In Information-Centric Networking (ICN), different routing and caching schemes have been proposed to efficiently utilize in-network caches and reduce network traffic. Most of them assume that the popularity distribution of user-requested content is homogeneous. However, the actual popularity distribution measured on the Internet is reported to possess spatial and temporal localities, which can heavily affect caching performance in ICN. Breadcrumbs (BC) routing is a key solution to mitigate performance degradation due to spatial locality because of its ability to flexibly discover cached contents in the off-path. In this paper, we deeply investigate the spatial effects of BC by revealing where utilized cached contents are located, how BC discovers these contents, what kind of contents are found, and how BC fill in the locality gap of content popularity. We also focus on another time-dimension perspective, i.e., the temporal locality of content popularity, and conduct a comprehensive study of how BC routing can be adapted to the spatiotemporal locality of content popularity in ICN.
As a multi-receiver variant of public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS), broadcast encryption with keyword search (BEKS) has been proposed (Attrapadung et al. at ASIACRYPT 2006/Chatterjee-Mukherjee at INDOCRYPT 2018). Unlike broadcast encryption, no receiver anonymity is considered because the test algorithm takes a set of receivers as input and thus a set of receivers needs to be contained in a ciphertext. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of BEKS from anonymous and weakly robust 3-level hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE). The proposed generic construction provides outsider anonymity, where an adversary is allowed to obtain secret keys of outsiders who do not belong to the challenge sets, and provides sublinear-size ciphertext in terms of the number of receivers. Moreover, the proposed construction considers security against chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA) where an adversary is allowed to access a test oracle in the searchable encryption context. The proposed generic construction can be seen as an extension to the Fazio-Perera generic construction of anonymous broadcast encryption (PKC 2012) from anonymous and weakly robust identity-based encryption (IBE) and the Boneh et al. generic construction of PEKS (EUROCRYPT 2004) from anonymous IBE. We run the Fazio-Perera construction employs on the first-level identity and run the Boneh et al. generic construction on the second-level identity, i.e., a keyword is regarded as a second-level identity. The third-level identity is used for providing CCA security by employing one-time signatures. We also introduce weak robustness in the HIBE setting, and demonstrate that the Abdalla et al. generic transformation (TCC 2010/JoC 2018) for providing weak robustness to IBE works for HIBE with an appropriate parameter setting. We also explicitly introduce attractive concrete instantiations of the proposed generic construction from pairings and lattices, respectively.
Yusaku HIRAI Toshimasa MATSUOKA Takatsugu KAMATA Sadahiro TANI Takao ONOYE
This paper presents a multi-channel biomedical sensor system with system-level chopping and stochastic analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion techniques. The system-level chopping technique extends the input-signal bandwidth and reduces the interchannel crosstalk caused by multiplexing. The system-level chopping can replace an analog low-pass filter (LPF) with a digital filter and can reduce its area occupation. The stochastic A/D conversion technique realizes power-efficient resolution enhancement. A novel auto-calibration technique is also proposed for the stochastic A/D conversion technique. The proposed system includes a prototype analog front-end (AFE) IC fabricated using a 130 nm CMOS process. The fabricated AFE IC improved its interchannel crosstalk by 40 dB compared with the conventional analog chopping architecture. The AFE IC achieved SNDR of 62.9 dB at a sampling rate of 31.25 kSps while consuming 9.6 μW from a 1.2 V power supply. The proposed resolution enhancement technique improved the measured SNDR by 4.5 dB.
This article reviews the author’s group research achievements in analog/mixed-signal circuit and system area with introduction of how they came up with the ideas. Analog/mixed-signal circuits and systems have to be designed as well-balanced in many aspects, and coming up ideas needs some experiences and discussions with researchers. It is also heavily dependent on researchers. Here, the author’s group own experiences are presented as well as their research motivations.
This paper reviews and discusses a brief history of Nyquist ADCs. Bipolar flash ADCs for early development stage of HDTV and digital oscilloscopes, a Bi-CMOS two-step flash ADC using resistive interpolation for home HDTV receivers, a CMOS two-step flash ADC using capacitive interpolation for handy camcorders, pipelined ADCs using CMOS operational amplifiers, CMOS flash ADCs using dynamic comparator and digital offset compensation, SAR ADCs using low noise dynamic comparators and MOM capacitors, and hybrid ADCs are reviewed.
This brief presents a side-channel attack (SCA) technique on a high-speed asynchronous successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The proposed dual neural network based on multiple noise waveforms separately discloses sign and absolute value information of input signals which are hidden by the differential structure and high-speed asynchronous operation. The target SAR ADC and on-chip noise monitors are designed on a single prototype chip for SCA demonstration. Fabricated in 40 nm, the experimental results show the proposed attack on the asynchronous SAR ADC successfully restores the input data with a competitive accuracy within 300 mV rms error.
This paper proposes a multiple code block transmission scheme using hierarchical modulation (HM) for a broadcast channel in the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) downlink. We investigate the average bit error rate (BER) performance of two-layer HM using 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and three-layer HM using 64QAM in multipath Rayleigh fading channels. In multiple code block transmission using HM, the basic information bits are demodulated and decoded to all users within a cell that satisfy the bit error rate (BER) requirement. Hence, we investigate non-uniform QAM constellations to find one that suppresses the loss in the average BER of the basic information bits for HM to a low level compared to that using the original constellation in which only the basic information bits are transmitted while simultaneously minimizing the loss in the average BER of the secondary and tertiary information bits from the original constellations in which the information bits of the respective layers are transmitted alone. Based on the path loss equations in the Urban Macro and Rural Macro scenarios, we also investigate the maximum distance from a base station (BS) for the information bits of each layer to attain the required average received signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) that achieves the average BER of 10-3.
Eiki KAYAMA Kenta MORI Taichi MAEBOU Yuanchi CHEN Hao SAN Tatsuji MATSUURA Masao HOTTA
This work presents the thermal noise analysis results of ring amplifiers in the MDAC of cyclic ADC. Ring amplifier is an alternative closed-loop structure for residual signal amplification with MDAC, and two types of ring amplifiers: pseudo-differential and fully-differential ring-amplifiers are considered for the implementation of MDAC in cyclic ADC. Theoretical analysis results show that power of thermal noise in MDAC with a pseudo-differential amplifier is much higher than that with a fully-differential ring-amplifier. SPICE simulation results with transient noise analyses also show the similar trend. Experimental prototype cyclic ADCs in 65nm CMOS technology are implemented with the same architecture and the same circuit components except for amplifiers. Comparison of the measured results of the two ADCs confirms the validity of the theoretical analysis results.
An authentication code (A-code) is a two-party message authentication code in the information-theoretic security setting. One of the variants of A-codes is a multi-receiver authentication code (MRA-code), where there are a single sender and multiple receivers and the sender can create a single authenticator so that all receivers accepts it unless it is maliciously modified. In this paper, we introduce a multi-designated receiver authentication code (MDRA-code) with information-theoretic security as an extension of MRA-codes. The purpose of MDRA-codes is to securely transmit a message via a broadcast channel from a single sender to an arbitrary subset of multiple receivers that have been designated by the sender, and only the receivers in the subset (i.e., not all receivers) should accept the message if an adversary is absent. This paper proposes a model and security formalization of MDRA-codes, and provides constructions of MDRA-codes.
Hongmei CHEN Jian WANG Lanyu WANG Long LI Honghui DENG Xu MENG Yongsheng YIN
This paper presents a fully digital modulation calibration technique for channel mismatch of TIADC at any frequency. By pre-inputting a test signal in TIADC, the mismatch errors are estimated and stored, and the stored values will be extracted for compensation when the input signal is at special frequency which can be detected by a threshold judgement module, thus solving the problem that the traditional modulation calibration algorithm cannot calibrate the signal at special frequency. Then, by adjusting the operation order among the error estimation coefficient, modulation function and input signal in the calibration loop, further, the order of correlation and modulation in the error estimation module, the complexity of the proposed calibration algorithm is greatly reduced and it will not increase with the number of channels of TIADC. What's more, the hardware consumption of filters in calibration algorithm is greatly reduced by introducing a CSD (Canonical Signed Digit) coding technique based on Horner's rule and sub-expression sharing. Applied to a four-channel 14bit 560MHz TIADC system, with input signal at 75.6MHz, the FPGA verification results show that, after calibration, the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) improves from 33.47dB to 99.81dB and signal-to-noise distortion ratio (SNDR) increases from 30.15dB to 81.89dB.
Broadcast services for wireless local area networks (WLANs) are being standardized in the IEEE 802.11 task group bc. Envisaging the upcoming coexistence of broadcast access points (APs) with densely-deployed legacy APs, this paper addresses a learning-based spatial reuse with only partial receiver-awareness. This partial awareness means that the broadcast APs can leverage few acknowledgment frames (ACKs) from recipient stations (STAs). This is in view of the specific concerns of broadcast communications. In broadcast communications for a very large number of STAs, ACK implosions occur unless some STAs are stopped from responding with ACKs. Given this, the main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate the feasibility to improve the robustness of learning-based spatial reuse to hidden interferers only with the partial receiver-awareness while discarding any re-training of broadcast APs. The core idea is to leverage robust adversarial reinforcement learning (RARL), where before a hidden interferer is installed, a broadcast AP learns a rate adaptation policy in a competition with a proxy interferer that provides jamming signals intelligently. Therein, the recipient STAs experience interference and the partial STAs provide a feedback overestimating the effect of interference, allowing the broadcast AP to select a data rate to avoid frame losses in a broad range of recipient STAs. Simulations demonstrate the suppression of the throughput degradation under a sudden installation of a hidden interferer, indicating the feasibility of acquiring robustness to the hidden interferer.
On an overlay network where a number of nodes work autonomously in a decentralized way, the efficiency of broadcasts has a significant impact on the performance of distributed systems built on the network. While a broadcast method using a spanning tree produces a small number of messages, the routing path lengths are prone to be relatively large. Moreover, when multiple nodes can be source nodes, inefficient broadcasts often occur because the efficient tree topology differs for each node. To address this problem, we propose a novel protocol in which a source node selects an efficient tree from multiple spanning trees when broadcasting. Our method shortens routing paths while maintaining a small number of messages. We examined path lengths and the number of messages for broadcasts on various topologies. As a result, especially for a random graph, our proposed method shortened path lengths by approximately 28% compared with a method using a spanning tree, with almost the same number of messages.
Phuong T.K. DINH Linh T.T. DINH Tung T. TRAN Lam S. PHAM Han Le DUC Chi P. HOANG Minh D. NGUYEN
Recently, most signal processing algorithms have been developed with floating-point arithmetic, while the fixed-point arithmetic is more popular with most commercial devices and low-power real-time applications which are implemented on embedded/ASIC/FPGA systems. Therefore, the optimal Floating-point to Fixed-point Conversion (FFC) methodology is a promising solution. In this paper, we propose the FFC consisting of signal grouping technique and simulation-based word length optimization. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed technique, simulations are carried out and hardware co-simulation on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) platform have been applied to complex Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms: Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems, multi-mode Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) circuit for IEEE 802.11 ax WLAN Devices and the calibration algorithm of gain and clock skew in Time-Interleaved ADC (TI-ADC) using Adaptive Noise Canceller (ANC). The results show that the proposed technique can reduce the hardware cost about 30% while being able to maintain its speed and reliability.
Takehiro KITAMURA Mahfuzul ISLAM Takashi HISAKADO Osami WADA
High-speed flash ADCs are useful in high-speed applications such as communication receivers. Due to offset voltage variation in the sub-micron processes, the power consumption and the area increase significantly to suppress variation. As an alternative to suppressing the variation, we have developed a flash ADC architecture that selects the comparators based on offset voltage ranking for reference generation. Specifically, with the order statistics as a basis, our method selects the minimum number of comparators to obtain equally spaced reference values. Because the proposed ADC utilizes offset voltages as references, no resistor ladder is required. We also developed a time-domain sorting mechanism for the offset voltages to achieve on-chip comparator selection. We first perform a detailed analysis of the order statistics based selection method and then design a 4-bit ADC in a commercial 65-nm process and perform transistor-level simulation. When using 127 comparators, INLs of 20 virtual chips are in the range of -0.34LSB/+0.29LSB to -0.83LSB/+0.74LSB, and DNLs are in the range of -0.33LSB/+0.24LSB to -0.77LSB/+1.18LSB at 1-GS/s operation. Our ADC achieves the SNDR of 20.9dB at Nyquist-frequency input and the power consumption of 0.84mW.
LiDAR is a distance sensor that plays a key role in the realization of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). In this paper, we present a tutorial and review of automotive direct time of flight (dToF) LiDAR from the aspect of circuit systems. We discuss the breakthrough in ADAS LiDARs through comparison with the first-generation LiDAR systems, which were conventionally high-cost and had an immature performance. We define current high-performance and low-cost LiDARs as next-generation LiDAR systems, which have significantly improved the cost and performance by integrating the photodetector, the readout circuit, and the signal processing unit into a single SoC. This paper targets reader who is new to ADAS LiDARs and will cover the basic principles of LiDAR, also comparing with range methods other than dToF. In addition, we discuss the development of this area through the latest research examples such as the 2-chip approach, 2D SPAD array, and 3D integrated LiDARs.
Guowei CHEN Xujiaming CHEN Kiichi NIITSU
This brief presents a slope analog-digital converter (ADC)-based supply voltage monitor (SVM) for biofuel-cell-powered supply-sensing systems operating in a supply voltage range of 0.18-0.35V. The proposed SVM is designed to utilize the output of energy harvester extracting power from biological reactions, realizing energy-autonomous sensor interfaces. A burst pulse generator uses a dynamic leakage suppression logic oscillator to generate a stable clock signal under the sub-threshold region for pulse counting. A slope-based voltage-to-time converter is employed to generate a pulse width proportional to the supply voltage with high linearity. The test chip of the proposed SVM is implemented in 180-nm CMOS technology with an active area of 0.018mm2. It consumes 2.1nW at 0.3V and achieves a conversion time of 117-673ms at 0.18-0.35V with a nonlinearity error of -5.5/+8.3mV, achieving an energy-efficient biosensing frontend.
In order to further reduce the transmission rate of multi-channel satellite broadcast signals, whose carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR fluctuates due to rainfall attenuation, we propose a novel digitized radio-over-fiber (DRoF) -based optical re-transmission system based on adaptive combination compression for ultra-high definition (UHD) broadcasting satellite (BS)/communications satellite (CS) broadcast signals. The proposed system reduces the optical re-transmission rate of BS/CS signals as much as possible while handling input CNR fluctuations. Therefore, the transmission rate of communication signals in time-division multiplexing (TDM) transmission is ensured, and network sharing of communication signals and broadcast signals via passive optical network (PON) is realized. Based on the ITU-R P.618-13 prediction model, an experimental evaluation is performed using estimates of the long-term statistics of attenuation due to rainfall. The attenuation is evaluated as a percentage of the time that long-term re-transmission service is available. It is shown that the proposed system is able to accommodate a wide range of rainfall attenuation and achieve a 99.988% time percentage for the duration of service provision. In order to show the rate reduction effect of the proposed system, the quantization bit reduction effect as a function of the input CNR, which depends on rainfall attenuation, is experimentally confirmed. Experiments show that service operation time of 99.978% can be achieved by 3-bit transmission. This means a 62.5% reduction in transmission rate is realized compared to conventional fixed quantization. Furthermore, the average quantization bit number in our system for service operation times is 3.000, indicating that most service operation times are covered by just 3-bit transmission.
Fukashi MORISHITA Wataru SAITO Norihito KATO Yoichi IIZUKA Masao ITO
This paper proposes novel test techniques for high accuracy measurement of ADCs and a ramp generator on a CMOS image sensor (CIS) chip. The test circuit for the ADCs has a dual path and has an ability of multi-functional fine pattern generator that can define any input for each column to evaluate CIS specific characteristics electrically. The test circuit for the ramp generator can realize an on-chip current cell test and reject the current cell failure within 1LSB accuracy. We fabricated the test sensor using 55nm CIS process and measured the IP characteristics. Measured results show INL of 14.6LSB, crosstalk of 14.9LSB and column interference noise of 5.4LSB. These measured results agree with the designed values. By using this technique, we confirmed the accurate ADC measurement can be realized without being affected by the ambiguity of the optical input.
This paper studies the performance of quantized massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with superimposed pilots (SP), using linear minimum mean-square-error (LMMSE) channel estimation and maximum ratio combining (MRC) detection. In contrast to previous works, arbitrary-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are considered. We derive an accurate approximation of the uplink achievable rate considering the removal of estimated pilots. Based on the analytical expression, the optimal pilot power factor that maximizes the achievable rate is deduced and an expression for energy efficiency (EE) is given. In addition, the achievable rate and the optimal power allocation policy under some asymptotic limits are analyzed. Analysis shows that the systems with higher-resolution ADCs or larger number of base station (BS) antennas need to allocate more power to pilots. In contrast, more power needs to be allocated to data when the channel is slowly varying. Numerical results show that in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region, for 1-bit quantizers, SP outperforms time-multiplexed pilots (TP) in most cases, while for systems with higher-resolution ADCs, the SP scheme is suitable for the scenarios with comparatively small number of BS antennas and relatively long channel coherence time.
In this paper, we propose rate adaptation mechanisms for robust and low-latency video transmissions exploiting multiple access points (Multi-AP) wireless local area networks (WLANs). The Multi-AP video transmissions employ link-level broadcast and packet-level forward error correction (FEC) in order to realize robust and low-latency video transmissions from a WLAN station (STA) to a gateway (GW). The PHY (physical layer) rate and FEC rate play a key role to control trade-off between the achieved reliability and airtime (i.e., occupancy period of the shared channel) for Multi-AP WLANs. In order to finely control this trade-off while improving the transmitted video quality, the proposed rate adaptation controls PHY rate and FEC rate to be employed for Multi-AP transmissions based on the link quality and frame format of conveyed video traffic. With computer simulations, we evaluate and investigate the effectiveness of the proposed rate adaptation in terms of packet delivery rate (PDR), airtime, delay, and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). Furthermore, the quality of video is assessed by using the traffic encoded/decoded by the actual video encoder/decoder. All these results show that the proposed rate adaptation controls trade-off between the reliability and airtime well while offering the high-quality and low-latency video transmissions.