation Reconstruction Module (RRM), where ADM learns action features of facial key components and RRM explores the relationship between these action features. Based on facial key components, ADM divides the geometric movement features extracted by the graph model-based backbone into several sub-features, and learns the map matrix to map these sub-features into multiple action features; then, RRM learns weights to weight all action features to build the relationship between action features. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modules, and the proposed method achieves competitive performance.

  • A CNN-Based Multi-Scale Pooling Strategy for Acoustic Scene Classification

    Rong HUANG  Yue XIE  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E107-D No:1

    Acoustic scene classification (ASC) is a fundamental domain within the realm of artificial intelligence classification tasks. ASC-based tasks commonly employ models based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that utilize log-Mel spectrograms as input for gathering acoustic features. In this paper, we designed a CNN-based multi-scale pooling (MSP) strategy for ASC. The log-Mel spectrograms are utilized as the input to CNN, which is partitioned into four frequency axis segments. Furthermore, we devised four CNN channels to acquire inputs from distinct frequency ranges. The high-level features extracted from outputs in various frequency bands are integrated through frequency pyramid average pooling layers at multiple levels. Subsequently, a softmax classifier is employed to classify different scenes. Our study demonstrates that the implementation of our designed model leads to a significant enhancement in the model's performance, as evidenced by the testing of two acoustic datasets.

  • Dual-Path Convolutional Neural Network Based on Band Interaction Block for Acoustic Scene Classification Open Access

    Pengxu JIANG  Yang YANG  Yue XIE  Cairong ZOU  Qingyun WANG  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E107-A No:7

    Convolutional neural network (CNN) is widely used in acoustic scene classification (ASC) tasks. In most cases, local convolution is utilized to gather time-frequency information between spectrum nodes. It is challenging to adequately express the non-local link between frequency domains in a finite convolution region. In this paper, we propose a dual-path convolutional neural network based on band interaction block (DCNN-bi) for ASC, with mel-spectrogram as the model’s input. We build two parallel CNN paths to learn the high-frequency and low-frequency components of the input feature. Additionally, we have created three band interaction blocks (bi-blocks) to explore the pertinent nodes between various frequency bands, which are connected between two paths. Combining the time-frequency information from two paths, the bi-blocks with three distinct designs acquire non-local information and send it back to the respective paths. The experimental results indicate that the utilization of the bi-block has the potential to improve the initial performance of the CNN substantially. Specifically, when applied to the DCASE 2018 and DCASE 2020 datasets, the CNN exhibited performance improvements of 1.79% and 3.06%, respectively.

  • New Constructions of Approximately Mutually Unbiased Bases by Character Sums over Galois Rings Open Access

    You GAO  Ming-Yue XIE  Gang WANG  Lin-Zhi SHEN  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E107-A No:8

    Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) are widely used in quantum information processing and play an important role in quantum cryptography, quantum state tomography and communications. It’s difficult to construct MUBs and remains unknown whether complete MUBs exist for any non prime power. Therefore, researchers have proposed the solution to construct approximately mutually unbiased bases (AMUBs) by weakening the inner product conditions. This paper constructs q AMUBs of ℂq, (q + 1) AMUBs of ℂq-1 and q AMUBs of ℂq-1 by using character sums over Galois rings and finite fields, where q is a power of a prime. The first construction of q AMUBs of ℂq is new which illustrates K AMUBs of ℂK can be achieved. The second and third constructions in this paper include the partial results about AMUBs constructed by W. Wang et al. in [9].

  • A CNN-Based Feature Pyramid Segmentation Strategy for Acoustic Scene Classification Open Access

    Ji XI  Yue XIE  Pengxu JIANG  Wei JIANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E107-D No:8

    Currently, a significant portion of acoustic scene categorization (ASC) research is centered around utilizing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models. This preference is primarily due to CNN’s ability to effectively extract time-frequency information from audio recordings of scenes by employing spectrum data as input. The expression of many dimensions can be achieved by utilizing 2D spectrum characteristics. Nevertheless, the diverse interpretations of the same object’s existence in different positions on the spectrum map can be attributed to the discrepancies between spectrum properties and picture qualities. The lack of distinction between different aspects of input information in ASC-based CNN networks may result in a decline in system performance. Considering this, a feature pyramid segmentation (FPS) approach based on CNN is proposed. The proposed approach involves utilizing spectrum features as the input for the model. These features are split based on a preset scale, and each segment-level feature is then fed into the CNN network for learning. The SoftMax classifier will receive the output of all feature scales, and these high-level features will be fused and fed to it to categorize different scenarios. The experiment provides evidence to support the efficacy of the FPS strategy and its potential to enhance the performance of the ASC system.

  • Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Causal Emotion Information Representation Open Access

    Hongliang FU  Qianqian LI  Huawei TAO  Chunhua ZHU  Yue XIE  Ruxue GUO  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E107-D No:8

    Speech emotion recognition (SER) is a key research technology to realize the third generation of artificial intelligence, which is widely used in human-computer interaction, emotion diagnosis, interpersonal communication and other fields. However, the aliasing of language and semantic information in speech tends to distort the alignment of emotion features, which affects the performance of cross-corpus SER system. This paper proposes a cross-corpus SER model based on causal emotion information representation (CEIR). The model uses the reconstruction loss of the deep autoencoder network and the source domain label information to realize the preliminary separation of causal features. Then, the causal correlation matrix is constructed, and the local maximum mean difference (LMMD) feature alignment technology is combined to make the causal features of different dimensions jointly distributed independent. Finally, the supervised fine-tuning of labeled data is used to achieve effective extraction of causal emotion information. The experimental results show that the average unweighted average recall (UAR) of the proposed algorithm is increased by 3.4% to 7.01% compared with the latest partial algorithms in the field.

  • Multimodal Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Large Language Model Open Access

    Congcong FANG  Yun JIN  Guanlin CHEN  Yunfan ZHANG  Shidang LI  Yong MA  Yue XIE  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E107-D No:11

    Currently, an increasing number of tasks in speech emotion recognition rely on the analysis of both speech and text features. However, there remains a paucity of research exploring the potential of leveraging large language models like GPT-3 to enhance emotion recognition. In this investigation, we harness the power of the GPT-3 model to extract semantic information from transcribed texts, generating text modal features with a dimensionality of 1536. Subsequently, we perform feature fusion, combining the 1536-dimensional text features with 1188-dimensional acoustic features to yield comprehensive multi-modal recognition outcomes. Our findings reveal that the proposed method achieves a weighted accuracy of 79.62% across the four emotion categories in IEMOCAP, underscoring the considerable enhancement in emotion recognition accuracy facilitated by integrating large language models.

  • CNN-Based Feature Integration Network for Speech Enhancement in Microphone Arrays Open Access

    Ji XI  Pengxu JIANG  Yue XIE  Wei JIANG  Hao DING  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E107-D No:12

    The relevant model based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has been proven to be an effective solution in speech enhancement algorithms. However, there needs to be more research on CNNs based on microphone arrays, especially in exploring the correlation between networks associated with different microphones. In this paper, we proposed a CNN-based feature integration network for speech enhancement in microphone arrays. The input of CNN is composed of short-time Fourier transform (STFT) from different microphones. CNN includes the encoding layer, decoding layer, and skip structure. In addition, the designed feature integration layer enables information exchange between different microphones, and the designed feature fusion layer integrates additional information. The experiment proved the superiority of the designed structure.

  • Attention-Based Dense LSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition Open Access

    Yue XIE  Ruiyu LIANG  Zhenlin LIANG  Li ZHAO  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E102-D No:7

    Despite the widespread use of deep learning for speech emotion recognition, they are severely restricted due to the information loss in the high layer of deep neural networks, as well as the degradation problem. In order to efficiently utilize information and solve degradation, attention-based dense long short-term memory (LSTM) is proposed for speech emotion recognition. LSTM networks with the ability to process time series such as speech are constructed into which attention-based dense connections are introduced. That means the weight coefficients are added to skip-connections of each layer to distinguish the difference of the emotional information between layers and avoid the interference of redundant information from the bottom layer to the effective information from the top layer. The experiments demonstrate that proposed method improves the recognition performance by 12% and 7% on eNTERFACE and IEMOCAP corpus respectively.

  • Weighted Gradient Pretrain for Low-Resource Speech Emotion Recognition

    Yue XIE  Ruiyu LIANG  Xiaoyan ZHAO  Zhenlin LIANG  Jing DU  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E105-D No:7

    To alleviate the problem of the dependency on the quantity of the training sample data in speech emotion recognition, a weighted gradient pre-train algorithm for low-resource speech emotion recognition is proposed. Multiple public emotion corpora are used for pre-training to generate shared hidden layer (SHL) parameters with the generalization ability. The parameters are used to initialize the downsteam network of the recognition task for the low-resource dataset, thereby improving the recognition performance on low-resource emotion corpora. However, the emotion categories are different among the public corpora, and the number of samples varies greatly, which will increase the difficulty of joint training on multiple emotion datasets. To this end, a weighted gradient (WG) algorithm is proposed to enable the shared layer to learn the generalized representation of different datasets without affecting the priority of the emotion recognition on each corpus. Experiments show that the accuracy is improved by using CASIA, IEMOCAP, and eNTERFACE as the known datasets to pre-train the emotion models of GEMEP, and the performance could be improved further by combining WG with gradient reversal layer.

  • A Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Evaluation Method Based on the Audiogram and Weighted Frequency Information for Hearing Aid

    Ruxue GUO  Pengxu JIANG  Ruiyu LIANG  Yue XIE  Cairong ZOU  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E106-A No:1

    For a long time, the compensation effect of hearing aid is mainly evaluated subjectively, and there are fewer studies of objective evaluation. Furthermore, a pure speech signal is generally required as a reference in the existing objective evaluation methods, which restricts the practicality in a real-world environment. Therefore, this paper presents a non-intrusive speech quality evaluation method for hearing aid, which combines the audiogram and weighted frequency information. The proposed model mainly includes an audiogram information extraction network, a frequency information extraction network, and a quality score mapping network. The audiogram is the input of the audiogram information extraction network, which helps the system capture the information related to hearing loss. In addition, the low-frequency bands of speech contain loudness information and the medium and high-frequency components contribute to semantic comprehension. The information of two frequency bands is input to the frequency information extraction network to obtain time-frequency information. When obtaining the high-level features of different frequency bands and audiograms, they are fused into two groups of tensors that distinguish the information of different frequency bands and used as the input of the attention layer to calculate the corresponding weight distribution. Finally, a dense layer is employed to predict the score of speech quality. The experimental results show that it is reasonable to combine the audiogram and the weight of the information from two frequency bands, which can effectively realize the evaluation of the speech quality of the hearing aid.

  • Siamese Attention-Based LSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition

    Tashpolat NIZAMIDIN  Li ZHAO  Ruiyu LIANG  Yue XIE  Askar HAMDULLA  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E103-A No:7

    As one of the popular topics in the field of human-computer interaction, the Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) aims to classify the emotional tendency from the speakers' utterances. Using the existing deep learning methods, and with a large amount of training data, we can achieve a highly accurate performance result. Unfortunately, it's time consuming and difficult job to build such a huge emotional speech database that can be applicable universally. However, the Siamese Neural Network (SNN), which we discuss in this paper, can yield extremely precise results with just a limited amount of training data through pairwise training which mitigates the impacts of sample deficiency and provides enough iterations. To obtain enough SER training, this study proposes a novel method which uses Siamese Attention-based Long Short-Term Memory Networks. In this framework, we designed two Attention-based Long Short-Term Memory Networks which shares the same weights, and we input frame level acoustic emotional features to the Siamese network rather than utterance level emotional features. The proposed solution has been evaluated on EMODB, ABC and UYGSEDB corpora, and showed significant improvement on SER results, compared to conventional deep learning methods.

  • Detecting Depression from Speech through an Attentive LSTM Network

    Yan ZHAO  Yue XIE  Ruiyu LIANG  Li ZHANG  Li ZHAO  Chengyu LIU  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E104-D No:11

    Depression endangers people's health conditions and affects the social order as a mental disorder. As an efficient diagnosis of depression, automatic depression detection has attracted lots of researcher's interest. This study presents an attention-based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model for depression detection to make full use of the difference between depression and non-depression between timeframes. The proposed model uses frame-level features, which capture the temporal information of depressive speech, to replace traditional statistical features as an input of the LSTM layers. To achieve more multi-dimensional deep feature representations, the LSTM output is then passed on attention layers on both time and feature dimensions. Then, we concat the output of the attention layers and put the fused feature representation into the fully connected layer. At last, the fully connected layer's output is passed on to softmax layer. Experiments conducted on the DAIC-WOZ database demonstrate that the proposed attentive LSTM model achieves an average accuracy rate of 90.2% and outperforms the traditional LSTM network and LSTM with local attention by 0.7% and 2.3%, respectively, which indicates its feasibility.

  • Convolutional Auto-Encoder and Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition

    Yang WANG  Hongliang FU  Huawei TAO  Jing YANG  Hongyi GE  Yue XIE  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:10

    This letter focuses on the cross-corpus speech emotion recognition (SER) task, in which the training and testing speech signals in cross-corpus SER belong to different speech corpora. Existing algorithms are incapable of effectively extracting common sentiment information between different corpora to facilitate knowledge transfer. To address this challenging problem, a novel convolutional auto-encoder and adversarial domain adaptation (CAEADA) framework for cross-corpus SER is proposed. The framework first constructs a one-dimensional convolutional auto-encoder (1D-CAE) for feature processing, which can explore the correlation among adjacent one-dimensional statistic features and the feature representation can be enhanced by the architecture based on encoder-decoder-style. Subsequently the adversarial domain adaptation (ADA) module alleviates the feature distributions discrepancy between the source and target domains by confusing domain discriminator, and specifically employs maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) to better accomplish feature transformation. To evaluate the proposed CAEADA, extensive experiments were conducted on EmoDB, eNTERFACE, and CASIA speech corpora, and the results show that the proposed method outperformed other approaches.

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