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[Keyword] COP(350hit)


  • Investigation on the Vertical Alignment Transition by UV-Irradiation after Slit-Coating of UV-Curable Mesogen-Added Liquid Crystals Open Access

    Yuki IMAMURA  Daiki FUJII  Yuki ENOMOTO  Yuichi UENO  Yosei SHIBATA  Munehiro KIMURA  


    E108-C No:2

    The slit coater method is an excellent liquid crystal (LC) alignment control technique that can order the LC alignment even on plastic substrates without pre-forming optional LC alignment films. However, controlling an arbitrary pretilt angle is still one of the issues. To elucidate the essence of the mechanism of the alignment transition from the planer to vertical alignment by UV polymerization, an in-liquid atomic force microscope was introduced. As a result, it was deduced that the LC alignment transition is induced by the realignment of mesogenic groups rather than surface topological change.

  • A Framework for Modeling Airspace Traffic Flow without Using Any Specific Waypoints Open Access

    Kenji UEHARA  Kunihiko HIRAISHI  

    PAPER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E108-A No:1

    In this paper, we present a framework for composing discrete-event simulation models from a large amount of airspace traffic data without using any specific waypoints. The framework consists of two parts. In the first part, abstracted route graphs that indicate representative routes in the airspace are composed. We propose two methods for extracting important routes in the form of graphs based on combination of various technologies such as space partition, trajectory clustering, and skeleton extraction. In the second part, discrete-event simulation models are composed based on statistical information on flight time along each edge of the abstracted route graph. The composed simulation models have intermediate granularity between micro models, such as multi-agent simulation, and macro models, such as queuing models, and therefore they should be classified as mesoscopic models. Finally, we show numerical results to evaluate the accuracy of the simulation model.

  • Unsupervised Intrusion Detection Based on Asymmetric Auto-Encoder Feature Extraction Open Access

    Chunbo LIU  Liyin WANG  Zhikai ZHANG  Chunmiao XIANG  Zhaojun GU  Zhi WANG  Shuang WANG  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E107-D No:9

    Aiming at the problem that large-scale traffic data lack labels and take too long for feature extraction in network intrusion detection, an unsupervised intrusion detection method ACOPOD based on Adam asymmetric autoencoder and COPOD (Copula-Based Outlier Detection) algorithm is proposed. This method uses the Adam asymmetric autoencoder with a reduced structure to extract features from the network data and reduce the data dimension. Then, based on the Copula function, the joint probability distribution of all features is represented by the edge probability of each feature, and then the outliers are detected. Experiments on the published NSL-KDD dataset with six other traditional unsupervised anomaly detection methods show that ACOPOD achieves higher precision and has obvious advantages in running speed. Experiments on the real civil aviation air traffic management network dataset further prove that the method can effectively detect intrusion behavior in the real network environment, and the results are interpretable and helpful for attack source tracing.

  • Rotation-Invariant Convolution Networks with Hexagon-Based Kernels

    Yiping TANG  Kohei HATANO  Eiji TAKIMOTO  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E107-D No:2

    We introduce the Hexagonal Convolutional Neural Network (HCNN), a modified version of CNN that is robust against rotation. HCNN utilizes a hexagonal kernel and a multi-block structure that enjoys more degrees of rotation information sharing than standard convolution layers. Our structure is easy to use and does not affect the original tissue structure of the network. We achieve the complete rotational invariance on the recognition task of simple pattern images and demonstrate better performance on the recognition task of the rotated MNIST images, synthetic biomarker images and microscopic cell images than past methods, where the robustness to rotation matters.

  • RR-Row: Redirect-on-Write Based Virtual Machine Disk for Record/Replay

    Ying ZHAO  Youquan XIAN  Yongnan LI  Peng LIU  Dongcheng LI  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E107-D No:2

    Record/replay is one essential tool in clouds to provide many capabilities such as fault tolerance, software debugging, and security analysis by recording the execution into a log and replaying it deterministically later on. However, in virtualized environments, the log file increases heavily due to saving a considerable amount of I/O data, finally introducing significant storage costs. To mitigate this problem, this paper proposes RR-Row, a redirect-on-write based virtual machine disk for record/replay scenarios. RR-Row appends the written data into new blocks rather than overwrites the original blocks during normal execution so that all written data are reserved in the disk. In this way, the record system only saves the block id instead of the full content, and the replay system can directly fetch the data from the disk rather than the log, thereby reducing the log size a lot. In addition, we propose several optimizations for improving I/O performance so that it is also suitable for normal execution. We implement RR-Row for QEMU and conduct a set of experiments. The results show that RR-Row reduces the log size by 68% compared to the currently used Raw/QCow2 disk without compromising I/O performance.

  • Re-Evaluating Syntax-Based Negation Scope Resolution

    Asahi YOSHIDA  Yoshihide KATO  Shigeki MATSUBARA  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E107-D No:1

    Negation scope resolution is the process of detecting the negated part of a sentence. Unlike the syntax-based approach employed in previous researches, state-of-the-art methods performed better without the explicit use of syntactic structure. This work revisits the syntax-based approach and re-evaluates the effectiveness of syntactic structure in negation scope resolution. We replace the parser utilized in the prior works with state-of-the-art parsers and modify the syntax-based heuristic rules. The experimental results demonstrate that the simple modifications enhance the performance of the prior syntax-based method to the same level as state-of-the-art end-to-end neural-based methods.

  • No Reference Quality Assessment of Contrast-Distorted SEM Images Based on Global Features

    Fengchuan XU  Qiaoyue LI  Guilu ZHANG  Yasheng CHANG  Zixuan ZHENG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E106-D No:11

    This letter presents a global feature-based method for evaluating the no reference quality of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) contrast-distorted images. Based on the characteristics of SEM images and the human visual system, the global features of SEM images are extracted as the score for evaluating image quality. In this letter, the texture information of SEM images is first extracted using a low-pass filter with orientation, and the amount of information in the texture part is calculated based on the entropy reflecting the complexity of the texture. The singular values with four scales of the original image are then calculated, and the amount of structural change between different scales is calculated and averaged. Finally, the amounts of texture information and structural change are pooled to generate the final quality score of the SEM image. Experimental results show that the method can effectively evaluate the quality of SEM contrast-distorted images.

  • Digital Rights Management System of Media Convergence Center Based on Ethereum and IPFS

    Runde YU  Zhuowen LI  Zhe CHEN  Gangyi DING  

    PAPER-Multimedia Pattern Processing

    E106-D No:8

    In order to solve the problems of copyrights infringement, high cost and complex process of rights protection in current media convergence center, a digital rights management system based on blockchain technology and IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) technology is proposed. Considering that large files such as video and audio cannot be stored on the blockchain directly, IPFS technology is adopted as the data expansion scheme for the data storage layer of the Ethereum platform, IPFS protocol is further used for distributed data storage and transmission of media content. In addition, smart contract is also used to uniquely identify digital rights through NFT (Non-fungible Tokens), which provides the characteristics of digital rights transferability and traceability, and realizes an open, transparent, tamper-proof and traceable digital rights management system for media convergence center. Several experimental results show that it has higher transaction success rate, lower storage consumption and transaction confirmation delay than existing scheme.

  • Terahertz Radiations and Switching Phenomena of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in High-Temperature Superconductors: Josephson Phase Dynamics in Long- and Short-Ranged Interactions Open Access

    Itsuhiro KAKEYA  


    E106-C No:6

    Studies on intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) of cuprate superconductors are reviewed. A system consisting of a few IJJs provides phenomena to test the Josephson phase dynamics and its interaction between adjacent IJJs within a nanometer scale, which is unique to cuprate superconductors. Quasiparticle density of states, which provides direct information on the Cooper-pair formation, is also revealed in the system. In contrast, Josephson plasma emission, which is an electromagnetic wave radiation in the sub-terahertz frequency range from an IJJ stack, arises from the synchronous phase dynamics of hundreds of IJJs coupled globally. This review summarizes a wide range of physical phenomena in IJJ systems having capacitive and inductive couplings with different nanometer and micrometer length scales, respectively.

  • A Data-Driven Gain Tuning Method for Automatic Hovering Control of Multicopters via Just-in-Time Modeling

    Tatsuya KAI  Ryouhei KAKURAI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E106-A No:3

    This study develops a new automatic hovering control method based on just-in-time modeling for a multicopter. Especially, the main aim is to compute gains of a feedback control law such that the multicopter hovers at a desired height and at a desired time without overshoot/undershoot. First, a database that contains various hovering data is constructed, and then the proposed method computes gains for a query input from the database. From simulation results, it turns out that the multicopter achieves control purposes, and hence the new method is effective.

  • Admittance Spectroscopy Up to 67 GHz in InGaAs/InAlAs Triple-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diodes

    Kotaro AIKAWA  Michihiko SUHARA  Takumi KIMURA  Junki WAKAYAMA  Takeshi MAKINO  Katsuhiro USUI  Kiyoto ASAKAWA  Kouichi AKAHANE  Issei WATANABE  


    E105-C No:10

    S-parameters of InGaAs/InAlAs triple-barrier resonant tunneling diodes (TBRTDs) were measured up to 67 GHz with various mesa areas and various bias voltages. Admittance data of bare TBRTDs are deembedded and evaluated by getting rid of parasitic components with help of electromagnetic simulations for particular fabricated device structures. Admittance spectroscopy up to 67 GHz is applied for bare TBRTDs for the first time and a Kramers-Kronig relation with Lorentzian function is found to be a consistent model for the admittance especially in cases of low bias conditions. Relaxation time included in the Lorentzian function are tentatively evaluated as the order of several pico second.

  • Non-Destructive Inspection of Twisted Wire in Resin Cover Using Terahertz Wave Open Access

    Masaki NAKAMORI  Yukihiro GOTO  Tomoya SHIMIZU  Nazuki HONDA  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E105-B No:10

    We proposed a new method for evaluating the deterioration of messenger wires by using terahertz waves. We use terahertz time-domain spectroscopy to measure several twisted wire samples with different levels of deterioration. We find that each twisted wire sample had a different distribution of reflection intensity which was due to the wires' twist structure. We show that it is possible to assess the degradation from the straight lines present in the reflection intensity distribution image. Furthermore, it was confirmed that our method can be applied to wire covered with resin.

  • Detection Performance Analysis of Distributed-Processing Multistatic Radar System with Different Multivariate Dependence Models in Local Decisions

    Van Hung PHAM  Tuan Hung NGUYEN  Hisashi MORISHITA  


    E105-B No:9

    In a previous study, we proposed a new method based on copula theory to evaluate the detection performance of distributed-processing multistatic radar systems, in which the dependence of local decisions was modeled by a Gaussian copula with linear dependence and no tail dependence. However, we also noted that one main limitation of the study was the lack of investigations on the tail-dependence and nonlinear dependence among local detectors' inputs whose densities have long tails and are often used to model clutter and wanted signals in high-resolution radars. In this work, we attempt to overcome this shortcoming by extending the application of the proposed method to several types of multivariate copula-based dependence models to clarify the effects of tail-dependence and different dependence models on the system detection performance in detail. Our careful analysis provides two interesting and important clarifications: first, the detection performance degrades significantly with tail dependence; and second, this degradation mainly originates from the upper tail dependence, while the lower tail and nonlinear dependence unexpectedly improve the system performance.

  • Position Estimation for the Capsule Endoscope Using High-Definition Numerical Human Body Model and Measurement Open Access

    Akihiro YOSHITAKE  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E105-B No:7

    Currently, wireless power transmission technology is being developed for capsule endoscopes. By removing the battery, the capsule endoscope is miniaturized, the number of images that can be taken increases, and the risk of harmful substances leaking from the battery when it is damaged inside the body is avoided. Furthermore, diagnostic accuracy is improved by adjusting the directivity of radio waves according to the position of the capsule endoscope to improve efficiency and adjusting the number of images to be taken according to position by real-time position estimation. In this study, we report the result of position estimation in a high-definition numerical human body model and in an experiment on an electromagnetic phantom.

  • Image Quality Improvement for Capsule Endoscopy Based on Compressed Sensing with K-SVD Dictionary Learning

    Yuuki HARADA  Daisuke KANEMOTO  Takahiro INOUE  Osamu MAIDA  Tetsuya HIROSE  


    E105-A No:4

    Reducing the power consumption of capsule endoscopy is essential for its further development. We introduce K-SVD dictionary learning to design a dictionary for sparse coding, and improve reconstruction accuracy of capsule endoscopic images captured using compressed sensing. At a compression ratio of 20%, the proposed method improves image quality by approximately 4.4 dB for the peak signal-to-noise ratio.

  • Three-Stage Padding Configuration for Sparse Arrays with Larger Continuous Virtual Aperture and Increased Degrees of Freedom

    Abdul Hayee SHAIKH  Xiaoyu DANG  Imran A. KHOSO  Daqing HUANG  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E105-A No:3

    A three-stage padding configuration providing a larger continuous virtual aperture and achieving more degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) for the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is presented. The improvement is realized by appropriately cascading three-stages of an identical inter-element spacing. Each stage advantageously exhibits a continuous virtual array, which subsequently produces a hole-free resulting uniform linear array. The geometrical approach remains applicable for any existing sparse array structures with a hole-free coarray, as well as designed in the future. In addition to enlarging the continuous virtual aperture and DOFs, the proposed design offers flexibility so that it can be realized for any given number of antennas. Moreover, a special padding configuration is demonstrated, which further increases the number of continuous virtual sensors. The precise antenna locations and the number of continuous virtual positions are benefited from the closed-form expressions. Experimental works are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed configuration.

  • A Spectral Analyzer Based on Dual Coprime DFT Filter Banks and Sub-Decimation

    Xueyan ZHANG  Libin QU  Zhangkai LUO  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E105-B No:1

    Coprime (pair of) DFT filter banks (coprime DFTFB), which process signals like a spectral analyzer in time domain, divides the power spectrum equally into MN bands by employing two DFT filter banks (DFTFBs) of size only M and N respectively, where M and N are coprime integers. With coprime DFTFB, frequencies in wide sense stationary (WSS) signals can be effectively estimated with a much lower sampling rates than the Nyquist rates. However, the imperfection of practical FIR filter and the correlation based detection mode give rise to two kinds of spurious peaks in power spectrum estimation, that greatly limit the application of coprime DFTFB. Through detailed analysis of the spurious peaks, this paper proposes a modified spectral analyzer based on dual coprime DFTFBs and sub-decimation, which not only depresses the spurious peaks, but also improves the frequency estimation accuracy. The mathematical principle proof of the proposed spectral analyzer is also provided. In discussion of simultaneous signals detection, an O-extended MN-band coprime DFTFB (OExt M-N coprime DFTFB) structure is naturally deduced, where M, N, and O are coprime with each other. The original MN-band coprime DFTFB (M-N coprime DFTFB) can be seen a special case of the OExt M-N coprime DFTFB with extending factor O equals ‘1’. In the numerical simulation section, BPSK signals with random carrier frequencies are employed to test the proposed spectral analyzer. The results of detection probability versus SNR curves through 1000 Monte Carlo experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed spectrum analyzer.

  • A New Method Based on Copula Theory for Evaluating Detection Performance of Distributed-Processing Multistatic Radar System

    Van Hung PHAM  Tuan Hung NGUYEN  Duc Minh NGUYEN  Hisashi MORISHITA  


    E105-B No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new method based on copula theory to evaluate the detection performance of a distributed-processing multistatic radar system (DPMRS). By applying the Gaussian copula to model the dependence of local decisions in a DPMRS as well as data fusion rules of AND, OR, and K/N, the performance of a DPMRS for detecting Swerling fluctuating targets can be easily evaluated even under non-Gaussian clutter with a nonuniform dependence matrix. The reliability and flexibility of this method are validated by applying the proposed method to a previous problem by other authors, and our other investigation results indicate its high potential for evaluating DPMRS performance in various cases involving different models of target and clutter.

  • Faster SET Operation in Phase Change Memory with Initialization Open Access

    Yuchan WANG  Suzhen YUAN  Wenxia ZHANG  Yuhan WANG  

    PAPER-Electronic Materials

    E104-C No:11

    In conclusion, an initialization method has been introduced and studied to improve the SET speed in PCM. Before experiment verification, a two-dimensional finite analysis is used, and the results illustrate the proposed method is feasible to improve SET speed. Next, the R-I performances of the discrete PCM device and the resistance distributions of a 64 M bits PCM test chip with and without the initialization have been studied and analyzed, which confirms that the writing speed has been greatly improved. At the same time, the resistance distribution for the repeated initialization operations suggest that a large number of PCM cells have been successfully changed to be in an intermediate state, which is thought that only a shorter current pulse can make the cells SET successfully in this case. Compared the transmission electron microscope (TEM) images before and after initialization, it is found that there are some small grains appeared after initialization, which indicates that the nucleation process of GST has been carried out, and only needs to provide energy for grain growth later.

  • Desirable ITS Communication for Safety: Evaluation by the TsRm Evaluation Method for Overengineering Prevention, and Discussion About Sensor and Communication Fusion

    Ikkei HASEBE  Takaaki HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E104-A No:10

    In this paper, for the purpose of clarifying the desired ITS information and communication systems considering both safety and social feasibility to prevention overengineering, using a microscopic traffic flow simulator, we discuss the required information acquisition rate of three types of safety driving support systems, that is, the sensor type and the communication type, the sensor and communication fusion type. Performances are evaluated from the viewpoint of preventing overengineering performance using the “TsRm evaluation method” that considers a vehicle approaching within the range of R meters within T seconds as the vehicle with a high possibility of collision, and that evaluates only those vehicles. The results show that regarding the communication radius and the sensing range, overengineering performance may be estimated when all vehicles in the evaluation area are used for evaluations without considering each vehicle's location, velocity and acceleration as in conventional evaluations. In addition, it is clarified that the sensor and communication fusion type system is advantageous by effectively complementing the defects of the sensor type systems and the communication type systems.


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