Shunsuke UEDA Ken IKUTA Takuya KUSAKA Md. Al-Amin KHANDAKER Md. Arshad ALI Yasuyuki NOGAMI
Generalized Minimum Distance (GMD) decoding is a well-known soft-decision decoding for linear codes. Previous research on GMD decoding focused mainly on unquantized AWGN channels with BPSK signaling for binary linear codes. In this paper, a study on the design of a 4-level uniform quantizer for GMD decoding is given. In addition, an extended version of a GMD decoding algorithm for a 4-level quantizer is proposed, and the effectiveness of the proposed decoding is shown by simulation.
In recent years, since Turbo and LDPC codes are very close to the Shannon limit, a great deal of attention has been placed on the capacity of AWGN and fading channels with arbitrary inputs. However, no closed-form solution has been developed due to the complicated Gaussian integrations. In this paper, we investigate the capacity of AWGN and fading channels with BPSK/QPSK modulation. First, a simple series representation with fast-convergence for the capacity of AWGN is developed. Further, based on the series expression, the capacity of fading channels including Rayleigh, Nakagami and Rice fading can be obtained through some special functions. Numerical results verify the accuracy and convergence speed of the proposed expressions for the capacity of AWGN and fading channels.
In this paper, a study of a sufficient condition on the optimality of a decoded codeword of soft-decision decodings for binary linear codes is shown for a quantized case. A typical uniform 4-level quantizer for soft-decision decodings is employed for the analysis. Simulation results on the (64,42,8) Reed-Muller code indicates that the condition is effective for SN ratios at 3[dB] or higher for any iterative style optimum decodings.
In this paper, we theoretically analyse the influence of intersymbol interference (ISI) and continuous wave interference (CWI) on the bit error rate (BER) performance of the spread spectrum (SS) system using a real-valued Huffman sequence under the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) environment. The aperiodic correlation function of the Huffman sequence has zero sidelobes except the shift-end values at the left and right ends of shift. The system can give the unified communication and ranging system because the output of a matched filter (MF) is the ideal impulse by generating transmitted signal of the bit duration T=NTc, N=2n, n=1,2,… from the sequence of length M=2kN+1, k=0,1,…, where Tc is the chip duration and N is the spreading factor. As a result, the BER performance of the system is improved with decrease in the absolute value of the shift-end value, and is not influenced by ISI if the shift-end value is almost zero-value. In addition, the BER performance of the system of the bit duration T=NTc with CWI is improved with increase in the sequence length M=2kN+1, and the system can decrease the influence of CWI.
In this paper, the Voronoi region of the transmitted codeword is employed to improve the sphere bound on the maximum-likelihood decoding (MLD) performance of binary linear block codes over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. We obtain the improved sphere bounds both on the frame-error probability and the bit-error probability. With the framework of the sphere bound proposed by Kasami et al., we derive the conditional decoding error probability on the spheres by defining a subset of the Voronoi region of the transmitted codeword, since the Voronoi regions of a binary linear block code govern the decoding error probability analysis over AWGN channels. The proposed bound improves the sphere bound by Kasami et al. and the sphere bound by Herzberg and Poltyrev. The computational complexity of the proposed bound is similar to that of the sphere bound by Kasami et al.
In this paper, a study on the design and implementation of uniform 4-level quantizers for soft-decision decodings for binary linear codes is shown. Simulation results on quantized Viterbi decoding with a 4-level quantizer for the (64,42,8) Reed-Muller code show that the optimum stepsize, which is derived from the cutoff rate, gives an almost optimum error performance. In addition, the simulation results show that the case where the number of optimum codewords is larger than the one for a received sequence causes non-negligible degradation on error performance at high SN ratios of Eb/N0.
We propose a compact matrix-switch-based hierarchical optical cross-connect (HOXC) architecture that effectively handles the colorless waveband add/drop ratio restriction so as to realize switch scale reduction. In order to implement the colorless waveband add/drop function, we develop a wavelength MUX/DMUX that can be commonly used by different wavebands. We prove that the switch scale of the proposed HOXC is much smaller than that of conventional single-layer optical cross-connects (OXCs) and a typical HOXC. Furthermore, we introduce a prototype system based on the proposed architecture that utilizes integrated novel wavelength MUXs/DMUXs. Transmission experiments prove its technical feasibility.
Toshikazu SAKANO Akihiro KADOHATA Yoshiaki SONE Atsushi WATANABE Masahiko JINNO
The popularity of cloud computing services is driving the boom in building mega-datacenters. This trend is forcing significant increases in the required scale of the intra-datacenter network. To meet this requirement, this paper proposes a photonic network architecture based on a multi-layer hypercube topology. The proposed architecture uses the Cyclic-Frequency Arrayed Waveguide Grating (CF-AWG) device to realize a multi-layer hypercube and properly combines several multiplexing systems that include Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), Wave-Band Division Multiplexing (WBDM) and Space Division Multiplexing (SDM). An estimation of the achievable network scale reveals that the proposed architecture can achieve a Peta-bit to Exa-bit class, large scale hypercube network with existing technologies.
Hristo KOSTADINOV Hiroyoshi MORITA Nikolai MANEV
Integer codes correct errors of a given type, which means that for a given communication channel and modulator we can choose the type of the errors (which are the most common) then construct integer code capable of correcting those errors. A new general construction of single (1) error correctable integer codes will be presented. Comparison between single and multiple (1) error correctable integer codes over AWGN channel using QAM scheme will be presented.
We study the use of the additive white Gaussian noise channel to achieve a cryptographic primitive that is important in secure multiparty computation. A protocol for unconditionally secure oblivious transfer is presented. We show that channel input alphabets with a certain algebraic structure and their partitions are useful in achieving the requirements on the primitive. Signal design for a protocol with high information rate is discussed.
Integer codes are very flexible and can be applied in different modulation schemes. A soft decoding algorithm for integer codes will be introduced. Comparison of symbol error probability (SEP) versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) between soft and hard decoding using integer coded modulation shows us that we can obtain at least 2 dB coding gain. Also, we shall compare our results with trellis coded modulation (TCM) because of their similar decoding schemes and complexity.
In this paper, we consider the error performance of the regular triangular quadrature amplitude modulation (TQAM). In particular, using an accurate exponential bound of the complementary error function, we derive a simple approximation for the average symbol error rate (SER) of TQAM over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and fading channels. The accuracy of our approach is verified by some simulation results.
Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is an emerging video coding approach, particularly attractive due to its flexibility to implement low complex encoders. This feature could be very effectively utilized in a number of video sensor based application scenarios. However, DVC is still in the process of development and currently available codec implementations are based on a number of hypothetical models and assumptions. In DVC, the effects of noise and fading on the compressed payload (parity bit stream) in real video communications and the resultant modified channel model scenario have not been discussed in literature. In this paper, a solution to the above problem in turbo coding based DVC is discussed incorporating a novel dual channel model for the maximum a-posteriori (MAP) algorithm for turbo decoding. The simulations for AWGN and wireless channels at different group of picture (GOP) sizes show that the proposed algorithm improves the rate distortion performance compared to the existing decoding algorithm. It also outperforms the H.264/AVC I-P-I-P codec (v10.1/baseline profile); particularly at low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) levels of the channel, thus enabling DVC as a viable and efficient option for video communications.
We consider the problem of secret key agreement in Gaussian Maurer's Model. In Gaussian Maurer's model, legitimate receivers, Alice and Bob, and a wire-tapper, Eve, receive signals randomly generated by a satellite through three independent memoryless Gaussian channels respectively. Then Alice and Bob generate a common secret key from their received signals. In this model, we propose a protocol for generating a common secret key by using the result of soft-decision of Alice and Bob's received signals. Then, we calculate a lower bound on the secret key rate in our proposed protocol. As a result of comparison with the protocol that only uses hard-decision, we found that the higher rate is obtained by using our protocol.
Considering the inaccuracy of image registration, we propose a new regularization restoration algorithm to solve the ill-posed super-resolution (SR) problem. Registration error is used to obtain cross-channel error information caused by inaccurate image registration. The registration error is considered as the noise mean added into the within-channel observation noise which is known as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Based on this consideration, two constraints are regulated pixel by pixel within the framework of Miller's regularization. Regularization parameters connect the two constraints to construct a cost function. The regularization parameters are estimated adaptively in each pixel in terms of the registration error and in each observation channel in terms of the AWGN. In the iterative implementation of the proposed algorithm, sub-sampling operation and sampling aliasing in the detector model are dealt with respectively to make the restored HR image approach the original one further. The transpose of the sub-sampling operation is implemented by nearest interpolation. Simulations show that the proposed regularization algorithm can restore HR images with much sharper edges and greater SNR improvement.
Recently we proposed a new waveband MUX/DEMUX that uses two concatenated cyclic AWGs. We analyse and formulate connection arrangements of the waveguides connecting the two AWGs. The port utilization of the device is shown to be 100% with bi-directional input fibers.
In wide-band code division multiple access (WCDMA), orthogonal variable spreading factors (OVSF) codes are assigned to different users to preserve the orthogonality between users' physical channels. In this letter, we present the dual OVSF code, which can transmit the variable data rates by suing two different modulated signals without loss of the orthogonality. The bit error rate (BER) performance under a multi-user environment suffering the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and correlations of those codes are evaluated. The results demonstrate that the proposed dual OVSF scheme could provide flexible rates and lower correlation values with a slight increase in complexity.
Decode-and-forward cooperative communications protocol (DFP) allows single-antenna users in wireless medium to obtain the powerful benefits of multi-antenna systems without physical antenna arrays. So far, only signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or square amplitude of path gain has been used to evaluate the reliability of received signals for relays to decide whether to forward the decoded data so as to prevent unsuccessful detection at the relays. In this paper, we propose using log-likelihood ratio (LLR) as an alternative to SNR in the conventional DFP. Closed-form BER expressions for different versions of DFP are also derived and verified by Monte-Carlo simulations. A variety of numerical results reveal the significant superiority of LLR-based DFP to SNR-based DFP regardless of threshold level and relay position under flat Rayleigh fading channel plus additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN).
Cooperative transmission among users in multiple access wireless environments is an efficient way to obtain the powerful benefits of multi-antenna systems without the need for physical arrays. Its performance in relay networks were extensively analyzed but most papers only focused on the case of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or loose power constraints. Based on the approximation of total SNR distributions of the propagation paths through relays as the exponential functions, we derive the analytical BER expression in a simple form for general relay networks under strict power restriction. Numerical and simulation results reveal the high accuracy of the distribution estimation as well as the high reliability of the deduced formula, especially at the low SNR.
Hristo KOSTADINOV Hiroyoshi MORITA Nikolai MANEV
In this paper we present the exact expressions for the bit error probability over a Gaussian noise channel of coded QAM using single error correcting integer codes. It is shown that the proposed integer codes have a better performance with respect to the lower on the bit error probability for trellis coded modulation.