1-2hit |
Hiroaki TSUCHIYA Katsuyuki HANEDA Jun-ichi TAKADA
In this paper, an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) double-directional channel sounding measurement and spatio-temporal analysis of UWB propagation based on the clusterization approach were reported. After separating the propagation paths and diffuse components both on the transmitter (Tx) antenna and receiver (Rx) antenna positions, the propagation paths both on Tx and Rx positions were observed for clusters separately, while coupling the clusters between Tx and Rx position based on similar time of arrivals, and ray tracing by utilizing high temporal and spatial resolution, respectively. The relation between direction of departure and direction of arrival will then be investigated. For cluster properties, parameters of model characteristics are discussed and compared to other earlier works.
Katsuyuki HANEDA Jun-ichi TAKADA Takehiko KOBAYASHI
This paper introduces the concept of measuring double directional channels in ultra wideband (UWB) systems. Antenna-independent channel data were derived by doing the measurements in a wooden Japanese house. The data were useful for investigating the impact of UWB antennas and analyzing waveform distortion. Up to 100 ray paths were extracted using the SAGE algorithm and they were regarded as being dominant. The paths were then identified in a real environment, in which clusterization analyses were done using the directional information on both sides of the radio link. Propagating power was found to be concentrated around the specular directions of reflection and diffraction. This led to the observation that the spatio-temporal characteristics of extracted paths greatly reflected the structure and size of the environment. The power in the clusters indicated that the estimated 100 paths contained 73% of the total received power, while the rest existed as diffuse scattering, i.e., the accumulation of weaker paths. The practical limits of path extraction with SAGE were also discussed. Finally, we derived the scattering loss and intra-cluster properties for each reflection order, which were crucial for channel reconstrucion based on the deterministic approach.