Mitsuru UESUGI Osamu KATO Koichi HOMMA
The Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems (FPLMTS) standards have made it quite clear that in the near future, the capability in doing wireless data transmission will become necessary in order to make the tether-free use of multimedia applications possible. CDMA is considered the most appropriate and probable radio access method of FPLMTS for its high capacity and flexibility in accommodation of multimedia and variable rate users. In order to further increase the capacity of CDMA system, several techniques have been studied and proposed such as an interference canceller and adaptive array antenna. We propose the novel multi-user detection type interference cancellation technique named SRIC (Symbol Ranking type IC) in this paper. SRIC is very feasible for its small amount of operation compared with other multi-user detection type ICs and can be added to a base station with slight alteration according to the requirement of higher capacity. The performance of SRIC depends on the method of calculating the likelihood. We studied three methods. In order to reduce the operations, we tried to propose two more methods. We confirmed that SRIC can make the system capacity about three times greater than that of a conventional RAKE receiver. We also confirmed that SRIC can be reduce its operations very much at some sacrifice of their performance. There are nine variants of SRIC, which have a trade off between performance and amount of operation. We can choose one of them which is most fit to our requirement. The first operation of SRIC is common with that of a conventional RAKE receiver. Therefore, SRIC can be introduced to conventional systems afterwards by inserting the interference canceller block which functions replica generation, removal, and ranking between output of a RAKE receiver and FEC decoder.
In this paper, CDMA slotted ALOHA system with finite size of buffers is proposed. To analyze the system performance, we use the linear approximate solution based on restricted occupancy urn models. We evaluate the system performance in terms of throughput, average delay, and rejection probability and clarify the effect of buffer capacity.
HyoungGoo JEON SooKun KWON ChangEon KANG
We propose an approach to obtain the relation between the number of voice call users and the number of data call users in the reverse link of a DS-CDMA cellular system with mixed rate traffic. The analyzed results show that as the number of data call users with high bit rate increases, the number of allowable voice call users decreases rapidly and linearly.
Bursts from a number of variable bit rate sources allocated to a virtual path with a given capacity can inundate the channel. Buffers used to take care of such bursts can fill up rapidly. The buffer size limits its burst handling capability. With large bursts or a number of consecutive bursts, the buffers fill up and this leads to high cell losses. Channel reconfiguration with dynamic allocation of spare capacities is one of the methods used to alleviate such cell losses. In reconfigurable networks, spare capacity allocation can increase the channel rates for short durations, to cope with the excess loads from the bursts. The dynamic capacity allocations are adaptable to the loads and have fast response times. We propose heuristic rules for spare capacity assignments in ATM networks. By monitoring buffer occupancy, triggers which anticipate excess traffic can be used to assign spare capacities to reduce the cell loss probabilities in the network.
In communication networks there is a growing need for ensuring that networks maintain service despite failures. To meet the need, the concept of δ-reliable channel is introduced; it is a set of communication channels along a set of paths. The δ-reliable channel meets the requirement that if a link or node fails, failure is limited to a maximum of δ f (f total capacity of the channels, and 0<δ 1). The max-flow min-cut theorem of δ-reliable flow has been proved for the single-commodity case. In this paper we give a method for evaluating the maximum δ-reliable flow between a specified pair of vertices for single commodity case. The method consists of a maximum of 1/δ iterations of calculations of the maximum flow value.
By reserving transmission capacity on a series of links from one node to another, making a virtual path connection (VPC) between these nodes, several benefits are obtained. VPCs will simplify routing at transit nodes, connection admission control, and QoS management by traffic segregation. As telecommunications traffics experience variations in the number of calls per time unit due to office hours, inaccurate forecasting, quick changes in traffic loads, and changes in the types of traffic (as in introduction of new services), there is a need to cope for this by adaptive capacity reallocation between different VPCs. We have developed a type of local VPC capacity management policy that uses an allocation function to determine the needed capacity for the coming updating interval, based on the current number of active connections. We suggest an allocation function that is independent of the actual traffic, and determine its optimal parameters and the optimal updating interval for different overhead costs. The local approach is shown to be able to combine benefits from both VP and VC routing by fast capacity reallocations. The method of signaling is easy to implement and evaluations indicate that the method is robust.
The paper is focused on the architectural and technological solutions that will allow the transition from small to huge capacity ATM Switching Systems. This path starts from the industrial nodes available today and will arrive at the photonic switching architecture. The progressive introduction of photonics has already started with the use of optical interconnections in ATM nodes of hundreds of Gbit/s. A balanced use of microelectronics and photonics is the correct answer to the Terabit/s switching system challenge. After presenting a modular ATM Switching System, some technological solutions like Multichip Modules and Optical Interconnections are presented in order to explain how node capacity can be expanded. Some results of the research activity on photonic Switching are finally shown in order to exploit the great attitude of this technique to obtain very high throughput nodes.
Typical concepts concerning memorizing capability of multilayer neural networks are statistical capacity and Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension. These are differently defined each other according to intended applications. Although for the VC dimension several tighter upper bounds have been proposed, even if limited to networks with linear threshold elements, in literature, upper bounds on the statistical capacity are available only by the order of magnitude. We argue first that the proposed or ordinary formulation of the upper bound on the statistical capacity depends strongly on, and thus, it is possibly expressed by the number of the first hidden layer units. Then, we describe a more elaborated upper bound of the memorizing capacity of multilayer neural networks with linear threshold elements, which improves former results. Finally, a discussion of gaining good generalization is presented.
This paper presents a method to examine the effect of introducing data application services on existing wireless CDMA networks where conventional voice communications service is being provided. Since the total number of channels used in a cell is limited in the interfering cellular environments, some voice-traffic channels should be sacrificed when an additional channel is introduced for data services. We investigate this trade-off by analyzing the interference the forward link channels generate. It is also an objective of this paper to examine the forward link capacity in terms of the numbers of paging and voice-/data-traffic channels so as to determine the impact of introducing data services via paging and traffic channels. Different capacity regions are plotted for various cellular environments.
We consider the upper bounds of the finite block length capacity Cn, FB (P) of the discrete time Gaussian channel with feedback. We prove the relation C2 (P) C2, FB (P) < C2 (2P), which is a partial solution of the conjecture given by Cover. In addition we prove several relations.
This paper describes relation between the number of library pairs and error probability to have all the pairs as fixed points for second-order bidirectional associative memory (BAM). To estimate accurate error probability, three methods have been compared; (a) Gaussian approximation, (b) characteristic function method, and (c) Hermite Gaussian approximation (proposed by this paper). Comparison shows that Gaussian approximation is valid for the larger numbers of neurons in both two layers than 1000. While Hermite Gaussian approximation is applicable for the larger number of neurons than 30 when Hermite polynomials up to 8th are considered. Capacity of second-order BAM at the fixed error probability is estimated as the function of the number of neurons.
The pros and cons of CDMA as a multiple access scheme for third generation cellular mobile radio systems are considered. Main criteria are spectral efficiency and capacity, but also flexibility and costs.
A simplified analysis is presented for the reverse link capacity of DS-CDMA mobile radio with transmit power control (TPC) based on measurement of signal-to-interference plus background noise (SIR) when users require different levels of quality. The link capacity is defined as the maximum achievable sum of the required SIRs, and the increase in transmit power due to SIR-based TPC is discussed. Also analyzed is the total link capacity when narrowband DS-CDMA systems share the radio spectrum of a wideband system. The capacity loss due to non-uniform use of the spectrum is discussed.
Tetsushi KOIDE Shin'ichi WAKABAYASHI Noriyoshi YOSHIDA
This paper presents a three layer over-the-cell (OTC) routing algorithm for standard cells with nonuniform OTC routing capacities in standard cell design. Since the number of available routing tracks on the second metal layer of OTC varies column by column, the proposed OTC routing method can effectively utilize the OTC regions. The proposed router performs two types of OTC routing. For the OTC regions near the channel, it performs planar routing. For the OTC regions far from the channel, it performs H-V routing on the second and third layers. Combining planar and H-V routings, the router can utilize the OTC effectively, that could hardly be achieved by existing algorithms. We also formulate the problem of selecting planar routable nets on the third layer as the maximum weighted planar routable net selection problem with nonuniform routing capacity, and propose an optimal algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed router produces small height layouts as compared to those produced by the routers based on the existing cell model with uniform OTC routing capacity.
In 1989, Ahlswede and Dueck introduced a new formulation of Shannon theory called identification via channels. This paper presents a simple construction of codes for identification via channels when the probability of false identification is measured by its average. The proposed code achieves the identification capacity, and its construction does not require any knowledge of coding theory.
In this paper, we present an exact analysis and an efficient matrix-analytic procedure to numerically evaluate the performance of cellular mobile networks with hand-off. In high-capacity micro-cell cellular radio communication networks, a cell boundary crossed by moving users can generate many hand-off attempts. This paper considers such a priority scheme that some channels and buffers are reserved for hand-off calls to reduce the forced termination of calls in progress. Performance characteristics we obtained include blocking probability, channel utilization, average queue length and average waiting time for hand-off calls. Using the matrix-analytic solution for the stationary state probability distribution, we also derive the probability distribution of the waiting time of a hand-off call. Numerical results show how priority can be provided to hand-off calls according to the number of reserved channels and buffer size. They also clarify the effect of the hand-off priority scheme on the standard deviation of waiting time of a hand-off call.
An analysis of an imperfectly power controlled DS/CDMA slotted cellular system over the frequency selective Rician fading channel with an error correction coding is performed. The user capacity and packet throughput of reverse link are estimated to show the sensitivity to the power control error in a DS/CDMA system with Rician fading channel. The power control error are modeled with Gaussian random variables, which is a reasonable choice for its proved validity. The relative capacity decrease from the power control error in Rician channel are presented and compared with the results from flat fading channel. Performance results for the model considering multicell interference, pathloss exponent and power ratio of scattered component to direct component are presented.
In this paper, we study the performance of quality-based voice/data CDMA system where new and handoff traffic are considered. A call request for handoff data queues up if the signal-to-interference ratio exceeds a predefined threshold while priority is given to handoff voice calls by reserving some channels exclusively for them. The transmission rate of data users may vary according to measured SIR value. Important performance measures of the system such as blocking probability and system capacity for voice or data calls for proposed schemes are presented and compared.
We compared--for the same propagation conditions and parameters--the performances of distributed dynamic channel assignment (DDCA) strategies and the performance of fixed channel assignment (FCA). This comparison quantitatively showed the effects of DDCA strategies in increasing spectrum efficiency. It also showed that using DDCA with transmitter power control (TPC) increases the system capacity to 3 4 times what it is with FCA and to 1.4 1.8 times what it is when using DDCA without TPC. We also evaluated the blocking rate and the interference probability for the inside of a cell and found that these are generally much higher close to the cell border than they are near the base station.
This paper presents a newly developed analytical method which evaluates the virtual path bandwidth control effects for a general topology ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) transport network. The virtual path concept can enhance the controllability of path bandwidth. Required link capacity to attain a specified call blocking probability can be reduced by applying virtual path bandwidth control. This paper proposes an analytical method to evaluate the call blocking probability of a general topology ATM network, which includes many virtual paths, that is using virtual path bandwidth control. A method for the designing link capacities of the network is also proposed. These methods make it possible to design an optimum transport network with path bandwidth control. Finally, a newly developed approximation technique is used to develop some analytical results on the effects of dynamic path bandwidth control are provided to demonstrate its effectiveness.