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[Author] Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA(21hit)


  • Modified-Error Adaptive Feedback Active Noise Control System Using Linear Prediction Filter

    Nobuhiro MIYAZAKI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E97-A No:10

    In this paper, we propose a modified-error adaptive feedback active noise control (ANC) system using a linear prediction filter. The proposed ANC system is advantageous in terms of the rate of convergence, while maintaining stability, because it can reduce narrowband noise while suppressing disturbance, including wideband components. The estimation accuracy of the noise control filter in the conventional system is degraded because the disturbance corrupts the input signal to the noise control filter. A solution of this problem is to utilize a linear prediction filter. The linear prediction filter is utilized for the modified-error feedback ANC system to suppress the wideband disturbance because the linear prediction filter can separate narrowband and wideband noise. Suppressing wideband noise is important for the head-mounted ANC system we have already proposed for reducing the noise from a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device because the error microphones are located near the user's ears and the user's voice consequently corrupts the input signal to the noise control filter. Some simulation and experimental results obtained using a digital signal processor (DSP) demonstrate that the proposed feedback ANC system is superior to a conventional feedback ANC system in terms of the estimation accuracy and the rate of convergence of the noise control filter.

  • Statistical-Mechanics Approach to Theoretical Analysis of the FXLMS Algorithm Open Access

    Seiji MIYOSHI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:12

    We analyze the behaviors of the FXLMS algorithm using a statistical-mechanical method. The cross-correlation between a primary path and an adaptive filter and the autocorrelation of the adaptive filter are treated as macroscopic variables. We obtain simultaneous differential equations that describe the dynamical behaviors of the macroscopic variables under the condition that the tapped-delay line is sufficiently long. The obtained equations are deterministic and closed-form. We analytically solve the equations to obtain the correlations and finally compute the mean-square error. The obtained theory can quantitatively predict the behaviors of computer simulations including the cases of both not only white but also nonwhite reference signals. The theory also gives the upper limit of the step size in the FXLMS algorithm.

  • Acoustic Design Support System of Compact Enclosure for Smartphone Using Deep Neural Network

    Kai NAKAMURA  Kenta IWAI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E102-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose an automatic design support system for compact acoustic devices such as microspeakers inside smartphones. The proposed design support system outputs the dimensions of compact acoustic devices with the desired acoustic characteristic. This system uses a deep neural network (DNN) to obtain the relationship between the frequency characteristic of the compact acoustic device and its dimensions. The training data are generated by the acoustic finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method so that many training data can be easily obtained. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system through some comparisons between desired and designed frequency characteristics.

  • Linearization Ability Evaluation for Loudspeaker Systems Using Dynamic Distortion Measurement

    Shoichi KITAGAWA  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E94-A No:2

    In this letter, the compensation ability of nonlinear distortions for loudspeaker systems is demonstrated using dynamic distortion measurement. Two linearization methods using a Volterra filter and a Mirror filter are compared. The conventional evaluation utilizes swept multi-sinusoidal waves. However, it is unsatisfactory because wideband signals such as those of music and voices are usually applied to loudspeaker systems. Hence, the authours use dynamic distortion measurement employing a white noise. Experimental results show that the two linearization methods can effectively reduce nonlinear distortions for wideband signals.

  • Active Noise Control System for Reducing MR Noise

    Masafumi KUMAMOTO  Masahiro KIDA  Ryotaro HIRAYAMA  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Toru TANI  Yoshimasa KURUMI  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E94-A No:7

    We propose an active noise control (ANC) system for reducing periodic noise generated in a high magnetic field such as noise generated from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices (MR noise). The proposed ANC system utilizes optical microphones and piezoelectric loudspeakers, because specific acoustic equipment is required to overcome the high-field problem, and consists of a head-mounted structure to control noise near the user's ears and to compensate for the low output of the piezoelectric loudspeaker. Moreover, internal model control (IMC)-based feedback ANC is employed because the MR noise includes some periodic components and is predictable. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ANC system (head-mounted structure) can significantly reduce MR noise by approximately 30 dB in a high field in an actual MRI room even if the imaging mode changes frequently.

  • An Automatic Design Method for the Acoustic Parameters of Telephone-Handsets Reducing the Effects of Leak by Monte Carlo Method

    Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  Juro OHGA  


    E79-A No:6

    When we use a telephone-handset, the frequency response of the telephone-earphone becomes degraded because of the leak through the slit between the ear and the earphone. Consequently, it is very important to establish the design method of the telephone-handset which reduces the effect of leak. No one has tried to design the telephone-handset to reduce the effect. We are the only ones to have proposed an automatic design method by nonlinear optimization techniques. However, this method gives only one set of the acoustic parameters aiming at a certain specific target frequency response, and therefore lacks flexibility in the actual design problem. On the other hand, the design method proposed in this paper, which uses Monte-Carlo method, gives an infinite number of sets of acoustic parameters that realize infinite frequency responses within the target allowable region. As these infinite number of sets become directly the design ranges of acoustic parameters, the proposed method has the flexibility that any set of the acoustic parameters belonging to the design ranges guarantees the corresponding response to be within the target allowable region, and at the same time reduces the effect of leak. This flexibility is advantageous to the actual design problem.

  • Improvement of the Stability and Cancellation Performance for the Active Noise Control System Using the Simultaneous Perturbation Method

    Yukinobu TOKORO  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  


    E90-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose the introduction of a frequency domain variable perturbation control and a leaky algorithm to the frequency domain time difference simultaneous perturbation (FDTDSP) method in order to improve the cancellation performance and the stability of the active noise control (ANC) system using the perturbation method. Since the ANC system using the perturbation method does not need the secondary path model, it has an advantage of being able to track the secondary path changes. However, the conventional perturbation method has the problem that the cancellation performance deteriorates over the entire frequency band when the frequency response of the secondary path has dips because the magnitude of the perturbation is controlled in the time domain. Moreover, the stability of this method also deteriorates in consequence of the dips. On the other hand, the proposed method can improve the cancellation performance by providing the appropriate magnitude of the perturbation over the entire frequency band and stabilizing the system operation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through simulation and experimental results.

  • Automatic Parameter Adjustment Method for Audio Equalizer Employing Interactive Genetic Algorithm

    Yuki MISHIMA  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E95-A No:11

    In this paper, we propose an automatic parameter adjustment method for audio equalizers using an interactive genetic algorithm (IGA). It is very difficult for ordinary users who are not familiar with audio devices to appropriately adjust the parameters of audio equalizers. We therefore propose a system that can automatically adjust the parameters of audio equalizers on the basis of user's evaluation of the reproduced sound. The proposed system utilizes an IGA to adjust the gains and Q values of the peaking filters included in audio equalizers. Listening test results demonstrate that the proposed system can appropriately adjust the parameters on the basis of the user's evaluation.

  • New Sub-Band Adaptive Volterra Filter for Identification of Loudspeaker

    Satoshi KINOSHITA  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:12

    Adaptive Volterra filters (AVFs) are usually used to identify nonlinear systems, such as loudspeaker systems, and ordinary adaptive algorithms can be used to update the filter coefficients of AVFs. However, AVFs require huge computational complexity even if the order of the AVF is constrained to the second order. Improving calculation efficiency is therefore an important issue for the real-time implementation of AVFs. In this paper, we propose a novel sub-band AVF with high calculation efficiency for second-order AVFs. The proposed sub-band AVF consists of four parts: input signal transformation for a single sub-band AVF, tap length determination to improve calculation efficiency, switching the number of sub-bands while maintaining the estimation accuracy, and an automatic search for an appropriate number of sub-bands. The proposed sub-band AVF can improve calculation efficiency for which the dominant nonlinear components are concentrated in any frequency band, such as loudspeakers. A simulation result demonstrates that the proposed sub-band AVF can realize higher estimation accuracy than conventional efficient AVFs.

  • Third-Order Nonlinear IIR Filter for Compensating Nonlinear Distortions of Loudspeaker Systems

    Kenta IWAI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E98-A No:3

    In this paper, we propose a 3rd-order nonlinear IIR filter for compensating nonlinear distortions of loudspeaker systems. Nonlinear distortions are common around the lowest resonance frequency for electrodynamic loudspeaker systems. One interesting approach to compensating nonlinear distortions is to employ a mirror filter. The mirror filter is derived from the nonlinear differential equation for loudspeaker systems. The nonlinear parameters of a loudspeaker system, which include the force factor, stiffness, and so forth, depend on the displacement of the diaphragm. The conventional filter structure, which is called the 2nd-order nonlinear IIR filter that originates the mirror filter, cannot reduce nonlinear distortions at high frequencies because it does not take into account the nonlinearity of the self-inductance of loudspeaker systems. To deal with this problem, the proposed filter takes into account the nonlinearity of the self-inductance and has a 3rd-order nonlinear IIR filter structure. Hence, this filter can reduce nonlinear distortions at high frequencies while maintaining a lower computational complexity than that of a Volterra filter-based compensator. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed filter outperforms the conventional filter by more than 2dB for 2nd-order nonlinear distortions at high frequencies.

  • Frequency Domain Active Noise Control System without a Secondary Path Model via Perturbation Method

    Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E84-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a frequency domain active noise control (ANC) system without a secondary path model. The proposed system is based on the frequency domain simultaneous perturbation (FDSP) method we have proposed. In this system, the coefficients of the adaptive filter are updated only by error signals. The conventional ANC system using the filtered-x algorithm becomes unstable due to the error between the secondary path, from secondary source to error sensor, and its model. In contrast, the proposed ANC system has the advantage not to use the model. In this paper, we show the principle of the proposed ANC system, and examine its efficiency through computer simulations.


    Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA   


    E97-A No:9
  • Linearization of Loudspeaker Systems Using a Subband Parallel Cascade Volterra Filter

    Hideyuki FURUHASHI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  


    E90-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a low complexity realization method for compensating for nonlinear distortion. Generally, nonlinear distortion is compensated for by a linearization system using a Volterra kernel. However, this method has a problem of requiring a huge computational complexity for the convolution needed between an input signal and the 2nd-order Volterra kernel. The Simplified Volterra Filter (SVF), which removes the lines along the main diagonal of the 2nd-order Volterra kernel, has been previously proposed as a way to reduce the computational complexity while maintaining the compensation performance for the nonlinear distortion. However, this method cannot greatly reduce the computational complexity. Hence, we propose a subband linearization system which consists of a subband parallel cascade realization method for the 2nd-order Volterra kernel and subband linear inverse filter. Experimental results show that this proposed linearization system can produce the same compensation ability as the conventional method while reducing the computational complexity.

  • Parameter Estimation Method Using Volterra Kernels for Nonlinear IIR Filters

    Kenta IWAI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E97-A No:11

    In this paper, we propose a parameter estimation method using Volterra kernels for the nonlinear IIR filters, which are used for the linearization of closed-box loudspeaker systems. The nonlinear IIR filter, which originates from a mirror filter, employs nonlinear parameters of the loudspeaker system. Hence, it is very important to realize an appropriate estimation method for the nonlinear parameters to increase the compensation ability of nonlinear distortions. However, it is difficult to obtain exact nonlinear parameters using the conventional parameter estimation method for nonlinear IIR filter, which uses the displacement characteristic of the diaphragm. The conventional method has two problems. First, it requires the displacement characteristic of the diaphragm but it is difficult to measure such tiny displacements. Moreover, a laser displacement gauge is required as an extra measurement instrument. Second, it has a limitation in the excitation signal used to measure the displacement of the diaphragm. On the other hand, in the proposed estimation method for nonlinear IIR filter, the parameters are updated using simulated annealing (SA) according to the cost function that represents the amount of compensation and these procedures are repeated until a given iteration count. The amount of compensation is calculated through computer simulation in which Volterra kernels of a target loudspeaker system is utilized as the loudspeaker model and then the loudspeaker model is compensated by the nonlinear IIR filter with the present parameters. Hence, the proposed method requires only an ordinary microphone and can utilize any excitation signal to estimate the nonlinear parameters. Some experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can estimate the parameters more accurately than the conventional estimation method.

  • Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using Sub-Adaptive Filter

    Satoshi OHTA  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E91-A No:4

    In the acoustic echo canceller (AEC), the step-size parameter of the adaptive filter must be varied according to the situation if double talk occurs and/or the echo path changes. We propose an AEC that uses a sub-adaptive filter. The proposed AEC can control the step-size parameter according to the situation. Moreover, it offers superior convergence compared to the conventional AEC even when the double talk and the echo path change occur simultaneously. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed AEC can achieve higher ERLE and faster convergence than the conventional AEC. The computational complexity of the proposed AEC can be reduced by reducing the number of taps of the sub-adaptive filter.

  • Statistical-Mechanical Analysis of Adaptive Volterra Filter with the LMS Algorithm Open Access

    Kimiko MOTONAKA  Tomoya KOSEKI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Seiji MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:12

    The Volterra filter is one of the digital filters that can describe nonlinearity. In this paper, we analyze the dynamic behaviors of an adaptive signal-processing system including the Volterra filter by a statistical-mechanical method. On the basis of the self-averaging property that holds when the tapped delay line is assumed to be infinitely long, we derive simultaneous differential equations in a deterministic and closed form, which describe the behaviors of macroscopic variables. We obtain the exact solution by solving the equations analytically. In addition, the validity of the theory derived is confirmed by comparison with numerical simulations.

  • Frequency Domain Active Noise Control Systems Using the Time Difference Simultaneous Perturbation Method

    Takashi MORI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E86-A No:4

    In this letter, we propose a frequency domain active noise control system using the time difference simultaneous perturbation method. This method is an algorithm based on the simultaneous perturbation method which updates the coefficients of the noise control filter only by use of the error signal. The time difference simultaneous perturbation method updates the filter coefficients by using one kind of error signal, while the simultaneous perturbation method updates the filter coefficients by using two kinds of error signal. In the ANC systems, the time difference simultaneous perturbation method is superior because ANC systems cannot obtain two error signals at the same time. When this method is applied to ANC systems, the convergence speed can be increased to a maximum of twice that of the conventional method.

  • Sound Field Reproduction System Using Simultaneous Perturbation Method

    Kazuya TSUKAMOTO  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E91-A No:3

    In this paper, we propose a novel sound field reproduction system that uses the simultaneous perturbation (SP) method as well as two fast convergence techniques. Sound field reproduction systems that reproduce any desired signal at listener's ear generally use fixed preprocessing filters that are determined by the transfer functions from loudspeakers to control points in advance. However, control point movement results in severe localization errors. Our solution is a sound field reproduction system, based on the SP method, which uses only an error signal to update the filter coefficients. The SP method can track all control point movements but suffers from slow convergence. Hence, we also propose two methods that offer improved convergence speeds. One is a delay control method that compensates the delay caused by back-and-forth control point movements. The other is a compensation method that offsets the localization error caused by head rotation. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed methods can well track control point movements while offering reasonable convergence speeds.

  • Low-Complexity and Accurate Noise Suppression Based on an a Priori SNR Model for Robust Speech Recognition on Embedded Systems and Its Evaluation in a Car Environment

    Masanori TSUJIKAWA  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:9

    In this paper, we propose a low-complexity and accurate noise suppression based on an a priori SNR (Speech to Noise Ratio) model for greater robustness w.r.t. short-term noise-fluctuation. The a priori SNR, the ratio of speech spectra and noise spectra in the spectral domain, represents the difference between speech features and noise features in the feature domain, including the mel-cepstral domain and the logarithmic power spectral domain. This is because logarithmic operations are used for domain conversions. Therefore, an a priori SNR model can easily be expressed in terms of the difference between the speech model and the noise model, which are modeled by the Gaussian mixture models, and it can be generated with low computational cost. By using a priori SNRs accurately estimated on the basis of an a priori SNR model, it is possible to calculate accurate coefficients of noise suppression filters taking into account the variance of noise, without serious increase in computational cost over that of a conventional model-based Wiener filter (MBW). We have conducted in-car speech recognition evaluation using the CENSREC-2 database, and a comparison of the proposed method with a conventional MBW showed that the recognition error rate for all noise environments was reduced by 9%, and that, notably, that for audio-noise environments was reduced by 11%. We show that the proposed method can be processed with low levels of computational and memory resources through implementation on a digital signal processor.

  • An Estimation Method of Parameters for Closed-box Loudspeaker System

    Rika NAKAO  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E91-A No:10

    In this paper, we propose a method that uses Simulated Annealing (SA) to estimate the linear and nonlinear parameters of a closed-box loudspeaker system for implementing effective Mirror filters. The nonlinear parameters determined by W. Klippel's method are sometimes inaccurate and imaginary. In contrast, the proposed method can estimate the parameters with satisfactory accuracy due to its use of SA; the resulting impedance and displacement characteristics match those of an actual equivalent loudspeaker. A Mirror filter designed around these parameters can well compensate the nonlinear distortions of the loudspeaker system. Experiments demonstrate that the method can reduce the levels of nonlinear distortion by 5 dB to 20 dB compared to the before compensation condition.


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